Inspirational cinéaste and permanently dressed-for-Diane-Keaton-dinner Ruby Arroswmith-Todd (film curator for AGNSW) joins Jen on Movies, Movies, Movies to discuss her selection of films in the arthouse section of SFF 2022 aka FLUX: ART + FILM. You still have the chance to see The United States of America by James Benning and Dry Ground Burning by Adirley Queirós + Joana Pimenta: go to work. Ruby and Jen talk rituals for pre/post/during arthouse: maybe it's going to Timezone gaming and/or knowing when to press pause for a scroll and snack. Then a breakdown of capturing America, bullshit Bolsonaro, and did you know Ruby's schtick began with a love for Vaginal Davis? This episode is not about formalism. Ruby doesn't need a script.