Sydney Film Festival is a full menu; J and A wishlist their dream-directors, films, play dates, crew members, friends (aka peers), memories (real and false) and anticipated tiny meals coming ground-under for this year's friendly SFF. They discuss the lineup; looking for films that go ‘boo’, mix-bag curation, Rachel House, Theda coming over to my house, arbitrary choices, wee/poo and high/low selectivity, the word 'anachronistic' to describe the French New Wave "thinking they discovered something new but it was actually just India" and the Beatlemania of Stress Positions. Ruby Arrowsmith-Todd holds down a shrinking shack Flux: Art + Film section, Jen explains how to religiously read the jumbo schedule (and Bible dip), then J and A special-mention the precarious French strikers, the cinematographer Sayombhu Mukdeeprom, and 93 year old documentary filmmakers not-wasting time at Opera Quays.