I Know How To Be A Tree w/ Dr. Anna Broinowski"Lived it, breathed it, bled it". Ok Dr. Anna Broinowski. Filmmaker, satirist, educator, documentarian-cum-influencer and pop-truth sceptic, she's in the studio. We celebrate the release of her memoir 'Datsun Angel' by putting everyone in the hot seat. Sydney, to North Korea, to New York, to Tokyo, back to Sydney University and ultimately to Canberra - we talk subjects as vehicles, driving as site of debate, ugly A*stralian guys, Jen's nerves, vocabulary, delivering film masters on a skateboard, and how creativity is mothering. So many parallel mothers. Taste is vulnerability. One execrable hazing dorm.
Datsun Angel is available in soft back through Hachette described as a Wake In Fright for Chicks.