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Furiosa, not Furiosah

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MMM dressed as motorbikes to attend the premiere of Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga by George Miller, a director who at 79 years old still has it. Afterwards, the duo gather in studio to discuss the biggest talkie of the year. Jen conjures the experience of Mel Gibson eating steak on set barehanded, running in circles as feminine storytelling, Noah and the Whale, what happens when wives edit together, how Byron Bay is in NSW, and  both Chris Hemsworth and John Howard's big bloodied nipples - all composite parts of Furiosa's whole. André admits to craving continuity, Jen discusses the news of a Mousetrap film produced by Margot, and between reflections on Moulin Rouge J+A pay respect to the mastermind Tina Turner. The windmill continues to spin. Vrrrrrrr vrrrrrrrrrr vrooom roar.

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