In the season finale, Michael and Pele look back at some of their favorite moments from 25 episodes, and give thanks to each one of their guests. They reminisce about their conversations with Chef Edouardo Jordan speaking about being a top chef and a Black man in the white-dominated restaurant industry, and former Presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke telling America to “Wake the F*ck Up”. They look back on how inspired they were by their deep dive with Olympian and activist Dr. John Carlos about his experience protesting at the 1968 Olympics, and what it meant to them to record in person with their good friends Pro-Bowler Cliff Avril and his wife Tia Avril on lack of representation and advocacy for women in sports. And of course, a look back at Season 1 of Mouthpeace wouldn’t be complete without highligthing one of their many conversations about ... sex. This is the best (and probably only) post-game analysis you’ll hear for a while!
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