It's time to get real about what is REALLY going on with so many people using O O O ...Ozempic.
Let's stop sugarcoating it or acting like no one is taking it.
What is it? How does it work? And, the problems that can come from using it…
This is the most dramatic podcast ever and iHeartRadio podcast. Chris Harrison and Lauren Zema coming to you from Well, I'm in Austin, Texas, Elsie, where are you?
I'm in Delray Beach, Florida, visiting my little sister. As we've mentioned many times, it's our Divide and Conquer holidays. We have the kids at our house in Austin for Christmas, so I wanted to go see my family in Florida for like a pre Christmas.
But I love seeing you on Zoom, Honey. It's kind of like, Oh, I miss you, and there you are.
And you look good too. So last week we were talking about oh zimpic, Oprah kind of blew the lid on this thing. Well, I mean Oprah didn't blow the lid on this thing, but she kind of kept this conversation going. Obviously it's been going for quite some time, and you and I had a deep discussion about Oprah and the ladies in our neighborhood, the ladies in every neighborhood, and we said we would dive deeper into this. So we are bringing on a very special guest today, doctor Aeson All, a board certified in internal medicine. He's also completed a fellowship training in geriatric medicine, currently practicing as a physician in Beverly Hills. That is going to shed a lot of light on this. I can only imagine what's going on in Beverly Hills with ozempic and all these weight loss drugs. Very unique practice because he's also a world renowned doctor at Cedar Sinaide Medical Center, also in a spare time volunteering at free medical clinics. So if anybody is equipped to talk about this weight loss praze, it's doctor asan Ali and we are very happy to have him on the show.
Well, I'm so excited to get into it because our producer Kendall just mentioned a weight loss drug I hadn't even heard of. I've heard of ozempic. I've heard of Wagovia if I have this right, so I might need to be corrected, but I believe Wagovia is approved just for weight loss. Ozempic's still technically supposed to be used to treat diabetes, that was its original intention. Just mentioned one called Manjaro, So there's there's weight loss drugs out there.
I haven't even heard of.
I'm so excited to talk to him because, like you just said, Oprah, she didn't say which one, but she did feel that she is on a weight loss drug and she really owned it and said, Look, I've publicly struggled with my weight loss for years and something like this feels like a relief. So I just I feel like Oprah saying that could maybe turn the tide on some of the backlash people feeling like these are being misused. So I'm excited to get into all of it with him, and he is on with us now, Doctor Ellie, I got to tell you, I don't know if my mom's ever been more excited for a podcast guest. I feel like, oh zeenpic and weight loss drugs are the topic at the top of every chat amongst women ages maybe younger, but for me, I'm in my thirties, like thirties and above that.
I know.
How would you say that this weight loss drug craze compares to other drugs that have hit them, like I've heard it be compared.
To like when Viagra dropped. Is it even bigger than that?
I feel like it's even bigger because this medication applies not just to like one of demographic. It's men, women, young, old, It's a significant amount of the population. So I feel like it's even surpassed medications like viager. It's probably one of the most popular medications ever since in my career, like the past twenty years that I've seen.
Would it be safe to say this could be the biggest medication raise ever?
I believe so, yes, absolutely absolutely. I mean, weight loss has been something that people have struggled with for the longest time, and there's never been a medication that's actually been extremely effective. You know, there was there's stimulant based medications like fen fend back in the day. You may or may not even remember, but it was stimulant based and then people were like overdosing having heart attacks, and then it got banned and there really wasn't anything out. So there's never been anything like this given people great it results with minimal risks, so it's kind of a huge breakthrough.
I mean, I am so curious about all this. I'm so perplexed. I think everybody is. Even the people that are on it are probably still curious about everything going on. How many drugs are there, Like Lauren said, Wegovia, there's obviously ozempic, and is there one that's better than the other that you're finding is.
Just heard about Manjaro. I didn't know about that one.
Oh yeah, So you know the three now four most popular one, there's Ozembic, which came out initially had tons of advertising, our celebrities talked about it. It's very popular. Then came out with Govi, which is just a different brand of ozembic with the same active ingredient. Those two work, but really the one that's been shown to be even better is this genre that came out shortly after ozembic. And the reason it works better is because it acts on more receptor than your body compared to ozembic or rigovie. And I've had several patients who've done both. They've all said that they've had significantly better results with.
The And then you said there's a fourth one, and.
So Munjaro has only been FBA approved for diabetes, but recently it got the approval by the FDA for weight loss. And this just happened I think two three weeks ago. But for people who are going to use Manjaro for weight loss as opposed to diabetes, it's now being sold under a different name. It's called it just came out.
What what was that zip bound bound?
Yeah, better than the bound, gotcha? But so z that bound mnjaro, both which are the same thing, are much more effective than ozeen vic or withob's.
And and dumb this down for people that did not go to med school. And what exactly is manjaro doing to my body?
So? Okay, so ozembic, we go VI, munjaro. They all act on this receptor in your brain called a g LP okay, and then mnjaro acts on some other receptors as well. It's telling your body that you're not hungry, so you feel like you're just full constantly and you don't want to eat, And it helps control your cravings. It helps prevent binge eating. And then when you do eat normally, your stomach would expand to accommodate that extra food. It helps minimize that expansion of the stomach, so you eat a whole lot less as well, gotcha. So that's one aspect to it. And then it helps optimize and control your insulin levels. So by preventing like insulin spikes, this thing can cause weight gain, it helps prevent that as well. So that's the two main ways that it's working.
So there's these different options available. How do you make the choice on who gets which? Or would you mostly give people zet bound.
So just like right now, I tell him, listen, these are the three or four medications that are out. This is how this one works. This is how this one works. From my experience, when Jarro works the best. So I always recommend Njarro, but with a lot of times to come down to his cost, because they're all very expensive and most insurances aren't covering it, especially if you're not diabetic, or even if you meet the criteria you have it filmore. But the's a lot of insurances aren't covering it, so it comes down to what insurance will cover or every now and then there's a coupon available and somebody that's want to pay for the price. It comes down to price. But I always kind of tell people when Jaro does work the best, So that would be my recommendation to somebody.
Much like gas in California, which is eighty times higher than the rest of the world, I'm guessing these drugs are pretty expensive in Beverly Hills. If I'm going on Manjaro, what's the cost.
I believe so, depending on which pharmacy you go to, it's anywhere from twelve hundred a month to fifteen hundred a month.
Holy Calenda.
The price is pretty much the same across the country, because I have patients who are in New York for more, in Connecticut wherever. They've all kind of told me the same thing somewhere in that ballpark.
Is that a daily dose? Is it a daily shot?
It's a once a week shot that you just do underneath the game.
And so do most people self medicate or do they come into your clinic and get a quick shot? Is it, you know, just a very simple shot to the arm or the butt.
It's super easy. They come in, we evaluate them, we prescribe it. I send it to their pharmacy, whether it's a CBS right Aid watering wherever they go pick it up to get a one month supply. I teach them in the office with a demonstration pen, like how to inject. It's so easy, like you know, anybody could do it, and people will just do it at home on their own. And then they follow up every month with us just to see how things you're going.
If we've learned anything over the last several years. It's that we can't really worry or think that the pharmaceutical companies are going to look out for our best needs. So we have to care and think about the doctors. So talking to a doctor that probably deals with this all the time because you're a Beverly Hills. So is this overall? Is it a good thing?
Is it a good thing? There's two ways to look at it. Now for people who have been struggling, and I see a lot of patients who come in and and you know, whether you're somebody who's middle aged or you know, postmenopausal, and you're struggling with your weight and you've done everything, you're dieting, you have a personal trainer, you just can't get the weight off, weight off. Yes, this is a good thing for them. But then there's the other hand, there's people who don't need to be on it who are getting access to it, and they're they're kind of getting carried away and it's bad for them. And I've seen that as well. People you know, I'll get patients will come in, they lose the weight and they're like, you know what, I don't keep going. So it's kind of tricky, you know, it's meant to be a good thing. But with everything that's good, there always tends to be some downfall with that as well.
Well, this we're kind of getting really into what I wanted to have you on for which and you know you said a minute ago minimal risks, and Chris is asking like is it a good thing? I mean, I think this is the real sort of point we're getting to now, this tipping point of like who is it safe for?
When is it safe? Are we all going to be on it? At one point? Like I want to get into all that, but first I do I want to ask you a little bit gossipy question. I mean, I don't need you can name names, but you are.
Known as a concierge doctor in Beverly Hills, incredibly reputable. What percentage of people do you think in Beverly Hills at this point are on weight loss medication?
I would say, especially amongst women, probably seventy percent.
Wow, well yeah, I thought maybe fifty percent. It's almost three quarters of the population.
It's very very popular, you know, if not seventy, like you know, sixty five plus for sure?
And do all those women need to be on it? Or could they be losing weight without it.
I don't think all those women need to be on it. You know, there are women that could lose the weight without having to be on it. So no, I don't think it's all I.
Mean, the idea of this drug was the you know, help with you know when you have the catchphrase the comorbidity. So that is that was the impetus for these drugs in the first place. Obviously, now you see people, hey, I need to lose ten before my wedding. Yeah, that's a very slippery slope because, like you said, there are ripple effects to everything that you.
Take, absolutely absolutely, and so it is also a newer medication. So you know, even though from what we're being told it's safe and I haven't myself seen any severe complications, you still don't know what may happen ten years down the road. So you know, it's something that we have to be careful with in that aspect too. And so people who are trying to take it to lose ten pounds before their wedding or a photo shoot or a music video or the trip to Hawaii, like they shouldn't be on it.
Okay, Well, what you just said is something really big is that's something I wanted to ask, what do we really know long term? To what extent has this been studied, these drugs being used for weight loss in terms of yeah, where your body might be, Like, do we know long term side effects or is that research not even been done?
You know? According to what the pharmaceutical company tells us, they say during trials, the biggest thing that they saw was risk of thyroid cancer that they saw in roadings and rats. They say in humans, like, if you've had a history of thyroid cancer, you probably should just stay away from it. But like Chris had said, pharmaceutical companies don't necessarily have our best interests. They're out there to make money. So if there's information out there that's not being told to us, that's very much possible. Or whether it's too early to say if there's any long term risk, that's also something to be aware of as well.
Is it potentially more dangerous if you're just taking it for a little bit of weight loss, or is it like the potential side effects are equal across the board, you.
Know, So typically with medications, the longer you stay on it, the longer, the higher the risk of complications. So in this situation. I feel like people are taking it unnecessarily and take it long term are probably at higher risk or potential publications that we may not be aware of.
So the yo yo uh you're saying is better like someone who just gets on it for a couple of weeks then gets off of it.
That's my assumption. You know, even though they shouldn't be on it in the first place, they don't need to be on it, right, But if they're only going to be on it a shorter period of time, typically with medications, you're putting your body at less risk.
You said something about the safety of it, and that you know early on. You know, we don't know the long term effects, but what about short term effects? Have you dealt with this with any of your clients? The blockage we've heard about and even deaths have been reported and not maybe one hundred percent linked, but people feel pretty certain that it was linked to these drugs. The bowel blockages and other issues that they've had so great.
You know, we've all heard about those. In my experience in the past two years of prescribing it, ever since it's bout in the market, I do experience a lot on the common side effects like nausea, constipation, harper and some hair loss, fatigue. I have not witnessed or encounter indications from had any of the more serious side effects like blockages or anything.
But you've heard of those.
I have heard of them.
I'm still processing that seventy percent, doctor Alia.
I know, babe, don't you think that it's seventy percent of our neighborhood? And I mean everyone we run into, and you know, Lauren said it's people her age whatever. I'm like, I was with two dudes eating breakfast tacos the other day and we were talking about it. So it really has, if not become a part of our lives, it's definitely captured our conversation, our imagination.
Here's what I said to Chris the other day, doctor Alie.
I was like, look, we did just get married, and I was a friend of mine was like, yeah, if you want to get Gogovia, I can get you on it. And I was like, no, I just can't. Like for me, I can't bring myself to do that now. Like I'm just going to work out and like, well, really watch what I eat, really cut back on alcohol and I ended up losing you know, like ten pounds before the wedding, which I wanted to do.
Thank you.
But what scares me at this point is even if you're somebody who's like eating really well and really watching what they eat and all that, it seems like even those people are now getting on.
Weight loss medication.
So if I'm a healthy, fit person, as time goes by and everybody's on this, am I going to like start to look over weight because everyone else is on weight loss drugs? Because seventy percent of people are Do you see what I'm saying with this?
Am I going to look fat.
When I'm it's a new boob job.
That's a good way of looking at it, Chris. But yeah, that's definitely something that may happen down the line if more and more people are on it and it's becoming more easily available too. For the longest time to shortages couldn't get it, and now there's much of a shortage, it's lass better than it was before, So that might be an issue down the line. You know, the new normal healthy might be overweight a four inches of the women who want to be like railed, skinny or real.
Okay, so let me ask you about the other fear because you know a lot of these spears are just aesthetic. Yeah, I've heard of ozempic butt that you can get a saggy butt. I've heard of ozembic face that your face can look saggy, that you can lose muscle and then your body just overall doesn't look the way you want. How real are those risks? Do you see that? And is there a way to avoid it?
If it happens? What causes it?
So o zombic phase or ozombic butt that typically happens and people who are very heavy to begin with and have lost a lot of weights, and also people who are a little bit older, so their skin quality isn't as good or like the elastic quality good, so it doesn't really kind of shrink as with the weight loss. So I feel like that would happen with people who would wait rapidly, even with just died and exercise. I don't see it that often, and you have to lose a significant amount of weight for that to happen. That would probably happen in like you're let's say fifty year old person who lost maybe like forty fifty pounds. We have all this extra week. I don't really see it.
That often, okay, because the headlines are making it seem like it's all over and now we're all going to have Saggy's a big case, okay.
Doctor Elie. Something that Lauren just touched on in that question, I kind of want to follow up on where is the weight coming from? Where's the weight loss? Is it muscular? Is it just fat? Is this you know our end? Are these different medicines targeting different things? And obviously, again if you are a you know, average woman, average man, you're healthy for the most part, and you go on these drugs, where is it coming from? And is it worth it?
So I have seen patients lose both fat as well as muscle masks, but I will say, you're like most of the weight that people are losing his muscle mass. Interesting, but you know they also are losing like extra like fatty tissue or you know that's soft kind of like handle around their waist. So it works on both, but a large portion of it is muscle mass.
I'm curious then if you're working out, Uh, safe for man or woman doesn't really matter. But if you are, you like to be fit and you want to be you know cut, this isn't the cut medicine, like, because if you're losing that muscle, Like, I'm curious the how the balance of the scales work of I'm working out really hard, I'm on one of these drugs. How have you seen that even itself out?
So let's just say, let's you know, just the kind of like uh for example, like let's say I get a male pasion trying to put on muscle. It's very muscular, but they're also trying to like trim down a little bit. I'll say to them listening, you can't do both at the same time with this medication, because you are going to lose muscle no matter how much. Yeah, you can continue high protein diet, work out with weights, but you are going to lose a significant amount of muscle. Now, if you're a person who's either you know, a man or woman that doesn't necessarily care about muscles so much and you just are looking to lose the weight, this is better for.
That kind of interesting.
Wait, I want to make sure I'm getting this right.
So this the weight loss medication makes you lose muscle more than it makes you lose.
Fat, correct, right, Yeah, you lose weight overall.
That feels like a huge bomb drop to me. I did not understand that.
When you see somebody who's overweight and they want to lose weight, and let's say they lost thirty five pounds, a large portion of that is going to be muscle mass as well. But these aren't people, you know, not most of these people aren't like stick skinny people who uh you know. These are people who are just genuinely overall very or have weight to lose both.
Okay, I guess it's the maintenance and all that that worries me with these drugs because yeah, obviously again you go back to the pharmaceuticals, they don't care. But there is a ripple effect to everything we take, no matter what the drug is. Period.
I agree, yes, isn't it important as we age to maintain muscle?
It is absolutely So you know, you need to maintain muscle, so it's important that you continue your protein intake. So my patients are on it. I let them know that these are things you'd be careful of and be mindful of.
What are you what do you say to your patients? Say I come in, I'm like, okay, doctor Ellie, you know I want to lose twenty five pounds. My wedding's coming up. What are the things you tell me to look out for. What are the things you tell me to do?
You know, as with any other medication, I tell them what the criteria is for the medication, what it's meant for, what's that FDA proved for, what the risks are, what the benefits are, pros ponds. And if somebody's coming in and I know for sure, like this is not a medication for them. If I get a twenty two year old girl and she just wants to lose five pounds for like her trip coming up or a photo shoot she has, like, I'm just like, this is authumentication for you. If I get somebody in and you know there are an extra thirty pounds overweight and they cannot get it off. They've tried everything, and I know sincerely that you know, they've been working out, eating healthy, and you know, I tell them, like you do, the risks to the proges, they're gone. How are you going to take it? And this is what you expect. I'm okay to do that striving it to that person you.
Have, I would say work in the vanity capital of the world in Beverly Hills, Lauren and I both you know, worked and lived in that world. I'm curious how much you see the maintenance. You say you come in for that trip, or say you come in for I'm sure you get a lot of the photo shoot. I got a show coming up, I have a movie coming up, whatever it is. Because I know you deal with a lot of celebs and a lot of stars, how much do you see it maintained after they get off or do they have to come back and repeat?
You know, most people who I'm just are looking to lose like maybe ten, fifteen, twenty thirty pounds don't get a little bit of way once they stop the medication. I would say majority of people don't need to be on a maintenance. Once they stop, they're good. They'll get a little bit of weight back, and as long as they're maintaining a healthy lifestyle, they're doing okay. People who I find that need to be on maintenance are those people that have really struggled with weight their whole life and just suffer with obesity. They tend to need a maintenance. Douce.
Yeah, when I've seen both cases and people I know. I've seen people who lost fifteen pounds and then they're like, oh, I got to get back on it from maintenance, And I'm like, oh, well, I mean, but then I know somebody who lost thirty pounds and has kept it off and is looking great. How much when you're on it and you want to lose that weight, Like, how much of it is also on the choices you're making, Like when you're on a weight loss medication, do you really need to be exercising and eating right also? Or is the medication going to kind of do most of that for you?
So great question. You know people ask me that all the time. So you know, diet and exercise is something that's important and it's beneficial for you regardless even if you're not doing it for weight loss. So I tell people, want to keep doing that. This medication is supposed to, you know, be a part of that overall weight loss and healthy lifestyle program. You want to do both. But of course, the reality is I see a lot of patients who don't diet or exercise and they are still having great results with this the medication alone. But you know, it shouldn't be like something you just kind of rely on as a crutch. You want to keep working out and eating healthy especially if you're going to be clean this medication or system, and.
If someone is on it and they're not really losing weight, what are they what's potentially going wrong?
Yeah, I've actually have you even seen that?
I mean, I do see people who maybe don't get as good a results compared to the majority, and I you know, it could be because they're really not following a healthy lifestyle. They're really still eating a bunch of high calorie foods, they're not making the effort or some people, you know, not everybody responds to medication the same weight, but majority of people are losing weights. I've never seen anybody who hasn't had any result.
Doctor Arlie, Do you feel like we're just grilling you? Or does this happen?
These are questions that everybody. I answer for people when they come.
Is yeah, you're not in front of the jury right here.
I do want to ask you. I could be wrong if this was ever confirmed, But there have been like some rumors about you know, and different some celebrities have come out and said that they've had issues with like a bowel obstruction and really like Chris mentioned like really scary incidents. How do you avoid that or how do you know could you have some kind of obstruction not know it?
And just fully, yeah.
It would be very unlikely for somebody to start developing a bowel obstruction just suddenly. Typically when you know the bowel social means everything's a stomp. You're not having a valuable you're not going to the bathroom. It's very painful. I feel like somebody I'm assuming here because I haven't personally experiences with any patients. It must have been developing and people have just kind of kept going without getting proper attention or continue taking the medication making it worse. That's my assumption. So I always tell people, listen, if you're gonna start feeling any word symtims are your doctor prescribed, to let them know when to buy them, you know, and.
Then we can prescribe you another drug that'll take care of the constipation. There's some natural remedies.
Can I fire off a couple questions for me from my mom and are friends?
Absolutely, these are gathered from them. One, how long do you have your patients take the drug?
Like, how long do you typically on average recommend somebody's on it.
So if somebody's taking it purely for weight loss, and they're not diabetic. It just comes down to how much weight they need to lose. We calculate what a healthy body mass index with you for them and some people who's five pounds a month, some people who's ten pounds a month. So just told to get how their target and then they stop.
Is it true that menopausal women might benefit from these drugs?
I had not heard this.
It is true in the sense that you know, when women go through menopause, their hormone levels are just completely depleted. Their metabolism has slowed down significantly. That is a large number of patients that I see is post menopause women. They're just struggling to lose the weight. It doesn't come off the weight you're in your twenties. So it helps them in that aspect because it really does help get them that push to lose the weight they just cannot lose.
I think they're worried about their grandkids here. Is it true that kids are potentially getting prescribed these drugs? Now, what does that look like, what's the research and is that really happening?
If that is true, I've heard that as well. That's horrible. I don't think children should be on this medication at all whatsoever. It's not meant for children. I have never had anybody come up to me to ask for their child. If they did, I would just out right say no. I personally don't know any children who are on it or any doctors are prescribing it. But it's an absolutely no knowing.
Is there an age range doctor, a league that you would be like, okay, eighteen twenty, you know, I'm okay.
Honestly, I would say maybe eighteen and over. Ye, maybe even twenty one and over is a little bit safer.
The body's developed enough, the frontal lobe has developed enough.
Absolutely absolutely as an adult, as opposed to give me anybody younger than that?
Well, can I ask you, though, why is that a no for you? Because what's I'm not saying I'm okay with it, I'm not. But what's popping into my mind is like rising obesity among kids in America.
So what makes you say no for kids?
Yeah? So you know, maybe maybe I'm at old fashion, maybe i'm muld school. I don't know. I just feel like with children, you for sure want to just try all the appropriate methods first, And this would really be a last option. And I don't know whether this has even been studied in children. I don't even need to for children, So I wouldn't even feel comfortable to prescribing something that isn't approved for children.
Well, worry me too, Like where my mind goes is how does a kid learn healthy habits? Then? Like, if they're on a drug from such a young age, you know, how would they?
Yeah? Exactly, Yeah, you parents, this is not the answer for children.
All right, here's my last gossipy. I don't need names. I'm just curious question.
I want names, by the way.
Well, but you're right, if you want to give us the name, give us one.
Don't worry about HIPO violations.
A big topic around this is famous people lying about being on weight loss medication straight up lying in interviews or leaving a ton of weight and saying it's something else. Infamously, a housewife said hormones made her lose a lot of weight.
You know what a first let me ask you, is that possible? Could hormones make you lose.
A lot of weight? I don't believe. I think I know what you're talking about. I don't think, for one can make you that much weight fast.
So do you think that person is lying.
I'm having a hard time believing that they're saying the truth. I'm not saying they're lying, but I'm having a heart doc.
I don't know if you're like a sports fan like me, but I said, this is the steroid era, I said, where everybody said, oh, I have a new trainer and I have a new diet, and you know, my head just grew eight inches and now you know, I can barely move my arms they're so big. I said, this is just the steroid era, where you know, maybe a quarter of the people are going to be honest, the rest are completely fullish.
Absolutely, you can m they're all on it.
Well that was my exact question.
What percentage of celebrities out there do you think are on it and lying?
I think anybody you see on TV or in the media who's all of a sudden lost a lot of weight and says it's not medication, I think they're lying. And I know celebrities who are on it for a fact, and you see them on TV and they've been interviewed and they'll say, no, I'm not on it. So I think many of them were denying it, but look like they I have been on it or on.
It, So what do you think of that?
Do you think they should own up to it the way Oprah just did To bring this full circle, she.
Said, come on, so like it's twenty twenty three. We all care about our looks, Like why I like, you know, plastic surgery is super common. Go talk to Cammon. I get people who come into like, oh you go talk to me. I don't anybody know what the who cares? Like, right, you're on the medication to say you're on it? You know, we're for your friends to talk to her? Like why hide it?
Everyone wants to be seen as natural. It's like I haven't had plastic surgery. I haven't had a zempic. I haven't. They wanted to seem as if this was all natural beauty. And look, the way you'll know that they're on it is if they're on a red carpet or in front of a camera.
For your friends to doctor Allie exact. Really, you have some of these clients who are out there lying about it.
That is why might have judge listen. Let them do what they want to do, exactly what they want to say, but.
Are swedge of the real Housewives are on it.
The Housewives. I I'm not going to answer that.
Question because what what's over one hundred?
All right, well, doctor Alie, thank you.
We really just like we said, wanted to kind of get some of the facts on this.
And you've been incredible. Thank you so much.
You're welcome. Take care, guys, have a good one.
I appreciate it.
You in Beverly Hills. So doctor Ali was incredible. He is doctor asan Ali. He's on Instagram as Beverly Hills concierge doctor. I like he really leans into it. I think he listen. I respect him. Obviously he can't say anything, but he was really He works with a lot of really well known people from what I've heard, and so he was really putting a lid on that. But also some of his patients are on his Instagram. He is posted with Kyle Richards of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. He's posted with the actor Mickey Rourke recently, so you know, you see some of those big names. Model Winnie Harlowe is with him on Instagram. So he's got incredible experience and I really appreciated how honest he was with us about some of those numbers and those realities.
I was stunned. You know, around seventy percent, he said, of clients and just women walking around Beverly Hills. And I think that goes for every neighborhod This is one of those times where I don't think Beverly Hills is the anomaly. I think it's it's the rule, it's not the exception. I know what's happening here in Austin, Texas and everyone.
Else is interesting.
I feel like this, as he said, Viagra only applied to some of the population via came out before social media. The speed at which awareness of these weight loss drugs has spread so much because of social media. So now it's not just like, oh I kind of heard about that on you know, Good Morning America.
It's everywhere so quickly.
And I know that's why there were shortens for a while, he said, there's not shortages anymore.
So one interesting the new newer drugs. You know, the new drugs are being created. They're a little different than the Oza pick on Wigovia, and so I found that fascinating as well. And you know, I want to talk to him again. We'll have him on again because you know, I think he's got great insight because conversely, you know, I know that the men and I don't know if women do, but I know men that go into these action roles and get all jacked and they're ripped. That's not natural either. You know, it's the the steroid use is huge. And do you see the way these guys bounce back afterwards, and all of a sudden, they're puffy and they're big, and they're they have issues with their their body because the skeleton was not built to carry that much weight and throw around that much weight. So I think that's interesting as well, is what guys will put themselves through, these leading men to go into these roles to be all jacked up because they don't look like that in real life, and so it is a it's an interesting can of worms we've opened up.
Well, I didn't do weight loss medication before the wedding, But I'll be honest, I'm not sitting here saying I'm ruling it out forever for me.
I don't know. I don't want to judge.
I don't know what it's like to like talked about the menopausal benefits. I don't know how I'm going to feel in ten years, in five years, even I don't know.
So I think the door's open. It's good to have the information.
But for me right now, the lack of long term research is still a little scary.
I don't know if I'm for it. I don't know if I'm against it either. I agree. I like taking in the information and seeing how this plays out and asking questions. And I think, look, if nothing else you've taken away from this podcast, it's just ask questions, go in and I would even say get a couple of opinions from doctors and asking about what's good for you, what's right for you. And I found it interesting. The getting on it for a short time was kind of his opinion of kind of the best way to do it as opposed to those that stay on it that make such a bigger impact health wise. So a lot of interesting facts our thanks to doctor Alie. Babe. I think you were I loved how you were very inquisitive. I love that you had a lot of questions from your mom and her friends.
It's the talk of the town. It is from Texas to California, and that's.
What we do. That's why we wanted to bring him on and we will continue this discussion again. We're going to have the two New Jersey Jays on a couple of the housewives, one very much for it, the other one a little more skeptical. I want to continue this discussion, but for now, thank you. Thank you for joining us today, and we will do it again next time because we have a lot more to talk about. Thanks for listening. Follow us on Instagram at the most dramatic pod ever, and make sure to write us a review and leave us five stars. I'll talk to you next time.