Lawyer Andrew Carpenter joins Leith Forrest on Summer Mornings.
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So this is a great ethical dilemma brought up by one of Adelaide's leading solicitors. What do you do when you've got a building that is named in honor of someone who has done amazing work for the community, has been a real contributor to the local area. However, the name, more so around the state and around the country, is synonymous with some of the most heinous crimes this state has ever seen and heard of. This is an issue that is facing the suburb of Hilton joining us now, that prominent solicitor is Andrew Carpenter. Andrew, thanks so much for your time.
Ah, thank you for wanting to have this uncomfortable conversation.
Stephen hammera library in Hilton is the building in question here. We need some backstory first. Can you tell us about Stephen hammera senor please?
So. Stephen Hammer Senior was the mayor of the West Torrence Council years. He was a volunteer at the West Anelaide Football Club. He had a medal named after him. He was an upstanding citizen. However, his son of the same name, unfortunately, is one of the worst child preduces this state's probably ever seen.
Yeah, so, how it's hard isn't it, Because you do want to pay tribute to someone who's given and contributed so much. But that name andrew the fact that it is the same name as his son, the fact that it is the family name. I imagine for constituents in that area, for people visiting that area, that doesn't sit well.
It doesn't and effectively, Stephen Hammer Junior has had a reign of terror of approximately forty years. And there's been many victim survivors that have come forward, and we know of many that have yet to come forward to report the heinous crimes that happened against them. But the hard thing is just that the name is synonymous with multiple crimes, and it's quite triggering to victim survivors to drive past the building named after his father that effectively has the same name as the son, and it's just a it's a constant reminder for them about a person that's being celebrated the same name that shouldn't be celebrated for committing the worst crimes you can ever imagine.
Yeah, because it's not the sins of the father, it's the sins of the son. But you're right, if you're a victim, if you're a survivor and you're driving past. I imagine it would be extremely triggering to see a big name like that splashed across a building. Albeit it's not the person who committed the crimes on you, but still that's very tough.
Yeah. I've done a few claims against the school that he worked at. And my mother in law actually had my son at the library and I asked her when he guys coming home and she said, we're at the Stephen Hammer Library. I said what, and I almost fell off my channel. I looked into it and realized it was named after the father. But still the association with the n is something that should not be celebrated. It should mean the West Adelaide Football club friends is. They used to have a medal named after the Hammer Medal for the best of Faris and that was changed to the Neil Kurley Medal years ago, so they were able to depart from the name. Now. I'm not saying there's any wrongdoing on behalf of the West Adelaide Football clubs from all intensive purposes. They knew ab in nothing what was going on in the school life and that the medal was named after the senior but they've changed the name, and it's one of those things where it does not pass the pub test whatsoever. No, to have the namers that have a library.
Still, Yeah, it does feel odd to sit on your hands and not do anything when it comes to this too. I know you've been critical of the school because as we often hear, don't we with these kinds of issues when it comes to child abuse, there is quite often on purpose or not on purpose, there are moments of time where teachers are allowed to keep continue teaching or to be around these students.
Well, the old principal actually came forward in twenty twelve and said that he didn't handle the complaint properly. So back in nineteen ninety five, one of the many instances of mister Hammra came to life, and this was the first moment the school actually found about and the DPP at the time believe that they had enough evidence to secure a conviction John reasible doubt. They advised the school that they believe they had enough to convict John reasonable doubt. However, they elected not to proceed because of the mental health of the bidden survivor. Now, all the school did to mister Hammer is they didn't suspend him. They didn't fire him. They banned him from having children sleep at his house at night. That's all the school did. And then mister Hammer has alleged to have been continued to off from then on and in fact he was able to move to another prominent South Australian school where, stating NASA at the time didn't advise the new school of the past complaints all the restrictions that didn't place in his employment.
Wow, so you're calling on I guess the City of West Torrens to do something about this.
Yeah, it's a flap in the face to anyone that's survived abuse against mister Hammer to drive down Richmond Road and have SOCID on Abatmont Road and have a constant reminder of the offenders. So we're simply saying that in twenty twenty five, having a center that shares the name with a convicted child sex offender shouldn't occur, and that the council should change the name immediately because it's one of the worst names in Adelaide in the survivor's scene, and it's not going to cause any hardship to have Messina who passed away many many years ago. But just the optics of having that name. It should be removed and the public should be up in arms if anyone has named a library after a person that shares the same name as a convicted child offender. I mean, just imagine what would happen in America. I name to center the Jeffrey Epstein Senior Center. It would be closed down immediately, of course. And you know, we need to start protecting our best natural resource and that children and any association with the name of a convicted child sex offender should be shunned by the community.
Yeah, it's not the sins of the father obviously, as you say, like his legacy will I mean, people will celebrate that, But you're right, I guess it's the fact that the name is honored, is celebrated, is so public in this way. Albeit it's not the person in question. It is the name. It is the family that wouldn't sit well, I imagine.
So it wouldn't if someone had a different name father, then it wouldn't be an issue. But the fact that Stephen Hammer Junr. There's a library named after his father shares the same name, it's definitely a flap in the face to anyone that was ever abused by mister Hammer.
You would think if the Bloods did something about the council would have you spoken to the mayor? When are you expecting some kind of response.
I haven't spoken to the nay yet. I thought this is a thing that the community should be advised of the outrage first, and it should be something that the mayor and the council should organically make a decision on now that they're aware of this. I'm not calling on the may to do anything about it, and the mayor probably doesn't even have any idea of what's what's happened or the association with this. And you know, the council has done absolutely nothing wrong. The Mayor's done nothing wrong. This name has been in existence for many, many years. But it's something that we're just trying to call the community to have outrage, and then I hope that the council organically makes a change on their own accord, without the needs for any petitions or any publicity on this fact.
It's a really interesting story, great ethical dilemma. Andrew, Thanks so much for your tom this morning. Appreciate you bringing it to our attention.
Thanks having me all the best.
Andrew Carpenter, prominent solicitor here in Adelaide. Double two to three double double O. Where do you sit on this? What's your thoughts? You've got the states one of the states worst child sex offenders, who shares the name of his farm, A father who is so publicly celebrated. Can you have a name like that, so prominent in the local community when it is so difficult for many of the victims of his son eight double two three double O, double O. Would love to get your thoughts on that, Andrew Carpenter, my guest,