TBN Four Part Documentary on Hamas Attack on Israel - with Dan Gordon

Published Jun 11, 2024, 4:00 AM

Dan Gordon, Israeli, American filmmaker joins Mornings with Eric and Brigitte on Tuesday to talk about the upcoming release of a four part documentary about the tragic and momentous events of October 7, 2023, including the ramifications and implications for Israel and th world. Dan Gordon and TBN teamed up to create this documentary, and it is a story of horror, heroism, hatred, hysteria, history, and hope. Each episode will air on Fridays beginning June 14 through July 5 at 8 p.m. ET.

Episode 1: The Horror - June 14, 2024 - 8 p.m.

You're listening to mornings with Eric and Bridget right here on Moody Radio 89.3, and.

It's really amazing that even some of the most horrific stories, you can still find glimmers of hope. And we're going to get that story in a four part documentary on the attack on Israel on October 7th. And bringing us that documentary is Israeli-American filmmaker Dan Gordon, who joins us now. Thank you so much for being here, Dan.

Thank you guys for having me.

Yeah, there there has to be glimmers of hope. But through all of this, there's been a lot of of pain. You call it horror also. I mean it's this is what happened on October 11th. It is unfathomable to us. October the 7th, it is unfathomable to us. Um, but we see the pictures. We're looking at the even the trailer of your documentary and just going, how did this happen? I know you have to be feeling even more so after looking through all this and dealing with all this, haven't you?

Yeah, well, I was actually on the October 7th, uh, when everything began to happen at 6:00 in the morning in Israel was, of course, the middle of the night in the United States. And I was actually on WhatsApp with my adopted sister. Um, and I had sent her a holiday greeting, not thinking that she would respond for a day because she's observant and turns off her phone during the Sabbath. And all of a sudden I got a ding on my phone and she said, rockets are falling everywhere. It was the worst barrage that she had known of. She lives 3000m from the Gaza border in a little farming village, and she's certainly used to rocket fire. Hamas has fired. It's hard to believe, but since Hamas took power in 2007, up until October 7th, they had fired over 40,000 rockets at Israel, so people were used to it. I don't know another country in the world that would tolerate that situation, but Israel has, and I wasn't too concerned because every home has a safe room. So I thought, okay, she's going to button up in the safe room and I'll stay online with her for a while. And then she said that her husband heard something far more ominous. He heard the sound of small arms fire. And I've been in the military in Israel for 45 years, and I certainly know what small arms fire sounds like in her community. And I said, if you can hear small arms fire, you've got terrorists in your community right now. Lock the door, tell your husband to get his weapon. And she said, no, no, we can hear it a lot of times echoing from the border. And I said, Sarah, I'm telling you right now, if you can hear it, you've got terrorists in your community. Lock the door and have your husband get his weapon. And she said he doesn't have a weapon and the lock on the door is broken. And that was, you know, you're just going through hell. As she hears gunfire approaching what she didn't realize, excuse me, was that there was a pitched battle going on between the terrorists and the kibbutz nine man security team at two places, one along the fence and one at the gate of the kibbutz. And they were also getting wounded coming in from the slaughter that had taken place of 360 young people at a music festival nearby. And the guys in the security team were literally down to their last magazines of ammunition and about to be overrun. And out of nowhere a tank appeared. One tank crew, which had just jumped into their tank and decided to go and try and help people in trouble. It killed a good number of the terrorists, drove off the others who unfortunately then went into a neighboring village called Pharasa, and that was a killing field in another little village not far from her place called Neros. Literally, one fourth of the people in that community were either killed or captured as terrorists. And all this began to unfold, you know, over a period of hours. She was evacuated that night in Israel. And what was horrific to me was on October 8th, while Hamas and you have to understand, people say, oh, Hamas is a terrorist group. No. Hamas, which took over Israel, withdrew from Gaza completely in 2005. It wasn't one Israeli soldier, one Israeli outpost there. Hamas was elected by the people of Gaza in a very democratic election, by the way, in 2007, from that point in time, they created the terrorist de facto state of Gaza. It enjoys all the characteristics of a state. It has a defined border, a stable population, a strong central government, a very impressive military and a totally independent foreign policy. And for people who say, well, they didn't control their borders. Yes they did. They controlled their border with between them and Egypt. There were no Israeli troops there of any kind. Egypt chose to periodically close that border because Hamas aligned themselves with ISIS, trying to overthrow the Egyptian government. So they were a cancer, not just for the people of Israel, but for their Muslim, Arab, Arab brothers as well. So they created a de facto state. And what happened on October 7th was the state of Gaza invaded the state of Israel. And on October 8th, while they were still holding territory in Israel, there were demonstrations in New York, in Paris, in London, in Toronto, at some of the most elite universities in the world, not calling for any kind of a cease fire, because at that time Hamas was winning. The demonstrations were in solidarity and support of a. Terrorist organization, which, in the words of the demonstrators, staged a counteroffensive against their colonial settler occupier oppressors. That's how they described mass murder burning whole families alive, mutilations, beheadings, mass rape and the kidnapping of 240 men, women and children from 30 different countries Jews, Christians, Hindus, Baha'is, Buddhists and fellow Muslims. That's how they describe those atrocities. And I thought, it's going to be a matter of days, not weeks, before the narrative totally shifts from Israel having suffered the worst massacre in the Middle East since ISIS attacked the Yazidi people in 2014, and the worst loss of Jewish life since the Nazi Holocaust, it would shift from. Israel just suffered a premeditated massacre to Israel, is committing genocide against the poor, helpless Palestinians of Gaza. And I decided I have to make a documentary because just as happened with the Holocaust, there's not only going to be denial that this ever happened or that it was exaggerated, but the narrative literally shifted from it. Never it was exaggerated. It never happened to well, if it happened, the Jews had it coming. So I decided to do this documentary, which is going to air on TBN on June 14th at 930 Eastern Time and across the country at, you know, staggered times, 830 central, 630 Pacific Time. And the first episode is called The Horror, and it sets the record straight on what happened that day. And it's it is honestly the most barbaric attack since ISIS, which set a new standard for barbarity in the in in the world in 2014 when they massacred the Yazidi people in northern Iraq. And in addition to that, however, uh, it begins to tell the stories of the heroism, because on that day, the Army completely failed. The intelligence service completely failed. It was their darkest day. But for ordinary Israeli civilians, for police, individual soldiers, paramedics, even grandparents, they refused to be victims. Those people who had arms fought back and they fought back absolutely heroically. And they bought, with their gallantry enough time for the army to regroup. And they literally not only saved themselves, their families, their communities, complete strangers, they also saved the state of Israel on that day. So that first episode, called The Horror, combines the stories of the atrocities of that day with with incredibly inspiring stories of courage that you can't even begin to imagine. Episode two then airs one week later, though there are four parts, and they'll air on the 14th, the 21st, the 28th of June, and July 5th. Episode two is called The Heroism, and those are more stories of courage. But I deliberately wanted a mix, not just of people who were sort of rambos. And there were a couple who were like that. There was one guy who was in an elite Swat team whose wife was had been wounded at the Supernova Music Festival. She was a security guard there. She telephoned him and said, I've been wounded, I'm dying. Kiss the children I love you. Take care of the kids. This guy grabbed his weapon, jumped in his personal car, and he went on a one man war to get to his wife and rescue her over a seven hour period. That makes Rambo look like a wimp. But the other stories were stories of ordinary people. I mean middle aged, balding, out of shape paramedics who saved hundreds of people that day, a 65 year old grandmother who the terrorists were holding literally with a grenade up to her head, and she kept her cool and talked them down and offered them tea and homemade cookies. And she defeated five terrorists. They're extraordinary stories. And then episode three is called hysteria, Hatred and History. And it talks about what has happened on our college campuses, which is which is a problem, not for just for Israel and for the Jews. Those same people that you say out there saying, from the river to the sea and death to the Zionists, they refer to the United States as the greatest predator empire in the history of the world. That for. Sake of all life on planet Earth must be decolonized and dismantled. Those are the words of a University of Minnesota tenured professor to her students, which we have recorded. So these same people see Israel and the United States as settler occupier oppressors that have to be eliminated. Their, you know, plane hijacking started against Israel. They ended on nine over 11 in the Twin Towers. This is a problem that both Israel and the United States and the West in general face. And then episode four is called the Hope, because at the end of this, once Hamas is defeated militarily and as a governing entity, it has to be eliminated as a governing and military entity. You can deal with it as a terrorist group, but like ISIS, they need to be deprived of a base of operations, which is what they have now. They have a terrorist state, a de facto terrorist state. And for all those people who say, oh, the Palestinians have to have a state, uh, I guess you didn't get the memo. For the last 17 years, they have had a state called Gaza. How did that turn out for the world? At any rate, that that episode called the Hope, talks about day after scenarios that will require new thinking, not just a two state solution, but maybe an eight state solution, one that will provide peace and security not just for Israel, but for the Palestinian people who have been exploited by their own leadership, who are more interested, interested in the deaths of the Jews than in the lives of their own people.

Well, if you would like to find out more information about this four part documentary series, again starting up on this Friday, we have information and you can actually see the trailer at our website. Eric and Bridget. Org. It is listed there for you again, Eric and Bridget. Org. You'll find out more information about the four part documentary on the Hamas attack on Israel.

And Dan, obviously you wanted to document this for history, but for the present so that we understand what's happening. And obviously you're helping us kind of cut through the clutter of what we're hearing and the misinformation of what we're hearing. Who are some of your guests that you were especially wanting to bring onto this documentary to kind of set the record straight on what is not only misinformation, but, um, oftentimes specifically targeted to to switch the narrative of what's truly happening.

Well, you know, I consciously did not want to go to the usual suspects. I didn't want an interview with political leaders. I didn't want military spokespersons on there. I really wanted the citizens of Israel, in their own words, to tell their own stories without me getting in the way of it. And and I think that that's that's what we've done with this show. You will see ordinary people who lived through this horrific set of events who did extraordinary things. Um, it is, uh, on the one hand, horrifying. On the other hand, it'll be some of the most inspirational things you will ever see in your life.

It's the October 7th, four part documentary. It starts this Friday at 8 p.m. on TBN, and for the next few Friday evenings, you got all the information about it so you can check it out right now at Eric and bridget.org.

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