Breakfast Bites: Is storing cord blood worth the money?

Published Jan 22, 2024, 3:30 AM

With the Cordlife saga making headlines as of late, more people are curious about cord blood and its uses. It costs about $7,000 to store the precious blood in a private bank for 21 years - not a figure to scoff at!

So after all that, what are the chances you'll use the cord blood? Is there a big difference between storing your child's cord blood in a private bank, versus donating it to a public bank?

Audrey, Ryan and Emaad go through Cord Blood 101 together in today's Breakfast Bites.


Presented by: Audrey Siek, Ryan Huang and Emaad Akhtar

Produced and edited by Audrey Siek

Music/sound & photo credits: Pixabay & its talented community of contributors