If you're one of the millions of Americans eligible for Medicare, you're likely familiar with open enrollment. That's the stretch from Oct. 15 to Dec. 7 every year when you're allowed to make changes to your coverage. And for most people, that's the only time you can.
In order to get the best Medicare coverage for your personal situation, you need to understand your options. And that's exactly what we're going to go over in today's podcast.
Host Stacy Johnson is joined by financial journalist Miranda Marquit. Listening in and sometimes contributing is producer Aaron Freeman. Hollie Cohen, a Licensed Medicare Specialist with Preferred Health Group is here to help us navigate the ins and outs of Medicare open enrollment.
Before we start, remember: We're not offering financial advice. So make sure to do your own research and consult your own experts before acting on anything you learn here.
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Medicare open enrollment and signing up for Medicare
Medicare open enrollment is a once-a-year event. However, there are times when you can sign up for Medicare outside of the open enrollment period. Our guest has great information on signing up for Medicare, including what you need to know before choosing between Original Medicare, Medicare plus Medigap, and a Medicare Advantage plan.
We also have some good resources that can help you as you figure out the ins and outs of Medicare, including open enrollment. Below are some articles; you can also check out another podcast episode we did on Medicare.
Making the most of Medicare
Using Medicare to your advantage is an important part of making the most of your retirement health and your finances. It's important to consider potential penalties, as well as understand costs and other items related to Medicare. The following resources can help you avoid higher costs and get more from Medicare.
Meet this week's guest, Hollie Cohen
Hollie Cohen, the licensed independent broker and proud owner of MedigapCares.org, a nationwide agency specializing in personalized Medicare coverage solutions, has an inspiring journey that spans the worlds of advertising, insurance, and financial wisdom.
Licensed nationwide, Hollie possesses a unique ability to help people grasp the crucial differences between Original Medicare paired with a Medicare supplement (also known as a Medigap plan) versus Medicare Advantage.
With over a decade of experience in the insurance industry, Hollie has been a licensed agent for the last 12 years.
Hollie's influence extends to her recognition as a seven-time Mutual Sales Leader for one of the nation's largest Medicare supplement carriers, Mutual of Omaha. Her exceptional knowledge and dedication have earned her a seat on their board, where she contributes her insights to shape the future of the Medicare insurance industry.
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About the hosts
Stacy Johnson founded Money Talks News in 1991. He's a CPA, and he has also earned licenses in stocks, commodities, options principal, mutual funds, life insurance, securities supervisor and real estate.
Miranda Marquit, MBA, is a financial expert, writer and speaker. She's been covering personal finance and investing topics for almost 20 years. When not writing and podcasting, she enjoys travel, reading and the outdoors.
Guys and welcome to Money Talks news, the podcast. In this episode, we're talking about Medicare. If you're one of the millions of Americans eligible for Medicare, you're likely familiar with open enrollment. That's a stretch from October 15 to December 7 every year when you're allowed to make changes to your coverage. And for most people,
that's the only time you can that October 15th to December 7th window, of course, in order to get the ideal Medicare coverage, you need to understand what your options are and that's exactly what we're going over in today's podcast. I'm Stacey Johnson. As usual, my cohost will be financial journalist Miranda Mark. Hello, Miranda. Hey, how's it going? It's going well, listening in and sometimes contributing to our producer, Aaron Freeman here.
Hey, this is an important one. According to senior living, 57% of Medicare beneficiaries don't compare their coverage. Listen to you. Fact dropping. Isn't that impressive? Somebody did some homework we also have with us today, a special guest, Holly Cohen. She's a licensed Medicare specialist with Preferred Health Group. Hi, Holly.
Hi there, everyone.
And you're here to help us navigate the ins and outs of Medicare open enrollment. And just so, you know, Holly, I am very interested because I'm 68 years old. These other two people are puppies. They're not even going to be paying attention. They're going to be playing Solitaire while we're talking about
video games,
video games. Ok. So before we start though, guys, remember, we,
we do not offer financial advice on this podcast. So make sure you do your own research and consult your own experts before you act on anything that you may learn on this podcast. Ok. Let's dive in. Holly. Let's start with how did a bright effervescent woman like you become involved or, or admired in this horribly boring topic called Medicare?
Oh, gosh. Um hm. I started doing under age 65 health insurance and then in 2016, everything changed in that arena. They've cut commissions to all agents. Um, it's changed again, but I, at that 0.2016 moved over into Medicare and decided to learn about it, which yes, it's very ridiculously confusing and
in my opinion, they make it that way on purpose. Um But I, I actually started by, um, starting off as an agent then quickly moving into management. And I ran a for three years, a Medicare supplement call center. So I trained,
I don't know, maybe 50 agents or so over the course of the three years and made sure everything was in compliance and tried to explain the two different ways that a person can receive their Medicare benefits.
Cool. So, yeah, so how long you been at it? Medicare
Medicare itself since 2016. But health insurance in general 2010.
Ok. And, and, and now what, what exactly is it that, where do you work? Now? Do you own a business? Where, where do you work? Yeah.
So my husband Steve and I, we own a Medicare insurance agency. We're licensed in 40 states um across the country and we help Medicare beneficiaries in each state. Each state is completely different for some of this. But Medicare itself is a federal program.
And so that's, even though I'm based in Florida, I speak to people all day long who are first starting Medicare or need to make some sort of changes for different reasons um across all 40 states
and you name your businesses.
I have a youtube channel called Medi Gap Show where you can get a lot of information on my videos. The business we own is Preferred Health Group.
Um Also the website is, uh you can either go to Preferred health group dot org or Medi Gap cares dot org. And that's where you'll find us. And
there goes your shameless plug. There you go. Well, that's why she's here. Right? So we'll, we'll give that information out again later. And also everything of course, is always in our show notes, but let's get started here because I have a lot of questions.
I want to ask you, but let's, let's start with what is Medicare open enrollment? How is it different from other kinds of Medicare enrollment? I mean, what, what the hell, why do we care about this period? Of what is it, um, September? No, it's, uh, October 15th to December 7th. Right. Why do we care about this?
So, um, technically they call it, the government calls it annual enrollment period. Agents refer to it as a ep um It does begin October 15th last through December 7th. So,
you know, before we get into, what is that, I just want to briefly explain Medicare. Um which sounds sort of difficult but it, I'm gonna make it brief. So a Medicare beneficiary has two options of how they receive Medicare benefits, they can either receive their benefits, you know, part A which is the inpatient services, hospital, hospice, skilled nursing. Part A covers anything that involves overnight stay.
And then there's the part B as in Boy of Medicare, which is the outpatient side, which would be doctors visits, all testing, outpatient surgeries, durable medical equipment, anything where you do not have an overnight stay for medical treatment.
And part A and part B is only through the original Medicare program, which is Adminis administered by the federal government. So original Medicare pays 80% of medical bills. So many people
they decide to either keep their original Medicare and then they enroll in a Medicare supplement plan to fill in that 20% gap. No,
wait, no, wait a minute. I have to have something here. Maybe I heard this wrong because doesn't part a cover 100% of hospital stays.
No, it covers 80%.
I blew that. I thought, I thought
b covered 80% of, of doctor visits. You know, anything, it was in a hospital stay. But I thought a covered 100% of hospital
visits. No, but you're not alone in all your, you're not alone in thinking what you're thinking. But part A and part B from our original, if you're on original Medicare, and I'll explain what I mean by that in a moment.
Again, there's two ways to be on Medicare. So if you're on original, also called traditional Medicare, you have part A and part B part A again, is the inpatient side. Part B like boy is the outpatient side. And from our original Medicare Fund, the money we pay into all the years we work into our Social Security and Medicare system that money pays, they pay 80% of our medical bills if you're on original Medicare only.
Wow. So that, that's a huge number that people have to come up with themselves, especially with medical bills these days. And this is why there are other things like Medic Gap and Medicare advantage.
Right. Exactly. Exactly. And
there are the two different ways so a person can either keep their original Medicare and enroll in a Medi gap plan and there are some rules that go along with that, well, which we'll get into or as you just said, we can, you can go on to a Medicare Advantage plan. So, uh when you have a Medi gap plan, it does keep you on the original or federal Medicare system.
And what that means is, and you have a Medi gap plan, you would go to a doctor's office and your doctor would directly bill to our federal Medicare money, our our original Medicare Fund and then Medicare pays back that provider 80% of the bill. And if you have a Medi Gap plan, Medicare bills, your Medi Gap insurance company for the remaining balance. And if you're on our original Medicare with a Medicap plan,
there are no networks that you have to stay in. It's literally anyone that will take your red, white and blue card will see you, no questions asked
doctors, right? I mean, not all doctors right
across the country, it's higher than 90 it's probably somewhere like 99%. Um I make a joke, pediatricians, you know, don't usually, but that's not true. So they might have to if it's someone on disability.
Um but right, so it's a direct bill system. Original Medicare is, but again, it only pays the 80%. So 50% of our population goes the route of Medicare or Medi Gap Medicare supplement. It's the same thing, a supplement or Medi gap means the same. Um And that is usually distinguished by a letter.
So the most popular letter at this time is called a plan G as in George. And that plan again works alongside your original red, white and blue card. You would have two cards. So for example, you go to your doctor's office, they bill original Medicare. Medicare pays back your doctor 80% and then Medicare bills your plan G insurance company for the remaining 20% balance. And you're only left with
the small deductible which is inside of Medicare. Original Medicare part B like boy, which this year equals $226. And what's really great about original Medicare is, it's the system that started in 1965 Lyndon Johnson came, rolled it out and any the way the federal law is, if you're on Original Medicare, anything that your doctor orders for you is deemed as medically necessary
and because it's medically necessary, if you're on original Medicare, Medicare must pay it at 80%. Whether it be, you know, uh uh the heart, a heart attack or a heart transplant. Medicare has to pay 80% if you're on Original Medicare. And if you have a plan G like George, there's a couple other letters but they have, they must pay the 20% after original Medicare.
So it is truly
the medic. Would you say $226
the deductible for part B like boy of Medicare. So the outpatient side of Medicare, part B has a deductible once a year of $226. But then there is also the part B like boy premium monthly premium that you pay the government, which equals most Americans pay, pay 100 and $64.90 this year,
it is based on income. So higher income individuals um would be paying more. But most Americans I speak to pay 1 64 90 a month and that gives them their part A and part B and then
the extra four G.
So G roughly, it depends, you know, we're based in, we live in Florida, but we're higher here in Florida for Medi Gap plans. But most states it's around anywhere from 100 and $10 to 100 and $45 a month for a person turning 65
and, and that's fixed by the state.
No, it's actually up to each individual insurance company that's putting out plan G, the mega plans, the important part of this open
enrollment is the fact that you can switch around these plans. You can, you know, get rid of
this one, take this one in, right? So this is where it gets tricky. So the other way to be on Medicare and I'm going to get into that quickly is
advantage. And that is when you have, you've given up your original Medicare and you go on to a private Medicare Advantage plan, which is an HMO or a PPO type network plan. It does take you off of the original Medicare system and you're on a privatized Medicare Advantage plan. You do still pay for Medicare that part B premium of 1 64 90 per month. Um but it
has, you know, you're then managed by the insurance company. So during this annual enrollment period, October 15th through December 7th, you are allowed to switch from one Medicare Advantage plan to another. Or if you're on a Medicare Advantage plan and you decide you don't like it. You want to head back to original Medicare, it's also the time you can make that change. And then the other
thing that you could change during this time frame. A October 15th through December 7th is if you're on original Medicare, you would have a standalone part D as in drug plan that you can make a change to during the annual enrollment period of October 15th through December 7th.
But the Medi Gap plans do not have anything to do with this annual enrollment period. A person on Medi Gap can change their plan any time of year. It is based on
their health. So in other words, if someone chooses, they're on Medicare Advantage, it's October 15th and they want to switch back to original Medicare, which only pays 80% and want to enroll in Medi Gap. They're allowed to do so in that time frame but they would have to answer medical underwriting questions and either be approved or declined based on health.
And that is if they've had Medicare part BB for more than six months in their
lifetime. Ok. So now just I want to clear up one thing I'm on regular Medicare. Ok. Um, and I want to add Medicap. I can only, can I only do that during open enrollment or can I add Medicap any time?
You can only. So if you're on a Medicare Advantage plan, you can
Medicare original Medicare, original Medicare,
original Medicare part A and B only. You can add a Medi gap plan any time of year. But the rule being from these Medi gap insurance companies, you have to be either be within your personal enrollment window which is six months before and five months after taking your part B for the first time
or you go through the medical underwriting questions if you're past that time frame in your life that six months before five months after part B. So
really then this whole open enrollment period is just for people with Medicare, not just for, but mostly for people with Medicare Advantage plans to switch them.
It is, it is most people have the misconception that it's also the time to change Medi Gap, which they definitely can. I mean, we are slammed with people at that time of year thinking that that's the only time to make the change, but it's a misconception. You can actually change it any time of year. If you happen to get a letter from your insurance company that you have your Medi Gap plan with and the premium went up. You, if you're a healthy person, you can switch to a different Medi gap carrier, you can switch from one letter to another because they're identified,
identified by letters. Um But the other thing that you can switch during the annual enrollment period is your part D as in drug. So if you're on original Medicare and you have a Medi gap plan, then you also would have a standalone part D drug plan. And October 15th through December 7th is the only time that you're allowed to make a change in with that as well. Part D.
Ok. This, why does it make this so complicated because I'm sitting
here listening. I trouble focusing.
But now, ok, what should people? Ok, during this? I'm on Medicare, I'm on Medicare Advantage. Ok.
And, and I'm thinking actually I'll tell you what my situation is. Um, I, I have cancer. I just got cancer. Um Thank you. Uh But anyway, it's not a huge deal. I'm not dying, but nonetheless, I couldn't go. I, I could switch me. Wait, let me back up. I'm on a Medicare Advantage. HMO plan. Ok. My wife is my, is a nurse practitioner and she's my professional who takes care of me or people in her office do anyway.
But now I want to go to a specialist. So now I'm gonna switch to a Medicare Advantage PPO plan. That makes sense. Right.
It does. You know you're, you're sort of in this position since and, and did you start Medicare at age 65? Ok. So you've had your Medicare part B like boy for more than six months. So it would be difficult for you during this annual enrollment period to come off of. I mean, you could definitely choose to go back to original Medicare. But remember original Medicare only pays 80%.
So then to enroll in Medi gap, you would be declined. Unfortunately, based on health conditions to enroll in a Medi gap plan. So your other option would be to yes, instead of being on an HMO Medicare Advantage plan to switch to a PPO Advantage plan,
but there are still no guarantees. I mean, you're going to face prior authorizations and the max out of pocket is higher with, out of, with them out of network, you know, going out of network for a specialist rather than staying inside the network.
So, but I thought PPO allowed me to go outside the network.
It it does um it allows you to go outside the network, but there is definitely a higher max out of pocket, it exceeds $11,000 per year. Um The in network on most Medicare Advantage plans max out of pocket is that the government caps it at 8300 this year, some plans are a little less, you know, 6700. But yes, you are allowed to go outside of a network on a ppo Medicare Advantage plan.
But remember you just, you're not on original Medicare, you're, you're under the grips of that insurance company making all decisions, which also requires many times for many medical treatments. The prior authorization process on these Medicare Advantage plans, which is one of the biggest complaints and
current administration. They're trying to crack down on some of these higher authorizations because a lot of the Medicare Advantage plan insurers
just and created major barriers for, for care.
Well, well, I trust, I trust my insurance company though. I think they're awesome people like they take such good care of me and let me explain why after this message, we're gonna, we're, we're, we're halfway through our show, folks actually a little more than halfway. So we got, we got to pay a few bills when we come back. We're gonna talk about why Stacey Johnson loves his insurance company and trust them implicitly, we'll, we'll be right back after this.
Ok. We are back before we start. If you like what we do, folks do something for us, share the show with your friends and family on your favorite social media platforms and subscribe to our podcast. It takes you two seconds really helps us though. Ok. Now, I may have been lying when I said I trusted my insurance company before the break. Um I don't trust my insurance company, but in my specific situation, I can be referred out to a specialist by
someone that I know personally. So, so I don't have to worry about that, but, but there's not much I can do about this now. Right. I can't go back and get Medicare because it's been three years since I've been on Medicare.
Right. Um You know, each insurance company that when I put through an uh an application for enrollment into a Medi gap and if that person has had Medicare part B like boy for more than six months, then of course, they do have to go through those health underwriting questions. And for example, regarding cancer, there's a look back period of two years. So if an applicant, if you know somebody trying to get the Medi Gap plan has had,
has been in remission for over two years, it's a better possibility. But if, unfortunately, if a person is, is within that two year period of, of getting cancer, then it's a decline. Um, there's about 26 to 30 health questions that we have to ask someone during the
that time frame where you know that time when they're trying to apply for a Medi Gap plan, there's 26 to 30 health questions. And then also we have to, um, put down in their application all the medications that they take and then the application is submitted to the insurance company for review and then the insurance company, their underwriting department makes a decision again
whether to approve or decline that person based
on health health. And also I would assume that based on these medical questions, it would cost differently for Medicap, right? No,
actually Medi gap plans are well, they're state by state number one. So some states are more money than other states. Um but also it has nothing to do with your health condition. It has to do in most states by age and um
just you know, age and gender in most states.
Now you lost me again. You just said that I have to answer health questions and you then you said that the health, my health doesn't matter. I don't understand.
No, no, your your your health matters. Um You have to go through the the right? Ok. Sorry about that. So the yes, the price is not reflective of your health. You literally it got, you know, because you have cancer. Unfortunately, you would be declined
won't get in at all. They're not going to raise the price,
right? It's a flat decline or hey, yes, thumbs up approval. That's
it. Ok. And then
if you're, if you're approved, it's X price and if you're declined, obviously it's no price. Um Now let me ask you something. This is going to seem really off topic, but I really want to know this. I pay Medicare every month even though I'm on American Advantage plan. In other words, I get a bill from the US government. Uh, they take money out of my checking account. Ok. How come if, if my insurance company? Because that's essentially what Medicare Advantage is, the insurance company is saying to the government.
Well, we'll take care of them. Don't worry, you know, I'm dealing with the insurance company now, not the government. When I, how come the government is taking my money?
Right. So the government feels and, and felt back back in the late eighties, early nineties that they, when they brought out the Medicare Advantage program, that it, they, they, the medic, the government pays approximately $1000 a month to the insurance company
to manage the person's health care. So the federal government would rather pay $12,000 approximately per year to take that person and their medical bills and claims off of our original Medicare Fund money and shift that financial burden over to a private really publicly traded insurance carrier.
And so these big insurance companies are receiving lots of money from the federal government
paying Medicare. Medicare is turning around and paying that exact amount to the insurance company that's covering my Medicare Advantage plan. Not,
not the exact amount. It's approximately 12,000 a year. Most, again, most part B premium, you know, which is what people pay monthly for Medicare equals 1 64 90.
So it's actually the government pays far more than you're paying 1 64 90. Let's say the government is paying $1000 per month to take that person off of the federal money.
No, here's my next question. I pay a lot more than 100 and $64 a month based on my income because I'm still working. Um, so how come, how, first of all, why do I have to pay more?
It shouldn't be based on how healthy I am or, or is this because Medicare is just not bringing enough money? So they're going to charge people who can afford it more.
So, you know, it's the federal government and um you make more money than, let's say an average American possibly. So you have what's called Irma Ir Ma A
which adds a surcharge or premium onto your original part B like boy premium and also your part. Well, if you had a standalone prescription drug plan, it would also, you'd have to pay more for that as well. It's, it's, it's basically because you're earning more. So the government feels that you have to pay in more, but you also made that decision to not be on original Medicare. You're over on Medicare advantage.
If I was on original Medicare, I'd still be paying more, you
would still be paying more.
So now, so now I don't like my insurance company and I don't like the government. I don't like anybody involved in this.
Ok. Now let's get some universal health care going guys. Yeah. Well, we tried that, didn't we? Um but ok, now let's, let's get back to, let's stop talking about me, which I really hate doing. I hate stop talking about me. Um and let, and let's help some people out here who are listening, what you're just now getting in Medicare or you already have Medicare and you're coming into this, this window where you can make changes. What do people do and how or more to the point, how do they decide what to do?
Ok. How do you approach this?
So if they're on a Medicare Advantage plan and they're in good health, but yet they've learned this information and they've decided that they do not want to be managed by an insurance company. They would rather be on our Federal Medicare Original Medicare program. Again, they can make that change during the annual enrollment period, October 15th through December 7th
and enroll in a Medi gap plan that they have to go through those health questions or like, you know, getting back to just your own situation. You said you're on an HMO and unfortunately, you know, you have a health condition, so you would definitely be better served on a PPO plan. Um So that would be something that can be done. The other thing that is very important during this time of year, if someone's on Original Medicare with a Medi gap plan,
they also would have a stand alone part D as in drug prescription plan. The Medicare Advantage plans include those inside, the part D is bundled inside of a Medicare Advantage plan. But when you're on original Medicare with a Medi gap plan and a standalone part D as in drug plan, it is very important to review or evaluate or change that piece of this puzzle during this time frame, October 15th through December 7th
because the insurance companies can, they, they do every year, they change the part D for the next year. And then there's also a lot of political things going on with our whole part D
anyway. And, um, it's just very important if someone's on a standalone part D plan being on original Medicare with Medi Gap to review their prescription plan for the following year during this a ep time.
So you need to, you, you're gonna, because you're getting drugs paid for, you need to make sure those drugs are still going to be getting paid for at the rate that at the best rate you can and you might shop policies as a result.
Yes, that's one reason. Exactly because of the copays when you pick up that medication at the pharmacy. Um, and also again, there's some, there's some big changes with part D from the federal government this year and next year and the year forward, it's a whole another topic.
Um, but yes, that, and then, you know, we have clients who you know where I just have a customer call in. Maybe not my own client, but they've, let's say, been on a part D drug plan that they started off at $11.20. And then three years down the road, they didn't make any changes because none of their medications had
changed. But they started to, or they received a letter from their part D insurance company that their premium went up to $60 a month, which happens and they, you know, they're still on the one, let's say, still on one little medication that they're taking. So they're way over paying, but they should be on an $11.07 dollar part D drug plan. But they're, they never made a change in,
you know, several years. So the insurance company keeps them on sort of a grandfather part D plan and raises their premium. So that's why it's important as well. The monthly premium on part D if they're on that standalone part D as in drug plan.
So let me see if I can get specific and throw out some examples for, for our listeners. Ok, I'm on, I'm never enrolled in Medicare. It's time, it's, it's either three months before my 65th birthday or 45 months after. Is that what it was?
it's when you first sign Medicare turning 65 let's say it's three months before the month of your birth month and then three months after that, you're allowed to enroll in part B of Medicare be like boy enroll in, in your Medicare Advantage plan. Um or you could choose Medi Gap, but you do have a longer enrollment period for Medi Gap. Um That's one time frame, a person can enroll and
you know, start off because they're first starting up on Medicare. Or if someone decides at age, you know, 67 68 69 whatever age later on in life to retire. And prior to that, they've been on group health insurance. And actually, if they've been on group health insurance, they only needed part A, they did not need to take out their part B as in boy and pay that 1 64 90 or higher. All the, you know, if they're still working and offered group health insurance
and one other role on that is if they're, they're working for a company that has more than 20 employees, they are allowed to delay their part B but that's another, that part B like boy is another trigger date. So it's not just when someone's turning 65 if, if they're turning 65 but yet they still want to continue working. They just need to have part A as an apple only because it's, it's a, is automatic. Get it simply and it's free.
You've already paid, it's not really free, you've already paid into it all the years that you work. Tell me about it.
So finally at 65 you do get it for free, but it only again pays 80%. So then when you go to retire, let's say a person is working, they're working for a big employer. They have employer based health coverage, they can delay their part B like boy until they are ready to retire. So that part B like boy is a trigger date for them. It then, so they are allowed around that part B like boy date three months prior and three months after that date
to enroll in a part D plan or Medicare Advantage plan or Medi Gap.
And Medi Gap again has a little bit more of an extension of time to enroll without the medical underwriting questions. You have six months before and five months after your part B effective date to enroll in a Medi Gap plan without any of the medical underwriting questions. Once you're past that time frame, as I said before, then you have to go through that health underwriting. OK.
So if you're, if you're on Medicare, now,
if you're on Medicare Advantage now, or if you're on Medicare with a Medic Gap policy. Now, during this period from October 15th to December 7th, is it time for you to make some changes? So you need to shop around. How do you do that?
You can contact an agent? Um My recommendation is, first of all, do not there people get swarmed with phone calls during this time of the year if you're a Medicare beneficiary,
and there are call centers that are solely pushing Medicare Advantage plans because there's a lot of incentive for these call centers to push these plans. And so they'll call and you know, Medicare beneficiary answers and they could get switched off original Medicare and go on to Medicare Advantage without really understanding what they did.
Um So they have to be very cautious about that. So the, the very important thing is to work with an independent broker who represents both Medicare Advantage plans and a big, you know, amount of the care we have to be appointed to many, I mean, it would have to be choose an agent that is appointed to multiple insurance companies for Medicare Advantage.
And you can just ask him that just say, are you an independent agent?
Are you exactly, are you an independent broker? Do you represent both Medicare Advantage and Medicare supplement also known as
Medics? So I should not change my health care based on what Joe Nath told me on
a commercial. Oh my gosh. And that's why now 51% of our population is on Medicare Advantage. It's because of Joe.
Yeah. And people like him, people who used to be famous and now need a couple of nickels to rub together. So they're on TV, telling us to do this out of the other. So we should look for an independent agent. This is very good.
Those guys are not agents. Yes, an independent broker again, representing both sides. Medi gap and Medicare advantage so that you have a really transparent
understanding of how Medicare
works. Cool. Well, we're going to send people to your business because you're going to give us a kick back. Oh, wait, I'm sorry, I meant to have my mic muted when I said that JK and actually we are almost out of time. Actually, we, we're over time. Um, I do, do our 40 year olds have anything that they want to ask before, before we conclude this. I mean, not really ask, but this has just been, this has been an education,
right? Like I've done, like, I've written, I've written a little bit about, like, different plans and, and things like that. But like,
it's, it really, like you can get lost in the weeds pretty easily. And it's, yeah, and it's no wonder that so many people, um, are not, you know, don't have the plans that they need or what works for them. And so this is just a really great warning for me. Uh, so that in 20 years I'm like, oh, no, you don't understand Miranda. I'm gonna use all this money. Ok? You're not gonna have any left by the time you get to
us, baby, we're taking it. We're, we're leaving nothing on the field, baby. We're taking it all.
Yeah. The, the, you know, it,
the hardest thing is when someone's on and, and every state is different. You know, Stacy, you're based in Florida. Am I allowed to say that you're ok. You're based in Florida. Florida is the largest retirement state in the whole country. So we do have, especially South Florida. We have better Medicare Advantage plans than a lot of other parts of the country.
Um Parts of California have pretty good ones, meaning lower out of pockets, bigger networks. Um The thing that really gets me, you know, these are $0 premium plans typically. So you're not paying an additional monthly premium to have a Medicare Advantage plan. But what really is difficult
as an agent is the prior authorizations and understanding that if someone's going on on that they may be denied or delayed care or treatment because a private insurance company, private for profit, publicly traded insurance company
is making decisions about their health care.
Well, that's a comforting thought to close on. I mean, I mean, that's, that's the rest of us out here. Yeah, like that's the rest of us out here. So, yeah,
well, I'm under 65. I mean, I'm 53. So I mean, you know, I'm not yet on, I, I just, I, you know, people ask me all the time, what do you have your, you know, in laws on what my sister is 66 years old. What is she on?
They're on Original Medicare with the Medi Gap G as in George plan because I know if anything is required medically, they're going to get it approved because of federal Medicare, which started in 1965. The federal law is, if your doctor deems it as medically necessary. Medicare original Medicare has to pay it
at 80%. And then the Medi gap plan has to follow in line and pay the 20%. The other way, the Medicare advantage way is not the same world. It's, it's, it's the corporate America world,
you know, that I'm condemned to, you mean? Yeah,
basically, you know, after two years, no, once you're in remission for two years, then you could definitely during that October 15th through December 7th time frame,
put, you know, put the application through and if it's something, you know, very minor there, I mean, there's all different cancers out there. So, you know, if it's, if I mean, I have breast cancer survivors that get through underwriting as long as they've been in remission over two years, um, it, it, there's different parts of that application. Some conditions are two years,
some go lifetime. If somebody's, you know, has unfortunately lupus or, you know, something, a long term disease, then they're going to get denied coverage. But if they're um, you know, something that they could be like cancer where they can go into remission and, and be in a real stable condition for many years, then they will be, they could be very likely to be approved by the carriers
and I hope I have the opportunity to check that out.
Yeah. And, you know, we sort of as insurance agents, we talk to other insurance agents and we sort of figure out which carriers have the easier underwriting than others also. But
yeah, we, we really have to close. I do have one more really quick question though for you. Holly,
is it in your private life when you're not having cocktails and whatnot? Is it hard for you not to say boy, every time you use the word letter B or George, you say
I do that. It's just I'm always on the phone, right? So I have to make sure that they know what letter I'm saying. So I have to be a apple B boy G George. But right when I'm having cocktails, I'm not, I'm not gonna do that because
because if you are, I'm not gonna have cocktails with you. OK?
Because you can read, you know, and you can read lips, you can see what, what letter I'm singing but I my mouth drinking cocktails as Aaron might know, but I will not talk about Medicare. It's the first. Thank you. Thank
you. OK, guys, we are out of time folks but you know, we're never out of topic. Dig a little deeper. You're gonna find links to lots more info in our show notes. And remember if your goal is to
make more to spend less to retire rich. Your online home is money talks news dot com and don't forget to check out Miranda's online home as well. That is Miranda Mark Ma rquit dot com and visit Holly at her website that is mega cares dot org, but she really wants you to watch her youtube channel. The
Gap Show. Is that right? Holly?
That's right.
Gap Show. And if you've got a question, comment or topic you'd like to suggest, please tell us about it. You can email us at, hello at money talks news dot com. That's hello at money talks news dot com. And one final thing you already heard me say once I'll say it again if you like us, subscribe to us. It takes you two seconds. We really appreciate it though. I am Stacy Johnson, I'm Miranda Martin and thanks again for hanging out with us. So we'll see you all next time.