5 Ways President-Elect Trump Plans to Change Healthcare

Published Nov 13, 2024, 9:00 AM

Healthcare is changing. Trump's policies could turn your family's finances upside down.

Will abortion access be restricted? Is the Affordable Care Act on the chopping block? What about those prescription drug prices?

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0:00 Introduction
1:00 Abortion Policies and Economic Impact
5:00 Affordable Care Act Modifications
9:00 Make America Healthy Again Movement
13:00 Food Regulations and Deregulation
14:40 Conclusion

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Hey guys and welcome to Money Talks News, the podcast. You know, it's the one that makes you richer one day at a time. I'm your host, Stacy Johnson. I'm the founder of Money Talks News and with me is Jillian Manning Jillian. How are you?

I'm good. How

are you today?

I am flawless. Thank you for asking.

I always say that and people love it when I say that it's like, oh, I love that. I'm going to use it. I say, well, it's gonna cost you because I have, I have a patent on it anyway.

We're gonna talk about something. This is two days after the election. It's November the seventh. Um And today we're gonna talk about, we're talking about how Trump is gonna change your life. President elect Trump, I should say is gonna change your money and your life. And today we're gonna talk about healthcare specifically. We talked, we had another podcast with Money. Today, we're gonna talk about health care.

Um Jillian, have you done a lot of research on this? Did you know that there was a lot of healthcare things going on?

Oh, yeah,

for sure, for sure. Um and I know

one thing we know for sure. The abortion thing. Yes.

Yes. That was the first thing I was gonna say. Um, so happy to talk about that. We have

plenty of other things to talk about as well. Um, but abortion was certainly a major concern for a lot of demographics, um, particularly, of course, uh, women this election. Um, so that's definitely important. It does have its own economic implications as well.

Tell me about that because I, I'm going to say too that I'm the money expert here, but I'm not a health care expert really. So your, your opinion is good on this too. What, what, how does, how do abortion policies, um how do they affect finances? I mean, in general. Yeah,

I mean, we have already seen that um a report or collection of studies released by the joint Economic Committee um very recently. Um

kind of details, the fact, I think it was um $68 billion have already been lost per year. Um as a result of, I think about the 16 states that currently have uh more extreme abortion bans in place. And um I'm not going to say I'm an expert as to why, but I think

there are some clear ideas. Um First of all, an unplanned pregnancy, um you know, women who, who do want to be pregnant, have a plan to get pregnant, they have time to put these financial considerations into place. Women who do not have that intention but are, um, essentially forced to move forward with the pregnancy. Their work lives are disrupted. They either can't work at all

or they have to reduce the amount of work, which by the way means less money is going to go to your social security. Um, when these people are not working, um,

if they don't have the money to have a family, but they are now in a position where they have to, they're going to go to government assistance. Um They're going to need the pm, more money out of resources. Um And my last point that I have off the top of my head and then I'll concede to you is that when things like abortion are criminalized in states and we are already seeing this, um

a woman can have a miscarriage, the state sees that a suspect and she's arrested, which has again, economic implications for, for your local money. Um You are having officers,


they getting arrested Jillian or are they? I thought they were just not getting health care? Are they really putting people in jail?


have seen videos of women being questioned by the cops and taken in over

miscarriage allegations are suspect abortions. Um And if if laws do get more extreme, which based off of certain people in power and things that have been suggested is very possible, that is something that we have talked about. I mean, even, um I believe JD Vance has, um, you know, made a statement about wanting to

track pregnancies or stop women from coming in and out of state. So that's resources. Um, but if women are receiving criminal penalties, whether that's jail or fines or whatever it is, you're paying for court, you're paying for, um, what it takes to take care of someone in prison. Um, all of this sucks out of the economy and that's aside from the emotional distress. But,

um, yeah, women who are pregnant who don't have plans to be, they leave work or even if they are at work, they are more tired, they're more stressed, being tired, being stressed, being burnt out. Um, there are studies that show that companies make less money when that's the state of mind that their employees

are in.

Well, you know, actually though to bring this topic back to where we began,

the abortion is, has already been relegated to states and Donald Trump has said he would not sign a nationwide abortion ban. Now, if, and as we speak, the House is yet to be decided. It, it may have been decided, it may be decided while we're talking. But right now you've got the Senate and the White House is in the hands of Republicans. If, if they get the House,

then they are gonna be able to pass just about any legislation they want, including a nationwide abortion ban. Now, Donald Trump has said he would not sign that, but we don't know what he will do. Uh, especially when they can, they can pass virtually any law they want. Not, maybe not easily if there's not a big margin, uh, in the, in the house, but nonetheless, it could get done. But let, let's move on now.

Um, the Affordable Care Act. I don't know if you were paying attention to the, to politics back in 2017.

I was in high school. So not quite as much as I do.

Ok. Well, at that time, Donald Trump does not like the Affordable Care Act. He has said so and they tried to, he tried to overturn it without any replacement as a matter of fact and only one Senator John mccain prevented that from happening.

Now, Donald Trump has also said though that he will not uh repeal the Affordable Care Act this time. Uh because it's a monster really popular program in the United States. The, the Republican Party tried to prevent it from ever being enacted in the first place. It was an Obama mandate. Um And since then, it's become hugely popular. However, they are now saying they might want to modify the AC A to make it more affordable. One of the things that was discussed at that time

and just being discussed again now is using, um is turning the AC A and making it less expensive. Essentially, I'm trying to figure out how to boil this down. So it's simple

giving, giving people with uh ok, it had a mandate where everybody who wanted insurance could get insurance even with pre-existing conditions. That's one of the biggest things about the AC A and it is possible. Uh And, and in fact, I think uh JD Vance or um others in, in the house have decided that maybe we should not have the AC A for everybody make it cheaper for people who are in better health like you Jillian, but would make it way more expensive for people like me who are older.

Uh And so they're likely to tinker with the AC A I don't whether the, whether that's good tinkering or bad, we don't know yet. Uh But generally speaking, you're probably, it's probably gonna be more difficult for those of us who are older. Now. Actually, I'm on Medicare, that's how old I am. But for, for people who are older who have pre existing conditions, it is quite possible that this will become more difficult. Also. Medicaid,

Medicaid is another thing too that could be changed. And, and actually in the, in the state where we live and state where I live, I'm sorry, Florida. Um Medicaid, they turned down expanding Medicaid. In other words, no, I'm sorry that they reversed that in Florida. But there are states when the AC A came along,

the government said that they were going to expand Medicaid in every state. In other words, they were gonna, you're gonna be able to put more people into Medicaid

and the government was gonna pay for it. The federal government was gonna pay for, it wasn't gonna cost States anything. And a lot of people just because it was a Democrat initiative, a democratic initiative. A lot of Republican governors turned it down. Uh, so they wouldn't even take federal money to help people get medical care, poor people get medical care.

Uh, now, some of the, they also had had a work requirement, uh which, you know, they, they said if you, if you, if you can, if you're not trying to work, then we're not going to pay for your health care. That's, you know, which is Medicaid. Um

So some of this stuff may come back. Uh Some of these types of restrictions that they, they were talking about doing block grants with Medicaid. In other words, instead of the federal government covering me, covering Medicaid, they're gonna give money to each state and let the state figure out what they want to do with it, to take care of poor people. Any number of things should come from something like that. So it's in general. And what about, let's talk about prescription drug cost

and, and health, you know what and health coverage. What, what Biden did was he got the ability to negotiate drug prices uh for Medicare, which is a huge thing. And I think Trump would agree with that too. I think that he wants to try to lower drug costs as well. So I, I think that um the Inflation Reduction Act, uh the inflation reduction Act allowed Medicare to begin negotiations. I would be surprised if Trump didn't follow through on that. Uh But you know, here's something that's completely different.

Have you heard of this? Um what's it called?

Maha the Maha movement? Have you heard of that Jillian? The

phrase sounds familiar but you know,

Maga is,


so maha is make America healthy. Again, one of the weirdest things that I saw in this election was having um Kennedy

as a devotee of Donald Trump. He was running against them initially. Uh And now Bobby Kennedy and now he's going to, now he's going to be part of the administration. A lot of people are up in arms about this guy because he thinks, and by the way, some of this may actually be true, but he thinks that

the corporations in America are in cahoots with like the national um insure uh National Health, what's it called?


I'm looking for my notes but anyway, National Institutes of Health, I should have known that anyway. Anyway, so he thinks that the corporations are working with the National Institutes of Health to poison Americans. They, you know, by feeding them things like cocoa puffs and stuff like that. So he, he, he wants to change the whole, the whole healthcare system. He, he thinks it's corrupt. What, what do you think about that?

I will say um I don't know about collaboration. I don't know, but I do know he is right on the fact that our food has um

you know, ingredients that are illegal in other countries. And if he wants to follow through on changing that, that I think is great for me or to me. Um but he has other health policies and Trump has said he wants to give him full control um that I do disagree with. Um he has um stances against vaccines that I don't think will be very beneficial. He hasn't said he wants to ban them, but um

it is control could limit what insurance will cover. Um This coverage impacts how healthy people stay. And again, when people are not healthy, they are not working. Um they, we've seen also in the pandemic pandemic after pandemic, but when people

aren't taking care of themselves, um there are economic impacts to that. Um

He wants to remove fluoride from the water which um there's no, there is no scientific basis for that. And frankly, um it's there's scientific basis that it improves your teeth if your teeth deteriorate, that's some more bill is for you. Um

He read out, I have quite a few things on him. Oh, he also want, he's going to be involved with food regulations and I'll try to make this quick because I know we're, we're having time. He wants to be involved with food regulations, Trump is going to, he has said give him that power potentially.

Um, and Trump's administration, RFK, um, you know, RFK Junior being involved with him, I'm assuming he's on the same boat. Um, they are generally interested in deregulations there. Uh RFK Junior has said specifically he wants to eliminate departments, buy complete departments within food regulation, um,

government agencies. Um, and something I report on every week is the amount of products that we have being recalled and the amount of food products. But consumer products in general getting rid of these regulations

is not going to help that as much as we would hope companies have our best interests in heart. That's not really how our system works. It's about the money. Um, and being concerned about the money does not really equate to being concerned about our health all the time. Um We recently had that mcdonald's outbreak. I believe they connected it to the onions on the cheeseburgers. But something about the cheeseburgers people have died from that.

Um So we see the consequences of this deregulation and that's something that, um Kennedy has advocated for and Trump has advocated for Kennedy.

Yeah. Yeah, I felt the same way. Well, I've been a consumer reporter for, I was a consumer reporter on television for 30 years. And so I, I've seen a lot of this people automatically think regulations suck

and, and it's, and it's smothering American business and, and there's some truth to that. I mean, there are, there are regulations that suck and there are, there may be too many of them. But the problem is if you don't have regulations and you start to have people dying, uh, and, you know, in other words, there's a reason for some regulations and that I guess is another topic, but I think he summarized his, his beliefs very well and, and as far as the vaccine thing goes,

I'm sorry. You know, maybe it's just me. I was raised with science, you know, and, and I'm gonna continue to believe in science. I do believe there are some things here that are, that could be potentially positive for, for people health wise. Uh, but I'm not gonna ever go down the road where I think that the government's been planting me with a microchip and they're trying to save my life from a contagious disease.

That's a

little far from me personally.

Yeah, that's a little far from me personally too.

And that, that is about all the time we have guys. Thank you very much. Uh, Jillian because I think you knew more about this topic than I did, which is totally fine. I mean, it's not my, it's not my area, my forte or my area of expertise out of my wheelhouse. That's all the analogies I can think of. Um, but folks thank you so much for tuning in and be sure and follow us on Facebook, on youtube. On Twitter, uh, subscribe to our email at Money Talks news.com and in general just give us some loving.

We're gonna see you right here next time. Have a great one.

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