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Workplace discrimination: Views from a lawyer and a HR chief - Work Talk

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Is getting less responsibilities, a sign of such a practice?

Synopsis: Every first Monday of the month, the Work Talk podcast helps you work smarter, think deeper and get ahead in your work life.

In this episode, ST's senior business correspondent Krist Boo speaks with Mr Clarence Ding and Ms Akshita Shetty to discuss the thorny issue of workplace prejudice. Clarence is an employment law specialist and a partner at law firm Simmons & Simmons, and Akshita is vice-president for South-east Asia at technology firm SAP.

We also talk about the Workplace Fairness Legislation, which is expected to be passed in  Singapore in 2024. Last month, a report comprising 20 recommendations for the Bill was released for public consultation.

Listen to get tips on how to make your company a fairer place to work.

Highlights (click/tap above):

2:15 Why is discrimination inherent at the workplace?

3:45 Prevention: Is that the best way to stop workplace bias? 

7:06 Is your boss biased or are you just not good enough?

11:56 How should a company prepare for the Workplace Fairness Legislation?

15:00 Three tips for small companies to get ready for the Bill

Read more:

Produced by: Krist Boo (kristb@sph.com.sg), Ernest Luis, Teo Tong Kai and Eden Soh

Edited by: Teo Tong Kai

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