Introducing: Money And Wealth With John Hope Bryant

Published Feb 8, 2024, 7:57 AM
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Hi. I'm John O'Brien, host of Money and Wealth on the Black Effect podcast network. I'm an entrepreneur and a businessman some would call a thought leader. My newest venture is educating you on how to win financially and how to build wealth even better. I'm going to teach it in a way that well you can understand. No unexplained theories, no mundane lessons, no using twenty words when two will do. I'm going to meet you where you are and take you where you need to be. Small businesses not for most people, but home ownership, I believe is. And anybody telling you who's successful that you shouldn't own a home, I don't know why to tell you that, other than they want more for themselves. I'm giving you straight talk, relatable stories and life lessons through my own experiences and the lens of others. By the way successes and failures, because only rainbows follow storms. Secretary comes to my office, John, you might want to check the bank. Call the bank checkspin cash, boom drop. My dude called me coming and going. I had to tip my hat and say job, well done criminal this dude again. It was so smooth because he actually gave me the product. Didn't cash the check and waited to the exact right down to cash that check. Just shows that we really are smart, right. We've been doing so much with so little for so long, we'd almost do anything with nothing. What happens when we become legal, my lord? We're not just talking about why financial freedom is important. We're focusing on how you can achieve it to We all might have different starting points and end goes, but as long as we have the desire to acquire financial freedom, it can be done. And I'm talking to you as someone who was homeless, who grew up in the hood, from the streets to the suites. Starting Thursday, February fifteenth, listen to Money and Wealth with John O'Briant on the Black Effect Podcast Network, iHeartRadio, app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Money & Wealth With John Hope Bryant

John Hope Bryant- successful entrepreneur, executive and philanthropist –will dispense his trademark 
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