Best Of MJ Morning Show, Mon., 12/23/24: MJ's Pet Peeve When Driving

Published Dec 23, 2024, 3:34 PM

On today's Best Of MJ Morning Show:

Roxanne - Crisis manager 

Froggy is a hero (saves dog) 

Computer Tidbit 

Morons in the news

Died in a restaurant 

Roxanne & Doug Jingle 

Bad signs at a job interview 

Dogs getting into pot stash 

Saddest song/Happiest song 

Do you believe in aliens 

Roxanne daughter new word 

Occupied police car on train tracks 

MJ Pet Peeve - People who won't use turn signals 

Fester rescued by Road Ranger 

Watermelon/Mustard Challenge 

MJ, Fester, Froggy Eat Dog Treats 

Surgery To Make Ear Canal Bigger 

New Roomba Models 

Epic Mother/Daughter Fight 

List of people not allowed to enter house 

Worst Name For A Baby