There was so much to talk about, we couldn't pack it into one episode!
Listen to part two for more on Teresa's family drama, to how she met the love of her life Louie, to her 'psychic' connection with Tori.
Misspelling with Tory spelling and iHeartRadio podcast.
I have a question.
Is it true you don't get to see the show edited until it's on?
Yes, oh my yead.
I mean they send it to us a few days before it goes on, but we have.
No saying fourteen seasons in yeah, you are the og Teresa, you get no saying.
No, are you kidding me?
What are your geniuses to start this?
Oh? Do you remember when the show when Joe called me the cunt on the phone with someone and NAPA. Well, when I heard about that, I was like, my husband did not say that. I'm like, you better not put that in there because I saw the episode. I'm like, because I used to not watch the show real. Yeah, I never watched the show because ever since my family came on to me, it was I just couldn't watch it.
Do you watch it now? You look really?
I like, thank you. I watch it now because I want to see what everyone has to say. Yes, that's it. I'm not taking anyone's shit anymore. So I kept my mouth shut for a lot of years regarding my family that was on the show because of my parents, because I wanted to keep the peace, because that's of course, that's what makes parents happy, like for there's kids to get along, of course. And then after what my brother did you know him and his wife? You know, while I was getting married, I tried to make it all about them. That was it. That was the last show that broke the camel's back, and that chapter is solely closed. Yeah, and now this season you have to keep watching because something else comes out. This has been going on for years.
Can you give us a hint?
Yea? And I wish I could, but just got to yes, I will promise.
I can't imagine, like having personally done so much reality TV, like not knowing what's gonna be out out there.
Well, I mean, I know it's out there with what I rund, but what other people are saying.
Can control the other lanes? Do you feel like any of the other Real Housewives. It's such a huge.
Franchise now, I feel like organically everything started and you're like, oh, so and so knows so and so. Sometimes I feel like there's casting involved. I feel like on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, And maybe this is because I know every single one of them that's ever been on that show.
I'm like oh they weren't friends.
Like originally people are like, oh, this person would work like you were saying when it started like at the salon, and they were.
Like, oh, you would be great.
We started like organically friends with Tina and Jacqueline. Yeah, I was really friends with them.
That franchise worked so well, Yeah they were all they were actually real friends.
I guess what I'm getting at is sometimes I could tell like, oh, they brought someone on that wasn't really it was like a stunt.
Well they haveing that, but that's okay, I mean, because they want to keep the franchise going. If it works, that's a great thing, like if you build a new friendship, and if not, if you guys don't get along, that's even better for TV.
Right, that's true.
We had three Housewives that started on our season and then they were only on one season. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.
And then they just do like a deal, you think, for one season. So if it doesn't work, they're just like.
I don't know, I don't really know how they handle the contracts. But they also I feel like Bravo listens to what the fans are saying.
Not really the fans have asked for me to be on the Housewives. I don't mean this is about you, not me. But now, but Tea, I'm telling you that I don't understand. They don't really listen to the fans.
So Andy, come on, let's get toy spelling on please. I think she would be so good, like so good.
Yeah, I mean, I feel like Kyle's Austen Teddy Bethany.
I don't know what it is about me.
I don't know. Maybe next time I see him gonna ask.
He says, it doesn't make sense, he doesn't understand the link.
And you're friends with everyone, right he did.
Ask me that at the time. Okay, this is a few years back, and I was like, I know every single one of them on there.
I have a history. I could tell you my different relationship with every single one.
Okay, so I would put a good word in for you.
Okay, thank you. I don't know, I'd be eating alive whatever. Maybe maybe it's not.
The original Beverly Hills girl. Yeah no, you are Beverly Hello, hello Red Feather see that Clover City. Yeah yeah, you're a true Beverly Hills girl. So but you know, never say never.
I never say never.
Yeah, right, I mean I do for certain things, but I mean this situation never. Yeah, I mean you live here, so I think it totally fits. You would fit the part. Speaking of which, never say never. I know everyone tells me like, be with yourself right now, like you just gotta have an eighteen year marriage, Like I don't want.
To be with myself.
So how old were you when you get married? I was thirty two. Oh so I was twenty seven when I got married.
I'm not a virgin when I got married.
Now, you did you have have many boyfriends before your husband.
I was married once before my husband, okay for one year. And he was a really nice guy. He was a writer and an actor, and he had written a play and I was cast in the play. And he was like from a really great family. I really fell in love with this family. And they lived on the East Coast and outside of Boston, and I was like, oh, this is very different from my life. And he had a big family. And how did you guys meet? We met doing the play that he wrote, and then I was his co star. I don't know anything else. I've only dated co stars because it's my world. I know this sounds weird. It's different, but that's you know, that's what you were around. Yeah, since I was yeah a kid. I think my first boyfriend in high school, like wasn't an actor and we met through friends in high school. But from then on, everybody was in the business. And it's just like, I don't know any dicks.
You live in Beverly Hills. Hello, that's why, so you're around it, I guess.
So it'd be nice to meet someone that has nothing to do with the business.
Okay, you need to get on dating apps Rayah, Yeah, Rayah. I heard Rayah has great.
It's really hard to get on now, No.
But hello, you'll get on. Yeah, you could get on, but then everyone knows you're on. But I don't think Raya is like that. But so much you're single. I met my husband one see that really? Yeah, I heard dating apps are really good because it's hard to meet people nowadays.
Like, you don't about Grinder?
What why did you say?
No? What's Oh?
Wait, stop it?
Yeah, oh Tinder. She doesn't know these dating apps. Yeah, you don't know these dating apps. He's been out of it for a little bit.
So, speaking of which, the thing we can't talk about that we did together that you guys are all going to be very excited about. You did see like a naughty side of me come out. Yes, So it's hard because I was.
It's kind of turned me on a little it. I was like, wow, that's hot.
Because I was like conditioned my whole life that I was supposed to be the good girl.
I swear that's how my parents raised me, and that's how I was. Like. I never rebelled. I always listened. I never tried anything new because I was like scared because my father said, if you tried drugs and the drugs don't kill you and you end up in the hospital, I will kill you. That's what's just saying to me. I'm like okay, And I was, you know, and my parents are old school, like they're very into respect and being proud and walking with their head a pie. So he's like, you better never do anything to embarrass me, Like, you know, my parents are all about that.
It's a good one too.
Yes, and and you know what, and I'm like I'm about that too with my children, Like that's why even you know, even though I went through these legal issues, like anybody out there listening, like I walk with my head up pie, because I know I'm not a criminal. I know there's no criminal intent, Like, you know, I signed papers that my husband told me to say, and you know, because my signature was on those papers, obviously they were able to do what they had to do. And I was like, I didn't understand, Like why did I have to go through this? So I'm like, really God, like I was, you know, it was a hard pill to swallow, but like I did it with my head up pie because I'm like, there's a reason why I have to go through this. I didn't understand it at the time, right, but toy, now I understand it because I feel like I had, like I had to go through that Joe and I got ripped apart in order for me to meet my soulmate, which is Louie. And he really is my soulmate. He really really is. Like listen, Joe was a great husband, great father, But like what I feel about Louis is so different than what I felt with Joe. Like I really feel like Louise my soulmate. And it's like, look, I had, you know, I had to wait till forty eight to meet the love of my life.
So you're saying there's hope for me.
Yes, I'm saying there's definitely home for you. Yes. So and look I meet Joe and I were together like nineteen years.
Nineteen years.
Yeah, we had no choice. We got like ripped the part. He got deported. I don't know if you know the story. I do. So he got deported to Italy and then from Italy then he lived there for a little bit, but then there was like no work there. So then now he lives in the.
Bahamas and the girls can go there.
Yeah, and they see him all the time, yeah, you know, whenever they have break from school. And him and I get along great, you know, but everything's on me, like I take care of everything. I do it all. Soon he says he's gonna start helping it. I can't wait to see you when I'm like, you know, but like, you know, thank God, I'm grateful that, you know, listen, I'm able to do it. And I thank God every day.
And how did the girls respond to Louis at first?
You know, they were of course when they first met him, they were like, oh, you know, Louis Knight went very very slow. We didn't rush into anything, like we weren't sleeping at each other's houses, Like I never slept at his house because he had a son that lived with him. He didn't sleep at my house. I had four daughters, Like that was a no now And yeah, we took it really really so we didn't sleep together until we bought our house together.
Have you bought our house together?
What if the second sucked? Like, then you're in an assets.
Well I tried the goods before we bought the house together. Yes, yes, yes, I'm all about that, because you should definitely try the goods before signing the deal. Yes, I think that's a must, like definitely, definitely, definitely because the sex needs to be good, and boy is it good? Yeah?
Okay, so wait, I'm trying to gauge, like how long are you supposed to wait? Like this is all new territory for me.
All right, So I get what you're trying to say that you think you're never going to find love because you have five kids. You know what my ex used to tell me, because I don't know if he was just saying it because he didn't want me to find someone new. He used to say, no one's ever gonna want you with four kids. He used to say that to me, And you know what, I used to believe it because I was like, yeah, I mean I have four kids. I'm like, who's really gonna want me with four kids? But you know what, when the right person comes along, Yeah, they're gonna accept you with open arms. And that's how Louis was. And Louis treats my daughters like they're his own. I mean, that's what makes me love him even more, like that's just the person he is. And I have to say, like, it was just beautiful how the kids and Louis mesh together. It was I mean, have I'm really lucky because it happened so beautiful together. Like I love his sons, he loves my daughters. He has one son, two sons, two sons. How old are they twenty two and twenty okay? And his oldest son has autism. Okay, we see Nicholas's all the son's Nicholas. We see him every other weekend or you know, if Louie is away from work, then when he comes home, we get him. But little Louis lives with us. Yeah, and he loves having sisters, and yeah, that's a beautiful blended family.
And that's a great example, and I feel like that doesn't always exist. That's like the optimal thing you hope for that when you have kids. And do you think it would have been harder if you met a partner that didn't have kids?
Oh, but that worked? Who knows?
I mean, listen, there's I just met someone. You know, she was engaged to this guy and he has he had no kids, and she's like, he loves my kids like they're his own. I was just like, I love that, Like, and I said, are you guys going to have a kid? She's like, probably because she was younger. She was like in her thirties. And but you see what I mean. So you do find people out there, you know, men out there that will love your kids like they're you know, his does happen, So don't give up. And I'm all into psychics. Are you into psychic?
Yes? I have obsessed. Yes, So this is like a khle having psychics.
Yeah, no, I have. I mean nay. They told me I was meeting Lois when we're down giving a phone. Yeah, and after you talk to them, when you tell me what they say.
I never give up and I try any and every psychic. Literally when I was five years old. I mean your East coast, but west coast we have Santa Monica Pier. When I was little, they have like you know, the Arcade games and you know, it's like a carnival and they have restaurants and they But there was a psychic there and my mom let me go in and I came out hysterical because she had read my palm and she told me I was.
Five, Wait, I remember, uh huh.
There's certainly I remember in life for certain things.
Of course, things that happened. Yeah, I'm like, I don't remember that. I blocked that out.
But when I was five, this palm reader she told me I was going to marry a lawyer. And I came out hysterical, and I was like, no, I'm going to marry an actor, because I was right, you know, that's all I knew, you know. And I was thinking all the handsome like leading men on all my dads.
And I guess she was strong, right.
I mean, if I had married a lawyer, so.
That's I had no financial problems, I would have no Yeah, that would have worked out.
There's still time there is. I don't want to be with a lawyer.
Why not?
I don't know.
I love smart people.
I love smart people too. I find like, like I love I think.
My husband's so smart. Like you know, I always say them, I'm like, I love how smart you are? Yes, yeah, why wouldn't you want to be with a lawyer? I love that.
I don't know.
I'm still here and hearing him fight in the courtroom or whatever. I think that's a turn on.
But maybe if I moved to New Jersey, who can I go out with their.
Being in New Jersey? Yeah, you would find a Jersey boy.
Yeah, imagine me with a Jersey boy.
I don't know.
I've nerved been, so come and move by me. We'll see what happens. Yeah. I really wanted to talk to my psychic. I had two of them that told me it was meaning.
LOWI this is the clue to me.
When I go see a psychic, they're like, I, you know, I don't watch TV, I don't do it. And I was like, Okay, well you just said that, so why are you telling me that. I wasn't even thinking that. So as soon as they say that, and they always bring up my dad, who's past obviously, and oh there's been issues in.
The past with a female figure.
Oh they were the press that you know, half of it made up about, you know, issues like my mom and.
I could say your name is Tory, but you don't have to say your last name. And they do it over the phone. But if they say okay, sometimes they want to do FaceTime, but you could say I don't want to do FaceTime. You can just do it over the phone.
So the one you did that said you were going to meet Louis.
I gave the name.
Tell you she knew who I was because I met her. I met my effect through Kim Day. She has a podcast also, so I met her through her and her name's Carol, So I will give you her number. You know, she knew who I was, but she has that talent. You know, she told me what she saw.
Oh my gosh.
Okay, I'm going to talk to Carol, yes, and then I'm going to tell you what she says.
Okay, I have a few of them, so I'll give you a few of their numbers.
And the producer and me never stop. So I feel like this could be a show. You could be a matchmaker.
I would love that. Yeah, Okay. I love bringing people together because I'm all about the love love love. I love like I feel like when you're happy for other people, happiness comes to you. I really loved see other people happy. So I'm gonna put my intentas up for you and I want the best for you.
You're a good human. You really are.
Like you've been through a lot of stuff and I know you know, people always say like, oh, you know.
Poor you. You have a lavish lifestyle.
And you're rich and you're famous and like, but it's all personal and subjective to what you have going on. But I feel like good finds good and.
I love that you're always positive.
I feel like that light inside doesn't dim and I feel like that about you, Like you've always had that beautiful light. Like people are drawn to you, and it's not because of who you are.
It's because you have an energy and a warmth and.
That's why I attract people that have the same energy as me.
But it's great, I attract assholes. But so I don't know what my problem is.
But I have to thank my parents for that. I really, because I did ask my parents to send me a great guy. I really did, Torri. Really. Three weeks before I met Louie, I was walking on the Jersey Shore on Babe Boulevard, and I looked up in the sky because I lost both my parents, and I started spelling my guts to my parents. I'm like, Mom, bah bah, I'm like, send me a guy that's everything you've ever wanted for me and more. Then I was telling them everything like that. My mom used to tell me the kind of guy she wanted me to be with, and I swear tory. Three weeks later, I'm that same street, Babe Boulevard, that's where I met Louie.
Oh my god, walking.
By, like walking by. I was just walking with my two girlfriends, walking like exercising, and he was leaving his shore house that he's never been to the Jersey short that was his first time no going to the Jersey Shore. And he was leaving early. He was leaving a day before because it was cloudy owl so he was just wanted to get out of there. And he was packing up his car and I'm walking by, and I was pointing at his car because I just got I just had gotten rid of my white range Rower with black rims, so I'm pointing at his car. I'm like, oh my god, that guy has my car. So as I'm pointing. He thought I waved, so yeah, and then that and then my girlfriend's like my married girlfriend, I was with married girlfriend a single girlfriend. And then my married girlfriend's like, I'm gonna I'm gonna go talk to him. So she ran and across the street. Well, like you know, and I don't know if you've ever been to Jersey and you haven't been to the Jersey Shore. In the middle there's grass.
You don't know my life.
Okay, sorry, have you ever been there?
Okay, So in the middle, like you know, there's two roads and then the middle there's grass. So she started crossing the street. He started crossing the street, and they were talking. Like then I said to my other girlfriend, I'm like, well, we can't leave them alone. Let's go say hi. So we went over and I'm like, hi, I'm trees. So we all introduced ourselves and that and then you know, and then rest is history.
That's amazing.
So that's how we met walking. Yeah. See, so when something's meant to be like, you can't stop it. Yeah, and then some people are like, oh he knew, like he knew you.
Like no one can just be happy, like craziest things like it must have been this and he's.
Never been to the Jersey Shore. That was his first time, and he asked his secretary. He's like at the time, he's like, where do you think I should go? And he usually travels like you know, it goes to Europe a lot, you know, with his kids. It always he travels all over. But that summer, his secretary say, want to try the Jersey Shore, you know, And he took his son with his girlfriend and a few of his friends and that's and then that's when we met.
What if he hadn't gone, what if you hadn't decided to exercise that day?
It was I was hungover from the night before I went out. It was cloudy out. I always go walking, like first thing in the morning, like that day it was cloudy. So my girlfriend they called me at eleven thirty, They're like, let's go walk, and I'm like, I'm like, fuck that, I'm not going walking now. It's eleven thirty, you know how hot it's outside. And they pushed me. I didn't want to go walking at eleven thirty, so they're like, let's go get your ass up, let's go walk in And that's another thing I want to tell you sometimes, like when you don't want to do something like that's when you meet your person. So it's like I didn't even want to go walk in that day and my friends pushed me, and then that's when I met look my husband.
Oh my gosh, I don't even want my person.
I just want your body like I want I want Oh my god, well, oh my gosh.
That this is crazy.
If any of those things had just been off a slight bit, it wouldn't have happened, which is like Sliding Doors. Sorry I always referenced Gwyneth Paltrow movie. She must think I'm obsessed with her. But have you ever seen the movie Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow?
Yeah, I love that movie.
So it like shows two things like one day, like she misses the train and it's like what would have happened if she got on that train? But what happens when she if she had missed it? And like by five right second? But you see what I mean, Like I throw off the whole thing, right, I think I've.
Heard about them. I want to watch it. What's meant to be? I feel like it's supposed to be, Like I don't same thing with my parents. You know, that was a hard pelt to swallow too. Then passing away. Do you believe when it's your time at your time or you feel like you can stop your time?
No, I feel like it's your time, right, I don't know, but I still live in fear, like I won't get on the plane. Sometimes I'm like, oh, nol that like yeah, for instance, I don't know.
I hear like tragic stories like why you know exactly why this person had to die that way. I feel like we all have the way we're supposed to die in life, and it's like we all have our time, so yeah, just like whatever's supposed to be is going to be. Yeah, and like we just need to get up every day, live our best life, be happy, be positive, push forward, and you know, do it with the smile on our face. Definitely do it, especially because we have you have five kids that are looking at you, and you always want to do it with a smile on your face. Because that's what I did, no matter what I was going through, I always did it with a smile on my face because I knew I had four little ones that were looking at mommy. Yeah, and I didn't you know, because I said, if I showed them that I'm breaking down and crying and I don't know how to handle things, then that's how they're going to be. So I was, you know, like I need to be powerful, I need to be you know, stand strong and show and show my daughters what I'm all about. And so they could do the same thing. And that's and that's what they do.
I love that.
Oh my god, this is so nice. Wait can we end on a funny moment? Can we go back to when that day when I turned you on?
Yeah, let's go back to.
That, am. What was the sound it was like?
Yeah, I mean you know how I flipped tables? Well you yeah, you hit that table really hard. Yeah, yeah, that was I was like, whoa, that was hot.
Donna Martin turning over a new leaf. Yeah, like a new table, new leaf.
We both like tables. Did you like doing it on a table?
I mean, I guess I could