Learning to share, and put others needs above our own can be a lifelong lesson, and it starts in those small, seemingly insignificant moments when our children are still in our home. Today, we're talking about what to do when your child is being selfish, and you won't want to miss it!
In just 10 minutes, Erin Mohring and Gina Smith chat about heart-level solutions and scripture-based prayers to help you find your way!
SHOW NOTES: www.millionprayingmoms.com/pmm-s7-e16-what-to-do-when-your-child-is-selfish-and-doesnt-like-to-share-with-others MILLION PRAYING MOMS ON INSTAGRAM: @millionprayingmoms MILLION PRAYING MOMS ON FACEBOOK: @millionprayingmoms PRAYING MOM BOOK:
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