It stars SA Telenovela sensation Marunzo Thomas (Skemergrond, Arendsvlei) and debut talent Fezeka Nontlanga and challenges us to look inward, to break the silences that perpetuate abuse, and to stand up for those who cannot yet speak for themselves.
“With GBV still a pervasive issue, After Quiet encourages us to confront these uncomfortable truths and reminds survivors that they are not alone in their journey toward healing. ‘After Quiet’ challenges us to look inward, to break the silences that perpetuate abuse, and to stand up for those who cannot yet speak for themselves.” says director Thabani Makanza, whose bold storytelling has earned him acclaim across Africa.
Following its premiere, After Quiet is set to make its mark at international film festivals, continuing the conversation about trauma, GBV, and resilience on a global stage.