Plants: Past, Present and Future

Published Oct 10, 2023, 12:12 AM

Melbourne Writers Festival

Australia's boldest literary festival.
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For millennia, reciprocal relationships with plants have provided both sustenance to First Nations communities and many of the materials needed to produce a complex array of technologies. In this wide-ranging discussion, learn more about this fascinating relationship and how it forms the basis of everything – respect, connection and our future survival.

Featuring co-authors of Plants: Past, Present and Future – Barkandji researcher and storyteller Zena Cumpston, Wiradjuri geographer and scientist Michael-Shawn Fletcher, and geographer Lesley Head – and prize-winning Yuin, Bunurong and Tasmanian writer Bruce Pascoe, with Sally Warhaft.

“If we don’t learn to relate to each other, we’ll continue to destroy the earth.”
– Bruce Pascoe