In the sixth installment of our Johns Hopkins series, host Bill Curtis relives some favorite moments. Hear from Dr. Dale Needham, Dr. Martin Brodsky, and Dr. Megan Hosey on their innovative and groundbreaking techniques in the ICU. We also touch on Dr. Christopher Earley’s revolutionary care and treatment of Restless Leg Syndrome. And finally, we learn from Dr. Ken Pienta about the in’s-and-outs of the silent killer that is prostate cancer, and how best we can treat it pre- and post-diagnosis.
In this dedicated series, we're showcasing the medical breakthroughs & innovations from one of the world's most preeminent hospitals: Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Johns Hopkins Medicine is dedicated to improving the health of the community and the world by setting the standard of excellence in medical education, research, and clinical care.
Episode Timestamps:
1:40 Why is sedating the wrong way to go for ICU care?
3:25 How did Dr. Dale Needham break the traditional adage of sedation in the ICU first?
6:09 Techniques on orienting patients during a time of delusion in the ICU.
8:15 Dr. Hosey shares some advice for physicians dealing with psychological care in the ICU.
10:30 How does Speech Language Pathologist Dr. Martin Brodsky communicate with ICU patients?
13:15 What is RLS - Restless Leg Syndrome?
15:47 What is the innovative technique Dr. Christopher Earley uses to treat RLS?
17:47 Why do so many men die from prostate cancer?
19:02 What are the signs men should look for in identifying prostate cancer?
20:02 The use of proton therapy in urological issues such as prostate cancer.
23:05 Dr. Hosey shares her emotional experience with how COVID has changed her life.
Learn More: Medicine, We’re Still Practicing
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Hosted by: Dr. Steven Taback & Bill Curtis
Produced and Edited by: AJ Moseley
Sound Engineering by: Steve Reickeberg
Theme Music by: Celleste and Eric Dick
A CurtCo Media Production