Medicare Moments The Differences Between a Medicare Supplement & Medicare Advantage PPOs Besides Premiums

Published Nov 1, 2023, 2:10 PM

Medicare's Annual Enrollment Period - AEP - is October 15th to December 7th every year. 

Toni explains Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage PPO Plans and the benefits each program offers. Toni explains Medicare Part A, Medicare Part B and Medicare Part D. 

There's so much good information in this podcast, please be sure to share this podcast with your friends!

Recognized by as one of the best Medicare Podcasts in the nation! Write Toni - Toni's book is available at and You can call Toni at 832-519-8664 Toni welcomes all Medicare questions. 

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Toni's new book: Maze of Medicare is now available at Combining Scripture with Medicare, it is the only book of its kind. 

Toni's columns appear weekly in about 100 newspapers across America. If you would like Toni's column to appear in your local paper, or if you would like Toni to speak at an event - contact Toni King at 832-519-8664

Thank you for listening and be sure to tell your friends about Medicare Moments! 
