"McElroy & Cubelic In The Morning" airs 7am-10am weekdays on WJOX-94.5!
McElroy and Cubelic in the Morning
4,853 clip(s)
3-13-25 McElroy & Cubelic in the Morning Hour 3: NCAA & SEC Tourney thoughts from Dwight Perry of Wofford & Wimp Sanderson; it costs how much to go to IMG Academy?!
Wimp Sanderson, former men's basketball coach at Alabama, tells McElroy & Cubelic why the SEC Tournament Championship game is today, what will be the thing that stands out in this Tournament, and why auto-bids should probably go to regular season champs
Dwight Perry, men's basketball coach at Wofford, tells McElroy & Cubelic why the Terriers have been successful, how the granny-style free throws came about, and what's often missing in some of today's youth