Reese Walsh and Ezra Man had been told to stay away from bar Well.
Hang on, we've got Karen. Walters only had a chat with about his brother Kiv the other day, but he was in Balley. Remember we couldn't get get in touch with him. He was in Bali with Reese Walls. I can when this went down? How are you caroed?
I actually I actually broke the phone with me.
It's your fault.
But you better get onto the Broncos chief executive Dave because he's been told by the Balley people to tell the boys next off season don't come. We don't want you here.
He's a bit of a beat up though, wasn't it, Karen?
What happened?
They were just out of having enjoying himself and some muck race up and shove the phone in their face.
They just sort of push his arm.
He dropped his phone right, nothing to it, mate, you a cop and said this thing?
Can I get a selfie? I was at the airport which Walsh and he had about twenty selfies at the airport. Yeah, no one dropped their phone.
Then, mate, say, weird that they bought the guy another phone? Is that that's true?
They place. It's a good will gesture.
What's going on? Then we're saying they can't come back.
Then that's a bit ridiculous.
They're able to go and enjoy a holiday for God's saying, Yeah, I would think so that's right, Karen, it's not very nice.
What have you got there?
What's That's what they've said.
So apparently Bally have said to Dave, who's there, what is his the CEO? Was he to tell them that basically, don't don't come back. But they were talking about just stuff that had happened over their photo taken from a restriction area. Ezra's been standing next to a hospital bed holding a couple of drinks. I don't know what's going on the end of Yeah, whatever happened with the phone, I don't know if it's got anything. They haven't said anything about the phone, but they've just said the photo years taken for what were they doing in hospital? They must against Ruesi's will and he fell off.
And akay a bit of just because you were there, that's what Karen was there with them.
Yeah, well obviously they've taken this photo and well they're obviously they're on holidays. But that's what people do.
Obviously than you do, and you put it on social bod and people see it.
So they got Bali Bally.
Too, which wasn't good. I don't know if they want to go back.
By the sounds of it anyway, I think the holiday elsewhere.
Gosh, you get home, let me care you be he was.
I don't think if Barley say listen, don't come back, He's like, no problem, mate, I wasn't. It's okay, I got this.
Thanks for the inside.
Kry, Thank you mate, my pleasure.
God always a legends, Isn't that
Sounds like a hell end of seas and trip