People are talking about a new app, MARNI think Tinder for property. Yeah, okay, it's called a Body and charl Gresta is the founder of it. Hello, Joe, how are you doing good?
Thank you, thanks for having me here.
Our pleasure. We're just thinking tinder forent property. So you swipe left, you swipe right. Is the picture of the property like it is in real life?
Has it got to filter?
Yeah? Yeah?
Or you're just seeing the headshot.
I can tell how this interview is going to go.
Oh yes, yes, so tell us how this works. So obviously you'll see a house and you bought. Swipe right if you're interested, or do you swipeeft if you're not? Get them out of the way.
Yeah, oh look, probably not as fun as d tinder. Swipe left, spipe right, because it's property, we need to give you a lot of details, right, yes, so, but it's definitely in the same sense you're putting in your I guess your ideal match. Right, So we're asking you questions about when you're on board. I guess when you know what do you need in an area or a location? So do you need to be in your schools, hospitals, you know, work, how fars work, How far you know your family's place? You know, what is the information and data about that location that you need to basically purchase in to make sure that it's a good investment for you.
So then when we populate that info, it's totally customized to your profile.
Okay, So then you get the houses that kind of match what you're looking for. So if you do swipe right on a house, does it does it start a conversation with you and say, Hey, I've got an open house this weekend, drop on by and check me out.
That's a great can No, I'm going to say. What we've got is the professionals, So you can actually chat up the professional.
Inports out exactly if it's like someone's got to respond to you.
Yeah, can you have regret by regret?
Look, I think in the dating world you definitely can. And it takes a few years in some cases to know that or a few hours, but you know, by regret is a real thing, and that's one of the leading factors that led us to start a body. You know, players that are purchasing property, they don't know all the data, they don't know all the information, and we actually had a client who bought it auction before she worked with a body This is like a few years earlier, and she ended up overpaying by one hundred and fifty thousand, and this is because of like overlooking her due diligence. So no building and pest inspection was done, no conveyancing, you know, to review the contract of sale. So then when we got the property six months later, there was a massive defect and it caused one hundred and fifty thousand dollars worth of damage.
Yeah, we don't want that.
Don't want all right, So the app again for people to.
Check out what was what's what's the app? Where can people go and check it out?
So it's a body AI and it's on your app store or Google Store, and you can go on our website which is www dot a bodie dot com dot au.
Well, thank you, thank you,