In episode #1927, we talk about the value of having a marketing focus and how to find out what it is. There are many channels available to us as marketers and, while the multichannel approach works best, it does not make much sense to adopt it when you are first starting. That is why you should drill down on the channel that works best before branching out. Tune in today to hear more!
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Welcome to Marketing School, the only podcast that provides daily top level marketing tips and strategies from entrepreneurs that practice what they preach and live what they teach. Let's start leveling up your marketing knowledge with your instructors, Neil Paatel and Eric Sue. All right, guys, before we start, we got a special message from our sponsor. If you want to rank higher on Google, you got to look at your page speed time. The faster website loads, the better off you are with Google's Core Vital update. That makes it super super important to optimize your site for low time. And one easy way to do it is use the host that Eric and I use, dream Hosts, So just go to dream host or google it, find it, check it out, and it's a great way to improve your low time. Today we are going to talk about how to find your marketing focus. So marketing focus is all about there's so many channels out there when you think about the on channel perspective, but how do you focus Because it doesn't matter what size company are. When you're really getting into marketing or trying to grow or trying to scale, it's hard to do all the channels first. And this may not be the way you think about marketing focus. But the easiest way to figure out your focus is actually treat marketing like spaghetti. When you cook spaghetti. You know, when I was a little kid, they told me, you throw it against the wall whatever. When it sticks, you know it's ready and it's good to go. I never threw my spaghetti against the wall. Me neither, but that's what they told me. So with your marketing, I want you to think of it as spaghetti. There's a handful of tactics that you can try. Take these handful of tactics. Tryum for a few days, a week, a month max. Throw it against the wall at the end of the month or at the end of a few weeks, whatever the period is. You'll figure out which one sticks some A few of them may stick, but one probably sticks better than the rest. That one that sticks better than the rest is usually the one that is performing better and has the most potential. That's your focus. Once you do really well with it, then expand to the other areas, but start off with the one that sticks the best. Yeah. So resources are constrained in early days, or really for any business, but especially in the early days when your time is constrained, your money is constrained. You really don't have the luxury of trying to focus on different channels. And take this from me. When I first took over Single Grning, I tried to do a bunch of different things at once. I tried to do SEO, try to do podcasts, try to do YouTube, and these things all eventually worked out, but it took a lot longer. And so business is very let's say, it's very fragile in the early days, right, and so you have so many things that are going against you, and things can just fall apart easily. So if you can just focus on one first. So I remember when I worked at a startup, we focused all our efforts on one channel. I bet the entire company on one channel, YouTube ATS, and I put most of my effort after Single Grening, after I tried too many different things. When I first took over, I was like, Wow, you know, SEO is actually starting to work. I should go all in on SEO. So I went all in on SEO. Then I start to get the other channels up going more because again, if I'm going to try to do YouTube, SEO, all this stuff, I'm diluting all my efforts and things are just gonna grow a lot more slowly and I'm not gonna get the results that I'm looking for, So focus on one that's working. Initially. If you see one that's working, double down, triple down. What ends up happening is people, especially me. In the beginning, I was like, one started working. It was stupid. I try to do other channels too. Once one, I was like, oh, this one's working, Why don't I try three other channels. Okay, if you don't feel like you've maxed out one yet, then you still have a long way to go. So look, that's it for this episode. Short suite. Check out Marketing School dot io slash Training Training. See you, guys, We appreciate you joining us for this session of Marketing School. Be sure to rate, review, and subscribe to the show and visit marketingschool dot io for more resources based on today's topic, as well as access to more episodes that will help you find true marketing success. Text Marketing School dot io until next time. Class mixed