Marcus talks holiday injuries, takes more 2025 predictions, and gets to the bottom of the splitting of the atom.
You're listening to the Marcus Lush Night's podcast from News Talks at b.
WHO eight hour Wait Greetings, welcome on him as Marcus Hettel twelve Hitle Midnight Tonight. A couple of things, in fact four things, No, I don't know how many things. A number of things. One here you gon backler list. Don't even know what the list is. It is the silly season, okay, remember that it's still early, considerably in January. As a result, the show is slightly different because people are in a different mind space. People are either on holiday or wishing they were still on holiday. For those of us that have come back to work, it's a slightly tricky pivot. I don't know how it does for you. I work eight to twelve, so it always takes me some time for me to start peaking between eight and twelve, because of course you've got four weeks off. You're in a different mind frame, aren't you up early with the kids and goodness gracious me? So yeah. So just just it's a slightly different show this week. I think I've often thought about that, what to do with January? And we will talk about stuff and we will take calls, but hopefully it's a bit more chilled out. No one mourns the wicked, So yes, that's one of the things. The other thing is, throughout the course of this week we will take people's predictions for twenty twenty five, and I've got to do some caveats around predictions. The whole point of the prediction show is not to get five out of five of your predictions, right. The whole point of the prediction show is to come up with a wild prediction that comes true. And I think, oh my goodness, I can't believe Johnty predicted that. You've got to be remind when you ring up with your predictions. Also, people are listening to that. So youuring up and say King abdicates Trump gets sick scrusaders.
That's not interesting because people have said that stuff before. So what unique and interesting predictions. They're all on a spread oh, a spreadsheet. One of my favorite ones was the person that rung up that said authorities discover the remains of Steve Fossy, although I think it was Steve Fawcett. Now he was a huge figure in the two thousandths, but that guy must have been Rip Van Winklan been asleep because Steve Fawsitt was found his plane missing, was found in the desert. I don't know about Steve Fawcett because he was one of the first men to go around the world in a balloon. And subsequently I've realized why I am so freaked out by balloons and balloonists, because the Wizard of Oz got to os in a balloon. And I think that was when that book was written ninety ohe till I've always felt bad about balloons since. But anyway, and I once went to the Three Kings Islands north of a Hipaa or north of the North Island for a documentary and on that island as a lighthouse, but also on that island as a helicopter pad that was built. And as I'm saying that, I'm remembering with Steve Fawcett attempted to be the first man to helicopter around the world and specifically for him, had a helicopter pad built there. Well, it's interesting anyway, he was found Steve Fowtt. Anyway, I'm pretty sure it wasn't a helicopter rather than balloon. Someone will know more about that. We have a strong audience when it comes to aviation. So yes, if you've got predictions, feel free get to touch them anyway. You can Facebook message them, you can email you and you can text them. You can phone those through. There are someone already liking someone's predicting the return of kung fu shoes. If you're around in the nineteen eighties, goodness gracious to me, you could never read it of going to Sydney without them bringing back a pair of kung Fu shoes from Paddy's Market. And gosh, we loved wearing those. I'm sure they destroyed the arches on our feet. But ugg boots will be doing that as you speak. I'll tell you what. Egg boots and boat shoes. That's what's keeping the pidatrists happy. No arch support anyway. So yes, you've got predictions, phone those through. Also, it is the City season four news. But also a lot of news is happening, and if you are the eyewitness to news, let us know what that news is. You might be a to campground. There might be whale strandings or shark sightings. Although interesting enough, I've heard that most of the sharks sidings are bronze whalers that will be there anyway, so they're not that threatening, but that's just by the bye, so I don't know that they need to close all those beaches they've been doing. Anyway, if you're at a campground and there's some far on a headland, or some whale stranding, or some shark siding or wallabies beyond their natural range or anything like that, feel free to let us know. So I like to talk to people at campgrounds. Also nice to keep in touch with everyone. What's going on from what I've seen a quick squiz around the country. Things happening locally. There's free heavy rain in the north. If you've got reports to that, let us know. Coyo, the town that always floods. I think it's raining there, but I think they've taken most of the town to higher ground. The other thing, there's been a fity serious car accent north of Winton. It's half now north of inver Cargol. There's road closures there. I'll keep an eye on that also. If you have I've got reports of these things, phone that through. That's what we're about at this time of the year, is to keep keeping people updated. So yes, that's the information I've got for your check on the nz TA waka katahi about that. Oh goodness gracious me, website down for maintenance. Really during the holiday season you decide to re maintain your website, you haven't got a backup up there for goodness sake anyway, enough for me two topics tonight, Well, no, there'd be more than two topics. I will spread your predictions through. The first topic I want to hit you is and I don't want to make light of the person that came off the Flying Fox because those persons, that person went to hospital I think in a serious condition and I can't see a further report on them. But I want to use that as a topic to pivot to the topic discussion of your holiday injuries. What are you fallen off? I don't want to say that because I fell this holiday and it's a new thing for me. I fell twice of the same hammock. I love a hammock, and it wasn't like a drunken roll off. What it was the rope went twice, So if you imagine me lying on a hammock, then the rope went so I hit the ground for about three feet up with my entire body from the heels to my head hitting the ground. At the same time, so it was like goodunk, not very pleasant at all. So I did that. I went back on the hammock after it was retired. It happened again. I wasn't injured, or silly pretend I wasn't injured. There was kids around, but gee, that's a nasty fright. So I wonder what the thing you have fallen off this holidays has been? Has it been a hammock? Very easy thing to fall off, Always good to check the ropes, and of course always with flying foxes and swings. So that's topic number one if you want to partake in that. I'll also take your predictions for twenty twenty five, what you think is going to happen. I'm sure there's plenty of international news tonight, obviously to some New Zealand connection to the news with Trump, I think saying that they were the first country to split the atom, which of course was a key with that. Did that I think was a key with that did that in England. I'm pretty sure that was the case. Might be wrong there also, but there we go. There's been a serious extent also when your plymouth just keep you up to that date with that. But I can't tell you more about that because the by the way too, I think probably the pig of the day for the weather has been bluff weather. There has been a stunner today, so plenty of people out and about walking, which is exciting. So every night I don't want to wear the gloat because I realized we get a bad a lot of the time. But it seems to be very good tonight. Oh, Bieber's on the bong. There's something that didn't make my predictions. Keep it going. Eight eighty one, Part eight, Sharon, it's Marcus.
Good evening and welcome, good evening, Marcus. Yes, Ernest Rutherford split the at him and he was from Brightwater at Nelson, but he didn't.
Split it in New Zealand, and I don't think is that correct.
I'm not sure about that. There's a huge statue of him out in Brightwater's being beautifully erected out there with the big brick wall around.
It was all the.
Information and everything for people to read about it about where that happens.
Tell me about bright Water? Are you a bright Water Ian?
I live in Richmond, but it's just a small town with a tavern and a four square in the fish and chip shops.
So you need it exactly.
Yes, my daughter lives there and she's very happy living there.
That sounds fantastic. I thought he had a collection also with Hevlock. But maybe he went to sit all there and then meant to bright Water or something like that.
Yeah, we'll Havelock isn't that far away.
Maybe his dad was a teacher.
Brightwater's got a beautiful primary school in it and a bus service. So, like you said, that's everything you.
Need, absolutely everything. We shouldn't say too much about it because it sounds like the town's about to boom.
Well, who would know. We'll wait and see.
Nice to talk, Sharon, Thank you so much. No one. Yes, Born and bright Water. There you go, Born and bright what. At the age of eleven, the family moved to Havelock. His father was into flex who isn't and developed flex mills? Who hasn't? Ben Marcus welcome?
Yeah, hey MICUs, this som on the holiday injuries. But just quickly on the innest Rutherford thing. I watched it inauguration this morning and Trump said they split them. He never said they were first to split the item, and absolutely did split the item. So I think it's been so can out of context like they did split the atom, they went first to do it, but he never said they were first.
So so what happens in his inn as we get to see we get over excited when someone kind of acknowledges to something in our wheelhouse. I think the mirror of Nelson nick Smith got involved.
Yeah, look, I think. Look, I'm not sure what contacts Trump was meaning, but from what I got is they definitely split the atom, but he never said they were first to do it.
Yeah, that makes sense to me. Yeah, it's making us look at thin skinned around the world and that.
Yeah, but he just will not all the injuries. So we stayed in Moreki, lovely spot. I didn't get very.
You didn't fall off the boulder. You didn't fall off the boulder.
As you No, no, no, no, So what we're saying like wan occer over Christmas New Years Then we went to Moreki and absolutely beautiful spot, lovely people and my wife we stayed at it was self contained, Kevin at the village holiday park there and no, this is a Morechy yep, this is after we left Walker and we got there about the second of January. And yeah, coming down the stairs of us this self contained. Kevin tripped over and broke your big toe, So it was.
That sounds like it would be like you try and get to bed, but you can't. Then you go to A and E. Is that right?
Yeah, so A and E and omor there, and she's in a moon boot at the moment. So it's not the best. But hey, where would and stuff? I was going back, Like I said, it's the only place that I've seen didn't hike these prices over Christmas news. They seemed to have the same price year round.
So that was great.
Look, I'm pretty sure I've stayed there. It seemed to be quite good when we were there. That would just be not so long ago. Too. Well, I can't dit on street? Does your wife need to drive.
When I'm at work? But yeah, I think she's she's getting in the agency at the moment, so yeah, that's not too bad.
But I think you can get a car with hand accelerator.
Yeah, but she's probably only in it for about six weeks, so it's not not sort worth it, isn't it. I think it's only got about two or three weeks to go.
So yeah, it was she intoxicated, No.
No, just simply coming down that happened to be raining on the second and yeah, she just slipped.
There's nothing worse that feeling when your misjudge's slip while your heel goes over it. Yeah, the bad things steps, aren't they. I'm not saying bend them, but you want to be cautious around them.
Yeah. Yeah, so it was a wooden one, so I would say if it had have been a concrete step, you know, it's not normally as stoppery as a wooden step.
I surely when someone says split the end and they mean first to split the adam, don't they because can't anyone split the item these days?
Yeah, well, look the Americans, they definitely split the atum. But he give us said that they were first to split them. Okay, so I think it's been taken out of context a little bit.
Yeah, fair enough to got that to like you take to I like your take. Some interesting texts and some texts that make not a lot of people in the predictions are predicting bitcoin to go up to a certain amount, but bitcoin is volatile, so probably jump around for a few years. Someone says, ore the la fires out, yet hard to know they're always such and such contained, aren't they? Someone predicts fizzbo dot co dot nz it'll be huge this year. I've never heard of it. I think it's probably someone promoting their website. O. Good flurry, good initial flurry of calls? How many in the flurry? Oh, eight hundred and eighty ten eight nine to nine two to text fisbo. Oh it's a real estate platform. Goodness, fisbo. It's good. It's a good u r l Earl Peter, Marcus.
Welcome Marcus, Peter here.
How are you good?
Hey, just this this this discussion around clumps for Slump's claim it was a bit of a a bit of a tank twist of the air. I wonder if he meant that they were the first to use an atomic weapon which would result in the splitting of the atom. Yeah, it's just another take on it.
That was the attention. Did the atomic bomb involve split in the atom or combining the atom?
Oh yes, well, because there's two types of nuclear engine fish and infusion, aren't there. Yeah, you're right, it could have been. Yeah, the the existing the existing technology might be a few ye know, I'm not exactly sure on it. I know that with that head drawn collider in Switzerland. They are one of the objectives is to try and split the atom and try and create I think I.
Think they do. I think an atomic bomb does split, so they might. He might have been right about that.
Yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, oh yeah, Well, I just that was just the thought I had. I heard your previous caller, would.
You would you brag about the Yeah?
Well, I don't know. He tends to want to brag about anything.
Fair enough, it's the breg Some would say it won them the war. I think probably, I don't know what the historians have said, but they did certainly stop the Japanese, didn't it.
And and apparently in his speech he did claim that America won, but you know where the force that won both the World War was. So anyway, that's his take on it, and good luck to him.
Yeah, okay, appreciate that. I think that's been a bit as good as discussion as I expected about that. It is the splitting or fishing. Fishing. It's a good word, fishing, isn't it? Of the atom? Ifio n falls Trump a little bit, holo injuries, we're talking tripped and disscated, little toe. One word crocs, but he taped it to the two toes next to it. Good as gold, mate, I wouldn't think the crocs were a problematic if they're wet, though, I'm just sure there's a lot of shoe extant to that. I guess crocs and generals. Well, though, you see more crocs than jendles now, don't you. I think we've gone over that peak. I think the jendles in ten years could be a thing of the past. Personally, I don't like anything between my toes. I've never really been a general's person. Although I'm yet to see as many crocs floating up on the beaches as jendles for a while there now, I've never crocs float up anyway. Of course, the kids love them in the hollows because really, easy on, easy off, that's what you need in it for the summer, the Kiwi summer, Off go the crocs, On go the crocs. Probably the catch cry for the summer has been have you seen my crocs? Dad? We're are my crocs? For goodness sake? But a science already. Tonight's splitting of the adem Your predictions for twenty twenty five Interesting predictions? No one's pretty good retailers to go broke. Yet last year it was all about the warehouse, which always seemed quite prescient because retail did have a hard time. I was in the Briscoes today on a pillow search. Quite successful. Actually there's a sale at Briscoes. Although the thing the woman jumped in quite quickly say the pillows aren't refundable. Who would want to refunder a pillow? Would try pilow then take it back, although that was taken as red that you wouldn't take the pillows back. They probably need a pillow testing machine. It's quite hard to work out what's the right pillow. Lynn here from Bulls. Well, I went to Bulls but didn't spend long enough to Bulls. I'm going back to Bulls. I got the bus from Huanganui to U Tucky and boy did that take a rambling route. It was like a two of the small towns of the South Island. Actually, mart on Bulls doesn't tell like many were more towns. Palmers to North Sandson. I think we went to Fielding, did we? But I've always been quite disparaging about the Lower South Island of the Lower North Island. But actually it's got some charm some beautifully maintained little houses. Hold your horses, Lila, come back to you and if you want to be in part of the show with your predictions or your talk of fools, anyone else, come out of the hammergrad of a bunk. I mean, how many of you have gone on a holiday and you've gone to the crib and then you realize you're in the top story of the bunk and that will hang about? That seems a bit sketchy. Had a normally think you have a terrifying sleep because you're gonna be too scared, you're gonna roll out. But actually what normally happens you sleep fantastically. Love a bunk. It's twenty four away from nine. Good evening, Lyle, this is Marcus.
Welcome, Hello Marcus, and welcome back. It's always interesting waiting in the queue when the adverts are on, I get to hear the Auckland adverts instead of the christ Such one.
Is it caused you to change your thoughts about where you live?
Not really. I was once off at a job with the organization I used to work for, and they wanted me to move from christ Church to Auckland. But I told them I didn't really want to immigrate, so I so anyway, So it's just the predictions. I've always meant to participate in the prediction week, but I've never got around to it. So okay, so I'll give you a few predictions.
How have you gone.
Most of them? Well?
How many are you supposed to have?
You're supposed to have?
Was how many allowed this time of the year? If you got okay, well have you got that many? Have you got four?
I've got I can make it. I can make another prediction.
I'm curious. So how long it took you to put the predictions together?
Not very long.
I wasdicting last night.
Some people some people's predictions are social commentary disguised prediction. Like there was one guy that was reopposed to wooden farms. Did you hear his.
But but anyway, So the thing is that I thought, well, a few of these predictions, I think they've already a few of them have been sort of canvassed by other callers. But you don't have to be nostra damists to predict them. A couple of men and they've got a couple of sort of wild card ones, but anyway, I thought that, like a couple of people I think said yesterday that the Ukraine War will end this year. And you don't have to be Nostra Darmists to predict that, because they simply that they simply won't have the United States or simply withdraw support for the Ukraine. So they're going to have to be made an offer they can't refuse. Really, that's one. Yes, as the former good Catholic boy I am, I thought that the pope's looking.
Pretty oh yeah wow.
So and he's only got one lung anyway, so it only had.
And isn't a cheer like this arose, isn't he?
So I think that we might find that he that there's a what they called it the convocation of cardinals or something to predict it, to predict and to choose a new pope, like that film that Ralph Raye finds us on who's called himself Rafe. He should be Ralph but anyway, uh, that's the middle time.
Can't he call himself what he wants? It's his name, I suppose, So I.
Suppose all right, But all right, so there's that I thought, or the alternative could be that he could take the easy way out like Pope Benedict and and and simply you know, retire because that.
That's a little he got shot.
No, no, no, that was Pope John Paul the second. Okay, Pope John pulled the second got shot, Yeah, because I was and.
He forgave the guy, didn't he which was quite moving.
Yeah yeah, but he still went to prison though.
But anyway, when he came out, he made him. Okay, So is hang on, is benedixter alive?
Well, well, as far as I know, he was a couple of years ago. I'm not quite sure. I'm not as assiduously Catholicism he died as I used to be. But anyway, oh he's not alive.
Is he dies?
Under see him in twenty twenty two at ninety five years of age?
Okay, okay, fair enough. Well, also, there's I've got another sort of more left field.
Hang on, let me just recap. We've got the we've got the pope dying, and we've got Is that all you've done? You've just done too so far?
Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah sake yep, okay, yep, okay, so left field, Uh, this is a bit left field, but a major New Zealand sportsman will be involved in will be busted for sort of major performance enhancing drug use.
Uh, I just thought.
That, like an like an All Black or a trek and field.
Yeah, yeah, like an All Black or an Olympic athlete at least or something like that. Okay, and I think that. Gosh, I think I've had a senior moment in Marcus.
I can't remember, probably something about or about Yeah.
I think also possibly the New Zealand dollar might thank even further this year.
Your heart doesn't seem to the prediction, Lyle, does it really?
Well, no, no, no, and I but I you know, it's good. I think that, you know, two point two pounds to the dollar is going to look pretty good by the end of this year.
And okay, I'll live there, Lar, But thank you for those.
Thank you.
If they're groad, write them down next time because I'm liking those a lot. Tre of Marcus welcome.
Hey Marcus, there you go.
Yeah, just a comment on your weather and bluff. You said it was a beautiful day to day yep. Yeah, Well I love and the cargo and hey, it's been great down here for a bit. Two weeks.
Oh, I came to town. It looked overcast. Oh come on, yeah, no, certainly the weather and in Vicago is not what it wasn't I drove there is a cargo cloudy again? Oh what temperature did it get to? What temperature to get to?
Trev Twenty one?
Wow? And I'll tell you what. Something about the twenty one degrees and bluff and vcago. It's like it's a hot twenty one degrees, isn't it?
Oh? Yes, absolutely. I drove around the country. I drive a kitchen bus. Then I go to queensbe sometimes and it's twenty five up there, and I tell you, and you come back home and it's only twenty and it's just the hot down here.
Are you the kitchen bus driver?
Have you had Vanessa on the bus? I think she was up on there not so long ago.
I've taken a few people down to the tower. Trail was going crazy at the moment.
Oh yeah. There was some big units walking past our place today from the campground, going to get themselves. A couple of bees. And I'll tell you what. When they get to the bottom end the boarder, they look fit.
Yeah, But I dropped them down to bluff to start the and they're off to the south and.
There's so there's South Island, there's sobers or something. Hey, terror, I apologize because we caught the inter City inter City from Duneda and that down. We thought there'd be more room on that than the ketch A bus. But I think next time we'll be on the ketch A bus.
Absolutely. Yes, we I tooked seven people down to the who's still in there? Just the other day they were all starting.
If you.
If you're doing duto in the cargo whardies, stop for a bite to wheat clean Oh yeah. Inter City used to stop at that tea rooms on the corner. Now they're stopping at the gas stations.
You don't know why we stop them on the way on the way to the need. But I also cleansed down.
We stop in London, brilliant, good town lums and Trey have nice to talk to you. Sixteen to nine Helen, and it's Marcus. Welcome good evening, Hilly.
Are you yeah, Hi, welcome back?
Thank you, Helen.
It's a great you a little great show. You know, you get better and better and better. So anyway, I have a prediction, but only one Dan said that was all right.
Of course your dance stands what he says.
Yes, Now this thing with the overheating houses, you know, the the executive the townhouses.
Yeah, apartments. I first heard about that in christ It's forty five fifty degrees. You've got no windows upstairs and open, no balconies. It's terrible now, now, Awkins, that's shocking, isn't it, Because you know, because you're buying a house in the winter, you can't really fare them how hot it's going to be in the summer.
Now, I predict this is going to blow up into a major thing equal to the leaky building.
I think it might be right.
Look, I lived in terrace houses. You know, this is many years ago, so you know, you maybe look at the past with rose since it's spectacles, but I don't recall anything like this. These were Sydney and Melbourne mostly, and I think the difference was that, well, we had a sort of balcony up stairs that you could actually kind of go out on, and so that you've got the eaves, you know, you've got sons not beating in. Also, the materials that they built that from were completely different, Like these were good solid brick you know, early early early urban architecture, good solid brick. They were sound proof. You didn't hear what was going on in the next door one. What's happening is they build these things as cheap. There's anything absolute trash and dark plannings.
And okay, we're moving a bit beyond a prediction into a call. But that's great. Tell me something I'm trying to remember that are heat pumps. Can they not afford to have the heat pumps calling it? Or are they just uncallable? Do you remember in the article?
I think that a lot of people just simply can't afford the electricity to run these devices, and they shouldn't. You shouldn't have to rely on mechanical ventilation or heating. You should get well, you know, you shouldn't have to. And what happens like, well, up here we can get we can get electricity cutouts that go up to a week.
Okay, I appreciate that, Helen, thank you. It's a good point. It's a great prediction, a good point. Thank you. Eleven to nine Beaver Marcus evening.
Yeah, good evening, Yeah a beaver are you going all right?
They're good. Now, I'm he's got in my hand. I've got a magazine all about the Lord Rutherford and the Taranaki connection. Not that Bible didn't realized. They finished up at pung Row and the house is still there on the Bowden Barretts family farm.
Yeah, a lot of people don't know a lot of things.
A lot of this is it out near the lighthouse.
Yeah, that's the Bailey Road lighthouse, not the cap right house. I look after the Bailey Boat Club lighthouse. And he was certainly born down at South Island and the family came up and living at Pungoo. Who Now, I'll just read a little bit in the dark here. In nineteen eighteen he became the first person to split the atom by firing alpha particles at nitrogen atoms to produce oxygen atoms. So there's a whole lot of stuff I've got here. But he actually did die and he's buried back in London at the Westminster Abbey.
Did the family move to Pangada? Who for the flag?
Yes, flare, they were all in the big flax business. I've got all that still out of the lighthouse. But I've got the pamphlet in my hand tonight, okay, And yeah, he was in a.
Why does that part of Taramaki have two lighthouses?
Well, the reason being the original one is still operates twenty four to seven and because it went fully automative, the government closed the public down because of the semi valuable gear in there. So the local got together and got money and they built the lighthouse, which is a museum at the boat club one.
Is it a replica?
It's a replica, definitely a replica. But I can tell you more. I've got it all written down. It's a big beautiful magazine they've got. And there was a Taranaki connection hang.
On, and it's called the Rutherford Lighthouse. Did you say.
That it's called the Rutherford. Yeah, there's the Rutherford Rutherford Connection. Yeah, and it's so it's it's the Rutherford Gallery at the bottom floor.
Would it be easy to launch a boat there?
Hell yeah. They launched a lot of boats every day there.
Okay, what's like like tennis?
Okay, well, fishing pleasure craft and it's very popular. Therefore all the town people come out with their uts and trailers and picking up all the seaweed. You know.
Yeah, we only got as fast south as Awakuda. But it was seemed to be fitty calm. Whither your head in Taranika seemed to be a good summer.
Oh yeah yeah. Now I was out there the game the day, and I go out every weekend, you see. Okay he he actually Arness. Rutherford earned three degrees while studying at the University of New Zealand. He had a BAMA on it and he spent his finals two years researching the electrical technology and developed methods of measuring very first currents in electrical circuits.
Nice to hear from you, Pep, I already appreciate it. Hunter as Marcus, good evening and welcome.
Yeah, good ay Marcus. I was just listening to you talking about the Ta and we're actually currently walking along Eurissy Beach on the Ta.
Wow, yep, we're heading for what So the plan is to walk through the night and arrive at the lighthouse at about ten a m.
Tomorrow morning.
Okay, so you know it's not it's et beach dot ut. Yeah that's why you yeah, okay, yeah, So how far are you from? How far down the beach are you?
Stephen ca, So you.
Left Riverton, Well, what time did you leave? Like two hours ago?
We leave riverdon to eight. There I go.
Yeah, so you're not gonna that wasn't twenty.
K's yeah, big of twenty k?
Why are you going all night?
We walked the whole thing and we thought a little bit of a fun thing to do, so a shop for the day.
So when do you expect to finish at Bluff?
About ten am?
Great? Okay, Well I won't to see you on my drive home because I leave at twelve. But you'll be on the road between et and in the cargo by then, I believe.
Yes, hopefully in the action on the beach, and he seals any people, any guys training their horses or anything like that.
Oh, the looks like the coast Guard or certain rescues out doing his training.
And a couple of porpoises swam past.
Oh and that porpoise is not hic to. We'd a couple of dolphins in the harbor yesterday, so they're sitting out there. Okay. Have you got a full pack or have you got rid of everything?
You just now?
I got the full pack?
Why full pack?
Well got to carry it to the end, don't you.
Okay? And I won't see you because you won't go past the house because you go around the back of bluff.
Or won't you?
Yes on the back and nothing over?
Okay, oh well, tons of luck anyway, and I might see you tomorrow. Hunter. That's fantastic. Think you did you say, Hunter? Just before you go? Right? When did you start?
We started eighty three days ago.
Did you see any dogs at the top, because I see one of the guys that's running it got attacked by those dogs. Did you see those.
Yes, we did see those dogs, and they attacked my walking partner's pole.
It's a bit of a worry.
A yeah, up, well there are pe defenders as well.
Not a nice start to the walk, Hound to thank you so much for that. Good luck, congratulations as well. Might see you tomorrow back after the news. Gee, what an hour. Greetings, welcome on him as Marcus here till midnight tonight. I hope it's good where you are. Where you are some great predictions coming through our texts. I'll get to those before too long, Marcus. Have you ever heard of kleptocracy? As in relation to Clipton?
I can't find any of my nineteen dictionaries, most of which I inherited from dead reloves Google it. It's all about Google now. I would think Summer's predictions Lebron James officially named in p Diddy tapes, Trump, will unit America, CHROs Luxe, and will get rolled in a coop Indian Are you will not make a profit? My predictions forest and bird launch and and vasis species of the Year competition. The Canadian goose takes out Bird of the Year and the inaugural Invasive Species total.
I like that.
It's a long stretch, almost as long as the wingspan of the Kadian goose, which reads the x MuBe hundred and eighty three centimeters. Of course, wingspans are important if you're playing wingspan great board game. No one mourns the wicked. Oh wait one hundred and eighty Marcus, we're discussing holiday mishaps. Your holiday falls. Marcus slipped over on a boat ramp and a halpie in my crocs, snap my little finger in tendons in half. No alcohols involved, just the crocs are crocs bed on a slope. If you go the croc or the general, what would be safer? I guess the doctors will have something to say about Crocs. I always thought crocs were pretty clearly what they last a long time. It can't be a good business model, Allison. It's Marcus. Welcome, good evening.
Hello, Jesus Creeven. I think I heard you singing then? Were you were singing something with Weren't you seen?
Have you seen Wicked?
No, but I sent you for an email last night, prediction that.
Get yourself there? That is a Well.
I'm hoping you're going to play a song from Wicked tonight at some stage. That's what I'm hoping for because it's Luke Letner's birthday down You said you like darts and it's his birthday today, and I thought, because you like Wicked, you'd play a song from Wicked. You see, that was my prediction for today, from yesterday for today. Did you see? I did it very late last night.
How old is he seven?
I think?
Amazing victory? That was m Yeah, he's extraordinary.
He's really, isn't he? For his age? He's fantastic, marvelous.
Well, he's the greatest dart player at all. He will go on to be And I think I know that these other players. So you like the movies, don't you? Oh?
Yeah, I like them. If I like under on the other lady, yes, so very good. I haven't been to see it, but I thought you could a song. That's what I'm hoping for. But you're not going to, are you.
What I realize is that probably musicals can polarize and I'm here for talk. But you never know your luck in the big city.
Well, Mikey Beeban also host. He loves music and it's his birthday today as well. Say that as well. So you're doing it for two people, really lovely, Thank you much, it would be lovely.
Thank you, Alison eight hundred and eighty ten eleven past nine. Marcus, my predictions tom Phillips and the kids will be found and the ten cent piece will be outlawed. Someone yesterday that Tom Phillips and the kids will be found and he would open up a wild food restaurant. Marcus, Crocs are fast, safer than the Jendle, even safer when sport mode is engaged. That's when you flip the flap up. I've never owned Crocs. I've never owned Crocs because I've often believed that people think I'd be the sort of purse that would wear crocs, which upsets me. No one's actually said, oh, you'd love a pair of Crocs, but I think people are thinking that. But I like their popularity and the utilitarianism. It's just not for me, probably because I can't work out what color Marcus. I'm just showing a crazy bunch of callers via my internet radio after work. I work nights, so while living in the UK, i'm living in your time zone. Predictions for twenty twenty five. Have you got my password Dan to get my emails? No, he's on another call. Predictions for twenty twenty five. Donald Trump will bring out his own brand of te solution. Prince harn Meghan will rejoin the Royal family. They will base themselves rather living in the UK and Australia. Kim Yong and will step down as leader of the North Korea following a health scare and being too tubby. New zeal will record a temperature of forty three degrees, make it the hottest destination, the hottest temperature in New Zealand's ever had. Brilliant So your predictions, Oh this is interesting, Thank you for that, Zachary apparently and nineteen ninety seven, in his inauguration speech, Bill Clinton also claimed this is a second inauguration that Americas split the atom. I can't see that in the paragraph that's been seen by the fondesturymall. It might be the second email this unit sent. Along the way, Americans produced a great middle class in security and old age, built un rivaled centers of learning and open public schools to all split the atom, and explored the heavens, invented the computers and the microchips, and deepened the well being of justice by making revolution and civil rights for African Americans. So Clinton himself and his second inauguration speech also said that America has split the which they did, They just didn't do it first. Gosh, it's been a long time for things that us in and can be excited about, isn't it? The atom? And Hillary? No shoes are good on a slippery boat ramp. If you parked up at a sulfur point boat ramp and total on, you'll see people coming acrop it all day long. Some really hurt themselves. What are they right things to have on your feet for a slippery boat ramp? Do you ever go down with a rope? Degrapel down? Marcus crocs have holes in them? To let out your self esteem. Very good crocs damage children's growing feet. Not recommended by pediatricians. How would they know? How would they know? I feel that pediatricians are always bagging any kind of footwear. I mean Roman sands kind of being good for feet. Can they I'm curious about this now, what would be the best footwear on a boat ramp? I feel there's a marketing aspect for that. You go on dragons Den, like something with grippers on the soul. Yeah, the nasty feeling slipping, isn't it when your body gets shot through even dolphins, and time goes slow. No, get shot full of adrenaline, doesn't and time slows down and you've got time to anticipate and expect the fall. So on about that, the things you fell off in the holidays, or the injuries you sustain, anyone come off a hammock or a top bunk. Your predictions for twenty twenty five. Some of it's already gone, but not all of it. You might want to talk about that. Also, updates from your campground or where you are always good to hear those, anything else random you want to talk about? Who had some good calls about Ernest Rutherford. Good first name, Ernest. It's a bit Gloria Valley, isn't it Ernest? Yeah, you don't hear somebody to you. I say, there's a new name in the top ten in Australia called Noah. Everyone's called Noah. Used to be Oliver. Now it's Noah. I always look at those top ten nameless they never change much. It's always Olivia anyway. I don't know what that's about. Marcus. You are the same as me about crocs. But my daughter bought me a pair of sketcher crocs and they simply the best after be saying I'd never wear be seeing dead in them. I don't have a problem with crocs. I just don't think that people worries me that people assume that I'm the purse that would like crocs good evening chairs as Marcus. Hello, welcome Obargas.
Boat ramps. The good old woolen sock.
What a great slation you're here.
You wear your socks. I used to do rowing into the Meiden, and that's what the massis would tell us. All the rowers had they wore those rugby socks when rowing, and I was the cocks one, and I wore socks as well.
Makes perfect sense. Have you tried that as an adult?
No, because the ug gun boots or something wrong. Buddy, swimming shoes, that's the idea. I remember the old Norska moose.
Yes, that's right. I live in the northwear socks, love them to pieces.
Well, we're perfect. That's the perfect footwear for boat reps.
Yeah, liking that. That's a great solution. Thank you, Jerms. The President worked out with a ripple boat ram that doesn't get the moths. That's a great That's a great call chairs. I'll put that on the Great Calls of the Year. Predictions twenty twenty five are Chinese car manufactur will bring out a ev you aimed at the trading market, which will outsell the Ford Ranger and the Toyota. Lawson will start to beat for Starpin Max will leave Red Bull and race for Rest, and Martin Hamilton will not do well at Ferrari and retire at the end of the year. No one mourns the wicked Kelly Marcus, welcome.
A goodling, Marcus. My prediction for this year is and I'm going to be hated for it, awkwardly see Aucklandy c will not make the top four.
I think you'll be loved for that. I think there's already quite a big pleasure against the awkn FC, isn't there. They're just a bit too sort of cocker hoop about how well they've done.
Oh, it's just done amazing. Yeah, I just don't think they're going to make the top four. They have played well, they've had a few you know, wrinkled the last few games. But yeah, I don't think they're going to make the top four. And that's okay for this this.
Season absolutely Now, Kelly, I presume you're a bit more across this than I am because I've been on holiday mode. I know that the Phoenix coach said they just had a lucky start with all the home games. Did that prove to be true? Have they started losing away or what's happened to them? Have they lost some players or the wheels come off, or why are they down a bit?
I don't know. I think they were very confident and they're just getting more comfortable, which you would think if they were more comfortable, they would actually start to win. But the other teams are Yeah, I think I don't know.
I don't know.
I think there's something to be said about beginner's luck for teams because no one seems to know much about them, so you had a bit of an advantage for your first kind of few games. They are still two, They are still second on the table behind DLA United, So they're not doing badly.
No, they're not doing badly. And I can't wait to go to the next Auckland Phoenix game up here in the at Go Media Stadium, so that's going to be interesting.
And just you say they're not going to be the top four, you need to be top four because the top four go to the playoffs. That's the way it works. So they won't be in the playoffs. That's what you're predicting.
That's what I'm predicting.
Unfortunately, the guys in the port are not gonna like me.
Great prediction, Kelly, Thank you so much to good new original prediction. So I'm liking that a lot. Adelaid United, Auckland FC, Melbourne City Western United, the Phoenix are in ninth. Don't come right and a good one. I don't know why. Emotionally I feel more connected to the Phoenix. I just like the way their coach speaks. But look yeah, I I know when I was in Auckland for that week broadcasting everyone I work with all you've got to take your kids to see the Auckland FC, and look, I thought about it. We didn't do it, but that's just that's just horses for courses. We're too busy at the Marble's buffet anyway. Eight hundred and eighty e Tenny and nineteen ninety two detext. My name's Marcus, Welcome Hittle twelve, looking forward to what you want to bang on about tonight. Predictions, falls, shoes for boat ramps and crocs. I don't think crocs are inherently dangerous, and I think the podiatrists saying they're bad is just snobbery because they are a rubbish. Are they rubber or plastic? What would you describe them as? My prediction once again for this year is Luxen to be seen crocs, although I didn't. I walked along on a tonguey beach, didn't see him there with his crocs or without his crocs. I also thought that Winston would start vaping. But yes, you're right, and your previous call a good old Norse where farm fleck socks, grateful, slippery ramps last forever. Get them from your friendly rights and rural store gas store manager Hastings. Yeah, you're right. I've had plenty of discussions with farmers about their socks. And I'll tell you what. Once you were up here in nor Oh, you got the Norse where they say good thing about farmers. They're always up for a discussion about clothing. It's a long time on the tractor contemplating their choices. Marcus. In July, I was water blasting and slipped on wet concrete, had crocs on, broke my hip into places and still coming right. It's been a long, hard lesson. I would never recommend them to anyone. David. Wow, that would be one of the most sobering texts I've ever read. Were you on a slope, David? Some kids with them every day all year round. They have no arch support for growing feet. Well gosh, well spin our whole life and shoes with bad no art support, sandals or those flat shoes. A big support of the norsewear socks. Thank you for your text in it. I won't read that, but I'm loving what you're saying. Actually funny enough. They say crocs are bad for your feet, and boat shoes a bad for your feet. One time I was in that giant shopping mall at Parametta in Australia, at one of those shops that might have been Maya's or David Jones, and there was a sail on and there was a pair of shoes that were about five or ten dollars. Clearly they couldn't get rid of them fast enough. They were a Kroc boat shoe. I own those. I don't wear them that often, and as I'm talking about off panic that I've lost them, but theyre are remarkably zesty looking shoe and even that rubber tie b it is plastic. I think Crocs have the most claims for acc Dan, can we fact check that that's something that people make up, isn't it. It's gonna be the year of fact checking for Dan and me because people say some silly stuff. Two million dollars we spend on Crocs wouldn't be as bad as mountaineering. They get those people off the hills, would it? What's what does it say most claims Crocs? Is it the most of all claims? What about? What about? What about more than Jendles David? It's Marcus good evening.
Good Mark, it's good to see you back a Yeah. I was water blasting concrete on a very gradual slave that was nearly nothing, and I turned around to move the water blaster and my teeth just went out from under me, like I was a nice unbelievable.
Were they new crocs?
Yeah, they were it in you? Yeah? Yeah, I'd always brought to my head three peers, I've got none. Now I've been them all. They should be banned.
I could you guess that? Could you guess the slope?
It would have been less than one degrees? It was very, very almost not there. It was as if I was standing on ice. They just let go and was.
It was it? Was it icy? Or it was just mossy? Was it?
No, no, it was a little mcgreen, a little mcgreen, And I was wanting to clean it up. And it was unbelievable.
And you twisted and slept.
I turned and landed on my side like I'm over six feet and on over one hundred kilograms for one hundred and five but yeah, And when I landed on my side, I had my shell phone in my pocket. Yeah I heard this, No, now, I heard the lag crack and I thought, oh no, there goes my cell phone. I got my cell phone out and it was good as gold. And then I went to get up and there was no way.
Yeah, did you have to find a friend?
I had to my neighbor. I couldn't move, I could not move. It was awesome, awful And yeah, the ambulance came and they put me out and all sort to carry on here.
Yeah, and that was July.
That was in July, and they operated not no four and a half hours or something. I got pins and sprees and plates and yeah, they were at me beachside the next morning with crutches to get me out the walk. But doing something right that. It's a bit different than just having a hip replacement, you know.
So it's a ball and socket. Did the ball crack ordered the shank craik.
The ball brake off the end and then to break about two inches straded down as well.
Yeah, every time I see a pair of crooks, I feel what a you want?
You want to start a campaign because are you so? Have they have they said that you might get total mobility back or is it going to always be excuy?
I'm determined, Team markers, I'm determined to Yeah. Now I'm right now, I've just started walking without crutches.
So they're happy with the they're happy with the with the means and how it's all done.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's just up to me. It's more a muscle thing now in your sixties. I'm seventy two. But I've found all my life. I was sick. They could have they could have given me a stainless shit, but my bones are in good neck. That said, it was better to use my own bones because till you meet stainless hope, you lose some move you know. Yeah, but it's coming, it's coming, right, but I'm not looking forward to the window they film.
No did they mention crocs?
No, they never, but that's good.
They withheld judgment. Didn't say, oh, you know the croc casual. They didn't say that everyone's in.
Their own christ Yeah. I can't actually remember, but I think they might have asked me what I was wearing on my teeth, so they wouldn't know. Yeah, but yeah, headed at home, and of course my age and I don't get accre or anything. But there'll be thousands of people out there behind them.
And when you say you're home have you still got a farm or a bit of land that you've got to maintain a quarter acre? How are you down to a small ye?
Now, now I haven't quarter taking that. Yeah, I just got the house now.
Yeah, oh that's good.
You haven't got a maintenance to get going with a part because you're not. You're not going to want to do the old concrete drive again for a while, are you?
No, no, I'm right aga now. But I've got a boat and that's got to go. You know, there's things that I'll never be able to do again.
Well that's heartbreaking.
Oh yeah, they're chucking.
I would. The sad thing was that you're a bit of a crock convert with three peers probably around town. Here I am in the crops. Look at me. I've got handy on the boat. Chuck them in the boat there you go.
Yeah. Now, i'd bought them, and I bought sizes too small. You've got to have the motor size. So I like just to step under them down hanging and watch them out or by that, you know. But now I've got nothing like that. Everything I've got now it's got laces.
Yeah, extraordinary call. I think we probably play that as an acc David, look, thank you so much for your honesty and your story. That's like, that's extraordinary. For goodness sake, How was he chief?
I hope they're listening to Kroc hit office, and I was pro Croc. But that's a call that'll actually tune you onrogs, won't it. Can you imagine there, Dave on the boat ramp there is with the Crocs, but chuck them out, but we'll chuck them in the boat where you go. Actually might have a look at the bluffoat rab to see what the people have.
A lot of boats going out, a lot of the old farmers dragging the old stavies down going out to the straits, Boy, a lot of boats going and come about fifty trail, probably more than fifty trailers.
They got a new boat ramp, not doing anything wrong with the old one, by the way, But you know how it goes. No one mourns Steve. It's Marcus good evening good but frightened by that, not freaking, but sobered by that guy's call.
But anyway, Yeah, well I haven't told crocs. So I got into Crocs quite a few years ago because of where I live and and before they were cool, and they reach the stage where they wouldn't call them.
They were mocked and they were pilloried, weren't they.
Oh it's behind the front door. And then your teenagers say, I'm a Ted doesn't really wear crocs. You know there's someone else that have left here, and that sort of count. I went through that stage. But what I really find the good for And this sounds a little bit weird, but it's how I lived my life really, because I've quite a large block of land, a bit of water front of me, and boat and stuff and that sort of stuff. I have a peer that are really about ten years old and they've been out in the sun and so they're pretty rubbery, and I use that to go out in the boat all the time or even paddle the morning. And I have another pair which has got holes in the top, which is more sort of like if I go down a Bunnings and I can't be bothered putting my socks on or whatever, I might just go down a Bunnings or to the service shop for that if it's been raining outside. But gym, the gym, the gym. I know it may sound crazy, but the gym is at my partner I had years ago, an enclosed one. They look more like clogs from Holland, where I'm an engineer. So quite often come home from work and I've got my socks on. In the wintertime, you often keep your socks on, and I want to go out to the fruit trees or fertilize and stuff, and I don't want to put gum boots on. So I just put these crocs that I got, you know, they're completely closed, and she got me a pair for Christmas, and I was over the moon. You wouldn't think. I wouldn't think an idiot like that'd be over the moon because I can go, like I run sprinkles out on all the grasses and stuff and that, and it keeps on my socks. Try I don't care whether I get wet on my legs from the sprinklers because they can drive and that's how I use them, and I found them perfect, particularly the ones that have been out in the sun for ten years.
Well, if you're one of those people that work the land, your choice of football becomes important because you're in and out the whole time.
You know.
Sometimes I don't like gum boots often because you get too much gorse and stuff comes in them. So I crop like you're talking about with socks. I reckon that would be fine.
But I only have the socks on them when I come home from come home from an engineering factory.
You see what I thought you were going to say, Steeve. I thought you're going to say, you wear the croc and then you wear your sock over the crock a you're given that when I go.
That would be a pretty good look as the kids would love that one make. That would be a view there could go and that might be an It could be a prediction. Actually that could be one of the predictions. Top.
Yeah, they killed me, but.
I've found them blooming well for my life because I would go in and out of the front door and back door. I'm not a farmer, but I've got to but but I've got a block. Yeah, and I'm on the edge of the water. So in the water.
Where about you, Steve Adams, how's that got a bit of paradise going on there?
Last time we spoke was probably just as COVID start as I'm out of Actually I'm Steve from Okay.
We are you inland? Are you on the lake. Is that where you're saying you are?
Yeah, yeah, I'm on the lake. Yeah, yeah, I'm yeah, So I use it all the time hang on yeah all the time, probably threty times a day.
On Steve did you say your phone? Are you the guy that spent time and.
Wuhan that's the guy going around.
You're involved in pharmaceuticals January February.
Yeah, exactly right, the January February of twenty twenty two, before it all came out. Yeah, my daughter had been there. Actually, I've lived there five years. And then I'd heard a lot of stories that were coming from the pharmaceutical sites and I rang up. And that was before you couldn't we could talk about it. Then we weren't talking anything.
Twenty It was not twenty twenty. Twenty twenty was.
Probably January February.
Was it March?
Yeah, that's right, something like that. Yeah, bit of inside and then we had a couple of guys anyway, Yeah, that was the guy.
You've never slipped on your crocs?
No, no, no, no, no no, I never slipped on one. I used a lot outside. They're pretty much rubbery, you know, They're they're all outside. Two outside the right side that goes out to the lake, and I've got one at the front door. So either way, I got to covet. I don't wear them inside. I don't sort of wear them as fashion. And my daughter's get all those little things in them and know, you go everywhere. Actually I was hat a golf to them in New Zealand golf Tosrom the other day, and all these parents are walking around with all these little things and I'm going, oh my godness.
Really not like the adults have gibbets.
Yeah, not my cup of tea. It's not my cup of tea. But but anyway, for me, I don't.
Know what gibbet. I mean a kid that got gibbets. And one of the kids has got crocs like with a shark fin on it and a shark. But I wouldn't. I wouldn't know what gibbets to get.
Well they would, they would, because I haven't bought one in my life. But all of a sudden you get these things turned up and from Timo, that team of my factory, what the heck are these? It's like a bag of about sixty and what are you gonna do with those? Well, no, idea.
Did you say, are you have you got a factory for Timu?
No, no, no no. I get everything from my kids, I get to scent and my partner to get sent to my factory.
So you see what you're saying.
Nothing goes to the house. Something goes to the house.
Yeah, I thought that for a minute that you might be manufactured for Team. I thought they'd be the mother load. Call nice to hear from you, Steve, sixteen to ten, Good evening, Steve, it's Marcus welcome.
Yes, I have the sandals that I've made myself. They are KD plastic sandals yep. And I was given two red band gum boots with the tops of split. I cut the soles off and KDI sandals are stuck on with contact blue.
Hang on, you're running a KDI plastic sandal with a red band soul yep. To get you to go.
In the wet over ten years old. They don't let go in the wet. The most comfortable in the summer.
And I've got about twenty piece of unused plastic KDS at home and they're a bit brutal for me without the flat soil. But if I chucked the red band on the bottom. You're a vision. You're a foot vision. You're a foot visionary.
They work. I've used an Atos contact blue. They stuck on. I've recut them to the KD shape. They stay. They they don't let go in the wet. I wear them in the garden. You don't go for walking them.
They're not too heavy, they're not borting too much stress on those buckles.
No, not not at all. Quite flexible and the most comfortable sandal of their head. These ones are ten years old. I'm about to make another peer to keep them as a spear. These are really good. Now.
I'm not sure we can still buy the plastic sandals, can you?
Yes, yes, I got I got a well, actually no, I got them at the Salvation Army shop somebody from seeking end ones. But I'm not sure whether you can still get them.
I think last time I went to a factory in christ Jutch and brought the last of them. It might have been I forget what the factory was called, but I think yeah, I don't think they were making them anymore, although you can get quite similar things across through Asia if you go on the website. I think they were like an international type sandal.
Yeah, yeah, no ones. I've got the originals and there are very comfortable. Well they're well worn in. They're very comfortable. When they're brand new, they can be a bit tight, you know, they to break them in. But no, I found the over the summer. I don't wear covered in shoes. The feet gets smelly, so but they're better in the sandal.
Oh that sounds like a visionary's so yeah.
I've even got some Roman sandals, but I find that, Yeah, they I don't wear them very often because well, no, they're just very this the soul very stiff.
Yeah, that's right too. They're a brutal where it nice to hear from you, Steve, Thank you ten from ten. I was desperate to ask Steve for a shot of his jendle redband mesh up, but I don't know that he runs a phone a bit like you can take photos with it, which is a shame, because what a mesh up that is. If you'll over fashion week, I'd think it's a damn good idea. Sam from Humid Fun at a My Predictions, Whittakers go Bust, Sanitarium forced to pay text Malaysian Airline m H three seven zero wreckage is found Raiser Robinson loses dance off with Raygun. Trump turns Glory Vale on a high end resort with no loss of staff. That is a great text, Razor and Raygun with a dance off. So I've got a text which is kind of random. Someone says the Timur Rahman noodle hoodie and matching bucket hat Santa Snatch went off like a frog and a sock, highly contested and sought after gift. Did I suggest that? Because that keeps coming up on my feet. It looks fantastic. If I had one thing, I'd want those anyway, Get in touch people. I've got a lot of texts too, by the way, and some of the I've got some very good predict The predictions are coming through fast and thick and fast. A lot of people are texting them through that works email text or call them through h And now we're really in the bread basket of great text. So it's good we can mix them through.
She said, he she said, you did suggest that the kids loved it. Really, I can't believe someone actually we hadn't got that on Temu the Raman noodle hoodie. Hello, Helen, it's Marcus. Welcome.
Oh hi Marcus, it's good to hear you back on the radio again. Now I'm ringing. Just talk about crops.
There was an article in either that I'm from christ in our christ jut the Star paper or it was on Facebook. I'm not sure where I read it, but crops are the worst shoes for having accidents in. And this was from acc.
Yeah, I've got that article in front of me and you're dead right.
Yeah, yeah, terrible things. I don't wear them. I've never had a peer and I never will.
People love them though, people that have them love them.
I know, but do they love it that much that they you know, I could have accidents in them, and bad accidents. Look at that poor guard.
Before, unbelievable. That sounds I mean to break you. And it seems like it seemed like a lovely unit. Do you seem like a nice guy? The retirement all ahead and he's got the boat bed twisted on the croc.
Yeah, Like years ago, I had to go on the kid's scooters and I shouldn't have been on it. And I wrote through the rest to rest at the same time, because silly me.
Dark thing, dark thing to do. If you don't mind me saying so, no, I don't mind.
And the other thing is, I'd love to have it go on. These are these scooter things, these electric things, but holy hell, no, I wouldn't.
I wouldn't.
I wouldn't.
Dare did you do your Risks repair?
All right?
Yeah? They sindrome. I've got write a bed in my thumbs now yeah, yeah, no that Otherwise, I just wanted to tell you about that, the acc thing.
I kind of thought the genders would be worse than crocs, but they do say crocs are worse.
Yeah, that's what I mean. I think that I'm read about that right up. I don't know when it was, but I as you say, you're there.
Because I like you. I like you into your effects. Yeah, I've got the article. I've got an orin z article from Yeah, just way to bring the article up. They have the date on it.
There, so yeah, I'm not sure when it.
Was first of October twenty twenty four.
Yeah, that'd be right.
Two millions so far that year to people fools for crocs. There would be Steve's repair. He wasn't on a sec.
He said, no, he wasn't.
No, No gendle related to the sins are decreasing, mainly because most people have switched to crocs.
I would think yeah, I'd say so.
Marcus joint says losing balance or skidding on foot was the most common way for building sustained injuries in both jendles and crocs. A twisting movement was the most comdon way to be injured wearing heels. Ten people were struck by an animal or person while wearing crocs, causing significant enough injury to require acc One point three has been paid to four and one point three million paid for four and only five people who needed to recover from gendle accidents. The gendle on the number and cost alone, the humble jamble jendle appears to sustain the most damage to the wearer. So more. Yeah, Hi Peter Marcus, welcome baby.
Marcus and hipping you to you and your family. It's right, four predictions.
I think it's four tonight, Yes, right.
Hey, Peter, Well don't you for actually understanding the rules of it so well, that's unbelievable.
It was only through my friend Gillian and christ as you've owned in last night. I'll predict there'll be an assassination attempt on Donald Trump this year. Yes, I'll predict that King Charles will still be king at the end of the year. Yes, And I'll predict that gasoline petrol will go up three dollars twenty plus this year because of the dollar go down. And I'm going to put that Phil Major will be mayor of christ Church at the elections. Well, Cycle Lane, Sarah, Yeah, she's good, But I think four's done a little bit of work around here in christ Church. You know, he doesn't deliver figures because the figures don't count to anything because they all come to come to pieces, because they don't get the box until they get in as governor of the city.
If there's any city that's going to be right for biking, it's christ Church, isn't it?
Yes? True?
But why narrow?
He would row both sides when one lane could do it on one side, he would row. It's a busy, busy road.
Okay, Well, I'm in Forsycle, I'm in for Eempleton, I'm all in with Sarah. I think I quite like Cycle as Sarah.
But that's that's fair enough enough.
I know it because I'll tell you what its It works in two ways of nickname because it means Evee remembers them too, doesn't cycle wayt sera. Okay, so we got major bout. Crump gets shot, king remains what was.
The third.
Leans to guards at the three dollars.
Yeah, that's it, okay because the dollars through the floor. Thanks Peter. I did read an article before I came to work that said in Australia this year, the price of a flat white coffee will probably go to ten dollars. That's ten dollars Australia. That's eleven Kiwi dollars. It's not of money for coffee, isn't it? Because it's not one of the core food groups, is it? A lot of people probably want oat milk. It's not milk. You can't milk a nut, we can't milk a grain anyway, will be eleven dollars or twelve dollars for an oat milk, flat white, cheapers, rent wages and the price of coffee through the roof Climate change. Taylor, Hello, it's Marcus. Welcome.
Hi Marcus, thanks for having me on the show.
Please thank you.
Well, I just wanted to I was going to talk about the crops, but then you guys ended up going on to Christchurch and cycling, and I'll tell you what, it's an interesting time for local government. I think I might actually be the only seventeen year old in New Zealanders into that stuff.
But when I was in.
Christchurch would have been in September. I was there for about five days, and because I didn't have a car, I ended up renting out one of those e bikes, a line bike from christ Church, and that was between is them where the university campuses and the airport, and you have to go through Memorial Driver here to go through Burnside, and goodness me, the scariest thing of done in my life. It was like, even though there was no traffic because it was pretty much nighttime, it was after eight pm, it was good. I just felt like I was going to trip over or something. Because the problem with these e bikes is that almost all of them that you find, they're supposed to have helmets attached to them, but people just nick them and so you just lose. You just kind of have to risk it and use a bike without a helmet, which I could never do. It's just something scary. But of course I'll just go back to the CROs here. You know, I just thought you'd appreciate the irony that. Funnily enough, my GP he wears crops. He was actually wearing them at my appointment yesterday. And I mean, you know, you know this after that acc reporting about how dangerous they are, and you know, I'm going to be honest, I do find them quite stylish. When you agree, do you think they're quite stylish?
Or were you?
I was born in two thousand and seven. Yeah, so News Talk zb's youngest listener probably.
I think that's something. I don't know, if that's not something to brag about it, I don't know, don't disparitingly, but yeah, yeah, could you get help for that?
Could you get help for that?
Help for what?
For being zb's youngest listener?
I don't know. I think that that's something that I'm going to leave up to you and and whoever else you know I managed to get in at this time. But you know, I do like the content. I think it's quite good. Normally, I look whatever of the program.
There's a couple of things. Where do you are you? Are you in Christchurch?
Where are you normally domiciled?
I live in Hastings. I live in Hastings, but occasionally I'll go to christ Church or Wellington for just events that are happening and I'll end up staying there.
Can come armageddon.
No, no, well the last time I went to armagn it's more and this is gonna girls, is going to press off your audience. Model United Nations. That's the things I go to. Wow, Yeah, take a bit of a break from it because it's a it's a bit of a it's a bit too expenses, so I think I'll take a break.
So I didn't know what that I mean. I got seen to something at school like was a model Parliament and one of the guys, the other guy we was, did it up in Parliament? What's the mode of the United Nations.
It's like it's it's like a simulation of the United Nations and how they function within committees, so things like the Security Council, but also the planteries, so like the the huge General Assembly. It's a simulation of that. And it's a whole bunch of people my age, normally high school aged children, and I normally go to the probably the biggest model U n which is in Wellington. It's a huge event. They have like a big opening ceremony at Parliament. Last year they had Carl Bates and the one before they had the Minister for Youth Development.
And so do you need to be nominated by schools or can any unit go?
Anyone, anyone can go.
You just you just send it an application and you you can you just go there. Everything's kind of at your own expense, so I mean, you have to pay accommodation costs. You do have to You do have to pay for your accommodation. There is an event fee as well, because they sort out your catering. They sort out, you know, getting the event fees and things and whatnot. And of course you're going to fly for everything that's outside of the event, so your food, your drinks. But there's been some really great opportunities I've gone from it. Last year I was able to go to the German embassy to New Zealand and with a group of probably two other people and we met the German ambassador. We you know, we asked you some questions. It was a nice visit to the German embassy as well. So there's lots of opportunities that you get also, not just in the event, but outside of it that they provide. But goodness me, I mean it's such an amazing event.
I'm glad I asked you that. Have you got Have you got a career Plannerre you planning to go down that road? Is that what the plan is for you?
Well, I'll be honest. I mean, you see some of the stuff in the United Nations and you think, well, is that something you really want to be on that side of Like there's a there's a lot of things that I you know, find about that institution that are quite flawed. A lot of it I think is very good, but a lot of it I just think, goodness me, I don't really want to kind of put myself in those shoes.
But you'll be hitting to Victoria will.
Probably yeah, well what he is cheapest? What it gives me to this scholarship.
But Victoria unieds wore all those people go all that sort of stuff. That's where you want to go. There's some degree that that wrap around for that, and that's where you want to be headed, right.
Yeah, absolutely, And of course you've got the Youth Parliament.
I think that's what I was many years ago, and that seemed to be that seemed to be the Yeah, pretty geeky.
Yeah, that's great.
I mean I was thinking of putting a name for it as well.
Oh you should, yeah, absolutely, you know I'll get a reference from you. Sorry, is there?
Is it?
Roman? I forgot who's presenting.
Brilliant Just so you know, people, someone in tope or played nine dollars twenty for coffee, so it seems to be up there already when you spend that money trying to hit the golf ball onto the lake. Kind of very good coffee on the kaitaky just between you and me. I love it and try and ferry, but Vanessa plunked the kids in front of them. Augitian and I stood by the side to watch the Magician, But desperately I should have gone out of the second floor to watch Wicked. I just didn't think there'd be time for the whole movie to play for the journey, but that's where I mate. But the food was ruvery good. What do I have to anything? So I forgot what I had because you know, one's was critical about the indryl and food thought it was great. Suet's Marcus, good evening.
Yeah, I'm Marcus. I've been wearing Birkenstocks for about thirty years. I weather Jendles and my children or where the stuff. But we've got that supports on them. And I was just wondering curious as to know whether your other listeners are we're birkenstocks. No one to mention them, but they're absolutely.
Incredible and they certainly seem to be the sandal of summer, didn't they?
Well, you know you can wear them in spring an autumn as well. It's just yeah, they're credible.
I want to know about the birkenstock is when the soles dilaminate, when they need to be repaired, right, Yeah, whether people have gone or gone bought the bits online and done that repaired themselves, because it's a fine line whether it's worth repeering or buying a new peer? Have you resold yours? Often?
Not really. I just keep you ones really out of it and they can actually so I think.
It's about ninety bucks to resol them from good because how much are they about one fifty for a new peer?
Is it?
How much they are?
About that?
Yeah, Yes, that's a fine because you get about three years out of them, would.
You, Yeah, you get about three years out of them. No more really, but.
Your feet, your feet get excited when you're about to go in them, don't they They're suck because they fit so well.
Well it sounds like you with them to.
Oh yeah, yeah, Look, I have a variety of shoes because I have a variety of different moods. But yeah, I'm I'm not a stranger to them. And even now I can see my actually crinkling away to gain I'm just trying to think I've got any peer at any any peer at the moment. I've got an old peer which is ready for the cobbler. I spent a lot of time at the cobbler, and I'll probably get those ones re done, I think. But they've got the back strap in the trouble. The ones with the back strap you quite often end up just slipping your food foot into them, so the backstrap's kind of redundant.
Yeah, I've never had back straps, so they really wear the jendles. But as the same my kids that wear them, and they wear the skirts.
So I yes, there was extras. Yeah, I've got a long boring story there I'm not going to tell you about. But I was in the Birken Stop shop in our brief stop on the bus the inter city between Blenheim and Dunedin, and I was looking for a new style of burke and stop the wrekovic. But the man looked at me like as an idiot, and then the kids wanted to get to the playground for a short stop on the bus, so I didn't stop and talk from any longer. But yeah, you know those young shop assistants, you asked for something that you want to buy because you've read about it, and they look at it. You're like like you're more on I thought, well, actually I do know my boke. Anyway, got to the playground, didn't miss the bus. The rekovic is like, God, it's like a clog. I don't Yeah, I'll bore you about it. So nice to talk to you. Thank you, Bruce, it's Marcus. Good evening.
Sorry you're talking to me.
Yes, if your Bruce, I am, I beg your pardon.
No, Birken stop. Absolutely fabulous and I think it. I think what you're talking about is that because they've got the cork souls, your feet just sort of mold to them, if you know what I mean.
I think that's the principle isn't it.
Well, it seems to work.
Well, it's quite a fit, and of course too and you'll appreciate this. There'll be no shortage of cork these days because the victors aren't using it, are.
They No, And we don't get any corked bottles of wine anymore.
But I tell you what it was. I thought that would never happen, the screw top, but it seems to be. I don't drink wine, do you?
Only a bottle every night?
Okay? And most of them would be screw top?
Yeah, yeah, remarkable how quickly that took on a.
Uh yeah, but the I think the Birken Stop shoe is the most comfortable shoe that I have found.
Yeah, i'd agree with you there, How at what stage of the what stage of the bottle are you at tonight?
Just finished?
Brilliant? Well, congregs for that. I got to run for news, Bruce, but thank you nice. I'm full of them at I'm finding those shoes at the shoe for pet Mintea with the phone call tomorrow, Marcus. Good to have you, Beck. I'm a big fan of Archie Slides and Jendles. They're Australian, reasonably priced and comfortable.
The purse that paid nine or was twenty for the coffee. It was a little hole in the wool cafe only booth. All the cafes were busy, surprising this one wasn't, but we still had to wait. Well like that situation. I hate to bore you with my travel stories. We were getting the bus out of the inter city out of Huanganui eight o'clock ten part eight fifteen. Must have been on a Friday, and when you get to the inner city you get put your bags on first. Then there's about fifty minutes of firing around as they wait for everyone to turn up. So Vanessa went off to get the coffee and we went to because it was market day. It might have been Saturday morning. I think it was a Friday and that it was a Saturday morning. So Vanessa went off to the market Day to get ourselves some coffees. And then I went back and the driver said I'm ready to go. I said, but it's early. He said, it's good to get away early for cheap as creepers. What about my coffee? Anyway, I was too scared to go back, so Vanessa went and got us further up the queue. For the coffee. Anyway. That's how that story went. So we got the coffee, got away about ten minutes early, which was surprising. When you left late fifteen, you leave late fifteen. Yuse it's good to get away early. I thought world jeepers anyway, because I thought that story was slightly more interesting than happened. In the telling one of those quite humorous bus drivers, they had a lot of funny things, he said, I can't remember what it add some well worked one liners. I can't remember what they were. Should have written them down. I've noticed that a lot of the bus drivers have their kind of one or two humorous things. They say. All the drivers were every good struck, a bad bust, dride. I won't go on too that that says it been spirited Marcus. I don't find crocs comfortable with the crop branded mellow sliders the most comfy. She were like walking on clouds. Will be a youth Parliament this year. Contact their local MP for further details. What was his front handle? Was it Taylor or Taylor to be a surname? Would it it wouldn't be his first name? Would't it Taylor? Could be someone's predictions Marcus petrol below two dollars, lowest cow numbers nationally. That's a good prediction. Port Tolong at a double throughput. He then in debt reduced one third. Lachlan to win a race Formula one. It's a great text. Marcus Alpine fault quake, Winston Peters dies, asteroid fatality, Black Knikes win the league and world share market reaches all time high. Someone else's predictions another Trump shooting Casey Costello demoted, David Seymour attacked aircraft crash in North Ireland. Unemployment numbers at ten year high. Cheepers. Someone said, Zia must be doing okay if there's no product recall in midsummer. Marcus, the best sandals are TiVo. I don't wear any others in summer, and they are nice enough to wear to work. They might mean Tiva or there's a TiVo as well, Marcus. One of my team retired from work in October. I asked her for a list of gifts she might like to save buying something she wouldn't use. She wanted krocs, so I bought her some and got a wee pack of Gibbets. Gibbets that were native using birds recuute. I don't have crocs. I've got big feet, and crocs would make them look enormous. Gilly Marcus, I'm camping with my mother in law, Mayor Mark Ryan. It's so painful. She makes me listen to you, and she wears crocs. Able Marcus, I'm wondering if the Croc people are having extents in our genuine crocs with their cheap plastic ripoffs. Perhaps the tread on his crocs were worn. Marcus. My husband slipped itself for point last week and split his knee and elbow open evening Marcus, I have a crocs working hospitality. I have a Crocs working hospitality as a chef. They are non slipp ad midly. I do play. I thought it inside, but very comfortable. Never had any trouble with slips, fools, everything else. Regards Carol, Carol the crackerpacker. Marcus, we need to hear fifteen years ago and need he died after my crops slipped on the shoto of a river. I went down between the rocks. Can be very dangerous to wear. Marcus. I'm sixty seven. When at college we used to retreat our Roman sandals with tire rubber.
You're talking a load of croc predictions, Doc Martins to clothes, Dave Grolt have another child, Zoos and you's in to be given ten years to close tanggy fruits, to make a comeback, chatterings, to make a resurgence. I'll tell you what I've enjoyed watching sometime in the holidays is a food truck in America. All right, I've got no idea what to state it's in. And you take along a bag of corn chips or cheetos. I think Cheeto's are big these days. You know what a cheeto is, or twisty or your cheesels. You take along the big bag like that, and the guy grabs the bag, and it is a guy, and he makes us slit along the long side of the bag on the edge, and then fools that bag with the different meats like halal, chicken, guyra whatever that is lamb, and then the toppings on top. So the bag of chips becomes the vessel. It almost seems like it should be illegal. It seems so fantastic. So you go to the dairy, buy yourself a bag of CC's or what's a form of cornship Dan you'll be into cornships. What's the ones they like, yes, Cecs. What's one of the other ones. Dorito's, that's the one they like it. Pagget Dorito's. You take your Dorito's long, you won't get chili Dorito's. You hand it to him. He just slits it down from end to end and full and that becomes the vessel for your that's the plate. For goodness sake, I've watched that. If I've watched that for an hour, I've watched it for ten hours. I'll tell you what state it's because someone might want to go there on their food trip. It'll be in my feed. Yeah, I never see anything like it. I don't know if it was. I was worried that the beggar Chips was gonna melt the plastic. It's called Flavor Hive. It's a food truck in Alexandria, not in Egypt, but Virginia. I don't know how big Alexandria and Virginia would be. But he's got over a million followers. Yeah, mainly it's Dorito's. One guy took a tray of donuts. He topped that up. So yes, I know that we're getting more and more food trucks, but I've never seen anyone do that. I don't know if I'll be planning a trip to Alexandra, Virginia, but it would be. It looks like a nice city. It's on the Potomac, which is where Captain Scully landed the plane, isn't it. This won't look what the population is, because I wonder how many people would to one hundred fifty nine that's Hamilton size.
Yeah, I don't know much about Alexandria, Virginia. It's only seven miles to Washington, d C. I could go there and watch the national the football team, not the band. Will you learn something every night with me?
Don't you?
Is there right, Marguess? We are looking for your predictions, and you're what did you fall off this holiday? I fell off the hammock to I didn't fall off the hammock. The hammock fell off me. The rope. The knock came away twice, and I fell horizontally. I didn't like full leg first or head first. I felt like a plank, quite unpleasant. So yeah, there we go. That's my story. So I'm wondering, and I don't want to make light of the person that fell off that flying fox because that's had a terrible But that was how I thought that would be an interesting discussion. Yeah, so what did you fall off? I think you get to a certain stage or age where you start looking at flying foxes and swings slightly hesitantly. By the way, well known people that came from Alexandria and Virginia. Stuart Copeland, the drummer for the Police, and Mama Cass from the Mummas and the Puppas, and Dave Groll and George Washington and David Lynch and Jim Morrison and Richard Nixon. Didn't see any of those queuing up for the food truck. But ye, it's worth watching on social whatever they call it now. It's a great but they just use the bag looked. Is this something that most people have known about, Dian or is it new to you too? Yeah, yep, No one mourns the wicked Marcus good evening false economy repairing a birkenstock. You can get the ever ones, which you can wear in the water. At least ninety bucks to resol a leather one. The world demand for these huge is huge. And he's an Agent's not able to secure all styles and available globally. Just had a four day experience in Orban Hospital. Myst staff were wearing crocs, urk and stock style Arizona double strap best world seller. There is a medical closch style that a lot of surgeons were good to have you back. I don't know about the Arizona Arizona double strap, but yeah, I'm hearing you. I've got some plastic all and one molded ones that have that have a lot of plastic nubbins that come off the bottom of the soulder about assentimet a long that mold your feet and you walk in them and after about a kilomity you're in tears. It's that painful. God knows why I bought them. Must have been at a high income moment, but terrible things. I just want to reiterate. The first week of every year, we do take people's predictions for what's going to happen in twenty twenty five. The way that works is you come up with a prediction that four predictions will do for tonight. But it's the most surprising prediction becomes true was the one that's celebrated. So you don' want to have predictions of other people have come up with and you want interesting predictions because you go to remember the people that even listen to what you're saying, so it's not just like someone gets shot or something like that. But yeah, that's the way we're going to I'll tell you more about that in the next hour. Forty days until the NRL starts too. In Vegas. You haven't seen much pre chat about the Warriors, although I think it was sad although expeeded for Tool who to to retire and look and I hope we see him around the game more, not if he wants to do that. But what is this the fact that old Captain Mannering disappeared. We don't see much of him anymore. But anyway, Merle, it's Marcus. Good evening and welcome Hello Marcus.
This is Merle here. Just want to put a little plug in for Mother Nature who made their bodies to wear beare feet, which is so much better for your whole body, your spine or your body is way better off wearing bear feet. And most people don't consider it. And there's no marketing, isn't it, because well there's no money and is there, But it just takes a little bit of time to adjust your feet, especially at this time of the year in the summer, we bare feet. I wouldn't wear them to the supermarket. I'd put some sort of shoes on.
But you know, well there were some places that are quite anpty bear feet, aren't they?
Well, who is that the people that are trying to sell shoes.
Well, you can't go to the movies, you got to wear shoes.
Yeah, and seat and tire places. Yeah here, but you people must give it some concern.
It's a tremendous feeding working walking bare feet.
Yeah, but like skinny dipping or anything.
That's really inter yeah, of course, like skinny dipping. Okay, well, thank you. By the way, this is a news story that just got my attention. The country's only scheduled flights to Norfolk Island will in this year. Ere Chathams is withdrawing flights, weak demand and costs. So there we go. So I presume that to get to the Norfolk Island you'll have to go virus. I presume there's still a flight from Australia. But that's I know. For a long time. I mean, people love Norfolk Island with that continuous is it called a continuous dinner. I think it's called a progressive dinner, that's right, not a progressive dinner. They love that. But I presume there's still flights from Australia. It's always been a bucketless thing for me to get that, although I'm not quite sure anymore. Quantus direct flights to Norfolk three times weekly from Sydney and three times a weekly from Brisbania, So that's what's happening. But yeah, that's a shame couseus. It used to be a great place for the newly weeds and the nearly deads. That was always a saying, wasn't it. In Fetuary did a talkback show on the Norfolk Island, the most common things people would say would be progressive dinner and the newly weeds and the nearly deads. Most calls would say that and cheap lego. People would often say, So that's that. That's Norfolk Island no longer. I guess probably when Norfolk Island was a big thing, there went some many other places to go to. Now people kind of got the world out there heaven there. Flights to other places have become a lot more exciting. What's looking good for the dairy farmers, strong production, low dollar, high process a rare sweet spot. There you go, people be excited about that.
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