Trailer: Making a Killing

Published Jun 10, 2019, 4:31 PM

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Business journalism proves the old adage that truth is stranger than fiction. You literally cannot make these stories up. The Unrun story was a complete game changer in my career because en Run became this cultural moment in American history. This major American company with these executives who were supposed to be the smartest guys in the room, could collapse into bankruptcy in the space of about six months. I had this really untraditional background for a journalist, having worked in finance, and it was one of those great and rare moments in life where my unconventional background turned out to be exactly right for the story, because I was able to look at en Run's financial statements and know that the fact that I couldn't explain how it was making money didn't mean that I just didn't get it. It actually meant there was a problem. But a lot of people who become investigative journalists set out to be that they want to go shed light on wrongdoing in corporate America. Necessarily set out to do that, and I still don't. I'm primarily driven by curiosity. I want to explain things. I'm Bethany McClain. This is making a killing In this show, I cut through the hype and handwringing to reframe the stories you thought you understood and uncover the ones you didn't know were important through a series of conversations with the likes of best selling author of a million marketing books, Seth Godin, journalist and author of the best selling book Black Edge, Sheelical Hatcar, Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Eliza Griswold, and documentary filmmaker extraordinaire Alex Gibney.

Making a Killing with Bethany McLean

Big Business is shaping the world in unprecedented ways. Through a series of conversations with toda 
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