4. Scene Kids

Published Apr 7, 2023, 2:51 AM

MySpace amplified the ongoing moral panic around teenagers on the internet. For young MySpace users, many of the trials of teenhood were transposed from the locker rooms, lunchrooms, and high school corridors to the realm of testimonials and Top 8. But was it really worse than any reality that teenagers throughout history have known? 

Joanne is joined by Alexis Nedd (author of Don't Hate the Player) and Noor Al-Sibai (author of the forthcoming MySpace Scene Queens) to talk about growing up on MySpace. 

This is an I heeart original. I don't want to make it seem like the overwhelming whiteness of the scene necessarily stopped me or stopped other seeing kids of color, like seeing because of color, often banded together and boosted each other up when you know the elite kids didn't. There were trains that were just for seeing kids of color, which, of course the white kids was super racist. And I'm like, how many black people are running your train? Though we did talk to each other and we were talking about these issues even back then, even as kids in our like sort of unworldly way. I'm Joan McNeil, and this is main accounts the story of my Space episode four, Seeing Kids by the mid Offs, my Space was a cultural phenomenon like this Saturday night Live sketch. What's up, everybody. I am pumped to welcome you to the learning annexes MySpace and you seminar today we're gonna help you, guys set up a MySpace page so that you can communicate with more than six million young people currently in the MySpace community. Most depictions of MySpace and the media zeroed in on it as a scuzzy place where kids were getting into trouble. It's one of the Internet's most popular sites, posting messages that are tasteless, sometimes x rated, and also illegal. Tonight, a woman beaten, robbed, and then tormented by her attackers again days later. The victim says that she was set up on a website the thousands of kids and adults use every day the social networking site MySpace. In two thousand and seven, nearly eighty percent of twelve to seventeen year olds in America use MySpace at least weekly. Technically, the age limit to use MySpace was fourteen, but it was easy to get around that age of it. Adults could sign up for an account with a fake birth year so it showed they were fourteen years old, or fourteen year olds could say they were eighteen. Eleven year olds could have said they were fourteen, or, as MySpace users often did to be cool, they might have said they were ninety nine years old. But even if MySpace had strictly enforest age limits, even if that were possible, fourteen years old is still really young. MySpace amplified the ongoing world panic around teenagers on the Internet. In two thousand and five, there was a movie called Hard Candy, with Elliott Page playing a fourteen year old who meets a thirty something man over the Internet. Without giving too much of the plot away. It might have inspired the more recent release Promising, Young Woman, you just didn't really look like the kind of guy he was to meet rolls over the Internet. Well, I think it's better to meet people online first, sometimes get to know what they're like inside. For these young MySpace users, the youngest on the social network, many of the trials of teenhood were transposed from the locker rooms, lunch rooms, and high school corridors to the MySpace realm of testimonials and top eight. Harassment and bullying took on a new dimension, and on MySpace, the limits to who could bully you weren't constricted to other teens at school. Anyone in the world with an account could give you grief. In two thousand and nine, a high school student received harassing messages on MySpace from her father's creditors. A collection agency working on behalf of JP Morgan Chase allegedly threatened her in an attempt to attimidate her father into paying back his loan. That's just one of the warped experiences that ordinary teenagers were having on MySpace, living their lives with online avatars. These experiences were bizarre, and it was all becoming commonplace. All the drawbacks to online attention that early influencers had to deal with, the underbelly of fame seeking and celebrity obsession, the surveillance of scrutiny that was impacting ordinary youth. But was it really worse than any reality that teenagers throughout history have known. There's always been this backlash to youth culture that makes whatever the technology of the day is into the villain. There's something about the transition from childhood to adulthood that lends itself to the victimization of young people but also to their liberation. And I don't think that I can extricate the two. But I know that's complicated and messy. But what coming of age story isn't you know? That's nor Al Sabai, author of MySpace Scene Queens, which is forthcoming with the Remember the Internet series from in Star Publishing. Nor was an active MySpace user in her use. I don't remember exactly when I signed up from my Space. I think it was right before I started high school, and I had some friends who were like there's this website that we're all using to connect to people, and I was like, Okay, cool, maybe I can meet some of my friends or meet some people who can become friends when I started school because I was very nervous about going high school. The first thing I remember on my Space is finding this one girl's profile that was very It was a completely fleshed out profile, which not many people had in the year of two thousand and five. She had a lot of interesting music. She wasn't even a scene kid herself. She was just like a pretty nor more like cool girl. And she had a song playing on her profile by the man band My Morning Jacket, which I got into then at the ripe age of fourteen, and I developed a crush on this girl, of course, and so I didn't understand that part of myself at all, but yeah, that was That was the beginning of my Space for me. Nora had been out on the Internet for a while before my Space, on sites like have a Hotel and Harry Potter fan fiction communities. She built an Orlando Blue fan site when she was twelve, but the immediate way that my Space connected users to one another seemed totally new. That girl she noticed my Space seemed to encourage her to look I guess she was like friends with some people who I already knew, the kind of you know, like the kind of way you click through on someone's Instagram from a friend's file or whatever. Just ay, it's weird to call it natural, but a very natural progression of just like how you find other people's profiles on a social network in pretty like organic social ways, Except this was I believe the first time I ever did that, making it a really different experience for me. Nor quickly became immersed to the site. One thing appealing about my Space was how popularity didn't translate the same into the Internet. It wasn't the cheerleaders who seemed cool on MySpace, the kids with more of an edge. It was a very interesting but confusing place to be in the high school social strata, because previously these would have been people considered freaks, you know, if we're going with the sort of breakfast club archetypes, these would have been the two characters who were wearing all black, and the way my Space sort of amplified their reach made them out to be much more popular than they would have otherwise been Without it, I think queerness seemed to nor I was more accepted on my space. She was just figuring out that side of herself. Part of the appeal of the site was just the general queerness of the place where all the boys and the girls looked the same and there was this level of very deliberate androgyny. My space was, to use a term from the era, a scene after the break, we're going to look deeper at the Emo scene. That's right, the dark side of Emo. L just kidding BRB. For listeners over the age of forty five or under the age of thirty, let's break down what Emo, the music phenomena of the two thousands was all about. Explaining Emo is like, well, how long do you have? This is a seven R level college course. But my connection to the emo movement style it was basically about being very emotional, hence the Emo part, and it was basically centered around like boys that cried and like had strong emotions, and the music was always like these sad boys with like dark hair and bangs in their eyes, just like crying about how how mean girls are to them. But we were like overvalidating that like extreme expression of emotion, and then you know, the girls in the community also were just like there was a lot of talk about mental illness, want to talk about depression, and it was kind of bonding over the fact that we feel like crap all the time, which is kind of just being a teenager. I mean, some people myself concluded, did find out that we did have some mental illnesses. Go figure, But it was it was a lot about like embracing sadness, embracing darkness, finding the aesthetic that suited somebody who felt like they were alone, felt like they were sad all the time. Some of these emo bands had serious style too, like Panic at the disco, I come in with the heavens people ever heard of closing discope, it's must better to face they because they were sort of the big theatrical band that was coming up when I was in high school, and it is it's it's very dramatic. It's very theatrical. It's very you know, candlesticks on a dining table in a castle, but everyone's dead at the dinner party. Like it's it's super super dramatic. So you know, teams. That's Alexis Ned. She's an entertainment reporter and author. My first novel don't hate the player is out right now And I was a MySpace then, kid. There is something funny about that era of being emo or goth or where you could be the one at your school, but you're still part of some community. It's just like elsewhere. And in this case it was like on the internet, right, yeah, yeah, I mean you you sort of enjoy the feeling of being a little isolated because it means that you're validated by the online community who were all talking about how isolated they are while forming like these giant groups together or you know, virtually. Yeah, that was very much a part of the identity where it was kind of like a Batman style. We all feel like Bruce Wayne, but then we get online and like who we are the night Alexis had already felt like an outside or at school. I grew up in northern New Jersey and I went to a private school, a very small private school. And I'm also black in Puerto Rican visibly so, and it was a prep school. Everybody, almost everybody else in my grade was like very wealthy, white preppie kids with you know, they were popping the collars on their polos back then. I'm not sure if they're doing that now. I mean, they're bringing back the two thousands, and I'm like, gen Z, don't pop the collars. You don't have to whatevery else you bring back. But that was very much the vibe, and I did not fit in there for I mean racial reasons, but also I was, you know, a bit of a weird kid and a and a nerd, and for me that to identify against my peers at school was like the emo kids who had, you know, all the palefaces and the makeup. My Space is where Alexis refined her scene identity, adding strangers as friends because she thought so look cool on my Space she needed a big friend count. I just went from like zero six stee on, like I'm in ninth grade and I'm posting pictures from like my fencing tournament, so like taking all of my regular friends off and just adding like hundreds of kids with like dark emo bangs and an eyeliner and like roarer necklaces. Just every day, like hundreds of strangers. And I didn't really talk to any of them. It was just more about the number. And like the courtesy of commenting on pictures, commenting on people's walls and from that moment on Alexis was part of the MySpace scene, seeing kids kind of prideed themselves on being very vain, having a certain hairstyle, having certain makeups. Everything was about getting new pictures on my Space, photoshopping the pictures, like I learned how to photoshop because I was making my pictures look sceny, and I would like trade people shops of their photos and they would like boost me on their profiles, like it was an actual currency. Was like pictures and the pale face stripes in the hair. What kind of reactions were hoping for and what kind of reactions to you typically get if you put up a new avatar. Yeah, on pictures and stuff. There was kind of like a code of the scene where it's like you usually don't tear people's pictures down unless they're like completely tragic. So really it's like you you post a picture up, you tell people that you have a new picture up, and then your followers will comment on the picture something else nice like oh love your hair so cute rawer xo xo, but you had to return it and you would post on the forum pick for pick F for F, which is like friend for friend, and it always was reciprocal, so you were kind of passing along the positive mostly completely pointless validation to each other just to get like a little pop up I said, you know, new new picture comment, new new friend request. It was very, very much a constant trade off that just kind of sustained itself as opposed to creating anything else outside of the community. Did you have a subsort of self being young in that community though, because even fourteen, for these sort of twenty three year old guys, maybe not really. I would say like thirteen was probably young, but fourteen seemed at the time definitely the appropriate age at which to enter a community of strangers on the Internet. I mean pretty much anyone over eighteen was viewed as as quite old. You might be wondering how young alexis, Very very young alexis even found all these other scenesters. A lot of that happened through these sorority style clubs on my Space called scene trains. The scene train Delia went like this, someone starts a scene train, they'd name it something. Usually it's an acronym that also has a combolated title, like one was like narcissistic, a holes and sadistic something. But it's spill about NASA, so you could put NASA on there, and they would have these blog posts that would go out and it was usually like very early Internet like graphics where they had you know, like a little moving gifts and music would play, and it was always presented in tiers, so like the train heads would be at the top of their very big pictures, and then like the VIPs within the train would have like medium sized pictures, and then there was like the regular people who were still on the train who would get like smaller pictures. And the way to get into a train was you had to go through what you had to add as a friend every single person on that train, and then once they checked that you had added everybody, you could put your submission in and it was basically a picture linked to your MySpace profile MySpace scene. Kids took these applications very seriously. Some people have like legit applications, like written applications that you had to like email to people. I mean some people did it by committee. Some people it was just one person deciding like hot or not? Are you seen enough? Are you not seen enough for our train to put your picture next to our pictures. That was how that process went along, and getting accepted on those lists was like the ultimate currency. Like you would put the abbreviations of the trains you were on in your profile name, but those trains were curated by usually one or two people that the train heads, and basically if you weren't hot enough, you didn't get on. The thing that I'm still stuck on, why did people want to join this group in the first place, Like, what do you get once you get into the train? Prestige? It was one hundred percent prestige. Also because with the it was twofold. So look, if you were in a really good train, like people would just add you by default because like you were, you were danged, you were the best of the best in the scene. And the other thing was because when the train got posted, you got added, So people that wanted to join your train had to add you as a friend. And I got rejected from a lot of them, and the ones that I did get on, one of my ones that I was like super proud of actually getting into. They basically decided who got on the train by committee, and they would post in their group and they would say, ahoy, here's the people that have applied Who's Gonna Get in. Alexis was accepted into what was considered at the time a very cool, very prestigious scene train. One day, she was looking at the message board where people were discussing possible new members. There were a bunch of comments about one of the applicants. He was fifteen and a person of color like Alexis. The comments the other people in the train made about him shocked her. They said that they couldn't accept him because he looked dirty. There was one girl, never forget the comment. She says, like he's cute, but I just want to like take some soap and scrub him off. I read that, and at first I didn't get it because I was like, he looks fine, and then like it hit me. I was probably like fifteen. I was like, oh, oh my god, you guys are super racist, and that just it stung. Like I didn't feel like I had enough social capital to say anything about it, because you know, I would get kicked off the train. But also it wouldn't mean anything to them that another brown person was defending a brown person. And that was kind of the beginning of the enter the scene with me, Like I faded out and but I just cut ties with it. After the break, we'll find out how Alexis grew out of scenes and left my space for good. The racist comments Alexis observed the Scene train messageboard. We're not an isolated incident. It was jarring because the kids in the scene trains had accepted her in, but had they really and just watching things that people would say about people trying to get on that train, it was just like it was horendously racist, like beyond I mean, like N words, W words. I don't know if they just didn't think that I would. I actually know, I do know they did not care if I saw it or not. They were not thinking about me at all, even a little bit, or anyone else who looked like me, because we were not their their concern. And just reading all of that was, as I said, not my first racist experience, but it was the first time that I had self selected a group by myself and forged a part of my identity and had faced immediate racist backlash in something that I picked for myself. This was something that I chose, and I picked for myself, and I still stepped in the racist dodo. I thought that I was special to people if I was good enough, that I was seen enough, I was pretty enough, people wouldn't notice. It never works like that, And I thought that because we had so many other things in common, there's no way that those people could think that's about people like me, which is also a tremendous fallacy when it comes to whiteness and race. Alexis turned to the scene because it seemed like everyone was commiserating over their intense emotions and sense of social exclusion. The racism she encountered on my Space from the emo kids went against what she felt they had in common. Being an outsider. Yeah, being an outsider, because I was an outsider at school, and I thought that those are my fellow outsiders and I was not their fellow outsider. Alexis had about twenty one thousand friends on my Space at that point, but this experience was shattering, like literally deleting all of them would have taken forever. So I just knew the profile and went to college. As for Nora, she did meet a lot of her MySpace scene friends in person. Her scene was on and offline internally in scenes. It was definitely a benefit to the men in a lot of these bands and culturally, even outside of what would have been considered scene culture, there was that sort of rock star hipster mentality that was popularized by vice of that era, by the kind of parties that were happening in New York that week, were trying to replicate in all of our suburban towns all over the country, the sort of very chic debauchery that we thought would make us so cool. Nor was figuring out her identity as a queer woman, and my face was part of this development. There were quite a lot of queer people, and bisexuality, both for men and women, for boys and for girls, was very celebrated. I can't recall the number of times I saw posts that were just a collection of images of scene boys kissing. That was when girls got really into pictures of effeminate young men kissing each other. And a lot of the girls who were my bullies were bisexual themselves, which added a whole other dimension to it, because there was a level of rejection and the level of desire there that at you know, at age fifteen, I was absolutely not prepared to deal with. And I couldn't imagine also elements of sexual harassment passibly too, when you're dealing with a number of bisexual women like it that would that big character. Absolutely that you hit the nail on the head of that one, and there was definitely, especially when drugs and alcohol were involved, there were women taking advantage of other women, or girls taking advantage of other girls, girls who were procuring younger girls for these older men bands, just really really gross stuff that was way more grown up than I think we realized at the time. She was living in Charlotte as a teen which has a great music scene and a lot of bands on tour passed through, which meant a lot of older guys and bands passing through. We the scene kids. A lot of us ended up going that route, went from you know, listening to and posting about hardcore music to listening to indie music. But it was very much the sort of hipper than bou mentality that my favorite band is more scared than yours, like, you know, especially if you end up communicating with the people in the bands, which we were able to divide my space, and as has become pretty infamous now, there was not just communicating going on, but there was also older men in bands praying on teen girls. That was replicated on a national and regional scale with the music scene in my hometown and had some pretty close calls myself with musicians and just men in these various scenes. Lots and lots and lots of girls that I knew in real life and online had more than close calls, both consensual and non consensual with some of these older men. There was a musician in the local scene who developed a reputation for going for some of the youngest girls, who never suffered any consequences for it, and it was a joke among people my space happened years before me too, and broad media reckoning around consent, sexual harassment and issues like grooming. But it also wasn't the dark ages. Any reasonable person knew that it was wrong for grown men to hit on fifteen year old girls, nor as a young woman open to meeting people in person she knew from my space, was at risk. This guy was an employee at the local and American apparel and he invited me to his house to do a photo shoot, which even I at the time, I think I knew that it was a red flag. I think I felt weird about it, but I was still flattered by the attention that I was like you know, I was really interested in it, and then truly the moment, I don't even think the words were completely out of my mouth before my mom was like, there's no way this guy is a creep And I don't even think I protested that much because it was a creepy situation. I think in that instance he did slide into my DMS. We didn't have that terminology, but it was absolutely what was happening. And I think it was very much the same way you know, when you see someone online that you think is cute now like I did with the very first profile or remember seeing on the website. You know, they pique your interests, their photos pique your interests, and then then their purported you know, taste in music and film and art further draws you in. And yeah, that's how any kind of encounters, good or bad or neutral, all occurred there. My space was a place of harassment, but it was also a place where Nor and Alexis both found themselves. As toxic as the scene could be, they found fellow travelers. I don't want to make it seem like the overwhelming whiteness of the scene necessarily stopped me or stopped other seeing kids of color like seeing kids of color often banded together and boosted each other up when you know the elite kids didn't. There were trained that were just for seeing kids of color, which of course the white kids said was super racist. And I'm like, how many black people are out of your train? Though, there was like an even smaller, smaller community within it where complete strangers who also just happened to be seeing kids, you know, brown kids, black kids, even I guess Asian kids too. We did talk to each other and we were talking about these issues even back then, even as kids in our like sort of unworldly way. This wasn't something that just happened to me, and I've internalized it. When I thought like, hey, that's really messed up, I had other people to talk to about that. That was a very formative experience for me, and I think a lot of other scene gets of color because we realize that we have to make a space within a space that we thought was our space. On my space, hey look at that, and I missed those guys. I'm sure they're doing great. My name time Space Time. Yes, bad stuff happens on the internet, racism, creepy old guys, but the Internet isn't all bad, isn't Look at Nora and Alexis. They are both authors. Those Harry Potter fan fiction communities and emoc message boards were good for something. It was it was training. It was absolutely training. And we type really fast and have like slightly Wi Fi poison brains, and it's great. Wouldn't have it any other way me too. I am an author and a lot of those writing skills were forged from posting nutty things on the Internet late at night. In our next episode, we're going to get into another area of creative expression that flourished on MySpace. Music. The best thing that my Space, probably its lasting impact, was probably its impact on music and distribution. Anyone could be on my Space and find out about like a little band from Long Valley, New Jersey. You guys super into them. That's what my Space gave us into long term at and like low key racial trauma. More on this next time on Main Accounts, The Story of MySpace. Thanks for listening to Main Accounts, The Story of MySpace and iHeart Original podcast Main Accounts. The Story of MySpace is written and hosted by me Joe Anne McNeil, editing it's sound design by Mike Coscarelli and Mary Do. Original music by Alice McCoy, Mixing and mastering by Josh Fisher, Research and fact checking by Austin Thompson, Jocelyn Sears, and Marissa Brown. Show logo by Lucy Kntinia. Special thanks to Ryan Murdoch, Grace Views and Behead Frasier. Our associate producer is Lauren Philip, our senior producer is Mike Coscarelli, and our executive producer is Jason English. If you're enjoying the show, leave us a rating and a review on your favorite podcast platform Sadly, my MySpace page is no longer around, but you can find me on Twitter at Joe Mick. Let us hear your MySpace story aunts check out my book lurking main Accounts. The Story of MySpace is a production of iHeart Podcasts.

Main Accounts: The Story of MySpace

MySpace was the first major social media company. And it was the first major social media company to 
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