We’ve spent the last few months really digesting and taking in President Nelson’s message “Peacemakers Needed.” As we have talked about the attributes of a peacemaker, one comes to mind that seems to encompass the others: trust. Trust can help us feel all the other attributes of a peacemaker working in our lives when we can learn to trust the Lord, trust ourselves, and trust that peace will come from our total dependence on the Savior. So what can we do to find that trust and let it work in our lives?
"I always knew that God was the only answer. It was either God or no one at that point."
Today's episode guest is Barbara Morgan Gardiner. Barbara teaches at BYU in the religion department and is raising her two daughters in Utah.
Top takeaways from this episode:
Small and simple challenge: Do what President Nelson has has used to do: study Jesus Christ, study his names, go to the temple, read his words, and act upon what you know. Take a risk and trust in Him.