Starring Andy Lawrence as Jace Newfield in "Going to the Mat"

Published Apr 1, 2024, 4:00 AM

“Going to the Mat” star Andy Lawrence joins Will and Sabrina as he takes a trip down memory lane about the film, growing up in the spotlight and more! 

And thank you so much for joining us for our park Hopper episode.

We today are speaking to somebody who I've known for many, many years. But I knew he was good. I mean, I knew he was a good actor, obviously. At the three brothers are all uber talented musicians, actors, writers, you name it, they do it.

They all grew up in the industry.

But our guest today put in a performance in the last movie that we talked about that was just so stellar that I hope we don't spend the next you know, forty minutes or so just telling him how amazing he is.

I want to actually hear about the filming too.

We're gonna have to pull ourselves back. I know both loved it. I'm sticky with my score. I think you should change yours. It is a ten, not a nine point five.

I know, but he was so good. So please help us welcome the man himself, Andy Lawrence. Are you thank you so much for joining us.

You have no idea how excited we are to talk to you about this movie we just watched.

Of course, of course it's my pleasure. Man.

I hope you're in and ready for a little bit of a love fest. Because we have not gushed about a movie in quite some time, and we this is by far both of our favorite d com that we've watched.

Oh way it is, no, it is, this is where, this is the this is the best one we've watched.

But hands down, hands.

Down, so good. So I hope you're just ready. We've already brought PEP talked both of ourselves to pull it back with you.

Yeah, we're like, we can't spend an hour just telling you we're gonna.

Calm it down because we were not gonna We don't want to just say that over and over again. But wow, Andy, this movie was so good. You were so good in it. It was amazing, Yeah, amazing you.

This is awesome. Hey, I'll come on anything. Well, thanks, bud me.

It was a phenomenal.

So let's start from the beginning, then about how you know. We'll go back to your beginning first and then go back to the beginning of the project. So for anybody who doesn't know out there, I think most people do. But how did you get involved in the entertainment industry?

How did I get involved in the entertainment industry?

Yeah, I followed pretty much my brother's footsteps. Man, you know, there was an opportunity at one point on a show called Walter and Emily.

I think, I mean I was like a background baby in.

A couple episodes of Blossom, probably in some other movies at some point. But the real like first gig was Walter and Emily. Matt had had a younger cousin or something in the show, and I had like one big line where I walk out on stage and and and grab a bowl of chips and I go fly, chips fly, and I throw the chips up and they scatter. Yeah, and then they just like they I thought I could do it, and somehow my mom got me in front of the producers for a quick audition and I did it, and they let me do it on taping the night of the taping and I did good, good enough, I guess.

And then that was so that was like the first gig.

And how old were you when you did that?

Probably three three and a half and I yeah. And then like my first real audition was for a show called Tom with Tom Arnold, Chris Barley, Andy Diggers. It was rad and that was like I was like four and a half or five, and I remember that one.

I like I had an audition.

I went to Network and that was for like the first like role I really won over.

Wow, were you on set with your brothers a lot? Just being on like your mom's hip basically did she take you on set a lot?


So you just grew up just this was life? That was it? Amazing? Wow?


But as we know in this industry, just being on set or just being related to people that are talented doesn't necessarily follow that you are. And you were so so you ended up obviously making your own mark.

Now, acting is one thing.

Obviously you and your brothers all have that talent, but you're also all musicians. Is there one that you prefer? Is there one art form that you would pick over the other?

I don't know.

Well, music is instant gratification, you know what I mean, the gratif it's so quick, right, it's just I don't know.

So that's that's that's a plus.

It's very gratifying to have that, to get that feeling so quickly. But but no, I can't choose.

They're both. They're both. They go hand in hand. You know. It's a big part of of of.

Any sort of film or I mean, I think a show or so on and so forth. So no, I can't choose. They're both. They're both. They battle.

Well, I was telling Will that, you know, this was the first time I've watched this movie, and so I really didn't know what I was I was. You know, I knew the basis of what I was probably gonna watch. I knew you were a musician. I know that that is something you and your whole family just really you know, embrace and are great at. Then I start watching the show and You've got this killer scene of just I didn't know that I'd be getting the chance to see you play the drums. I honestly, I'm not even sure I knew you that was. I knew you played guitar, but that was so awesome, and I was so stoked because you know, as actors, a lot of times we don't always get an opportunity to show our other talents besides acting. And how excited were you when you found out that that would this would be an opportunity to showcase how great you are in another art form?

Okay, so I was so excited.

I was really excited to to be able to incorporate music and I and I had big big plans as they asked you to. Sure, But when I saw dailies for that for that that drum sequence, and it was like playback right, it wasn't live, and I was really disappointed because I felt like it sounded so fake. So the director, Stuart and Wayne Brady agreed with me. They were like, no, he's right, like this is he's a capable enough musician. And Wayne Brady was a capable enough musician that they were like, from this point forward, any of the other music scenes in the movie, we should just record live. And and Disney was not too stoked on that. They didn't like that that idea, but they let us do it anyway. And so outside of that first drum sequence, which was a pre recorded track that then we later played to, all the other music in the movie is played live.

I'm pretty sure get out of here.

And that I was super stoked about because you know, it was just they let us kind of do our own thing and that was fun.

Wow, that was actually going to be a question of mine. That was like talk to will of jam sessions are sis id Rady played the drums either?


Yeah, were you guys just I mean they were just just you guys were just vibing together, totally totally kidding me. That is so right.

It was fun.

Oh wow, cool.

Was so taken back to the beginning of the movie. Then, how did you first hear about this project? I mean, did you have to audition or was it just kind of like, hey, come and do our movie.

I I, you know, I definitely still I read for it sort of, I think, I don't know if it was you know, that was at the tail end of of of when I was fortunate enough to do a few handful of Disney movies, so they were real familiar with me by that point.

So and that was on a show, so that was nice too.

So it was like they was going hand in hand where uh, I was on a little bit of a run. So I think that maybe like I, I like went in, I had a meeting with the director and maybe I read with him once or twice, and then they were they were on. I remember I read with all the other cast members though, because I was like the first one attached to the movie, and in the audition, I would like mess around with people about playing blind reached for drink and try to and I would like accidentally hit them and and have fun with that, and I just remember that was a lot of fun.

Wow, How did you how did you prep to I mean again, I'm I'm thinking of myself when I was your age, and it was just about being funny or that kind of stuff. The idea of coming in and playing somebody not only has to do a huge physical role who then has to add music to the physical role, but then also has to play somebody with a disability? How did you prep to play somebody that was blind?

There they were Disney was cool enough to hook me up with a guy named Tom Sullivan I think his name was, and he was like big back in the eighties. He was an Olympium Olympic wrestler who was blind and he had They made a movie about him, and the movie was, like you know, for the eighties, it was good. And the director of that movie actually did go into the mat. So that's the full circle guy. I spent some time with him, and he was he was he was blind, and he was a real He was a wrestler and he was an Olympian and he kind of you know, just observing him for a couple of weeks, going over to his house and going meeting for restaurants. He had a canine, a dog of seeing eye dog ever and uh yeah, just kind of observing him and and you know, I don't know, you get.

It, you get he just pick it up and get But I mean it was kind of I.

Mean, you had great mannerisms, like I mean, there was a lot of choices that you made to to really, you know, dive into this who this person? You know, who this character was? And is it just just from your spending time with him or were you doing other I mean, it just seems like it would have to take so much time and effort to to play it the way you did. You did such a great job.


Oh no, I did you Did you shut it off when you'd walk away from the set or did you stay in character the whole time?

You're whole method? Man, No, I didn't know I shut it off.

You know, it's just in like in the scene or in rehearsals, in that space, you kind of can learn to conduct yourself without scening, right, So like it was like the real thing. It's like, let me just run through the scene in the space, let me which we're you know, I don't know, I don't know what your experience was on the Disney sets or stuff. Sometimes you get rehearsals, sometimes you don't. On going to the Mat, we got a little bit of rehearsal, not a lot, but we did get it cool and like dB Sweeney was like a super pro, so he like demanded like rehearsals and stuff. And that was fun because I don't know if Disney was prepared for that, but.

Hey, everyone, you know, everyone got along. Don't get me wrong. Everyone was a constant.

Sure, But I mean we've we've talked about it before the d coms. It's you know, typically around you know, eight nine weeks you know, movie shoots, so they got to keep the pace going. You know, there's no time to kind of you know, take too much time and hair and makeup or any of it.

You know, you got to keep going.

Sure, I don't think we shot more than a couple weeks on that movie.

I don't.

That's what I was gonna ask how it was. It was probably no way.

Yeah, I can't imagine.

I don't think we ever, I ever shot a dcon that was more than like four weeks.

I wish, well everything shot in Utah.

That's uh no, Uh wait was it.

Yeah, it was. We shot that, yeah, all of it.

Yeah, even the New York stuff, I guess at the beginning.

Yes, So well that's just yeah, you can make Central Park kind of anywhere in Utah, it seems to be. We've noticed in dcoms, if the movie doesn't take place in Utah, it's certainly shot in Utah. So everything is Utah based when it comes down to two.

A Disney Channel original movie.

You're obviously your physicality is obviously showed that you had some athleticism in your background.

Did you ever actually wrestle before?

No, but I was all.

I did a lot of kickboxing and stuff when I was younger, and thanks to my brother, my bros. We I was always physical, you know. They they've always been physical dudes. Uh.

And so I hit the training, the wrestling training are for this. They like. Disney was cool enough.

That I had a back in the day, you know, at the at the family compound, we had a little half court basketball thing and Disney came over and put an actual wrestling mat.

They covered the basketball court.

Wow. And I had a coach that came over, you know, three or four times a week with a couple of guys, and they would teach me how to roll and toss me around and stuff, so that I was ready for uh, for all of that wrestling.

I don't think I want to.

I mean, I'm gonna go out there and say I did not have any stunt doubles or anything like that.

Yeah, I mean you could tell.

You could tell there.

You could a bunch of different d coms that cover, you know, different types of sports. There's some that are really great about hiding those you know, those doubles, and some that are some that are and so this didn't look like there. I mean, either that or it was so seamless.

You know, there's like close ups of your face as you're being thrown in the air slow motion.

Yes, it's pretty hard to uh yeah that kind of stuff. Well, I mean, what was it like?

So I've never really done I did one kind of hockey movie with some guy named Matt I know, but he was a hockey player. I don't know if you know him or not. He was the hockey player in that. So I never had to do all the serious physicality. What's it like shooting a sports movie where, especially something as physical as wrestling, did you do all the wrestling.

Stuff in one chunk or were you kind of shooting in order?

We Yeah, well, there was like a big bad wrestling week and I and I will say that, I remember.

Uh that week I had. I was sick. I was like super ill.

Yeah, and I had a really bad fever and I was going in and they were like putting me on IV on the side lines, and they actually, at one point the medic made them.

And I'm embarrassed to say this, but made them shut down. We shut down production for life. You're sick a day or.

Two so that I could just lay in bed and recouper. And uh, yeah, I felt bad about that and pretty pretty embarrassed. But but but.

Again, sometimes you have to and obviously too, if you're wrestling, you're taking a big chance of possibly getting someone else sick, you know, so probably the best, probably the best, of course, because you're young, and you know what I mean. That was such a mom you guys, that was such a mom comment.

You're right, that is that is the right, That is the right, So to gush a little bit.

One of the things we notice about a lot of the dcoms we're watching is that, you know, a lot of times they'll cast kind of the big, bigger child actors in the lead roles and then.

Some of the other smaller roles.

Maybe they don't.

Cast the best actors, whereas this movie everybody round great and so, uh could you tell right away?

I mean, you you're a veteran by the time you did this.

Could you tell right away when you walked onto the set that it was like, oh, we've we've got a heck of a cast here.

It felt yeah, it felt good, It felt like it was gonna be it felt like it was gonna be.

You know, watchable for sure. You know. Yeah, I don't know.

I was always real critical when I was a kid. I don't know why I was more critical then, Probably that I am now, Uh, because like now I could sit back and join and be like, huh, you know, we pulled some things off, and I would have I would have you know, dialed a little bit further more of a set piece for the end.

But but the movie's not bad and uh for what it was.

And but but then I was like, oh my god, is this going to be even you know, is this gonna be okay? Or is it going to be embarrassing? And uh, but no, about you know, a week into it, it felt like, yeah, this is gonna be.


So that you thought there should have been a different ending?

Probably, yeah, I just because I skimmed through it before, because I texted you. I was like, should I want it in its entirety? Probably you know in twenty years.

Sure, Yeah, I don't.

I look, I liked the ending.

I liked how they made it real where it wasn't like a typical Disney thing where it's like I've got to pin them to win, where it's just like don't don't get pill.

That was good. That was good.

Are you talking about you and Mary Beth? Like walk to the center, Yeah, and you just kind of dance and cut.

And like quick credit roll and you're like, wait, what with the end?

I thought, okay that if there was I'm with you on that. If there was one, l like tiny critique, it just I mean, could we get a kiss?

Could we get I agree something?

Get a little bit?

So I don't know, I was like, like somebody should be like, no, this is a good moment.

You know, everybody's happy here. And I would have made it a little bit, you know, I don't. But but again, for what they were up against everybody.

Sure, yeah, but I will say your guys' chemistry on camera was so adorable and so great. I typically, you know, Sora, I know, I Lossandra. How was it? How was it filming with her? How was that on set? Great?

She's a wonderful person. She's she's she's such a bright personality. And I remember her mom and my mom.

Really they were getting along.

They were like two pieces of pot having fun.

Oh good.

He just rooted for your characters right from the start, like you just wanted to see them together. It was so much fun. What was it like working with Wayne? You were talking, you were talking about how you guys got to jam. What was it like working with him?

Very cool? I mean he was really cool.

And the fact that he was such a good musician and he had he could sing and that was like such a fun something I was unexpected. And the fact that he was such he was so in my corner about like the live music thing again, that was really big.

Didn't want cheezy like a cheesy music thing, you.

Know, totally because it it would portray differently than than what it did. I mean, it was such a great jam sash between you guys and I mean that was awesome. I'm glad he he helped you on that, you know, because some especially being a child actor on a set, you don't always get people to listen to you and to see how important certain things are and help you, you know, really fight, help fight for you. And that's amazing that he did.

I love that totally.

Were his kids on set at all?

No? No, I don't think it was.

I think they were either very very young or he just was married at that point to his his Okay.

Also Fly played by Cleo Thomas. You had such great chemistry. Did you know him before filming it all?


No, like like most of those things, Uh we no, we just know it was walked on set and it's like, you know, get some chemistry. Boys, that's pretty much it.

Yeah, your friends now friends.

Friend figure it out.

Oh man, that's great. Do you see Do you see anybody or talk to anybod from the film anymore?

Not really, man, I've I've I have cross paths with Alessandra a few times, and she's lovely. She's uh, I think she just had it. She's a mom and she's doing really well. She's married, which is fantastic to see everybody kind of grow up and go on their own adventure.

But that's pretty much it. I don't think i've seen anybody else.

Jeez, I'm sorry. I want a reunion.

I want going to the mat to what everybody's doing right now. Frankly, because I had so much fun watching this movie.

I watch twice in a row.

Sometimes that's a tough thing to do with the comms. This was not tough to do with that at all.

It was great.

Yeah, I have I found this in my closet.

This is fitting.

This is the track jacket that I actually wore the Huskies.

It still fits, it still fits. I love that. Do you do that or did you? Or was that something like that? Your mom sort of helped you kind of grab something from set to hold on to and always have you know what my dad did. He'd always get the script and help me and tell me to walk around and get all of our crew to sign the cover that. So I've got so many of those now, and I love that. I wish I had held on to more of my what I wore.

You know, more of the wardrobe.

Yeah, I wish I did. There's you know, I just didn't, all right, So.

You're obviously that. I know you're gonna hate hearing this, but it's true.

Your decom royalty fully it fully where.

Do you Yes, yes you did?

Wait did you not get the crown? We said, yeah, I mean, my.

God, where do you rank going to the mat with your other dcoms?

It's good, man, it's pretty darn good.

It's really good.

Yeah, it's good.

I really liked Horse Sense or Sense has a special place just because it was like the first one and and Michael uh was it?

What was it?


Greg Greg Beaman, I think the.

Director of that anyway, he was a great director.

He killed it.

So I like War Sense a lot too. But I don't know. It's hard to They're like, you know, they're like children.

Man, you can't.

You can't pick one.

Although I hear some parents can pick one kid over over other kids.

I hear that's true. Oh, Sabrina is like, I can do that.

Oh man, all right.

So Sabrina, I have to.

I have to do this because I know you're such a disney Land World fan.

Okay, can you Andy tell.

Sabrina a little bit what it was like, especially at the height of all the stuff.

The Lawrence brothers were doing. What it was like to go to a theme park.

I mean, how many plaids did you have to have surrounding the three of you to keep them? You know what I mean? Did you guys each have two plaids cover right and left and they just walked in like a big There were.

Some plaids for sure. Uh.


I remember one time I was on the It was I was going through the tunnels and I turned a corner and I saw I saw Goofy with his mask off.

Man, I know not. Hey, there are rules, Andy, you are not supposed to talk about that, Okay, that's why.

When that's why when you moved through the tunnels, it's different. You move through the tunnels all off.

And the things you see are Oh.

You know, it can be traumatizing, That's for sure.

It can. It can't I I that happened to me with Mickey, Really, Mickey, I mean, have some respect.

Do that? Oh did you hear anything after the film came out? Because obviously so.

One of the things that we do on our show is we get a five review, a real five star review from the Internet Machine, and a real one star review from the Internet Machine. It was really difficult to find a one star review of your movie, and the one we ended up finding was from somebody who actually lived in Utah who was like, I don't like the way Utah was depicted as a hicc town.

That was it. That's all we could find.

Yeah, and to be fair, Utah is nowhere in that world, like that's just not how it is.

So we got that. But did you the film obviously came out was very well reviewed.

Did you hear anything from anybody in the visually impaired community after Yes, for sure.

Yeah I did.

I did, And I'm embarrassed to say I don't remember too many of the specifics, but there were a few instances where, uh, yeah, they there was I don't know what I guess you could say, accolades.

I don't know what you would go.

I mean, I don't want to say, but some sort of recognition for sure from from from the visually impaired community.

And that was really cool.

Yeah, I can imagine it would be because it was.

It was just such a good So one of the things we talked about, again gushing, is we.

Loved how they took the characters.

So yeah, and I want to talk to you a little bit about the the performance itself, because they any other dcom, any other really movie like this, not even just dcom. You're the the visually impaired kid moves into the school, he gets bullied when he's in the school. He then has to learn how to you know, find himself. This movie kind of made you the jerky to where which is something that was really interesting is you kind of came in with the chip on your shoulder and so they they flipped it on its head where a lot of the other there's the great scene with you and Alexander where she's like, we don't care that you're blind, You're you're a jerk, Like, you know, did you have do you? Do you remember trying to walk that line as an actor of you know, you're the lead to the film. You know you have to be likable, but at the same time you also kind of have to be an ass a bit.

Yeah, I think the teenage angst came easily to be at that time in my life. But but but to your point, Yeah, I remember they were, you know, trying to to ride the line and pick the moments to soften up, if that makes sense.

Yeah, of course, how old were you by the way.

Oh yeah, fifteen, I think so fifteen, okay, sixteen fifteen. I don't think I was like driving again.

Okay, so I think we have you know, don't want to take up too much more of your time. But you've talked about the wrestling, you talked about them bringing a matt all that kind of stuff. What other physical training did you have to do to get ready for the film?

I was, I was really I wanted to be very in shape for that.

So I was really working out a lot.

And I was I was definitely, uh, probably dieting too intensely for being fifteen or sixteen.

I was really.

And I'm and there was one scene where I was they were weighing me in and I and I was and and I think Disney would not let me have my shirt off because they said I looked I looked too ripped. They're like, we can't have you looking too ripped.

What was that called standards and practices. We'll say no, no, no, no, no, we do not do sexy here at the Disney Channel.

You better kick yeah.

Yeah. At that point, or for that age.

If I had a dollar for every time somebody told me I couldn't take my shirt off because I was too ripped.

Dude, I know. Well that's the thing. I worked so hard.

I would have zero dollars it working so hard.

And then yeah, I don't think I worked out again for twenty years up until recently.

I was gonna say, you and your brothers aren't in good shape.

All. Yeah, do you want to you want to feel bad about yourself as a guy, go.

Sit next to the three man please please. Uh, let's talk.

Speaking of podcasts, let's talk a little bit about yours. Can you uh tell us a little bit about the brother of the love pod?

It love pod? Who knew who knew? We are? We are?

We really just started this thing, uh for fun and and didn't realize they were gonna was gonna be such a demand. And people really have been supportive and and and and have expressed a lot of joy from it. So we're gonna try to keep it going as long as possible. It's doing very well.


Well, you were on it. It was fantastic, Sabrina. I'd love for you to come on it too. I'm putting on the show.

Yeah, it's a lot of fun.

We we we have a really great time, just you know. Tabletop conversation with my brothers and and myself and and hopefully a very cool guest.

Yeah, it's it was.

It reminded me so much of sitting with my brothers being there with you guys. I mean just because I'm I'm the youngest of three boys as well, so you know, we have that in common too, And it was just like sitting around the table with my brothers.

It was.

It was pretty funny. And uh, and you're still working on.

Music right working on music? Yep.

I got with brothers and I have a song that we wrote kind of a title song for the podcast that we're gonna film a little video for and released. And we have a couple other songs. Maybe you do like a little EP or our record will come out with the three of us, because we just didn't I like, you know, if you're gonna do something, why not do it with the people you love and the people so why not? And then yeah, we got some we got some movies that were working on that we're very excited about. Lots of stuff, man, lots of stuff, keeping busy, that's for sure.

That is nice, phenomenal nice. I mean, I don't know what else to say. We could sit here for an hour just gushing over this film.

It was the best film we've seen. Sabrina gave it the first ten what because we rate them all, it really did.

I really stuck around between the bigger ones. I think the most we've given was then eight point five maybe for to Send, But Descendants was the one to beat for me, and that I love musical, so that's hard for me to not, you know, veer into that because of my love for dance and music and everything. But this was just the I cried. I mean, I just I just it was just so good and I wasn't expecting it. Again, and I say this on that podcast, so prepare yourself. I'm not big into wrestling. I never knew anyone that did it before, you know, in high school, that was not something that you know, never had a boyfriend that did was in wrestling. So I really knew nothing about it. Wasn't sure what it was going to be about. Knew you were in it most likely then going to be pretty good, but was nowhere near ready for what I watched. It was just so good.

I really appreciate that.

Yeah, I couldn't believe you didn't there should have been awards.

I agree it took it to the next level. No, it really did.

It took the d com to the next level, to the point where you know, I I said, I will probably never give a ten. This was tough not to give a ten. I gave you a solid nine to five. Sabrina's like, you've got to change it. It's gonna be a ten. It's got to be a ten. I was like, no, I got a hold off. I can't give anything a ten, but this is gonna come closest. I don't see how this can be beaten. I also am not a fan of musicals. I don't like when entire casts break into song like they've sat there and they've rehearsed, and all of a sudden, everybody knows the same lyrics. But the music in this was so good because it was natural and real and I knew you were playing the instruments. And again, I don't think you've said five words on this podcast, because it's just us telling you how awesome they are.

From now.

I appreciate, and it's in obviously it's not just it's not just me too.

You know how those things work.

The Stuart Al, the director, and the producerbody. They really, they really, they they top notch crew and they did a great job.

And everybody top to bottom was so good.

Even I was saying, even you know the guy who gets injured and you took his place. He was great and you didn't have a big part, but what was written for him was really great. A lot of times it comes down to just the scenes that they got, and it was sometimes isn't you know a lot of times not necessarily the actor. It's just the storyline doesn't really make sense. They seem kind of useless. Everyone had a great part, awesome, it was so good.

It was just Great's I mean, that's the director of the writing obviously, that's really sure.

Sure, Yes, yeah, Will you come back.

Again because you again, we have so many decoms with you, guys, we have to go through.

Any time to hang out with you. Guys.

Will anytime you man, I will with bells on you let me know right.

Well, because I'm hoping we do one where we look at you and go, wow, that movie sucked.

That one.

Doubt that's gonna happen, because if this is any indication of what we can expect from you and your brothers, you're there's a reason you're decom royalty.

It was.

It was amazing, It was amazing.

What's the one you said you did first? What was the name of that one? Because that seems pretty dear to your heart? Okay, yeah, that's definitely on the list, No, it is.

And then there's the ship ship wreck.

What is the.

Jumping ship the other Yeah, there's a number of these that we're going to be going through because.

They're jumping ship. That's a lot of activity.

I don't know if you can find the other me anymore, because it was a book, and and and and and Disney lost the rights to the licensing of it, and I and I think freaking it from there because they don't want.

It might be on YouTube if there if we can find them on YouTube. So the rule we have for the pod is that we don't want to do a movie that people can't follow along with, because we'd love to do like the Wonderful World of the Disney's from the fifties and sixties and some of the early ones, but we can't find them, so we've got to make sure to Yeah, I know, it is such a sh we.

Even found we will and I did an interview and even found this, I mean huge Disney fanatic who was like, what was the tiger one?

Uh uh uh Tiger Town, Tiger Town And we were talking about we'd love to do that, but we can't find it, and she goes.

Oh, like this one it has a chant. Yes, so we tried to.

By the way, your movie is on YouTube. It's been confirmed.

Our producers have told us it is on YouTube, so we will certainly be doing that one of the event.

Uh it on Prime video too, you might.

Yeah, it was live still, OK.

Thank you so much for joining us.

So good to see you.

You can't wait to see it again.

Everybody go check out the Brotherly Love Pod and everything else they do.

It's just you just sit there and you get to watch talent and it's pretty great. So thank you Andy for joining us, and we'll see you again.

Man, can't wait.

Thank you you too.

He's amazing, And.

Again, that's going to be a podcast where everybody's going to be writing in going. You didn't let him speak, and it's like, why I just wanted to tell him he was awesome for an hour, you know.

Because especially how many of the actors have we talked to already that cringe at watching themselves. You don't know if they're gonna they don't you know, they might be told by you know, people that are on their team or anything like that. But it's always great to say, you know, it's from somebody unexpectingly, you know. And it was. I mean, it was so worthy of all of that to know how good of a job he really did. I just I've never I've never seen him act that, you know, that kind of role before.

Have you. No, he's you know, he's always the cute, funny younger brother.


You know, I'm funny and yeah, and again I'm just thinking about you know, you're handed this script and you look at it and you say, okay, so i have to play somebody with a disability.

I'm also a musician and I'm also an athlete.

I mean, just there's so few actors, especially fifteen year old actors, that could have pulled that off the way he pulled it. I mean, maybe you could find somebody who could play somebody who had the that was visually impaired well, or you could find somebody that was great as an athlete, or you could find a musician, or maybe one of the combinations of the two, but all.

Three, there's one guy that could pull that off. And it was I mean that was amazing all the way around.

I mean, such a again, such a great you know opportunity for him to showcase that too, you know, and and to be able to really dive into I'm sure a character even more because you do have all those you know things. It shocked me that he never played I mean, I guess kickboxing, can we really?


No, ca, I mean again he had Well, I mean, it depends on what you're learning in kickboxing, and you know, it's got the it's got the martial art aspect of you know, your against another opponent, So learning how to move stuff like that would be something that at least would be in his wheelhouse. But yeah, it's learning a whole new discipline. And the fact that they set up a mat and he had I mean one of one of the guys who was helping him was an actual blind wrestling olympian.

That's amazing. I love that. Disney must have really taken, like what we talked about on the on the podcast episode of Where of Us rewatching, you know, taking that very serious, you know, not not just swinging it and just kind of we'll see where it goes, but they wanted to pair him up with somebody who could really make his time as portraying this actor very successful.

Yeah, amazing, it's just great. Well, thank you for joining us for.

This gush fest is what I'm gonna call it, the the Going to the Matt Gushfest because Andy just killed it in this movie. If you haven't seen it yet, really go watch it because it has been our highest rated dcom so far and rightfully so.

Yes, thank you again for joining us, and join us next time.

You know, you can subscribe on Magical rewind Pod on the Instagram machine.

And thank you.

For you know, sticking with us as we're making our way through the Decme library one at a time. And man did we have a special one in Going to the Mat. So hopefully that'll set the stage for the rest we'll see. Thanks everybody, Bye bye.


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