Heeee's back! The man, the legend, the incredible, Michael Bublé! Michael is packing concert venues on his "Higher" tour, after recently releasing a whole new LP of the same name. He's got some fun new partnerships with Dancing With The Stars legend, Derek Hough, a brand new baby girl, and he tells us about a business venture his sweet wife talked him into - Dog For Dog - that helps out our furry companions.
Michael takes a break to talk with us about the IMPORTANT stuff! How we all have the power to change a life simply by being KIND. It's one of the most genuine, heart-to-heart conversations you could ever be a part of, so waste no time - listen now! ~ Delilah
Hey, there, have you been settling into your fall routines yet? Those first few weeks of back to school are kind of tough at times, but hopefully you're getting into the rhythm now. You're not forgetting to be there to pick up the kids at the bus stop. Okay, it only happened once or twice. Even if you don't have kids at home with schedules that remind you of the passing seasons. You've certainly noticed the shorter days and the changing weather. What autumn delights are you looking forward to? Will you go to a pumpkin patch? Will you carve a jack o Lannard? Will you decorate your porch or your mantle with fall favorites? Are you the costume wearing type, Maybe you're the apple bobbing sort. Maybe you just enjoy taking long drives and looking at the changing colors. Whatever it is that sends your spirit soaring, I hope you carve out time. See that, carve out time to do it. I cracked myself up. Music is always top of my list, and this autumn one of my favorite performers is on tour. The One, the only, the sexy, the charming, the charismatic Michael Bubley. He's been wowing fans with his Higher tour and by the way, you'll you'll hear this. I'm sure we'll talk about it in our conversation. But his son Noah wrote the hook the main lines in the song Higher. It kicked off on August eight. He's been hitting Citi's coast to coast. He'll be bringing it to a conclusion on October eleven and Buffalo, New York. But today today, he's taking some time out of his busy schedule to spend time here with us. In just a minute, we're going to catch up with Michael Boubley and here all about the tour. Will we'll talk about life, we will talk about kids, what ever he wants to dish on. I gotta ask him about his social media presence because he is hysterical on social media. But first I'm gonna spend some time telling you about a podcast sponsor that makes conversations like the one we're having possible today. One of our podcast sponsors is inviting you on a fun, fun cruise next year. It is the Ultimate Disco Cruise. This is five incredible nights of the greatest dance music ever. Whether you want to relive the days of Studio fifty four. It's up to you, but with live performances by Cooling, the Gang, Billy Ocean, Taylor Dane's Sister Sledge, Evelyn Champagne King and so many others late February through early March next year with stops and Key West and Cosomel to go online for all the details. Ultimate Disco Cruise dot Com slash Delilah. The Ultimate Disco Creus dot Com is the website and then use my name Delilah to get special pricing on your accommodations. So let me introduce Mr Michael Bublet, who is one of my favorite entertainers in the whole world. I was talking to somebody the other day and I said, if you knew how funny this guy is, like you do humor in your show, But I said, you gotta watch his TikTok's. Just watches TikTok's and then you'll get how funny my friend Michael is. Because I have too much fun with those tiktoks. Have way too much fun with your TikTok It's like you're like eight years old on TikTok's. Michael, you know you and your son are like best friends, the same mental age. When you do TikTok's, he's probably beat me for a maturity love. We did we talk about TikTok the last time we talk. No, we didn't. But I am obsessed with you on social media and I love the fact that you are. You put I don't put content out all the time because I'm I'm busy, I'm I'm have got a baby zebra to feed. You got a baby baby de feed. I got a baby zebra to feed. But you do the the stupid, funniest thing on your social media. I love you. I wasn't. I was never a big social media fan. I understood that it was a way to help grow your brand. I understood it was a part of the marketing thing. And it was because now people, you know, that's where they get their information. And so I wasn't. You were you were a reluctant entrance into I was reluctant, But I honestly felt like I would watch my friends doing all these instagrams and I would think, Man, they're they're really needy. This person needs to hug, you know, like there's something this guy, this guy really needs attention. Eating bagels it's like, what, what do you do? You need a hug? But then TikTok came along. My wife said to me, you should do it. She said, you know you're you're funny and you enjoy the interaction with Pete both. But I never knew how much I'd like it. And the truth is, it isn't making the content that I like so much, because and I do like that, that comes far far after how connected we get to become with with people. I have found the greatest voices, the funniest people, and I have literally not just follow them, but then written them and or commented on them. And all of a sudden, this great, big world has become so much smaller, and I have, actually, I have actually started friendships. When I met you, you were a kid talking about your grandpa doing plumbing at my farm, and you were goofy and silly. And so when I watch you on TikTok, I'm like, that's my Micha all that that's who I'm met. And I love that I know all of you. I mean that I get to experience all the different variations of your wonderful personality. I love that I get to be those people. It's so much fun to play those and I say, play those characters and make sure, but they're just a part of you. They're a part of it. It's funny when we when I think about you and I think about what you do and how you do it, it's very interesting. It's very I'm sure that in parts it's calculated and in other parts it's a very natural thing. But you have an ability to really make listeners feel their heard. You're not just like other people. And you know that are putting out now, here's the song, here's the thing. There's an actual back and forth to the relationship, and you are also there's a sexiness there and whether you mean to do that or you don't mean to do that, there's a definite undertone of sexuality. There's a thing where you are. You're not only communicating with them, but you are in a in a strange way, romancing them. And and I've said you before that there's so much that I feel that we have. It's similar because we as much as we love our audience and we and they are our extended family, our job is also to seduce them in a way, and that's when we get to become that other person. That isn't that isn't the googy person, that isn't the self africanting person world you know parts of us that are that person, so we can be grown up professionals. Yeah. Absolutely, I want to fall in love with your new baby. Are you trying? Are you and your wife trying to catch up with me? And that's what is that? What's going on? There is no possibility, you know what it's Sometimes it's overwhelming, like as you know, but it's a joy. I mean, the fact that I get to to live both of these laps is I was talking about it this morning, And you get to be a fabulous dad with fabulous kids. And thank God that that everything is going well because I know you have hit basis where nobody ever wants no parents well ever, can I ask you something? Don't you feel through this pandemic that it really put us all on equal ground? Like I mean, I knew so many people that have never dealt with any kind of adversity and or mental health issues, and all of a sudden, we have a whole world that that can be empathetic towards each other that at least we know there I mean, people suffered, people are still suffering. I mean, I look out to my shows and I see I mean, I see thousands of people every night, and I know it was tough for them to get there. I know it wasn't easy. I know they worked their ass off for the money they make. I know the gas is expensive. I know that the economy is not great. I know that we've got inflation and uh, you know, and then forget about just that those kind of things. I mean, for a long time, we were all just we feared for our lives, for the lives of people we love, people lost people they loved. Um mental health obviously, just it was always been an issue. I just don't think people maybe realized the precipice we live on, how our mental state hangs in the balance, in the balance, and we saw something like this happen, and all of a sudden, the whole world have suffered. The whole world felt like, oh, this is yeah, and you're right there there, you and I are very blessed. I mean, when it when it started coming down, when I saw what was happening, and I'm like, okay, kids in the car, we're going to the ranch. Could I ask you a question, even though I know you're asking any questions, how did the pandemic and what you saw happening? How did it change you and your what your process and what you're hopeless for sale podcast? Did it Did it inspire you to just sort of take care of people in a different way? Did it change Well? I think my natural inclination, you know, has always been to be a caretaker. Otherwise I would not have fifting child. And but um, what it did for me is it really helped me prioritize in uh a way that that I didn't see coming. None of us saw it coming. And I thought that I had prioritized fairly well before, but I hadn't. I hadn't, And it really like laser focused me on what really matters, what really really matters, the caretakers at the hospital, of the people on the front line, they really really matter. And I had given lip service before thanking nurses and doctors. Oh my gosh, no that matters. And what kind of stories were you getting? Because I know people contact you a ton of these things with a ton of letters that were you Were you really receiving a ton of stuff? Oh? Yeah, my my phone calls, I mean I get call attempts now, and I'm sure it doubled or tripled because people say that again, how many attempts fifty thousand call attempts plus a night. I'm not kidding you. Wow, I'm in the wrong business. Yeah, that we have an eight hundred number six three threela and so we track how many call attempts. I don't have a call screener. I don't know if you know this. I don't have a call screener. I did for years, and what I've discovered is I like the intimacy and the immediacy of answering the phone and talking to people, because with the call screener, it's kind of like the listeners give them the best stuff and then by the time they get to me, they've rethought in their head, or they've staged what they're gonna say, or they've rehearsed it. I don't want to do that. I just I like, Hi, Michael Boublet, it's Delilah. Who's on your heart tonight? You know? I like that, that that intimacy. And so when when the pandemic hit, when the shutdowns hit, I became a lot of people his only friend, that's Michael. Do you know how many people live in a freaking high rise apartment and don't know their neighbors. You and I would never be that person. Um, we know everybody on every floor and their habits and their favorite song. That's just the way you and I are built. But there are a lot of people who aren't wired like us, and they were so desperately lonely. Yes, and that I have been blessed to be entrusted with this place that God has placed me where I get to be people's friends. But with that comes a great responsibility. What do I what do I take to you privately about about that relationship with the people, Because listen, they think we're doing an interview where you and me are doing this interview things. When I write you personally, I always say that I find you and I are similar in our unique love for those people, that they are not they are not our bread and butter, they are our extended family, and that we genuinely care about them, and that actually, you know what I just read? This is it? Okay? If I read this, you can read anything. You can do, Michael, you can do it. So here is here is a private message between you and I where this is what I say to you genuinely. I think we care about listeners. We care about them as human beings and are extended family, and you can't fake that. That is the magic or an X factor that makes the relationships we have with them so unique and special. So that's how I that's not that's me writing you in a private conversation, and that's how I really do feel that that is a and you can't fake it because people will see through it and uh. And you might be able to get away with it for months or maybe years, but at some point you are And how long have you been doing this? How long has it been now? Um, since a year before you were born. I've been on the air since a year before you one years. Yeah, something like that. Listen. The world is in a tough place right now, and so you have to you have to know that that's just what That's just what's happening. And I try so hard not to to fan the flames, not to be divisive. I don't want to be divisive. I don't want anything on my show to be divisive. I don't want people fighting with each other. But sometimes this our world is divided. But I'm gonna tell you something interesting and I talk about every night. Tonight, I'm going to go play it here. I think we've got twelve thousand people that will be out there to night, and I swear to you that will be black and white and gained straight, and young and old and Richard four and there will be no division. There will be no division. There are people at their best. And it's harder to be a bad bad guy or a bad girl than it is to be good. And I truly believe it when I see it. When I see it out in that context, I realize it gives me hope, when it gives me faith. And I talk about it very openly because we're we're better than that. We're better than to be divided by audiology or race or or you know. It's okay, we can we can disagree. That's the thing we're going to disagree. I will not There's a bunch of subjects you and I as friends won't agree on at all. But I don't have to hate you with guts for it. Yeah, you don't have to agree with me, uh or or or pray the same way I pray, or raise your kids the same way I raise my kids. Um to be friends and yeah, we just got to get there. Now, we just got to get there. But I mean it's hard to get there when I think people are hurting in many ways exactly I think, and it's coming out as anger. Yeah, and it's just, you know, it's we're scared and anxious, and when we feel those things, we lose our common sense, We we lose our empathy for each other, we lose that love we have for ourselves, and it's just becomes as one of those sort of domino effects. Maybe we can make a difference. I'm trying. I'm trying. Every moment in a day we have an opportunity to change lives. And it's one small, random act of kindness. And every single person, every one of those fifty people that writes to every night, they each have so much power. They may not know they have so much power, but they have no idea what one smile, but one turning to a guy in the elevator and saying, Dan, boy, you look great. I love those boots. I know it sounds trivial and small, but it isn't small. It isn't small. No idea that to say, you know, just I love those that TikTok's where someone puts a little note and they'll handle it a note to somebody and they'll say, you know you made a difference. Yeah, we all have that power. We all have and you know this this conversation, there will be cynical people. And I understand it because I'm a cynical person. There will be cynical people that hear this and say, well, listen to the violet and boo bleg be essaying about you have any power and you can get And I get it. It's so easy to be cynical. But I know that I can go to bed at night and I can look in the mirror and I can say that every day I try my damnedest to be that guy and to to be sensitive and to be empathetic, and one day, I hope my kids and their kids will look at me and that will be the legacy of Michael Blue Blaine who he is. That's what love is. It's that joy and that energy that you pour into whatever you touch, whether you're singing a song or dancing on stage, or picking the kid up after school, or making greens and ribs for dinner or whatever. When you pour love into what you do, it affects. It's got that ripple effect. And if our conversation today, if one of the zillions of listeners that listens to you goes, yeah, so I am on the right track. I'm gonna keep doing this. Then you know what is then you're doing a good job. I love, love, love talking to this man, which is why I do it every opportunity I get. He has always so much fun. He is gracious, he is kind. Let me share a little inside info on one of my fabulous podcast sponsors, and then, in fact, you're gonna love the sponsor. I love this sponsor. And if if you are the picture taking kind of person I am, you you need to know about this sponsor. Then we'll continue our conversation with Michael coming up next. This podcast is sponsored by a company solving a family problem. They've got the greatest name, Forever Forever dot com. I love my family, and I love all my family memories, especially all the photos and all the videos of my children and my grandchildren. But I have the same problem them as many people. My photos my videos are everywhere. Some are in old boxes and old photo albums. Others are on social media sites and cloud storage accounts and thousands are on my phone. But with all these memories spread about everywhere, they're really nowhere. They're difficult to share, and they are all in danger of being lost, and many are being data mined by advertisers. But recently I discovered a solution to my photo mess Forever is the name of a company that's been helping families save, organize, and share their memories for a decade, and I've opened my own account at Forever dot com. My Forever account is my permanent digital home, which I'm now using to safely, save, organize, and share thousands of family photos and video eos. Forever is safe, no data mining, no advertising, and you can design and print beautiful holiday cards, books and gifts. Start today by opening a free intro account at Forever dot com. It's easy, but if you need help, call one eight eight eight Forever or choose a Forever ambassador near you. Memories help families stay connected. Forever. Get started at Forever dot com and use promo code Love for percent off. That was that this thing called Opticon, which is a big conference for vision people and glasses and everything. And I found out that the people who make these lenses and glasses Sessler has this charity where if a kid can't afford a pair of glasses, if a parent brings a kid into the doctor who can't apport for a pair of glasses, or the school nurse identifies that this kid has a vision problem and the pairs are struggling, they will provide one hundred percent the frames, two pair beautiful frames and brand new lenses, prescriptions to pair for a child who whose error an adult, if you're homeless, if you're a veteran, if you're a single mom. One site is the name of the charity. But the problem is doctors don't know about it, so they're trying to get the word out so that kids can get glasses. Right. So I'm talking to these people and I'm just like so jazzed, I can't even stand it. I'm like, I work with foster kids, and foster kids are always underserved in and there in our town, there's a population of kids who are homeless and they actually sleeping cars and there, so when they're served, and I want to get them classes and blah blah blah. And this woman had this beautiful little girl and I just, you know, zeroed in on this little girl I'm like, oh my god, she's so cute. And so somehow it got onto the subject of kids and our kids, and I say, had, so, you know, why don't you have another one? You know, because she was talking and said well, I said, so we got four seven thousand kids in adoption and foster care, adopt one. I said, I've adopted six. My house is kind of full. I could use a little healthier. And she said, oh my gosh. I was thinking about this for the last few weeks. She walked away. She called her her fiancee and she said, I'm going to do it. I'm gonna get foster licensed. I mean right there, and I'm like, now, how many lives will that touch? How many lives will that touch? Absolutely? So I just want I just wanted to see a Ted talk and a woman killed me. She killed me, And now that was what she did. On her TED Talk, she said that she was she came from a really rough family. She said that they knew in school they would make fun of her because she she smelled, because her and her brother didn't have a way to have a shower. They would make fun of her because she would take app of course for the garbage can, and that's what she would eat. And she said that her and her brother would all come from school and there was an elderly couple that would uh every day would would intercept them and give them cookies and or peanut butter sandwich and and she went, you know, she became a successful writer, and she was about seventy something years old. And I'll make the story short, but at the end of the at the end of the story, she said, you know, those people would probably never had had any idea of the impact they had on me. She said, but that the teacher who believed in me and told me that I was talented. It's the first time anyone ever made me feel that I was that I had a life with living. She had thought about suicide when she was seven for the first time and and now she said, you know, she's gone on and she went on to adopted, and she went on to live this incredible life. And it was it killed me. I got to the end. I was a mess. And she said, you know, I'm seventy something years old. I have a view, a full family that loves me. And she said, but to this day, I'd never walked past the garbage can without wondering if there's an apple corn and you know, crush me, crush me, crush me, because it's, uh, it's a big scary world sometimes. So I just gotta keep keep aware of things like that, every opportunity, every opportunity that you have to pour love into somebody's life. Yeah. And by the way, that goes for animals. So my wife, actually believe it or not, talked to me into buying a company weirdly with Sho Dog and Chelsea Handler and some of our friends. And it's called Dog for Dog. When you were talking about the glasses company, it reminded me that, so what this dog the Dog does is dog dog dog for dog. When you go in buy a dog for dog, whatever, it's a treat or a bag of dog food, we deliver one for one, to the to the to the societies you made societies. Absolutely. I just my wife loves dogs like you loves animals, and so she talked me into it and we did it, and she told me, she said, you know how many millions of dogs are euthanized because they don't they can't, they can't feed them. Ours is a no kill shelter, and so they are shelter actually goes to shelters that are high killed shelters and brings the dogs and so they have rescued. My wife and Argentina makes me go with the bandana and go to stray dogs and hide the bandanas so that then they know that's a lou dog and then they can start to through her social media, she can set them up for the doctor poems. Oh wow, I know I loved her. When you're when you're when you're out on the street, scary straight pit bull and your wife's going go for the handkerchief around. Yeah, but you know what your wife could say, go go to to jump on the back of that shark, and Michael, you would do it. Go right the em honey, I want a video of it for the children. Write the EMU. Well, if you ever get up here, you know, besides, when you're on tour and you don't have two minutes to your name, you guys got to come and you gotta bring the kids to see the Yeah. I love you, guys, I love you, love you. Thank you for having me. This is a beautiful I sometimes forget that this is being recorded. Yeah, but I didn't talk naughty to you once. This time, and I didn't use any bad language. I think I said, would we're growing up or something? Yeah? We do quhen can I get together with you? God? I love you, Michael, lovey, thank you. Currently performing to packed arena's on a nightly basis, the man never slows down. My friend, Michael Boublay continues his Higher Tour with stops including the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle tomorrow September. Were you able to score tickets to any of his shows? I sure hope some of you have. He puts on a nominal show Dancing with the Stars. Fans will be thrilled to learn of the Michael Boublay theme week on Disney Plus beginning Monday October. The Grammy winning multi platinum superstar entertainer will not only perform his latest single and album titled track Higher, but will also serve as a guest judge on Dancing with the Stars, and every celebrity and professional competitor will dance to timeless selections from Michael boublays extensive catalog. How fun is that? Additionally, Michael has teamed up with Derek Hoff for the Higher National Dance Contest open exclusively to US residents September fift through November seven. Fans may enter to win once in a lifetime prizes including a one on one face time talking with Michael, a private dance lesson with dancing legend Derek Hoff, airfare and accommodations to l A for four and more, a new album, new chart climbing singles, new videos, new partnerships with Dancing with the Stars, a dog food company Dog for Dog, and a brand new baby girl. Michael is on fire. I love, love, love this man. Have I said that enough? And I am grateful to him for the wonderful music he puts out. I love the way he makes people feel. I love his love for his beautiful wife, his commitment to his family, and mostly for his friendship that has spanned more than two decades now. He's always willing to share time with us. Go to Michael Bubley dot com, That's m I C H A E L B U B l E dot com, Michael Boublay dot com for details on Higher, the Album, concert news, Higher National Dance contest Info, Michael Boublay, swag and more. Autumn Opens is a season of industry and business, but there is a slowing down that takes place as well. It brings deep breaths of fresh crisp air, meandering strolls with crunchy leaves underfoot, and the opportunity to pause, to observe, to make some course corrections if needed, to take advantage of every good thing that that autumn has to offer, and remember the autumn season is every season that comes before and after is the perfect time to slow down and love someone. Thank you for joining Michael Boublet and me today. I'm going to go listen to Higher on repeat until it's time to sit down at the microphone and spend the evening with you on the air waves.