Published Jul 27, 2018, 8:41 PM

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Hello, Harry, How are you doing Harry Connick Jr. Welcome to The Delilah Show. Thank you very much. It's good to talk to you. How do you have time to be with me on the show when you are like everywhere right now? Because in life you have to have priorities, and you are a priority for me. Delilah melt my heart. So you've been melting my heart Harry Connick Jr. For years, despite the fact that you're married to like the most beautiful woman on the planet. I still have a secret crush on you. Okay, well it's not that secret. You're so damned adorable. You're like talent it and you can sing, and you can act, and you got those eyes and that smile, and you're funny and now you're like this famous TV guy. Man, I need to call you more often. Grateful my ego. Oh come on now, how how are you doing it? How are you like keeping TV shows and like producing new music and like going on tour this summer? How are you going to do that? Well? We we finished taping this year for the for the show, so I have some time this summer, and you know, I'm focusing on coming out and playing music, and we're excited because we haven't been on the road in a little while, so, you know, on a like a formal tour. I mean we've we've played shows here and there, but this is a, you know, an official tour, and we're we're thrilled because you know, we love that. I think, as for me and everybody in the band, playing concert is playing in front of people as as at the heart of what we do. So we're we're we're dying to get out there and start playing in Harry, I just I adore you. I cannot say enough to your Your music has touched my heart. Your I love your jazz, I love your career. I mean, everybody knows you're like Mr Christmas. You're right up there with Santa Claus Records to make you are right up there with Santa Claus in in in the bringing Christmas Joy to people department. You know that. That's really sweet. Thank you, Delilah, because the Delilah Show is all over Christmas. Yeah, man, that's good stuff. We we we crank out the Christmas So thank you for all the great Christmas music. Are you going to be in any more movies or TV shows besides your own point right now, you know, I'm kind of looking at the immediate future. We we just finished a workshop of a musical adaptation of the film This Thing. I was playing Paul Newman's part and it's very cool. So the the intent there for that show to go to Broadway. We'll see what happens that. Now I have the tour and then, um, you know, whatever bridges are after that, we'll cross him when we get to them. Harry, thank you for spending time with us. Could you talk a little bit about your interest and your passion in encouraging people to get screened for cancer. I know your wife is a cancer survivor. Talk a little bit about that if you would. It's a campaign, UM that has to do with uh, screening for colon cancer, which is something UM, you know, I've had too many negative experiences with with cancer. I mean, one experiences is bad, but you know, my mom died of cancer. My wife, you know, is just at the five year point recovering from breast cancer. And I thought it was important too to make people aware of how important was to to get screened for colon cancer. So I've been doing this campaign called the New fifty Campaign. UM, basically telling people that UH fifties a little bit different now than it than it used to be. And if you go to a New fifty dot com you can read all about it. But there's a product called colon Guard, which is a uh which you use to screen for colon cancer. And it's it's unequal standing as a screening uh as for screening for colon cancer as colonoscopy. So if you're over fifty I just turned fifty. If you're over fifty and your average risk, you can ask your doctor to prescribe colon Guard for you and then you don't have to go through that big nuisance of getting colonoscopy. Um that's just for the screening part. Obviously, if there's a positive diagnosis, you have to have a colonoscopy. But it's it's pretty it's a game changer, and I'm just trying to get as many people as I can to get screen because it's important. It's very important. Okay, where can they go to find out more the New fifty They can go to New fifty dot com any w and then the number five, Oh I should I should tell you to the lotta before I go. There's a hashtag um called screen with Me. It's a challenge that Jill and I are trying to get everybody we know that over fifty to take this challenge. It's about getting screen for colon cancer. And every pledge, and this is important, Exact Sciences are going to donate a dollar to cancer research and advocacy. So if you go to hashtag screen with me, you can you can uh get all your friends to get signed up if they're if they're over fifty, to get get screened because there's too many people that are not getting screened. And you know, one people who is going to be diagnosed with this, and thirty five million people are not getting screened because of probably the same reason I didn't want to get a colonoscopy, which is I was freaked out by it. So I just wanted to make sure I said that before I left. You. Okay, hashtag screen with me, Yeah, hashtag screen with me. Okay, And a dollar goes to cancer research for each person signed up. It's really really important, you know, let's get this thing eradicated. Man, enough already enough already, Harry, thank you for spending time with us. God bless you. That's just talking to you. Give my love to your beautiful family. Thanks Delilah,

LOVE SOMEONE with Delilah

In a world that can feel divisive and bleak, it's easy to get caught up in feelings of hopelessness, 
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