Mammon or Marriage? | W. Bradford Wilcox | November 2023
While many search for happiness through financial or career success, being married and having a family increases overall happiness more. Click here to see the speech page.
Unlocking the Door to the Blessings of Abraham | Julie B. Beck | March 2008
You can prepare for eternal marriage now by serving, sharing the gospel, doing temple and family history work, and being wise as you date. Click here to see the speech page.
“Taking Sweet Counsel” | J. Bonner Ritchie | June 1991
To improve our eternal relationships, we must take sweet counsel from the Lord in prayer and with others in councils. Click here to see the speech page.
Love of the Savior | Timothy B. Smith | February 2008
As we embody a spirit of love, we find increased happiness and joy in our individual lives. Love can strengthen our families and friendships. Click here to access the speech page.
Building An Eternal Home | Gordon B. Hinckley | November 1959
An eternal home is one where eternal covenants are made and kept. Strive for a temple marriage, and treasure your spouse and children. Click here to see the speech page.
Marriage Is Ordained of God | Brent A. Barlow | October 1999
Marriage is ordained of God and is the first bond of society. In a world where marriage is being discredited, be the difference and make it a priority. Click here to view the speech page.
Designed for Covenant Relationships | Jenet Jacob Erickson | November 2022
Entering into covenant relationships while we are on earth helps us to experience the truest intimacy—the perfect love the Father has for us. Click here to view the speech page.
“Avoid It” | Lynn G. Robbins | September 2013
The Savior counsels us to completely avoid temptation instead of merely dealing with it when we are faced by it. Click here to view the speech page.
Agency or Inspiration—Which? | Bruce R. McConkie | February 1973
Do we simply use our agency or do we rely on inspiration from God? The fact is that we can't move forward without either when we counsel with the Lord. Click this link to view the speech page.
“Rejoice in Christ Jesus, and Have No Confidence in the Flesh” | F. Enzio Busche | May 1985
As we choose to follow the Savior, and have no confidence in the contrary messages of the world, we will understand our great potential in His eternal plan. Click here to view the speech page.