Welcome back, locamores! Las Locatoras took a short break the month of June but are back & this capítulo is content heavy. We were on break, but we we're still podcasting & gigging. Tune in as we discuss our debut in Film & Hollywood: LALIFF Opening Night, our Vida Podcast Panel with the cast of Vida Starz, Latinos Who Lunch, and Sorry To Bother You Film Screening with AEM. (Side note: Some Cis-het men have issues with women, bikinis, and IG. We briefly touch on that too.) For the second half of our Radiophonic Novela, learn about literary and performance artist, Jayy Dodd. Jayy is the ultimate shittalker and selfie extraordinaire.
P.S. Our first song break features our homegirl's new single: "Good Love" by Tona. (@Tona.Music). Closing song is produced by Jayy, "Andre Leon Talley".