
054: Emily Ehlers - Parenthood, Intentional Living & Big Questions

Published Sep 12, 2017, 9:53 AM

The big questions are often the most important but the hardest to ask, especially when you’re asking yourself.

My guest today, Emily Ehlers, started asking herself the big questions—What do I value? What is important to me? — When her mother in-law passed away from brain cancer.

My conversation with Emily takes many twists and turns as we discuss parenthood and allowing our children to grow, values and realigning our true north, and the numbness of drifting through life.

Emily is an eco warrior and we talk about moving towards zero waste, how we need to be gentle with our partners when bringing new ideas into the household, and Emily also shares some great tips when starting out towards zero waste.

We also talk about how we, too often, are chasing that imaginary finishing line—waiting for a magical day to arrive where we can be happy and fulfilled. But how that day we have been waiting for, is today. Emily shares a brilliant Less/More exercise where you write down what you want less of in your life and what you want more of, and I share the art of smiling, which is a simple but powerful exercise I do to help change or improve my mood.

I hope you enjoy x

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We often get in our own way by creating stories in our mind that aren’t true. We think we can’t do s 
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