Hey lifers!
Little update on Britt's fertility and where her (small) eggs are at!
We unpack the weirdest beauty treatments including salmon sperm facials...
We also talk about how it's refreshing to see people like Julia Morris being open with the cosmetic procedures they elect to have.
Our vibes for the week:
Britt: Point hacks au on instagram
Laura: Painkiller on Netflix (and also Dope sick on Disney plus)
Keeshia: Denton Ultime Pillow
Then we jump into your questions:
Is it crazy to message the family, mum in particular, of a guy who has ghosted you? We dated for a year, but we were long-distance. I was supposed to see him in 2 weeks for the first time this year but now he's ghosted me. He said he's super overwhelmed with work and it takes a toll on him but he loves me so much. Never did he ever say that we had ended, he simply has ghosted me. I can see that he's following a couple new girls on instagram, so clearly he has time on his hands. I want him to know that no one deserves this and he can't get away with treating people like this but he won't respond to my messages. I'm not going to keep pushing him but I want his family to know how he's treated me. I know it's a bit crazy, but I want to know whether it is completely unacceptable or not?
If you have an question please send it on it to life uncut podcast on Instagram here
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