LIFE OF BRIAN...Mannix that is Episode 18 Rick Springfield and former Bee Gee Colin Petersen.

Published Sep 5, 2023, 1:23 AM

Rick Springfield and Colin Petersen are two Aussies who have both made a huge impact on the international scene, Colin as a child actor in the movie Smiley then behind the drum kit for the Bee Gees' first musical assault on the world through hits like Massachusetts, To Love Somebody, New York Mining Disaster and Words.

Now a Queensland resident, Colin shares the story, from his start in the business to the first break up of the brothers Gibb. 

Rick Springfield is touring the United States now with his new album Automatic. He talks about making the new record and looks back over a career that includes being shot at while touring Vietnam in the sixties, the story behind covering Eleanor Rigby with Zoot, the smash success of Jessie's Girl and much more.   

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