After a year and a half we're back! Sooooo much has happened in the past 36 months, Steph got married, Lisa started a business and got loved up and Toni....well not a lot changed in her world except for menopause! Get the latest on our lives.
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Been a while since we heard this music.
I know.
Still gets the shoulders going, no, does it go? Hey, it's the Life as we Know It podcast. Now, this is where I normally say, you've got, you know, three women from three different generations, Me and the fifties at Lisa in the forties, Step in the thirties. But I need to check something before we actually do that. Are we still in those age groups or has something changed since the last time we've done this.
I still am You're still in your forty forty five now, right, I'm thirty three.
Right, okay, and I'm still in my fifties. I'm I'm fifty five now.
Yes, Now you're swearing more as well.
You know, because I don't take shit anymore. That's whine.
It's on a new level because because you were like that before.
But now now it's like, really, don't fuck it. That's it. I wondered, that's seriously how I feel now, Like I give a ship go on so I can tell you a fun off. So tell us to fuck Offut, I know, do you know what's really funny about this? Right? Because so much has happened since our last podcast, which we've worked out was September twenty twenty one. Yes, is that right? So what are we looking at a year and a half? Yeah? Man, so much has happened in a year and a half, Like STEP's gone off and got married and Lisa's started a business and got a boyfriend, and me fuck off the same shit. Man, I've gone through his bloody menopause and shit like that, and it's oh my god.
Yeah, but I reckon, we probably won't have to dig a little bit deeper, like be like, oh fuck, this happened, and this happened, and.
I reckon, Yeah, yeah, I hope So I can't remember. I don't know what I did yesterday, let alone in the last year and a half.
I feel like you're out all the time as well, like every movie event and festival.
But that's, you know, just I'm going with my son, Like that's not exciting taking my seventeen year old son to the movies.
Yeah, well, maybe this might be an opportunity to talk about do you want to see someone you like a partner?
Oh? Man, I don't know, you know what. I get to the point sometimes I go, shit, isn't more like hard work than anything else?
Like I did a couple of episodes on this We even had a dating coach in one time.
I know that still didn't work. Did I remember that?
Actually? Do you remember how she was like, oh, you know, you got to open up and you know be so you know all this stuff.
I was saying, I can't I give them like ten minute chance or whatever on like if they don't.
Reply, that's member. She's like, oh no, I wouldn't be telling my clients.
And I'm like, I'd be Bob, He's got time to find us around.
Seriously, I mean, you know, old short look, I don't know if that's good advice or not. I'd still be like that too long. Oh my god. So I think one of the first things that we need to talk about is miss Stephanie over here. Yeah, like so much. Where did we start? Remember we were talking about this the other day, stephan I about when we first started this podcast and where she was at with the whole getting married thing. Yeah. You did not long come out of a relationship, yes, yeah.
And I was still recovering from parts of that, parts of hurt from that and trying to establish boundaries with a new relationship. That's where we really started this podcast. I was trying to navigate how to date and get it right and obviously learn from above what's worked and what hasn't. So I feel very fortunate that I've that I've learned these lessons from from especially you guys, because everything that I was going through, I was talking about and I was navigating through each thing, and I feel like with your experiences that you had gone through, you'd given me the whole. Okay, I mean every path is different, and I understand that, but just just the basics of Okay, this is a red flag or this is not a red flag, or this is what to expect. And I feel like it really helped to navigate and craft a relationship that I wanted. But also my values did change.
Oh my god, did they change. Yes. But when we first started talking about, you know, like the whole getting married thing, right, and for you, Steff, the whole thing was about you know, not moving out of home until you got married and doing whatever it was, you know, like being at home and leaving from home to go to the church and like all of that sort of stuff that all flew out the window absolutely together. She did an influence a week.
Sorry, yeah, we just we're just moving I was scared.
I think I realized that I was. I felt like being in thirty was a real transitional age, and I felt like I had to come to terms with not being a child anymore and not being coddled by my parents and my grandparents and everybody around. And I have had so many wake up calls. You what, It's been a journey and a half and knowing that even when it comes to I even thought families, when they come together, it's going to be so pleasant and so nice.
What the hell, guys, that's not that's not reality. That the heck is going on? Man, thats saying you could choose your friends, but you can't choose your family. That's there for a reason. Yeah, far round.
So I've been like, I want to ask questions about that, but then I'm like, God, is it public?
What is it about? You know?
Is it?
Are they common things with family? Are you always feuding? Is there always something going on even if it's.
Not with you? Yeah, yes, yes, and more yes.
And why I'm just so baffled by the fact that I feel like with family stuff, it's more sensitive and petty rather than real. And you know, I know when I have an argument with somebody, it's a real thing, like you know, something bad has happened. But with family, it could be as simple as you didn't look at me at this and I'm never going to talk to you again.
To look at me. You didn't say good by me, and I'm like, hang on, I'm just saying goodbye to someone else. It's really sensitive stuff like that, exactly that really, and even the.
Smallest thing can cause people just to never to speak.
To you again. Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm sitting there going man, life's too short. Seriously, do you want to die not you know, being friends with your brother, your sister, your cousin, your mum, your dad, Like, yeah, I don't. I don't get it. Sometimes I can't. I can't understand the pettiness. There's just these.
Ridiculous expectations because my family should she should be doing that.
I think it's a word thing as well. You know, the Europeans want to say it. I'm happy to say it because you know it's bloody wads I can say. I know, we all yeah, I know it's ridiculous.
And hopefully our listeners will agree with me, like what you know, I'd love to hear some stories, but I am in this new phase of now getting married. So we moved in together and then we got to know each other on a whole new level. And I think when it came to getting married, I felt like I didn't even want to go back to my parents' house even for the week. I only went there because I was like, I'm going to go for a month and I'm going to have the best time ever. I'm going to get cooked for every day. It's gonna be amazing.
But I ended up.
Staying with my parents before the wedding. I think for like I don't know, three days or something, but.
You can wait to get out of there.
Yes, what's doing? And I realized that we actually did miss each other and that was really nice. So it was last year was a whirlwind. I feel like it was. I was consumed by organizing a wedding.
Let's Steph last year. Now. You know, when we first started this podcast, Steph couldn't organize like a root in a brothel. I could not organize anything, true, but seriously, and then she pulled together this wedding that was like, oh my god, it was the most amazing wedding. And I, you know, I think I even said to you, Steph at the time, I said, where Steph? What have you done with her? It was like, beautiful, she's just just changed as a person. It's like, now you're organizing your mum's birthday. That's way around normally.
I know, that's exactly right. I organized the whole day. I even had a run sheet like it was one extreme.
I little headsond.
No, but I had I had a I appointed somebody to be a coordinator for the day. I'm like, here's my phone, you can answer anything on that day. So everything was organized to what time everybody was coming, to what time everything was happening, to everything, what time the caterers were coming, and the house. So everything was planned to a t. But I feel like by doing that even the day before, I just because I wasn't tense on the day and you saw.
Me, I was really relaxed. You've got to enjoy it.
Exactly the night before, I was just like, whatever happens now, don't care. Even though on the day my church be.
Oh that was funny. I mean it wasn't, but it was. Have you heard that ever happened to anyone before? There was a giant? What were you saying something that they're burning love for each other.
It's burning love seriously, and now what happened?
I look, I think the candle's going something like that. I don't know the full story.
Someone really jealous of you two gets I don't know.
It was so weird, but I was actually just eating by Aaron Chiney balls while I was listening breakfast, and I was just like, okay, okay, cool.
So was it on the news? Is that how you found out?
No, they tried to call me. My phone wasn't on me, so that they tried to call Nick, and then Nick called my parents and then they were sorting it.
All this was happening while I was upstairs getting my hair done, and all I heard was my uncle coming upstairs and going, steph, you church burnt down. But that's okay because you're getting married down the road ten minutes the other way for you.
It was ten minutes the other way for the rest of us, have felt like another hour out there on the side of town. And I was waiting for Lisa to rock up at my place. We were going to go together. So I'm waiting for Lisa, and so Lisa had to beat my house well, we said that's sort of quarter past half past twelve, right, because I thought, and especially it was going to be further out. I thought, make it sort of quarter past twelve. Anyway, it gets to half past twelve. I'm in the car, all right. I'm in the car thinking Lisa's going to pull up any minute. And Lisa sends me a text going what time do we need to be there? And I'm like, oh my god, she hasn't even left home yet. And I'm like, and Lessa is half an hour from me, but fifteen twenty minutes from me. And I was like, totally, I'm never going to get to the church now.
I was like, like half an hour or something ridiculous like that.
It was literally on the other but you guys were in there anyway.
It was left time at freaking four hours before the church. Make sure I was there. I knew that because it was it was literally, you know, the opposite end of the world to where I lived. I thought, I don't leave at this time. I'm never going to get there. That's right. Traffic and wear skate shit going on, and you know, traffic, road works and stuff like that. It was, but we got there.
But on there on the other side where I was for you ten minutes, ten minutes I was going.
But then the reception was only I know, there you go. I couldn't went from one stream to the other.
You're all over in Melbourne. I totally did, but I just I mean, I chose them. I must have chose them strategically. It's like you're either close to one or you're close to the other, type of thing.
I liked the idea though, that the reception was closer to our place, because I think she did that first. I did.
I did.
I didn't have to stay home. That was great, But yeah, no, when.
I found out about that he's I was super relaxed, like I didn't care. I was just like, okay, yeah, it is what it is. We'll just keep going, Like what can I do now if that's the worst that was going.
To happen here? And that cute little priest, oh, he was very very cures. I didn't know what was going on. Neither did I. But I've never been to a Greek wedding before. And then did you just say you had no idea read the stuff?
No, because no, I'd never I'd never stood it at the top, like I didn't. I never care attention.
Haven't you been to a Greek wedding?
Yeah, but I was never paying attention to at the top, so I was literally going into I don't know, and he was guiding me through whatever the hell was.
He was shorter than you, which is funny. Cat on nick and jump up, jump up on someone's shoulders just to get up. But there was one stage where I said to Tony, hang on, did they just get married?
Yeah, it happened. I think they did. Yeah, it just it was just so different.
It is, and you don't you just follow when you.
Go a little like dance train thing around the table. Yeah, wow, this is cute dance train thing around the table.
I was just like I was leaning on one side of my heel and then the other side of my heel. I'm like, oh, man, like, hopefully I don't have to stand for that long. Because obviously it was the first time I wore my shoes. That's something I didn't do.
I didn't break them in.
Break them in. I had two other pairs of shoes, but by the end of the night I had worn three pairs of shoes and I ended up in my slides that was it.
Don't you're the first bride to do that though. Yeah, yeah, it's a common thing. But it was fun.
I think everything that everybody told me, I made sure I did. I made sure I ate, I ate a lot.
Did you did good?
My entree my main and is good. I was onto it. I made sure that him and I got time alone, which we did. We went did sunset photos and chilled out.
We actually did.
And what was the other thing, Oh, just make sure that you're present and enjoy the day.
And that's yeah, that's it. And you sang for everybody as well. I know when you sang to your dad. Oh, I know I was so emotional. I know you were knowing that no idea that was? What did he say to you afterwards?
You didn't know what to say. I think he was trying to come close to me, and I was like, it's a performance, like you, but it's also a performance. So because he was trying to come close to hug me, and I'm like, I'm singing, hug.
While I'm singing, that would be that would kind of be awkward when if someone starts singing to you, you don't know how to.
For me, I know, just stand there do I do a jig.
A ball like you guys got into the greg dancing and everything.
Yeah, I haven't been to a wedding like it. That is just like from start to finish. I know I left it a bit early, but just music and dancing. Like most weddings you go to, you've got to wait till about ten o'clock everyone's drunk and then the dancing. Yes, this was dancing from the start.
From the start, but I've had I've been to weddings like Italian weddings the same thing that's dancing. Yeah, yeah, I don't know which weddings you're going to, but just boring.
Yeah, I agree. I think you know, as soon as you walk in, it's got to be a party, you know, And that's what it needed to be. So that's why we got the band in. When we entered and you know what it was, Yeah, it was just fun.
How funny was that though? With the fireworks right, So our table was near where the fireworks are coming. Now, now you're worried about where you placed us, so the guy, But the guy came up to our table, didn't he and he asked if anybody was wearing hairspray spray. Yeah, he said, I you're wearing hairspray keep away.
Because it's funnable. Oh my god, you had one of those woggy be And what a question about the winning again?
Why are you asking why? Oh my gosh, so half of our table at the move.
And even when we when we did the speeches as well, I was very I think I said something about, you know, we've got to look at the glass half fall instead of half empty. And it was really, you know, who has really towards all the wogs who are going to point out something cheer this, And you know what, I don't know what what's been said on the other end, because who cares at the end of the day. But there's always something And this is what I mean by pettiness, Like it's just it's so odd, Like I knew that on that day and everybody understands. You don't get to talk to everybody, No, and.
That's not your fault. You're in another freaking too many people, everybody, How am I going to.
Sit there in four hours where everything's happening and my phone's going off.
You don't realize when we're recording that you turn the phone off right, Jesus, I spent a year and a half, but come on, just as well, that part of it hasn't changed.
But yeah, it's Yeah, basically that was for them because I just felt like, and that's what I was feeling throughout the year. I felt like twenty twenty two was a year that I was planning this wedding and everything in accordance to the word family just grows up. And there was a lot of triggers that I needed to deal with, especially with establishing some boundaries and going, Okay, what do and do I not want to have in my marriage and the best the best things that I've learned from it, and this is you know, and again I'm not giving Nick all the credit because it takes two, but I like that he backs me up and that's important. And I've found that even in you know, families and stuff like that, I don't like when it falls apart, when there's one pitted against the other and they go for it, you know, they tell their families or whatever it is, and it's like, no, anything that's happening between us, you need to keep it in the house because as soon as it gets out, then they're gonna take one side, they're gonna take the other side, and they're not easy to forgive as well. So we need to come together and be on the same page. And as long as we are, it will keep us strong. So that's what we've learned, especially when it comes to families this year. And I don't know if it's been a shock to anybody else, but everything. If Nick has an issue, I'm just like I back him and vice versa.
I think I remember you saying something that that's what you wanted in a partner as well. Yes, as someone who backs you. Yeah, and you feel supported.
Because you know, I see many stories of many, many people who hasn't worked out, and I said, what was the number one thing? And a lot of people say a lack of support, And you know that's really really important. I mean it's probably important for a man, but I feel like for me, it's very very important and for anyone. Yeah, somebody on your team totally, But.
That's what you are. You're a team, and two of you get together, you're one team, that's right. Yeah, So if you're not playing ball together, then then you have some serious issues. Yeah.
So now, I mean you'll come across things where you're like, actually, I really don't agree with what you're saying. Yeah, yeah, but at least you've got that foundation and that trust where you can actually like talk.
To each other about it, yeah, and work it out.
And I think that's still being supportive of each other, like actually taking time to listen and go, Okay, why is that important for you?
And why is that important for you?
Yes, And we're we're still learning these things about each other. I mean, we're it's still I mean, even though we've been together for a little while, it's always still new, right because we're in those early stages, so we're still navigating how to how to argue. Well, Like we make up a little bit quicker now, so it's just learning.
The way to argue well. I think, so there is I think when you know your fight style, that's true. Yeah.
One of the things that I've learned that I think we need to do a podcast about this. But one of the things I learned that I hate. I hate. I hate ignoring. I don't mind I don't mind taking time to cool off, but I find ignoring people for a long period of time. I find it.
It's toxic. And this is you know Jay Sheddy has got that book out, Eight Rules of Love. Yes, do you know?
Yeah, I haven't read the book that and he talks about the fighting stars and he said his is not confrontational. I can't remember the word for it, but just where you basically want to talk it out and resolve it and move on. And his wife is what would be classed as someone who's ignoring the other person.
So that's a hide, okay. So she goes and hides and processes. So initially he thought that she doesn't love me, like what is this? She doesn't want to talk about it.
And then they learned what their fight styles were and they understood, oh right, you're hiding ignoring because you're processing. And I'm sitting here going can we talk it out?
And she's like, like the five Languages of Love, But.
We've got to get the book and read it. Yeah, and we'll see what we And I think I was possibly a hider as well, like because I.
Didn't want I think I'm the same as well. Like for me, it's a case of just can't be I can't be bothered getting into a fight. But it's like, man, seriously, do we have to you know, can we not just say what's going on and then move on or I don't know, but.
I think I go tween two. Sometimes I want to resolve things straight away, and now other times I'm like, hang on, I just actually a moment with this.
Yeah, yeah, I think it.
Really does depend I think you're right. It's not the same for everything and for everyone, like we're all. It really just depends on what the argument is and how deep it is and what you know. Sometimes you need to go for a drive, you need to cool off, you need that time. But it's not about my grandma says this saying, and I'll never forget it, especially with your partner. Never go to bed angry because you don't know if you're going to wake up the next day. And I love that because life, like you said, life's so short.
You know what I found out, which is super fascinating. We were listening Nick and I were listening to this podcast that it's a billionaire's podcast or whatever. Anyway, this guy said, we have on average, if you live to ninety five years old, the average days that you live is thirty five thousand days. That's it. That's it.
What are you doing the rest of the time sleeping.
Probably Okay, thirty five thousand days and that's it. It's done to you know what?
I was sinking a lot. I was thinking the other day sort of off topic, but similar to that. I think in the other day, I realistically could only have another thirty years to go? Oh might I think the rest? Though? I had to go to a funeral yesterday. My cousin passed away last week from cancer. She would have been sixty this year. Still, yes, sat there at the church thinking, Okay, I'm fifty five. Realistically I could only have another thirty years left, like I could. I could live to eighty five, I could could live longer, could live least. And I thought, thirty years is not that long when you think about it, and when you put it in that context.
It's not.
Did it make you think, God, I've got a lot of stuff to do. You know what it made me think was like, don't think about it. Don't think about it, because if you focus on that, you're not going to live your life. That's just go and live it. Don't think about how long you got left on this earth. Just go and do something. Yeah.
So, speaking of that, what have you been up to?
You know?
Told like.
About it, Steph. There's real attitude. Look, I mean, okay, yeah, I've done stuff with my kids. Well, when I say kids, Liam my youngest, because the other two just don't want to because the other two run around. Look, so the eldest one, right, So Jess has moved out. She's moved in with her boyfriend, and they're all loved up and they're all going well. And then they've got Josh and and Chantelle like his girlfriend. And Josh is one minute at home, the next minute not, so he's between houses. Like she had a time period there where he was gone for six months living at her place because of work. Was working on the other side of town, so it was easy for him to be living at her house. Oh man, that was brilliant. It was just Leam and I at home. It was like it would have been nice and quiet. Yeah, William's quiet. Yeah, Liam locks himself in his room. And then I thought, how long before he moves out of the house to myself, bring it on, what's.
It like to have two kids that are in relationships? How do you do?
You know what? It's pretty cool. I actually really like it, And I mean I get on so well with their partners as well. And for me, I feel like, now, you know, it's like the changing of the guard, right, so you know how you know you will always go to your parents' place, right, and you would always do things at your parents' place and that sort of stuff, or with brothers and sisters. Right, we would all get together Christmas, New Year whatever, do our stuff together, and we had the kids, whereas now, because of kids are pretty much adult kids, it's a case now of if I'm doing anything, it's with my kids. You know, my parents aren't here anymore anyway, so I wouldn't do anything with them. But it's even the case of I had Christmas at my house and I even said to my nieces and my nephews, I said, I know, you guys now have partners or you're married or whatever, So if you don't calme, I understand because you've got so much else going on. And so some of them came, which was great, but it's one of those I feel like, like I said, so it's like the changing of the guard that it's going to get to the point where Christmas Day is just going to be me with my kids and then their families, you know. So yeah, so that just sort of felt it just felt really different, but it felt good. Yeah, it was really it was. Yeah.
Do you think it's important that as a parent, I'm asking you on the other side, because you know, not again one side on the other side as well. What is it like if you I mean, obviously it plays a big role that you get along with the partners. What if what what about parents that don't approve of the partners? Is that a thing as well? Like what what do you think that could I mean, I know, you don't know what that could look like. How would that make a difference?
Oh, I look, make a huge difference. Yeah, you know, because you'd be worried about your own child. Yeah, you know, so you'd be worried about them. Are they in the right relationship? Is this person good to them? Is this person the right person for them that's going to keep them on the right path or you know, take him down the wrong path?
You know.
So this is where I feel blessed that my kids have got partners that are good people. I mean, like like Josh and Chantell have been together since they were like, you know, sixteen in school. Wow, yeah, gosh, you know, so I mean, like Chanteal for me is like my daughter. I know, and I thought it was your daughter. Everybody thinks she's daughter. She looks more like my daughter than my daughter.
I know.
It's so funny. It's classic, classic. But the great thing too with with you know, my in law kids. I get on really well with the parents, so good. So Chanteal's parents I get on really well with. And then Jess's partner, Tom his mum and I like instantly hit it off. She's my new concert buddy. You know, Sorry, Lisa, Lisa's got her own things going on now, but like you know, we're talking, you know, we're about the shan I am coming to the Chance and I'm bringing it with me, you know. So she's like, yeah, my my concert buddy into all that sort of stuff, which is which is awesome. So you know that there's when you've got those relationships, it's just really cool. That's fantastic.
It's so good when you when when that And again speaking about family, I mean because that's going to be your new family because they're right, So it's almost like you want to do the best that you can do so that when you are the parent of all the kids, everybody is I mean again, things are going to go wrong regardless in the future whatever, but it's about how you all come together in the night, and it's nice to see that there are good situations instead.
Of you know, it's important not to stick your nose into their business, That's right. I mean, whatever's going on with them, it's them to sort out, not you know, like you're there if they want to come to you and talk to you for advice, but you don't go sticking your nose into their business. That's their business and they have to learn how to deal with those situations and they have to learn how to, you know, make things work or decide for themselves. Is this good? Is this not good? You know, like you can give your opinion if they ask for it, but otherwise, you know, I step out.
Do you feel like you've learned from your own parents and family or how to how to do this differently as well?
I don't think I do, because my parents never really stuck their nose into anything, and neither did my ex's parents. Okay, you know, so I think it's more just who I am as a person, and I think to getting older as well, it's like not that you don't have time for that stuff. But it's like, these kids have got to learn to be adults. You know, if I keep telling them what to do, they're not going to be adults. Yeah, they got to learn that for themselves.
But you're also like really just conscious about like reflecting on yourself and things that have happened and going, Okay, what do I need to do to make a change. And your parents probably weren't those people either, you know, it was that kind of generation.
It's just like on the parentice.
So we do it, and you know, and then they sort of thing it wasn't really bad self reflect you know, what's that?
Yeah? Is that?
Like yeah, exactly, and now we you know, even with some of the generations, you're like do you even know what you're saying? Like it's like it makes no logical sense what you're angry about, like exactly, like, oh, you know, they did something to me twenty five years ago.
I certain thought about that. I know, I know what it's bullshit.
I know.
Yeah, No, I can't deal with that because Okay, let's be honest, right, we've changed in the last few yeares, So in twenty five years, grudge, that person's probably changed, Like we changed by the minute, by the hour. It's not about what you've done. Hey, you could be the most awful person two years ago, but maybe you could change your life around and you can say, listen, you know I really valued our relationship or whatever, let's give it another go. Okay, why not just bar things out just because it's not good for you?
I mean, people change, things change. Look at us over the last year and a half, right, things aligned at the times that they were supposed to.
Ye, we were all running.
Rampant in our own ways, right, and our minds were elsewhere, and we've come together because the timing feels right.
Yeah, exactly.
And it's not because we're awful people. It's not because we you know, disagree. It's just because we're just doing different things. But the timing will be right at some point. All change as people. There's nothing wrong with that.
I just don't know exactly. It's just like that's life, isn't it. Right? If sometimes you need time to go away and grow and then come back.
You know, timing it pulls you back in and just goes Okay, we need to reconnect it this time, and that's okay.
But some people find that really hard to take. What do you mean you don't want to do this with me anymore?
Yeah, I know, I know this lady. It's a sort of a friend of my mum's who was with her husband for many years. They have their kids together. They actually split up for a long time, many many years, I think ten years, fifteen, something like that, and they were both in different relationships and now they're back together, and you know, the kids are older now, and it's like, so who cares?
Life happens?
Things need to happen.
You can't.
You can't say that just because somebody's gone, they're gone forever. Like life changes, like the speed of life, as you know, I mean, it's so short, as you say, and not to think about it.
But I was really curious about you know, we're talking at the start, like she you're swearing more and you know that's making an impact that stands. I'm really curious.
About, you know, the past year, past year and a half, like how you've changed, how have you noticed that you've changed as a person and going because I can feel it in you, there's just that bit more of a I just really don't give a fuck. Yeah, not that you don't, but there's just that feeling of just still my thing and that's it.
That's it. Is it? Do you feel like like have you been thinking about that and thinking I'm just letting that go well whatever? Or is it just an age thing and you just feel like you're settling into yourself more Possibly a combination of the two. I mean, like, I don't want to say it's an age thing because there are a lot of people who don't do this. Yeah, you know what I mean. But I think it's I think I feel a lot calmer in my life. And I know we did actually talk about this in one of our other podcasts, but you know, with the kids being older, them doing their own thing, living their own lives, making their own money, I don't need to worry your stress about that. Yeah, you know, I've still got Leam at home. But out of all three, he's the lowest maintenance kid, like seriously, you know, and to the point where she had this conversation with him the other day. But I give him money for school each week, and I'd given him fifty dollars and then come the following week and I said, do you need any money? No, I've still got money left over from last week, and I'm started to laughing as well. I said, so I had to bring your other brother and sister. They would have gone, yeah, I've run out of money on Tuesday. Yeah, and he goes, oh, he goes, But but I can't lie, And I said, I know, which is brillant, because neither can I. You know, but it's just so funny that, you know, he's so different to the other two. You know, if we were out somewhere and I would say to him, do you want to drink? Do you want something to eat? No, I'm fine, where's the other two? Be like, yeah, quickly, can we get it? You know, it's like checken chalk, chalk and cheese. You know, as you see my phrasing is cheesy. Yeah, but yeah, it's just so for me. It's a case of I think because I don't have the pressures that I used to have, and because the kids are older, I think that that sort of made things a bit easier as well. Yeah, because you, I mean, you have had a lot on you with racing the kids.
Oh that's it.
But I was even thinking the other day, like there are certain people and it was like the pendages dropped. The other day and I thought, there are people that I grew up with, or the people I've known for a long time, and I saw some of them not that long ago, and I felt like I was trying to get their approval. If you had a conversation, it was almost like trying to get their approval or you know, not get them to notice me. But it was I mean, that's probably the best way to say, get their approval, you know, like whatever I was talking about or what I was saying. And then I stopped myself and I thought, why am I doing that? All these years down the track, Like I don't need to get their approval. I hardly see them. Why am I trying to do this? And I thought, you know what, I need this shit. Isn't it amazing when you have those realized? It's taken me this long to get to that point though. But a penny drop the other day and I thought, what am I doing? And that's the thing, right, that's so interesting? What is it that makes the penny drop?
Is it? I think?
I think so. I think so because I don't want to I don't like that. I don't want to say it's an age thing because there's a lot of people that don't get to that point. Yeah, you know, and I think everyone's different, But I think it's when your mindset changes then you realize things. If you're on that same path forever, like some of our families who won't talk to someone for twenty five years, right, so their mindset and will never change, so they're on that same path. But I think, you know, when our mindset changes, we head down different paths and so we see things differently. That's true. Yeah, And so I think for me it was because I'm in a different stage of my life that I went, why am I trying to seek your approof? I don't need your approval. It's not like I'm seeing you every day, and even then, why would I need your approval? Like, so I just and having that realization, I felt empowered again. Yeah, I felt like, yeah, this is pretty cool. That is really empowering. Yeah, And it's almost like and this I sort of remember this happening even with my mum. It's almost like for so long with my mom, she was on the pedestal. And not that I put her on a pedestal because she was great, it was like she felt higher than me, right, It was the big boss. Yeah. And then over time that pedestal started to come lower and I started to get higher. And so you know, when it came to the last year or so of her life, all of a sudden, my mum wasn't that big person anymore. She was this little person and it didn't matter what she said or what she did that in the past would have hurt me, it didn't anymore. And I had it was like I had outgrown all that stuff realization the other day with these other people, it's like, you know what I have outgrown, Yes, that relationship. Yes that for so long I seeked your approval. So for so long I wanted you to be on my side. I wanted you to like me. And that's my This is the thing I'm realizing a lot about myself that I need people to like me because I don't like myself. And that doesn't mean to make it sound as dramatic as it is, but you know, and so to come to that point where it's like I don't need this approval anymore, I felt like, all of a sudden, these people that I'd had on this pedestal were no longer there. They have come down, and I've I've towered over them because I've grown and they haven't. Yeah, you know, and I just felt like I don't need this. Yeah, I can move on from this now. That's so cool. Yeah, Yeah, that's a really good place to be.
Yeah, it's so good to be able to self regulate as well. And I don't think it's common enough. I feel like it's out there now, and I feel like we do it a lot more than you know, the older jan or whatever it is, you know, and who knows. The people are going at their own pace and they've got to go through their own journey. But it is so important, like you said, just to be able to think, because we live in such a fast world that it doesn't I feel like, again I'm not blaming society, but I think because of our lifestyle, we have so much distraction it almost doesn't let us have time to think. So that when we get that time, like COVID, right, we got time to think to go through stuff to you know, that was a gift as well as whatever we went through, but we got time to think about what we really wanted in life as well. So I think that even in that we're back into this fast paced world it's really important to be able to reflect and go yeah, okay, what heck this?
Or what can I do?
Because you can only change yourself. You can't change anybody else, no matter what you did.
Yeah, so true. So yeah, Now we've been talking for quite a while, and I think anyone listening right now is going shut God. I think Tony might think, well, I'm thinking that we've got a lot to learn about Lisa, so we might we might do this in our next podcast, and tells me that there's gonna be a lot going on. Let's do that's got no pressure, no pressure, So ladies, I'm happy to wrap up for now.
Yeah, let's do it.
Yes, all right, So we've got a new ending now too. I don't know how did we end it last time? Give us a review? So I think it's this has been the Life as We Know It podcast. I'm Tony in my fifties, Lisa in my forties.
I'm Stick in my thirties. At You're getting Part two
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