Leveraged LifestyleLeveraged Lifestyle

Leverage Your Way to a Hands-Free Business. With R2R HMO Expert Katrina Jones

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Growth Never Happens Inside Your Comfort Zone – with Katrina Jones

Over the last five years, Katrina Jones has built a multi-million-pound property business and now devotes herself to educating others in the rent-to-rent HMO strategy in particular. 

Katrina has built her success by constantly learning, adopting a unique mindset, coaching others, and most importantly, by using the power of leverage to achieve her goals in not just business, but life. 

Join Catherine and Katrina for this special episode, delving into the many shared insights and the vast array of knowledge they’ve both accumulated through their remarkably similar journeys.


  • Upon returning from a successful, but an overwhelmingly full-time career in Australia, Katrina decided to begin a new path in property, specifically Rent-To-Rent HMO, and devoted herself to learning the many strategies involved. After founding Kendall Bailey, an entirely Rent-To-Rent business, she suddenly discovered that she was again working an overwhelmingly full-time job. It was then that she discovered the power of leverage.
  • By systemising the company and hiring the right team, Katrina found that she could become more hands-off, while still watching as the company flourished and grew on its own. This has allowed her to set up Kendall Bailey Education, and take more of an advisory role.
  • Establishing clarity on why you are setting out on an entrepreneurial journey is paramount in Katrina’s view, as well as where you want to take it. Achieving anything takes time and energy, and by identifying our goals and reasons clearly, we can make sure we don’t waste any of that precious energy.
  • Having a mentor and providing yourself with the right education is another key factor in achieving growth. It’s vital that you understand the business model and investment strategy you’re about to use. If you don’t then you’re essentially wasting time and money. A mentor can be there to offer guidance, wisdom, and reassurance through the tough times.
  • Growth never happens inside your comfort zone. Katrina’s success did not come from playing it safe or never chasing her ambitions. Despite suffering from anxiety, Katrina determined to push through and turned a potentially terrifying new career in face-to-face sales into a lesson in facing her fears.
  • When it comes to speaking to agents, remember that the person on the other end of the phone has no idea what you are supposed to say. There is no wrong script. You can even practice on agents in different areas until you build your confidence.
  • Hiring team members to run her business on her behalf took a great deal of soul-searching, but Katrina came to the realisation that hiring those with higher skillsets was born out of recognising her own strengths, and not pretending that her weaknesses were also her strengths. As Katrina says, “The smartest people hire those who are even smarter”. A business will never be hands-free for you if you’re the smartest person there.
  • When you’re interviewing, use your instincts and your common sense to determine if your candidate is the type of person who’ll be taking your knowledge and setting up for themselves. It’s very rare for this to happen, and requires a certain type of person. You can also make your decision based on asking what the person wants long term from your company, and by looking at their work history. 
  • Entrepreneurs often feel as if those closest to us, such as parents, are filled with negativity regarding our chosen vocation in life. But quite often, if we look properly, we can see that their concerns come from a place of love and care. It’s only right that a parent should be concerned that we are taking financial risks. Try to see their point of view.
  • Another way of dealing with the doubts of others is to use that energy to spur yourself on to succeed. Prove the doubters wrong. Be inspired by the doubts of others. Surround yourself with people who have achieved things, and feed from that energy.
  • Not only is it okay not to be the best at everything, it’s impossible for it be any other way. For every strength there will always be a weakness, and it’s important to be brutally honest with yourself about what those weaknesses are. Work on your strengths and find someone else to work on the things you’re weak at.


‘If you don’t know why or where you’re going, then it’s like getting on a bus with no destination. It’s a waste of time’

‘It takes a lot of energy and focus to really create something incredible’

‘It’s self-sabotage to try and do it on your own’

‘If you are unaware of the things a mentor can teach you, then it’s a thousand times more important to get one’

‘Growth never happens inside your comfort zone’

‘The smartest people hire people who are smarter than them’

‘You have to do it to go through it’

‘If you’re networking and you’re the smartest person in the room, then you’re in the wrong room’

‘Don’t stop people from doing what they’re doing, just because you can’t do it’

‘I don’t have any ego around holding up my hands and saying that I’m an awful manager. Because I’m just too nice!’ 




The Leveraged Lifestyle Podcast


Kendall Bailey – Rent-To-Rent Academy

Katrina Jones – Facebook

Katrina Jones - Instagram




Katrina Jones is the Director of Kendall Bailey and Kendall Bailey Education.  Since founding her Rent-to-Rent HMO business over five years ago, Katrina has built a million-pound business and property portfolio following her arrival home in the UK after a five-year career as an award-winning international Sales & Marketing Manager in Australia.



Catherine is an iTunes No.1 podcast host of Leveraged Lifestyle, entrepreneur, businesswoman, an Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Co-Director of Ideal-Collective.com and a mum of 2!

Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.

In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and tried many different property investment strategies over the years, finally settling on Serviced Accommodation in 2015, which has now grown from one unit in her home town of Chelmsford, Essex to over 50 across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.

This year, Catherine and her husband Stephen, also her business partner, joined forces with the Directors of LoLite Homes to create the Ideal-Collective.com, which is all about leveraging the services and knowledge of all four Directors when it comes to Serviced Accommodation, Social Media, Finance & Virtual Assistants.

Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to give business owners and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, to learn the mindset and skill set it takes to create a lifestyle of Freedom, by leveraging time, money & knowledge and using outsourcing and systemisation.


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