Leveraged LifestyleLeveraged Lifestyle

10 Ways to Make Money From Home (Lockdown Special!)

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How can you make quick cash and keep your business afloat in this difficult period of lockdown? It’s a question on millions of minds across the world right now. 

Fortunately, Catherine is here today to give you ten instant and practical ways to unlock opportunities for making money in a time when you need it the most. With a gallery of ideas, and the online resources to back you up, this is an incredibly timely, and invaluable episode for everyone.


  • Each method will have its own pros and cons, but these will depend upon you and your personal circumstances. Some require investment, and some require a complete pivot in terms of outlook, but all hold value and are worth considering.
  • E-commerce - Specifically the “private labelling” strategy, involving taking a product and re-packaging it for your brand. This strategy requires education and research, but can be a hugely effective way of generating income.
  • Arbitrage - A different form of e-commerce, which takes two forms: online and retail. Arbitrage is the simple act of sourcing a product and selling it on at a profit. It’s important to remember that no-one should attempt to be profiteering during this period.
  • E-commerce drop-shipping - This strategy means that you don’t have to invest in buying the stock before you re-sell it. Essentially you act as a third-party between the manufacturer and the customer as a storefront. The manufacturer ships directly to the customer once an order is placed.
  • Handcrafting and selling -Are you creating a product at home? Would there be a market for it on sites such as Etsy, Not On The High Street, Facebook Sales or eBay? Now might be the time to start selling your handcrafted items online!
  • Online courses - Do you have a specialist skill that you could teach to others? People are determined to keep developing and growing during isolation. This may be a wonderful opportunity to pass your skills on to a waiting world.
  • Facebook/YouTube Live streams - Physical exercise classes, educational lessons, musical tuition and many other skills can be taught easily through Facebook Live and YouTube broadcasts to people hungry for instruction.
  • Podcasting/YouTube - Now is the time to start your podcast! Podcasting can generate income in lots of ways, plus it’s a fabulous means of spending your creativity. It’s easy to start, and audiences are craving content right now. The best part is that you can repurpose in all kinds of ways: scripts into blog posts, and even YouTube videos into audio downloads.
  • Delivery - Logistics is booming right now as most people are having goods and products delivered rather than going out for them. Perhaps you can become a driver for one of the many services out there?
  • Trading - A strategy not for the faint-hearted, and certainly requires a degree of education, and the correct mental capacity and nerve. But trading in stocks and shares is something you can do from home, and there are opportunities to be had in the volatile financial world.
  • Consultancy - Can you offer your knowledge in a consultancy capacity? You may have a wealth of knowledge that has suddenly become highly sought-after. Places such as LinkedIn are marvellous ways of letting the world know that you’re skilled, and that you’re available.


‘Making money is allowed!’

‘All businesses are allowed to make profit during this time’

‘People are still having birthdays! People still want to give gifts!’

‘People want to learn from people who’d been there and done it’

‘It’s about making money during this time using the resources available to you’

‘How can you help steer and navigate people through this?'

‘Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others’



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Stitcher: www.bit.ly/stitcherllpodcast

Leveraged Lifestyle Community: www.bit.ly/llocfbgroup

VIVA Club: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/viva

Life Leverage Online Masterclass: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/masterclass

Join our VIP Investor List: www.turnerinvest.co.uk/vip   

Find the free resources you need at - www.business-sos.com

Receive Catherine’s 21 Ways To Re-market Your Podcast Content To Increase ROI And Reach Your Ideal Clientshttp://www.catherineaturner.com/#



Catherine is host of the iTunes No.1 business podcast Leveraged Lifestyle, she is an entrepreneur, businesswoman, Inspirational Speaker, world record holder, Founder of Turner Invest and a mum of 2!

Catherine quit being an employee in 2013, after working more than 50+ hours on average a week, over 3 jobs. Jobs, hours and a lifestyle which led to a diagnosis of clinical depression before the age of 25.

In 2011/12 Catherine discovered the power of investing in property, and has experience in Single Lets, Flips, Deal packaging, House of Multiple Occupation (HMOs), Serviced Accommodation and Developments mainly in her home county of Essex, but also across the UK, helping investors, landlords and developers create a better return on their money or property.

Catherine started Leveraged Lifestyle podcast to share with business owners, entrepreneurs and those not leading their ideal lifestyle, the mindset and skill set it takes to create a lifestyle of freedom & choice.

Catherine has identified 7 key areas of leverage, which we can all tap into: time, money, knowledge, talent, experience, brand, our strengths. This coupled with the SOS model created by Stephen Turner (Catherine’s business partner & husband): Systemise, Outsource & Scale, Leveraged Lifestyle podcast is here to help you create a business that gives you the lifestyle you want.



Email: media@turnerinvest.co.uk




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