Dr Jay and Al Fadi continue with three more historical problems with the Quran: 1. The Al Aqsa mosque( Sura 17: 1), which Muslims believe that Mohammad ascended into heaven from, was built in 710 AD, and Mohammad died in 632 AD. 2. The chain mail that is mentioned in Sura 24: 10-11 that King David wore around 1000BC ,was not invented until 200 BC. 3. The reference to the crucifixion in Sura 7: 121-124 during the time of Moses and Pharaoh in 1400 BC and Joseph 1800BC (Sura 12 :41). The crucifixion was invented 1300 years later. Yet the Quran denies the crucifixion of Jesus in Sura 4 : 157 ; this is a theological and a historical problem.