493 | The Suffering Servant Relationship to God Incarnate with Anthony Rogers

Published Nov 23, 2024, 7:00 AM

Al Fadi and Anthony Rogers continue discussing Isaiah 52 and 53, They notice that this servant is an individual, a human, a man, not a nation.  The pronoun "He" is being used many times.  In Isaiah 52:13, This servant will be highly exalted.  In Isaiah 2, the Lord alone will be exalted; This shows the divine identity of this figure.  Isaiah 52: says that this upright man will suffer and die, buried , resurrected and exalted (Is. 52:13,14).  He will be stricken, smitten , and afflicted (Is. 53:4) . He will be chastened, scourged , and crushed (Is. 53: 5). This figure will die for the sins of his people, and he will succeed. This person is the Lord Jesus.