Andriana Petrakis reflected on 2024 - winning medals on the tennis circuit in France and Australia and being a finalist in the Young South Australian of the year awards.
Ben Dew, Pathways and Events Specialist for Tennis Australia, spoke about the many opportunities/events available for athletes with disabilities this summer. Find out more here:
Grant Leonard, Captain of the South Australian AFL Wheelchair Teams, wrapped up the AFL open Nationals held in Queensland last week.
Chelsea Marchetti, resident physiotherapist from the Flipper Academy, shared news on the Summer Flipper Fun Program in January 2025. Find out more here:
Emily Bourke, "the Galaxy's first Assistant Minister for autism", spoke about the proposed legislation for parking permits that has just been announced. Also spoke about the autism assessment and diagnosis advisory group, and more.
Julie Johinke, Senior Manager for Marketing and Communication at Resthaven, fondly looked back on 27 years of Resthaven guests on Leisure Link and previewed Resthaven's 90th year celebrations.