Leisure Link on Vision Australia RadioLeisure Link on Vision Australia Radio

07 Sep 2024

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This week on LEISURE LINK with Peter Greco:

  • Dayna Crees had just won Bronze in the javelin in Paris. Dayna shares her pure joy and excitement.
  • Taylor Gosens was preparing for her Judoka competition. Taylor is only the second Australian woman to compete at the Paralympics in Judo.
  • Bridget Murphy was in the middle of Equestrian competition and shared thoughts and tales about her horse Macey.
  • David Mitchell, health commentator, had news on the latest research showing how stress and raised levels of cortisol can impact on memory - perhaps increasing the chances of dementia - and there may be ways to limit or minimise your risk. One possibility is Ashwagandah, the herb in gummy form seems to be absorbed rapidly and easily.
  • Belinda Hellyer, from Brewed By Belinda 97A Old Port Road Queenstown, chatted about some of the history of tea in France, including French Earl Grey - is there really such a thing? Brewed By Belinda has just won 2 silver medals at the Sydney Fine Food Festival. You can call on 0419 839 702 or go to brewedbybelinda.com.au
  • Ryan Scott, a past member of the Aussie Steelers - Australian wheelchair rugby team, has been an integral part of Channel Nine’s outstanding coverage of the Paris Paralympics.
  • Tom McLean wrapped-up the Inaugural NT Blind and Low Vision Tennis Tournament. Tom is with Vision Australia Radio in Darwin.
  • Finally for Spinal Cord Injury Awareness week, Peter talks to Dr Claire Boswell-Ruys from Neuroscience Research Australia. Claire talks about the launch of a ground-breaking Neuro-stimulating clinical trial eWalk2. If you're interested in finding out more about the trial go to: https://neura.edu.au/
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Leisure Link on Vision Australia Radio

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