Part V of THE ICONIC 400! Congratulations Paula Abdul, Ronald McDonald, Beyoncé and SO many more! Who is #1 and will be next week’s guest?! Listen to find out! And check out The Iconic 400 MEGA VIDEO on YouTube!
Hey everybody, it's me Matt Rogers, letting you know. Tickets are on sale now to see me on tour, the Prince of Christmas Tour. That is, I'm doing my whole album have you Heard of Christmas? Plus a lot more with the whole band all throughout the December. Go to www dot Matt rodgersoficial dot com to see me in a city near you. And now Lost.
Culch drums look mare, oh, I see you my own and look over there is that culture Yes, goodness, wow, Lost culture.
Ding dong, Lost Culturistas calling Vibe shift Vibe Shift a little bit of an explanation that we owe everybody.
We did sit down for a full I would say, what four and a half hours something like that, something like that, and onun't you know? At part five, the final run of this four hundred Iconic four hundred lists, Part five, the audio done fucked up. It was in fact human error, not on our parts, not on our parts, certainly not on our parts. But here we are, I mean, we're taking time out of both of our busy schedules. It's no one at the network's false either. No big money players has never been stronger and closer We are a tight unit, and thank you to the whole team. Everyone tries there able to salvage the audio and the video. Suffice it to say, we will never be putting ourselves in a position where this will ever happen again. And by that position we mean that studio. Let's just say, let's just say that.
We're not saying where it was. We're just saying, Wolf, what a disappointment because we sat there for a very long time to record this. But you know what, we love you more than we feel our disappointment. And so here we are recording part five of the Iconic four hundred. This is the grand finale. By the end of this episode, you will know who number one is. We want to introduce Hot producer Becca to the chat. Hello.
She has been dinging and donging and I just I did think about this the other day. I said she had to keep her eye on the damn clock for four hundred times, like four hundred rounds. I said, that is focused while Chicha was on her lap, barking and darkin and she's.
Amazing. She didn't make the list, but Chicha is honorable mention with Halsey.
With Halsey Chicha and Ashley, congratulations. You know, as we said, HM is sometimes better than being on the list.
Now, just before we launch into everything, I did just want to say one thing. Oof, you guys, the hurricane that just the hurricanes that have happened down in Florida, all really along the coast from North Carolina on down like in Inland. It's so devastating, Like my family is personally affected, and just think of those people, Like if you're in a giving mood right now, I know everyone's being asked for money a lot, but you know there's people that really need help, and so you can spare literally anything, do your research about. I can't off the top of my head say where exactly to send money, but just please be aware that there's people that are a lot of This is just a serious amount of devastation, and there was no way to come back from the first one in time for the second one. Of course, it would be helpful if the governor of the state, you know, took a call from the President and vice president of the United States, but I guess he's not willing to do that.
It would be helpful if federal funding would not be held hostage either, so this is why, even though again we are very aware that you're not all ATMs, this is incredibly devastating and overwhelming and sad, and please do what you can and if you're affected, we are with you and thank you for listening. If on the off chance you are listening to us as you are like surveying the damage that has been wrought into your world and your lives. Hello, Hi, any reflections that you have met as we head into this, I guess this is a nice moment that we have of respite reflecting on the iconic four hundred before we dash through to the finish line.
Well, I mean, let's just say that it's about to get really tough to keep it to thirty, but we're gonna fucking do it.
Let's head in. Let's head in to number seventy eight.
M mcatire Riba. You know you spoke of a girl named Fancy and how it was her one chance and she took it. And we're I'm taking my one opportunity right now to say ride. But you were a legend and always.
A legend and always in music, in entertainment in general. You know what, another person like Lisa Rina, who you can recognize by her silhouette alone.
And can we say a survivor. Yeah, a single mom who works two jobs, who loves her kids and never stops. Dang number seventy seven, Carris, we just talking about mommy. This is kind of daddy.
This is daddy, This is daddy Doogie, this is daddy, magician Daddy. We still don't know what what happened to how he made that suitcase disappear or something at the oscars.
Oh, He's making so many things disappeared. You can find him in the magic Castle, turning tricks, hopefully in more ways than one. Because I'll say it hot. Hey what I'm I allowed to say the man is hot? I thought the man is hot?
Allowed to say the man is hot? You know he doesn't have to be turning tricks for that to be true.
I'm available, Okay, Sarah Geller. Really, I mean there are gays who will lay down their life. We said it about Buffy, but we got to say it's Sarah Michelle Geller, Like gays will lay down their entire life for this woman and talk about cruel intentions.
Talk about cruel intentions, talk about look iconic showbiz marriage that has stood the Test of Time.
Three named legends Freddy Prince Junior, Sarah Michelle Geller. Come on, they said it couldn't be done. They said it couldn't be done. Number seventy five Frank Sinatra. What a crooner? What a voice? What a legend?
Do you think he killed Marylyn?
Excuse you?
Did you think he killed Marilyn?
Is that what people think?
That's what I think.
We can only have so many conspiracy theories with Big Frank.
I don't think it was JFK. I think it was fs.
Why done? Number seventy four Kristen.
Oh, I mean, the best to ever do it, in my opinion, her Will Maya. I'm like these are name another legend.
Name another legend, like you will struggle to do it. I mean this is just first of all, to say nothing of Bridesmaids, which is I think one of the great films ever, but also Barbin Star. Is there anything funnier than Barbon Star?
No, truly, nothing funny. And you know what, Grape Stomp Lady.
That's it.
Grape Stomp Lady. That is the only funnier thing. And she Number.
Seventy three Cameron Diaz talk about iconography in Charlie's Angels when she wakes up and it's like Heaven must been missing an angel and she shakes her a little booty and she's like whoa.
And then she answers the door to the ups guy and she goes, you know, I signed a waiver so you can just feel free to stick it in my slot.
Sticking in my slot. Oh wait, The best scene and sent in my history is the karaoke scene of my best friend's wedding and that was her stars for moment. People think it was the mask.
It was that mask note. People think it was something about marry.
No, just don't know what to do with myself.
So good number seventy two Moon No No, greatest man in the world, greatest pand in the real Katie, Naomi, joe y'all are the queer hotties of all time. Anything but me name hotter people. You can't, can't even through the years and the eras Katie Gavin and I have. I'm just gonna say we have a we have a crackling chemistry and something will happen, and it's been mutually acknowledged and something will happen. You know what I mean?
Do you have a song with her on your album No Bitch It's about to be what what a girl fight Haiti fight day fight, not us fighting over Katie. Yeah. Absolutely.
Number seventy one, Linale, thank you for caring, Thank you for carring.
I can't whoa. That was not a good Lisa. It wasn't. Oh, it wasn't your best. Number seventy Princess Diana.
Oh my god, I mean, what is there to say? Moment of silence, moment of silence.
I want to apologize for and I don't think so, honey, that I did when we were in London where I said it's the troll Bull and I picked up Princess Diana and I said, I think you, Prince of Ana, drive your own car. I just want to publicly apologize for that. Sometimes I don't think so, honey. Happens and things, things get carried away, you know what I'm saying.
Number sixty nine princesses a leader, A leader, an iconic blonde. Oh yeah, loves the theater and in the latest game, Princess Peach, that's Princess Peach Showtime. She's at the theater.
What do you think about her relationship with her people? The toads.
Oh, they love her, they adore her, they vote for her in droves. You think it's a democracy, there no pure monarchy, but no one minds it's a benevolent monarchy.
I see, I see. Okay, well I can get on board with it if you feel like everyone's happy there and feels represented. I do, dong.
Okay, Number sixty eight, Tree Pain, you made it.
I'm serious. This is Amy Adams's Oscar. Amy Adams's Oscar is the Tree Pain biopick. It happened. It's like zero dark thirty in that sort of It's like a very gritty, realistic drama about what happened after Kim and Kanye pulled their bullshit. We need that. That's Amy Adams's Oscar.
I think there's a trilogy or quadrilogy in this. You have this one, you have the Brittany Mahomes thing. Okay, number sixty sixty seven. Jane Austin, thank you, thank you for giving us a vibe.
Certainly a vibe. You can't say that all those awesome movies collectively together aren't a vibe because it's not merchant ivory. No, no, no, you know what I'm saying. It's its own vibe.
I'm in jane World, dowry vibess, Jane's World, dowy vibes, rain in the field done, oh yeah, just like not just centery but coughing.
What'd you call it?
Pnemona tuberculous.
Number sixty six, Paula Abdul Straight up, now tell you do you really want to love me? Forever?
You needed a beautiful magnetic person on the American Idol panel because it certainly wasn't going to be Simon and Randy. I'm sorry. Those are not pretty people to look at necessarily. Oh my god, you wanted one pretty person.
I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I brought the effervescence to American Idol. It's true. She also brought the the goofiness. I'll never forget playing against her in Celebrity Will of Fortune, and she spun the wheel, and one time the wheel almost took her with it.
No. Number sixty five The rock Cats.
Get in aligned girls. Come on, ladies, now let's get information.
You better raise your knee to the same height as the girl next to you, and y'all better be leggy af you know what.
Ms Mama from the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader says, since leaving the Dallas Cowboys cheerleader, she's now trying out for the rock Cats, and she says it's harder.
Wow. And that's how you know media pressent.
She loves me.
Number sixty sixty Keenan Thompson, talk about your friend, the team captain. This is the most I mean, he is hands down one of the best catch meedians of all time. Absolutely talk about a career, talk about an effortless mentorship. But also he gets down on a peer level with you. He comes down from the mountaintop and he is the sagely king Keenan. And we respect forever the work of this man and the kindness.
Welcome to Godburg or home with the good Burger kind of take your order. Number sixty three, jen n Larrence, Come on, can I say something someone else try and do no hard feelings that well.
Oh my god, no, no fucking wice someone else.
That movie was paid dust.
Oh my god, it was such a good movie. Also, I volunteer as Dan. I volunteer as tribute to Stan.
I volunteer his tribute. Not only was that a great moment in her career, but it was a moment for memes.
A rallying cry. It was a moment for memes.
Also, I want to say, Silver Linings Playbook, watch it again because you will be as justice thrilled the first fifteen times you watched it. I opened up to you and you judge me. You're an asshole.
Number sixty to the Empire State Building in New York. Girl, the lights on her. She is sparkling diamond jewel of the city. Listen, even as a representative of Rockefeller Center. And that's both of us. Yeah, you got to give it up.
We both have. We have big connections to thirty Rock of course and the top of the Rock, but we have to give it up for the Empire State Building, the most famous building in the world. I'll set it number number six one.
Christine Bansky talk about Martha May. Yeah, you, Martha May.
I mean you. We wouldn't be talking about Martha May as an icon if it wasn't for Christine Baranski. Also, like Christine Baranski, it's it's a constant lifting of the material. Yeah, it is always always better for having Christine Baranski in these projects.
Gilded Age, to go from Gilded Age to the good fight. So she did that within two years of each other. Done, Mama Mia two words number number sixty. Pink, my down bitch showed in the words of Peyton Dix, my down bitch showed her pussy.
Yeah, that's how she got her name pink. Her friends saw her vagina and said, that's pink.
Damn, that's pink.
Sometimes Pink will be so high in the air that when you look up, you also see the stars around her. And that is how I want her to be remembered in culture. Among the stars, Yes, shot into the air by a cannon, singing, so what amongst the stars where she belongs? And the moon in the sun. Number fifty nine.
Will Fair Daddy, daddy father, our kind father, our kind tall, funny father, our kind tall, funny, sensitive available father, ally father, our ally father. That's the title of our book about Will our ally ally father. He is just We can't say enough good things about him. I could cry thinking about what this man has done for our lives and for the lives of his friends and his fans. Will and Harper that better win every trophy.
Oscar, every oscarar number fifty eight the fire.
Fire, island mines. There's something for everyone. People go, oh, it's just for you know, a certain kind of gay. No, what do you and I do when we go there? We stay in the house, We play games, eat pizza, eat pizza, have a little cocktail. Sometimes eat ass and good sick.
Girl, not both of us. Just you listen. Sometimes you have to choose your own adventure. Sometimes you eat pizza and watch Barbon Star. Other times you eat so much ass you get sick.
And watch Barbon Star. We love the.
Fireside, We love Barbon Star.
Fifty seven Jennifers.
As you know, I just watched an instagram she posted, and guess what she was saying?
Vote good for her? She said, let's get loud and vote. She'd better be at the inauguration of Kamala Harris.
I want the same exact rendition of the beautiful what was it?
Let's get loud, see me too, shining see and then I want her to say loud.
Waiting she owns that green light. I love you, Puppy number fifty six.
I know this is your king, this is my king. After school, I didn't grow up with cable, so guess what. PBS was my best friend and I would watch Bob Juliet Child, Fucking you know between the Lions Sesame Street, but Bob Ross held it down and ASMR before a SMR was invented. This was the King of This is tall kind sensitive painter. King ally paints. You know what he fought in the war, and he said, I don't want to kill anymore. I only want to create beauty.
He does un number fifty five. Rihanna, you are the world's richest functional marijuana addict. You are a Real Housewives super fan. You wrote and sang Desperado. You are the mother to a son named riot Rose. You have a stop Rocky locked it down. You said, we found love in a hopeless place and in Rihanna, we found number fifty five on the iconic four hundred Dang.
Number fifty four.
Mmy, take the floor, come Onnday. It'll be all right.
Come Monday, I'll be holding you're tired. I spend four loly days in a BROWNII Hayes and A just want you back by my side.
Marguerite Deville is a different song than that one. But I love you, Jimmy, We respecting, lovely love you, Jimmy. Thanks for the vibes.
Dong number fifty three.
Catherine Jones speaking of vibes.
Oh my god, the vibe is precision, talent and wonder and more.
The only word to describe her performance in Chicago is volcanic. You watch Cell Block Tango, It's like a volcano erupting.
And what is the lava? What is the eruption?
Is it? How could you tell us that I was wrong? That's when she goes and like she she gets it in her eyes and she's yeah, so Catherine.
Number number, how would you describe her performance in Chicago?
Volcanic? God got hell? Lucy Lou remember when she was name checked in Uh was an outcast song about booties.
To my Beyonces and Lucy Lu's I Believe.
And Lucy Lou's because it gave high tight ass representation.
Oh, it gave I mean Charlie's Angels birding legend. Her character in Charlie's Dung was just so funny that her number.
Fifty one forrest Or Dumb involved in so many world events.
Such as Bubba Gum Trimp that is a world event.
That is a world event. Honestly, Yeah, Like, if we were going to do another Twelve Days of Culture, Bubba Gump establishment would be up there by the way. I had Del Taco for the first time last night. You love it. Oh my, You're a del Taco God. Life is like a box of chocolates. Get me more adel Taco.
I don't know how those ideas connect.
Number fifty Jetson not happy with your recent comments.
Recent comments have been troubling, but you still That's why you're not higher up on the list. But you are still deserving of number fifty.
Remember this, Remember this, back to happier times. Give me a beat.
Oh my god, nesty remember this.
This is a story about control.
Oh my god. Remember this, because I'm gonna after it tonight.
Sandra Bernhard has a joke about Ja and Jackson, which is that she was one day listening to her album and all of a sudden, these words came out of her speakers, and then your pussy's gonna swell up and explode, dumb, Oh my god. Number forty nine the Jaws girl Boss icon. This was a woman. No one knows that this was a woman.
She had a big old mouth and a point and a point to me in the water. She said, now, let me let you know who the biggest fish is, and you are gonna need a bigger boat.
I'm chomping on kids, I'm chomping on dogs, I'm chomping on Quinn, chopping on the community. Oh, I'm chomping down. Try to stop me with your three yellow booies. Number forty eight. ET a lot of Spielberg, so between Forrest Gump and Jaws and Et.
But but keep going.
I'm more afraid of Et than the shark from Jaws. If I see ET, it's on site. Can you imagine if ET, If you say you're just living your life, you see.
Et in the woods, you're kicking him.
Oh, I'm kicking it as hard as I can, and I'm screaming. I'm letting everyone know what's happening. ET is fucked up, like, do not try to convince me he's cute with his reciss pieces and his bullshit.
I'm killing it on site. Et in the in the wig, in the hat you don't like in the drag, No, duh, she's cute. Another Spielberg legend, Number.
Drew more. Sometimes she crawls off the couch and into our hearts.
Oh my god, look all three Charlie's angels are on the list. That's pretty amazing.
Huh. It's right that drew Is is the top one because she is an icon like.
Drew on the film. Yeah, so she should be the highest on the II one hundred, right. She made it happen. She paid for the first of all, I never been kissed.
You know what movie? I like Fever Pitch Oh, you know I love.
Going the distance with her and Justin Justin Lung really good.
It's so good.
Number forty six Robin the singer, of course, not Robin Dixon. Whatever the fuck her name is, Robin. No, it came to me right in the moment. I was like, I don't think I know that woman's last.
I can't use Robin's time to talk about Robin Dixon's name.
No, Robin, you are Swedish pop iconography. What can what can I say? You invent? I mean it's it was abba technically, but then like you really pushed it into the nineties and into the os and and you were just one of the most. When I have a panic attack, I had a panic attack at the gay club two prides ago. Listen to Honey in my Bed, in my bed and I calmed, right the fuck down. Number forty five, Kate.
When I have a panic attack, I watched Tar in its entirety. Well, I feel way worse that end.
Can we talk about that ending?
We can? It's a perfect, a perfect ending again, Katelyn chet is, of course, a situation where everything is improved by her being in it. By the way, Wash notes on a scandal again, Oh no, it's on a scandal. Maybe maybe in my top five greatest films.
You want to fuck me, Bobraa.
You think this is a love affair here, I am like.
Number forty four Mark Show, That's Mother.
Truly, you know, just the great, the Great Margaret Show. Cut to me being you know what a twelve thirteen years old getting on Rhapsody, listening to all her stand up albums, like just feeling like I was being told what my sense of humor was from beyond without really understanding a single joke. She was saying, But you knew in my heart, I knew, I'm a faggot who loves her.
Gay is okay, Gay is okay, Thank you, Margaret, Glen Glenn Close, Gay is okay, Gay is okay. We're gonna get you that, Oscar Glenn.
We are.
Don't worry. This woman did that movie and said I can smell your nappy pussy.
She really did, looking like something you call animal control on.
This woman. She will always do something interesting. That's she will play Albert Knams and we will all forget about it.
Glenn Close, you will always be famous. We need to take it into our own hands and write her Oscar role. I think it is absolutely.
Sanity takes care of her crew, takes care of her cast. She you know, she was making sure Patty Harrison and I were taken care of on the set of The Lost City.
The Lost City a great film. To talk nothing about that? Can we just say gravity? She said? You know, oh you didn't think I deserved the Oscar for a blindside. Let me give the performance of a lifetime.
Oh, let me hurtle through space.
Gravity is exemplary film acting. And to say nothing of Miss Congeniality. She's effortless, She's perfect. She's central fucking Bulock number forty one.
Donna, Look, Greta Gabo and Monroe.
What am I doing?
You're voguing Dietrich and Dinaugio. Now, let's let's work her hand. Let's say Greta Gabo and Monroe. Madonna, Hell, that's really good.
Bow you know, you know Madonna. She was an original. She is an original. We wouldn't have any other girls without Madonna, And I do think it's important to say that.
Literally the blueprint don okay, number forty Barney.
Are you thankful that you have Selena Gomez and Demi Lovado because their father the person who taught them how to be on set?
Tall kind funny father Ally there Will Ferrell, that is Selina Gomez and Demi Labaudez.
Will Farrell. Barney said, this is how you act like a good number one on a call sheet. You come in, you know everyone's name, You say, can I please have a dia coke? You say clean up? Clean up everybody? Everywhere?
Oh, you say, I love you, you love me? Were one happy family.
I know somewhere Barney is out there fighting against climate change for right.
Thirty nine, number thirty nine. Jennifer Anathon, what is there to say?
Effortless, icon, hilarious, an American treasure, truly an American treasure. And also the Morning Show. She's turning a performance and a half. When she almost died of COVID, I almost died of COVID? Were you dying of COVID?
But I felt like her performance was see I understand that. I felt that way.
Come on if you had COVID while you were watching the Morning show. Okay, number thirty eight, I think I did Fergie Stacy. Don't call her Stacy, No, they always think they know her.
Come in to me, call me Stacy. You know what was a number one hit London Bridge You really are my girl, You're my sister. A song that starts with oh shit or oh snap on the radio. But I knew it was a hit when they said Fergie is going solo and the first thing you heard was oh sh shit. I was like, this is forget it. We're in a new era. The Duchess. When I come to the club step aside number four, No wait, oh my god, you everything. Fergie, come on the show.
Fergie please. Number thirty seven.
Sheriff Wro, California legend. I want to smoke up the sun.
Smoke up the sun.
He says, well, don't mind if I do, don't mind if I do. I would love to smoke up the sun with show cra I bet that would be fun.
Oh yeah, stories if it makes you happy, then yeah, sure do it. Even yeah, what a fucking melody?
Oh my god truly.
If it makes you happy, walk so shallow could run.
Whoa, I never thought about that, you know. Also like show Crow, I put your picture away. Don't forget that she's got some of the best songs ever Arry Ali made Bowen. You really are one of the smartest young women.
Number thirty six, glorious de vet a devet as she says, come on, Sha, get out of it.
But do that conga if you want, if you want to live the best moment of your life, get down to Epcot, get on the Guardians of the Galaxy roller coaster and cross your fingers so hard that you get conga playing on that.
I've never felt better, I've never no and look, you are an icon. If you have a song on Guardens of the Galaxy Cosmic rewind period, you just you just are You did that?
You Pad Banatar.
Discoing for now?
Yeah done?
Number thirty five, Wow, Far and away, hands down the best. I don't think so many ever done.
I think so, I think the best. I don't think so honey of all time. I would say, redefined the form, redefined sitcoms. I would say.
Just I mean just an indisputably iconic, chic funny person. I mean what I got, It's crazy. Sarah Palin found not elected period. Thank you for mean girls, Thank you for me and girls. Liz Lemon found in every hinge gay dating profile. Okay, number thirty four.
First of all, every line that you called for mean girls. Look up to the sky, look past pink and the stars, look at heaven and God, and say thank you Tina Fay for that.
She's up there. Number thirty four. Naypiery, Oh my God, not the Queen.
Zolways tell Donna as Natiri. That is. It's the most famous character in cinema history, if you think about it. She is the face of the greatest film franchise in cinema history, Night Serio.
A woman who's every line making quote such as such.
As, such as I see you, such as you will never be one of the people.
November thirty You will never be one one of the people people.
Number thirty three, thirty three Christine mcviee.
Yes, she is one of the most beautiful, purest voices. I really, I mean God, moment of silence for Christine mcviee.
And now we resume to say, truly Fleetwood Mac that they are forever they are forever timeless. There was nothing more moving than Stevie's tribute to her. Oh my God, my best friend, I just God so sad number thirty two. Tune in, tune in Tomorrow Night to Saturday Night Live to see her tear it up on the which episode of SNL.
Stevie Nick's in October is such a powerful thing.
I can't landslide. The live performance of Landslide, Oh, that like one iconic Landslide performance when she breaks it down and then in the snow cover, Oh, I'm just like, this is the greatest song of all time being performed by a true legend. When I told my dad that I was gonna get to because I'm coming to ask and now to see her, he.
Flipped her singing wild Heart backstage before a concert in this in the eighties. Come on, okay, now.
One Jesus Christ say what you want.
You can't deny that he changed the game, came onto the scene, said I'm gonna show the girls.
Jesus Christ said, I.
Want to come to the clubs emisode and then what else did he say?
Well, here's what I'm saying. If if Jesus Christ is going to come back which, by the way, TikTok Oh, God, you know now is the because we need to help. But also like he would be huge on TikTok he'd be huge on TikTok if he came to like Animal in Brooklyn, the gates would the games would be Who's Jesus number thirty orals.
I'm so happy they're striking back. Well, not that they're young and that they're they're playing.
I don't think that's true. I actually think and this is my conspiracy theory, Like you think that Frank Sinatra killed Marilyn Monroe, which was something crazy. I believe that the orcas are more intelligent that humans, and they finally had it. I heard I have it on good authority. There's a matriarch who is organizing them, the young ones, to attack all boats because she's so traumatized and she's had it. And I need to see Amy Adams play this role as well done it can be done.
Frank Sinatra was banned for Marilyn Monroe's funeral. I just found this out. You're onto something bo Number probably the person I have watched on screen for the most duration of time in my lifetime. Like if you if I really tally up the minutes of people I've watched on screen, probably she is number one. Yeah, she's been in every single one of my favorite movies throughout my lifetime. Someone who talks about quote unquote process, I want to qu not quote unquote, like literally, she talks about process in the way that is not at all like cloying or like saccharine. I'm just like I could talk watch you talk about acting or movie making all day.
Yeah, oh my god, we love you, We love you. You're invited on this podcast, literally, and anytime you want. Number twenty eight Oreo Cookie used to clear these, clear them. I used to get I still do you do? And like, But but here's the thing. It's like when you when you start, you can't stop. You can't start pringles, lied, no pringles. I actually can stop. Oreo Cookies, especially double stuff. I don't stand much of a chance. I get it, I'm clearing sleeves. But then they get weird with the flavors, like did you eat the chromatic Oreo?
I did not great and will say, but that's not a knock to Gaga, knock on Gaga, Nibisco or Yeah. Number twenty seven Kelly Clarkson.
Thank you for everything that you are. Thank you for everything that comes out of your goddamn mouth, whether you're speaking or singing, because it's the best thing I've ever heard. Either way.
You are such a light in this world. Your voice is a power source.
You know how It's BC like before Christ it should be before, it should.
Be b Casey, before Kelly Clarkson.
Before Kelly Clarkson, and after Kelly Clarkson. At least that's how I quantify things in my life. It was before that woman came in and said, oh yes, and.
After number twenty six, big big Bro by the river.
Big Bro. You know, this goes out to all the guys out there, Oh who are who are dicking down? This goes out to every top that exists to fuck.
I did have this thought the other day. I said, God, there are there are a lot of men and a lot of in the words of remonta singer, guys, and and we do celebrate you at the end of the day, like you know, we're we love you.
You know who this person is in your life?
Number twenty five Regina.
George, meanest girl in high school history.
But and the way that Madonna was the blueprint. She is the blueprint for me and girls. It's like, you can't it all goes back to her. It's crazy.
Oh yeah, oh yeah. I saw girls that I went to high school with get nastier and meaner because of Regina George. And that's power. Regina George and Hannibal Lecter. Oh my god, who was a better villain? I mean, it's very hard to say so.
In the ACA, I started going at to my first girlfriend Kyle. He was totally gorgeous. But they move to Indiana. Gena's just like weirdly jealous of him. Okay, Number number twenty four four.
As you stand three foot two, your talent stands a billion feet tall.
You are one of the great Instagram presences. Thursday is a day I look forward to.
There's you.
Look you are Adam sel You were Adam Selman's client at a time when his clients were you and Rihanna. That is power that Adam Selman. Adam Selman Honorable Mention, Honorable mention, one of the most wonderful, gorgeous Solish Icon.
Number twenty three the current fucking reigning Artist of the Millennium. Lost Culturistas Culture Award winner.
We love You, Tilda a star of all your favorite movies, Chronicles of Narnia, Michael Clayton, Problemsta, the list goes on.
When she won that kingdom, I have never been so happy because the scene and Michael Clayton at the end when she collapses on the ground as George Clooney is walking away from her, I was like wow. And also just like everything about that movie is so fun and great. Everything is. She's the best part about it. She's the David Billie of acting. Okay, the best Oscar when's ever Ronald McDonald say what you want I think of him, I go, I want a cheeseburger. Oh, and that is the point, which is the whole point. To say nothing of fries.
Oh I forgot about fries.
To say nothing of chicken nuggets. And he is the gateway to all of these things. I'm sorry, but you can talk to me about other fast food all you want.
No, they don't have Ronald. That is the that is the original influence. Everyone's like, oh, Jesus Christ, the original influence was Ronald McDonald Number twenty one. Joe Firestone. This bitch gets it. She gets it. She has always gotten it. She just wants to make your ass laugh. She writes fucking novels as aside hobby. She writes a comedy murder mystery called Murder on Sex Island because she what loves the craft.
Take this woman's brain out of her head and study it. Find out how it's so goddamn fun. Take her brain out. Now has a dog named Loaf that is a good woman. Number twenty Loaf, Meryl Meryl three three.
Please talk more about how you just met her? Oh, there's there's not much to say. I just shook her hand and my eye left my body. I really did leave my body. I was like, oh my god, your your delicate hand is touched.
Nine. And when you meet her, is it like different than meeting other people? Is it like is it do you go into a vacuum?
It's so yes, absolutely like it was unreal, undisputed.
Greatest actress of all time, undisputed. That's all.
Sorry to Betty Davis, Sorry to John Crawford, all of them. Sorry, Elizabeth Taylor, I'm sorry. It's Meryll okay number nine nine time.
These girls, can I just say just know that a bone shoe beck I listened to it fifteen times a week.
Sherman Oaks Iconography that music video. Let's just say that.
Not everyone can rent out the street.
No no, not everyone can write an album called Women in Music Part three and for us all to be like, yes, yeah.
Ain't no part one or part two, but we'll take part three.
Not all of us can rent out Canter's Deli and do it? Do the album?
Are there for the folks? They called up the city, they said, we need to rent out Canters. We need to rent out the whole street in La. They said, sorry, who is this? They were like hi, and they go, oh, absolutely anything.
New La Legends Number eighteen.
Maya Angelou. When people show you who you are, who they are, rather believe them the first time.
I know why the caged bird sings.
Caged bird.
Caged bird sings because Maya Angelou has given the bird life and hope.
You wouldn't even be talking about the bird.
No, the bird singing because she's happy to have Maya Angelou's words internally, bringing her the bird's plate to life. Number seven, Number seventeen.
Share so iconic that she's famously an impression that is wrong, you know what I mean. It's like everyone's like, oh.
She's never done that has never done that horse. That's horses you're thinking of, Sweetie.
You like auto tune, you like Charlie XCX, you better thank believe by share ang. Can you hear me tune?
She had this bitch had a music video on a battleship. She said, I'm gonna make I'm gonna make war gay, I'm gonna queer war because it is the most unqueer thing. Turn back time best song. War sucks, by the way.
Wait, turn back Time is a record of the your nominee. I know it.
Oh my god, whoa boen Us singing?
That is powerful, saying fine the rkeys with their spoon.
There mother.
Here's the thing, like, first of all, el Woods, come on, come on, she's already been on the list. That's because of Reese. And then Reese had the nerve to be iconic seventeen more times, Big little Eyes, Reese's Best, Reese's Best, Madeline, Martha Mackenzie. Don't ever forget.
This bitch is Cheryl Strade. That's iconic.
I mean the producer of my an actress of my favorite show of the morning show. Thank you, Reese, thank you for everything.
Thank you for everything. Number fifteen Paul Hollard. This is who we were talking about when we mentioned flavor Flave. This is one of the best, I'm gonna say, not even reality TV people of all time, one of the best television personalities ever.
Ever. She never stops spouting iconic shit.
Pretty much. You look like LUs Van dran Ross pretty much. I would let Jem know that she is a fat cunt.
She really she really is.
That she gave me.
She allowed gay men to think they could just say that that's what she did. She allowed Bowen Yank to sort of think he can just rip into that.
Number fourteen Miss Bi Giggy. That is, this is someone who is so iconic that she was inspired by all the movie stars of your and she was. She transcended that somehow. I'm like, she's a bigger star than any movie star.
Two words, I've ready for my cruiser.
Oh my god, Lauren, he's gonna miss Biggie and a Scooby.
Wait. I didn't know that I could do all these.
Everyone's mourning for Scooby. Number thirteen Taylor Taylor Swift, We.
Hope you're happy with this placement. It had to be thirteen thirteen, Taylor. You are you do. I mean, you're Michael Jackson.
But see the thing about Taylor, all about the work, all about the work. Talk about your favorite Taylor Swift moment.
Honestly, why did The first thing that popped to my head was her turning around to a large crowd.
That's it like back in the day, like speak.
Now era, when she first started doing yeah, and she would go, she would turn around and go number twelve Cleopatra.
I don't know, it's kind of not that pretty flop looks. Look at Cleopatra and not Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra. Cleopatra and she looked fine.
We'll never really know what she looked like. What we do. There have been paintings and sculptures of her, but we assume that it had to be something because you know, Mark, Anthony, Julius, Caesar, all these men.
Fell I think she was a Nepo baby.
I think she was Nepo.
I think she was.
But that does.
Qualify her, No, not at all.
That's but that's why number Remember eleven, Elton Johnson, john and you can tell everybody that you were number eleven on the iconic four hundred. He still has his finger on the pulse. Yeah, because he said two words chapel roone.
Chapel rone after we did. Yeah, Elton John, you are one of music's greatest ever ever and you will always be famous as well.
You always be famous as well. A goodbye Yellow Brick Road. You know, I used to think that Crocodile Rock was the best song of all time, and I still think it.
Period number ten, we're in the top ten.
Sana, you have brought so many gifts to the world. And I'm not saying that as a metaphor. I'm saying that literally, you were synonymous with gifts. Can you think about any more positive vibe than that, any any better message in that? To be synonymous with the giving of gifts?
Oh my god, I could cry Santa for people to argue as a culture is he real? That is iconography? Yeah, it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter if he's real or not. You're not happy when you see him. Straight white men won number nine, number nine day talk about your girl. You are look sheep.
She put crack in her music.
That's it. I about a dime of a broken un.
The voice of an angel, the demeanor of an angel, thetail of a honeytail, of an icon. Wait till y'all see Wicked. Oh brother, it's about to.
Give number eight. Sarah Jessica park Parker. I mean, I think the most iconic three named person that ever lived. First, let's say that, Okay, you can't just be Carrie Bradshaw either, like you have to you have she represented all the women of New York City. They said, we're rooting for her even when she's fucked up. And there were whole seasons where she was sparks up. The first anti hero, Don Draper.
Don Draper found no Tony Soprano, No, no way.
Carrie Bradshaw was the first real complexity on.
Television, and now was Sarah Deesica Parker number seven.
Beyonce spoke for all the single ladies the same way that Sarah Doesaka spoke for all the women in New York City. Beyonce said, ah, the single ladies, and we responded, ah, the single ladies.
And there was a call to action, put.
Your hands up. The moment that Beyonce, the self titled came out. You know how it's BC before Christ, it should be b B before Beyonce.
So there's BK C and then there's there's a period between a case, but that's still B B yeah. Number six Glick, Oh my god, they say now that the good interview doesn't exist anymore. It's not relevant. It is alive and well in Jimmy Glick. This man is asking the hard questions, getting food stuck in his gullet mid interview.
Jimminy is a fearless journalist, and they said they didn't exist. It's Jimminy and Alex Cooper. Oh my god, they stand together as our two green.
Three that I would love to see that view.
Number three, Number five Garland.
Silence. It's a moment of silence. So it wasn't very good. It was really good.
I flopped my Judy Eliza and my Judy. Oh my god.
I think you want to know why because there's only one of each. Don't ever talk to me about nepos again. Because of Liza and Judy.
You're right, nepo baby is a concept, doesn't matter. I root for Maya Hawker. I'm a Mayahawk fan.
Number four Die, Oh Cooke, thank you for coming into my life. I was laid on this one.
That's okay. There will never be another beverage for me. I will say, you know, it's an honorable mention what.
He showed us as Celsius. What flavor is that? Because I'm a big Arctic Vibe fan.
Green apple cherry, Oh okay.
Green apple cherry. It's very aggressive.
Elsius is the reason that I'm able to be anywhere.
In my life. But thank you, Dia Coke, Thank you Dka. We're in the top three, number three. Lady Little Monsters are so proud of.
You single handedly changed the pop musical landscape, culture landscape, real period pop culture landscape.
It does it.
I mean it just it should be you know how they have BC, it should be b lg in more.
Ways than one. You know, every single time you do anything, it's interesting, it's serrated. In the words of Bowen Yang, it is legendary. It is Lady Gaga. You are a one of once in a lifetime icon. You're one of a kind. And if there could be one hundred people in a room, but if Lady Gaga's in the room, there's only one lady one Lady Gaga.
There could be one hundred Lady Gaga's in the room, and I would be happy.
I would be overwhelmed. Winy oh God. First of all, the truly like, it's hard to not say that Oprah Winfrey is number one, but the fact is Oprah Winfrey. Like remember when she gave that speech at the Golden Globes and everyone was like, be president please. Everyone was like, fully, come on, who's to say that she shouldn't be She can save us?
And they say that the song that I think it was Nickelback wrote for Spider Man.
And they say that here says not wait, thank you?
Oprah has a song about Oprah sung through Oprah's point of view, and bro.
You don't Oprah number one number one? Wait before we get into it, So this is number one on the Iconic four hundred. We've made it. What do you say? We just, without saying who it is, play this person's I don't think so.
Honey, right now, that is an incredible idea. Let's play it.
I don't think so, honey.
I can't with the overhead lighting. Oh why do they do it to us? I shouldn't even say us, because it's not us, it's me. I'm the one that gets the most torture by the hideous lighting in every elevator, doorway, gyms.
That I go to. The gym.
But I'm just saying it's hideous. Lighting the sun. I mean, the sun is okay if it's at sunset, and then I will gladly go outside and put the you know, there's a hat on or whatever, and that'll be pretty because it's sunlight caressing your skin. But it's bad for you, so you gotta be careful of that. But overhead lighting, I don't think so, honey, Please stop it. Every place I go, I shut the lights, turn them out.
I don't want to see them. No more, yes, no more, honey, one more thing. Overhead lighting.
It makes me sick.
The fact that we got Rhona Carries, I don't think overhead lighting is.
So now you know, the number one person on the iconic four hundred the guests next week is the one, the only, the most iconic person in culture.
More right, the Queen of Christmas, biggest female solo artists of all time, I mean, the blueprint for what it means to be like truly, all the girls copied her singing when she came out like just and she's on our.
Show, and she's on our fucking show. I mean, this is like another loop closed, honestly, and it was such a fun interview. We were so grateful we had such a good time with her. We hope you enjoy. And she's going on tour again, so check her out. She has a line of merch coming out.
Oh and you know, the snow globes were sitting on the table in front of her, and they are beautiful and they're bigger than you think. Gorgeous, gorgeous pieces for your home. I am so excited for that episode to come out. I am beyond floord that we even got the opportunity to breathe the same air as her. She is the number one person I'm icon of four hundred and I think everyone knows that it's true.
Everyone knows that it's true. There's no disputing it. Four hundred episodes and more of Lost Culturistas. We thank you for celebrating with us in this way. We hope you enjoyed.
I counted this episode is four hundred and forty, so.
We're already almost halfway to five hundred.
We'll see you soon, way sooner than you know. It'll be five hundred, and we'll figure out some more bullshit to do, hopefully in a studio that doesn't lose our audio. Yeah, we'll see in about a year. Love you so much, and can I tell you something. We made this list, but you are the number one person on my list. You're the number one person on my list.
I love you so much. Matt Rogers, love you, Bowen Yang. You are the star of my life of culture. To me, you are the most talented, the funniest person ever to live. And I'm just so lucky to be a friend, to be a collaborator with you, and to share a zoom with you.
To say that the feeling is mutual would be of That would be to put it mildly. Who didn't make the list, But I guess like we've already highlighted her in such a way. Just understand, Mandy, you're you won the lifetime of Cultural Awards better than the list? Do you know what I mean? Better than the list? Oppenheimer was on the list? Girl? Well, I mean do we end every episode with a song?
Like every episode with the song? And speaking of heroes, we sing a song about heroes earlier. This is another one.
This is a he.
If you look inside, you don't have to be afraid. And if you want to hear how that song was written, listen next week, but when Mariah carries on last last.
Cultesis is the production by Will Ferrell's Big Money Players and The Heart Radio Podcasts.
Created and hosted by Matt Rodgers and Bowen Yang. Executive produced by Anna Hasnier and Hans Sony, produced by Becker Ramos, edited mixed by Doug Babymomi Flaboord and our music is by Henry Komirski. Hey everybody, it's me Matt Rodgers, letting you know. Tickets are on sale now to see me on tour, the Prince of Christmas Tour that is, I'm doing my whole album Have You Heard of Christmas? Plus a lot more with the whole band all throughout December. Go to www dot Matt rodgersoficial dot com to see me in a city near you