Part II of THE ICONIC 400! Congratulations Enya, Samuel L. Jackson, Ms. Pac Man and SO many more! Part III coming tomorrow!
Hey everybody, it's me Matt Rogers, letting you know. Tickets are on sale now to see me on tour, the Prince of Christmas Tour, that is, I'm doing my whole album have you Heard of Christmas? Plus a lot more with the whole band all throughout the December. Go to www dot Matt Rodgers official dot com to see me in a city near you. And now lost Coach drums, look mare, Oh, I see you my own and look over there is that culture Yes, goodness wow, Lost cult dings, Lost Culturistas calling number three intred twenty Regis Philbin, Regis Philbin, I mean could sit across from I think any chatty lady and hold his own oh yeah, whether it was on Millionaire, whether it was on Regis and Kelly Yeahs and Kathy Lee and Kathy Lee. Oh my god, you are missed, Regis. Regis and I want to say, I wish that you had been the host of Once Been a Millionaire when I was on it, because I did not like my host. Who was your host, Chris Harrison. Oh he definitely didn't make the less. He shook my hand like Trump shakes people's hand. The tight thing in the poll. You can watch it on YouTube. Marnie Michaels. I think if you didn't see yourself in Marnie Michaels, you were and being honest, no, you don't know yourself. Yeah, if you if you did not relate to Marnie Michaels, you have not climbed Cringe mountain. Marnie Michaels has scaled Cringe mountain range. Marnie Michaels is one of the great TV characters. I'll never forget the Bushwick episode when she got slapped in the face by Andrew Reynolds and she said, I Am never coming back to Bushwick. Who could forget stronger? I mean looker, forget when she was trapped in booths TV Tower, the eyebrows And we have you to thank for creating Marnie Michaels and so much more, so much more. You wrote a book that we all read. Yeah, let me tell you something. When that book came out, I read it. Yeah, I would continue to read your book. Where are the books? Where are the books? You directed the pilot of Industry? People be loving that and the Girls stands the test of time and when you watch it again, it gets better. Just like Dan Savage said, it gets better, and that applies to it a lot of things. Dan Savage saies, I think about the gay experience, but also girls. If he said it about girls, he'd be right. He'd be right. Number three seventeen Florence Nightingale, just the second and last Florence on the list, one of the most famous nurses of all time. Sorry to Florence Welch. Damn yeah, Florence wels We did not put Florence Welch on the list. But wouldn't you say that nurses are the most important people in America and that Florence Nightingale was a nurse during the Civil War. I would say that absolutely, and she deserves to be on this list. I'm just saying, Florence Welch, Oh my God has something to say about Florence Nightingale, and she respects you. Number three and sixteen sixteen flavor. Someone who is still relevant today was at the VMA's this past year. Heyd Taylor Swift to ba was escorted off the stage when like like he was trying to get in into the frame and I think I think someone pulled him off. You know, we wouldn't have someone else that appears on this list. It's going to be along, it's going to be a long but we wouldn't have her with that flavor. Flav and flavor play launched a million important careers, Shake coul A Snatch Game, Shake Snatch Game three fifteen, so many projects. I mean, let's just say, this is masterpiece. This is masterpiece. She is a masterpiece. She is a masterpiece. You got to watch the Big c You got to watch the you got in the whale? Oh please please one of the greats. Are you a Narco's guy? No? No, not Nark? No, you mean you're talking about Ozark. I'm not, but I but I hear she absolutely tears it up. Of course she does. She she really can do it all. Oh my god, I love actually screwed again. Talk about a Christmas villain to hero narrative he had I think he took up a hallucinogen. Yeah, can I say something? So? The question that I got wrong on wants to be a millionaire? Was and Bowen Yang spelled it the way I thought it was spelled. You too would not continue on who wants to be a millionaire? Having spelled it like this. Spelling is e B e n e z e R. You spelled e b e n e e z e r. It is not that number. Yeah, I mean, that's so sad what happened. It is so sad what happened. But we have to focus on the positive. But we really do. She gave us a lifetime of music and memory, a lifetime of music and memory. She she brought music to the world. Yeah, dreaming of you and I could fall in love. Oh my god, think of a time when they when you could just do two ballads as your singles. Think of that. I missed that. I missed that. Number three twelve Jamie Lee Curtis from Activia to everything ever were all at once, to Halloween, Halloween Freaking Friday two. Oh my god, it goes on to infinity and true lies. Yeah, oh, true lies, iconic COTTI, Oh my god, like James Cameron Hotty, oh big time, big time and acting alongside Arnold Schwarzenegger, who would become the governor of California. That really happens, that happens. Yeah, yeah, we were young. Yeah, but you know, to speak about Jamie Lee Number three eleven, Debbie Ryan, I want to make a kisstory, and that's what we did. That's what we did, and that's what you did by landing a pretty good place on this list. I would say, you beat Selena, you beat and Hathaway. Wow, this is crazy, But you know what, No, it's not crazy. Why would you say it's crazy. She's earned it. No, I think she has earned it. But like when she said she was going to make history, she was right. That's the thing is like some people say things and it doesn't come to fruition. She did make it. She did make it. Number three, Selena, I'll be single soon. I'll be standing forever. She was someone at the Emmys that I was too afraid to go up and say, were you really what I said? I said hi to Meryl Streep, you did not. You didn't tell me that. I went up to Marty and Marty and I go way back, and then Merril reached out her hand and I left my body. But I was still too afraid to go. And Selena was right there with Benny, and I was like, I can't. I'm just gonna say stream. Look and this is so funny. I've worked with Selena before. She hosed I know, but you were too scared. This is three oh, nine, Marissa, it was my honor to pretend to be your iconic character in Virility. So good you, Tomas Matos. That is one of the great movie moments. But there was a blueprint and it was Marissa Tomey and my cousin Vinnie. One of the all time best Oscar wins. And since then, can I say she also should have won for the wrestler. She also should have won for anger management. Wow, she was also won for Spider Man. Oh my god, am to me should have an Oscar for all her all her roles. Number three hundred and eight. Odd job. This is the James Bond villain, James Bond villain from Goldfinger who makes a secret cameo in GoldenEye in the game GoldenEye, and you cannot play as him because he's too short. Yeah, so you can play as him. You can't play as him. But it's not wise, No, it is wise. But it's like it's cheating because it's like your eyeline. Yes, yes, yes, he's he's so sure. Do the thing where you hold your couch down. You have to crouch down and it's an extra stepisode people are like, no, odd job, Oh yeah, but you know what you can say no, odd job, but if the game allows it as an option, I might be paying Pascal. You can have us both at the same time, separately together, I said, the same time. And where would you want to be goes separately? Okay, how would you want to be situated? Both of us blindfolded? I'm different ends of a room and I go Bowen Marco Polo while Pedro Pascal runs between us both and I'm too busy eating ass. This is dude, this is what you do to us. Pedro three hundred and six. Harry Daniels, you came on the scene this year and you said period. Well yeah, well yes. Harry Daniels, the iconic singer sings to every famous person you can think of, honestly on TikTok. Can you imagine if he ever came up to you and sang what I met him? I would be here. He did not sing to me, But like he and I are, like we get it. He's such a sweetie. Yeah, he's the best sweetie. No. And he by the way, I just got his review of The Substance and he says it has a lot of good things to say. It has a lot of the movie has a lot of good things, the material five and Yeah, who can say where the road goes, where the heart chows? Only time did she write that song? Those are words to live by. Only time, Only time said away, sail a way, Sail a way. Iconic, spam music, pure moods, icon borders legend they were. They were spitting Enya at every borders in in America. Let me tell you something about Enya. Moms have her on in the car the house down. My mom was obsessed. Also Lord of the Rings fellas for the Rings song. Maybe Albert Einstein one of the smartest people in the world, but at a cost, at a cost, and that is something that you know, you pay a price sometimes. But he was so iconic that we don't really remember him for that. We remember him for equals mc squared, for sticking his tongue out in a photo like so goofy. Let me tell you something about Christopher Lloyd in Back to the Future. You don't have that hair on him? Had Albert Einstein not that haircut? Talk about long hair, don't care, long hair, don't care. Three, Penelope Cruise, I will be here waiting for you with my legs open. Nine an Oscar nominated performance the Christina Barcelona' don't even talk to me about we're talking about Allen movie. You really, you just you bring it, you bring to think about the whole, the whole thing. Penelope Cruise has one of the cheekest accents. You know what till this wit And said about her when she presented her with her oscar that she set off a dizzying display of English and Spanish. We didn't understand every word literally, but emotionally we understood every bit of it. Number three hundred two. Selma is just so effortless and everything she does, she could really do comedy or drama. When you say how some Gucci she did both. That was a hybrid role. But all Penelope couldn't get a Maria Harvey Weinstein. Look, the women on this list are always going to be tied to a problematic man. Yeah, get rid of all of them. We're done, We're done. We're done with problematic after this episode, We're done. I mean as in, we are problematic, and we will we will disappear. I don't feel problematic at all. I just want to speak for myself. Three year, one day Gatsby, that's a problem. You put him on this list. Explain, explain just just a very important figure in the American sort of story. You know, someone who aspired to so much but realize that those aspirations are empty, that new money is a ruse, that it still doesn't get you what you really want, which is a sense of fulfillment. You know how everyone is supposed to read this book, did you, Matt, I think you would really like it, to be honest, Well, I would like to, you know, sort of get into Daisy. She seems like an interesting Daisy is a you would you will love Daisy, I love Carry You'll like Yeah, you'll like Nick Carro. I think you're gonna like Tom Buchanan. Unfortunately you think so? Is he Is he problematic? Oh definitely? Oh God, but he is. He's supposed to be like hot guy, yeah, number three hundred. Lord, it's so confusing sometimes that you have to just cut through all the bullshit and really get to the truth. And Lord did that this year with Charlie XCX, who we'll talk about in a little bit. She's been she's been speaking true in her music for so long. But for Lord to go on that track, it gives me hope for the future. For the way we resolve our issues. Four hundred lux is one of my favorite songs. Oh my God. Pure heroin the album is places. Let's talk about melodrama. Oh my god, Oh my god. Okay, Number nine Flintstone. He was driving that car with his feet. He was really one of the touchstones, and not only children's animation and children's comedy, but also chewable vitamin culture, chewable vitamin culture, serial culture, good father culture, Pebbles. He loved Pebbles so much. Oh, Pebbles is set up because Pebbles had a good father. I've also had a good father. Yeah, Pebbles had Dino to play with Pebbles. And Bam Baman was Barney's son. Oh yeah, bamm had was trouble. Bam Baman was trouble. Two hundred ninety eight Stevens, You loved Illinois. I love loved Illinois. Selvidn't seen it, but that album shaped my ass in college so much so that when I got to n YU first week, the only the most important question I would ask people is, so do you listen to Stepan Stevens. I was so annoyed. That's a really good gateway at NYU, But in the Year of Our Lord two thousand and eight. Yeah, it was just like a conversation starter. I was like, what do you like to listen to? And then Broken Social Scene played our Welcome We concert. Did you go to that? I didn't. I was so like, Indie, fucking asshole, not that sios now number two ninety seven Dia Martina. If you ever go to Provincetwan, you have to see Diana Martin Martin. She really just kills it. I mean, it's reliably funny every single time. I even saw it. Twice I went to go see the show. I said, you know who has to see this? My sister Bowen Yang, which is an I kind of compliment that I can't give too many. Oh my god, I don't meet a lot of people and then walk away and say Bowen Yang has to meet them or see them. That's that's a double compliment because it compliments me. I know it's because I'm thinking of you. I love that. I love you, sister. I love you. Dina Martin. This is the love power. Love you, Dina. This is the power of Dina Martina. She just brings people together. To haleey Steinfeld, I'm in the top point zero one percent of Hailey Steinfeld's Spotify fans. And that's a good place to be. You're in good company. Hell Knows and headphones. Oh, don't talk to me about damn you're secha Let's and we haven't even spoken truth to power, which is anyone that denies that Love Myself is not the greatest song to come out in the past one hundred years. Hella May and the drop in Blockers and We're two hundred and ninety five. DiAngelo, there was a before and after her sexually. There was a time when you thought, oh, I know what a handsome, beautiful person looks like, and then you saw DiAngelo. Yep, wet shirtless, the untitled Yeah There's any Deal? It feels hard, feels pretty down there feels pretty good to me. I'm tempting my pants. Oh bowen, let me tell you something. Also to say nothing of the Genius music number two ninety four as portrayed by Elizabeth Moss and mad Men, The Journey that You went on. I actually just rewatched season one of mad Men and her arc in that when she doesn't realize she's pregnant by the ends, but oh my god, wow, Wow, Suitcase is one of the best episodes of television, one of the best ever. Never forget the season two finale when she says to Pete Campbell, I could have had you ah, and then she goes, I wanted other things. Peggy was that girl girl Boss, the original girl Bossy three David Bowie Starman. Let me tell you something. When you ask the question, is their life on Mars? Never forget where that came from and you think it's NASA, you think it's based David Bowie. He wanted to explore beyond. This was someone who was like, I am an artist and I'm gonna fuck models. No Gaga without David Bowie, No Gaga without David Bewie know a lot of things without David Bowie. Okay. Number two Pizza Knight. We all have had an experience of getting together with some of your best friends, you or maybe some people you don't even know that well and eating pizza together. Oh it just makes people happy. That's why it's on this list. It is culture making. Pizza Knight can be a pizza party, it can be birthday, it can be a it can be a get together. Let me tell you something, you know, Pizzaia, I call it a pizza store. Pizza store, you're having pizza Knight whenever you go there, and they're everywhere. I love pizza store Number three. Jessica Rabbit. This woman was so hot. She drove men crazy. And she continues to, she continues to. Some of these girls are still trying to look like her, and I want to say to them, she's a cartoon. Yeah, yeah, she's impossibly sexy. She is an impossible ideal. And she was also the original bombshell that entered the villa. She was the bombshell that entered the villa, the original girl. She was the original doll. And I always sound so fucking punk about Jessica Rabbit. She was fucking She was fucking a rabbit. She was married to a rabbit. Two hundred and ninety Jo. We tell each other stories. We tell stories in order to live, not out God Straighter lab glamour girls are going to come after us for butchering the quote. But the white album slappeding towards Bethlehem. And of course, did you read Goodbye to All That when you left New York? I think you did. I think people sent it to you. No, did you send me that book? I think I'm it's one of her famous essays, you know, pieces, So it wasn't a book. It wasn't a book. It's just a piece. Number two hundred and eighty nine. Greta Thunberg. Now was it Thunberger? Don't know because I'll tell you who says Tunberg all the time, Sudy okay, and I could. I do think it could be one of those iconic times where she's saying a name wrong. But it could be one of those iconic times when you just say a name right, like when she said Christy Brinkley for Christine Baranski and when she say Chris Coffner for Chris Colfer. Chris Coffner. She thought his name was Christy Brinkley. Is someone else? Is it? Greta Tunberger? Greta Thumberg, just to say Thunberg, great, we were right, Thank you for saving the Earth. Number two eighty eight. Scooby Doo another dog who said I can speak, I can speak, and I will use my voice and I want a Scooby snack. Wow. I didn't know I could do. God and what he thought he's got a Scooby. That's about Shaggy's last name also being Rogers. Is that true? He's house, He's house. Oh my god, I knew Shaggy was house. Shaggy is me and Shaggy and Patrick Rodgers have all the same vibe those I can't know. That was best. Oh god, I guess I had a scooby with number two seven, Buffy the Vampires player. If you look at her, you think one thing, and if you get to know her, you get know a whole new reality. This woman, this young girl, kills vampires to make the world a safer place while she's going to high school in college. Can you imagine? I can't imagine. I barely can make it through high school. You should have seen me in physics. If I was killing vampires at night, Babe, I would have acted out. Did she have other extracurriculars in the show outside of her job of killing vampires? But did she really not have a lot of time? I think she and Alison and hand again just hang out. Two hundred eighty six, Bahar, who's so what? Who kissed? You're feuding with her? No, I'm not feuding with her. I'm not feuding with Joy Babs like the tabloids, what have you believed? Oh god, Joy bayharr Is. She is the view. She is literally is America's greatest show. She has been distilled to one line, which is not even her line, which is so much. But you know what though, she spiritually is that Fred Armiston really did former teacher who became a comedian, who became a television Williamsburg legend, Joy Behar five The Chicks. I used to know him as the Dixie Chicks. Now you know him as the Chicks. They're not ready to make nice. They're never going to not be. No, the best Natalie Mains, the woman that you are, the voice that you have, the gift you give to the world. Texas is proud of you as a non text and I say that, Yeah, I can tell you that they are the second verse of not ready to make nice. Oh, there's never been anything like it. There's never been anything like it. Number two hundred and eighty four Gina Gershan talk about Gina Gershon and your sexual tension with her. Well, first of all, I just want to say one of the great actors. Yes, she's just done it all. And Gina Gershawan and Showgirls. As she's asking Naomi about what she likes to eat at dinner. Yeah, iconic. And you've kissed her. I've kissed her. She's gond kiss her. You like brand rice and vegetables tastes like dog food, y'all can Pedro Prescalmi. There are two eighty three Alphaba. Alphaba is one of the most important characters in culture. She famously said, she said, she said, will I did? She said, no ever boy did. And some of our great actors have been the vessel for her name him Dina, Shirshana, Stephanie, Cynthia, number two two, George Savers and Sam Tager. These are our friends. They are co hosts of the Stradio Lab podcast, and they are sweeties, so smart, so hot. They found a way to get husbands and boyfriends. They're the version of us that has a good domestic life and a good social one. What do we have going for us? So jealous of them? Jealous? I hate them, I envy them. I know my hatred and envy is in a place of deep respect. And that's very complicated. It's so confusing sometimes, Girl Number two hundred and eighty one Costco. Let me tell you something about Costco. The samples. No other big store does it like I'm leaving full, I became hungry. I came hungry and eat because what we're all doing is at Costco. Is what eating? Eating? And to say nothing of how high the shelves are, palettes, Yeah, everywhere. You can tell the people that work there are really happy. Oh yeah, because everyone around them is eating and joyful, eating and joyful. A dollar fifty for a hot dog. The name tax say Lisa employees since nineteen ninety seven. Hi, my name is. My name is hundred and eighty colleague. Let me tell you something. The great, the great, the great, the RaRo, the on set vibes are through the roof. You have to understand the comeback is what's the best that television The most important performance I think comedy dramatic that I've seen because it has everything. It has everything. She's gave one of the best commencement speeches ever at Bassar. She really is an important cultural the one Phoebe seventy nine, whose Milkshake brought the Boys to the world to the stage. Underrated, underrated albums. She had, the dance album. She had the sort of like folk rock album called Food and Do It All, Can Do It All, Can cook like a motherfucker absolutely can make you any dish you please, And we would be so lucky to have some of Kalis's food Calise come to dinner with us and Alison Roman. Yeah, I think that would be a good force. We were talking great ship. Oh yeah, number seventy eight Nathan Lane. Wow to say that, you know, the performance in The Bird Cage of Nathanane, that was the breakout performance. You would think this was already like a Hollywood legend, right, and he is in so many ways since, but at the time, like to know, that was like a huge breakthrough moment. God and and just him and Robin Williams, you could tell that was such a special bond. And the way that Robin, you know, really protected him during that press tour because he wasn't out yet. And it's just Nathan Lane is now one of our most beloved actors and true American treasure. Leonardo I mean not just a painter, not just an artist, an inventor, an inventor I remember a lot of the things he invented, but I know that was something I was told while growing up again and again, like he loved to draw guys. You remember the film Ever After starring Drew Barrymore Stay tuned, and Jolkie Houston thank you for mentioning that Angelica Houston was also one. And Melanie Lensky, Yes, yes, so. Leonard Divinci is a character in that Crazy Guy, of course, and he's floating in the water. He's like, you know, he's walking on the water and those shoes number seventy five six. Samuel L. Jackson, He's tired of these motherfucking snakes on these motherfucking plane and that's just the tip of the iceberg with him. Nick Fury, Oh, the I patch legend, I patch legend. I'm talking about Big Max with John Oh. Yeah, the Royale with cheese, with Cheese, just just one of our great an individual, a signature icon, a persona, a vibe of a great actor and also an incredible singular vibe. You can't always have both. You can't always give star n acting actor. This is two hundred and seventy five and a pillar of the Greek community. A pillar of the Greek community. I am so happy to be represented by you out there in the world which can be very dark, and I'm so happy that you were the one that's saying Greeks are here to stay. Yeah, and another thing I want to say is that the sunglasses have become a cultural fashionable staple. And I see what you're doing with the scroll. I love the scroll. This scroll was kind of the scroll is like, oh, this is what housewives used to be. I thought it worked. I thought it totally worked. Okay, seventy four The wild Rose, Whitney Rose. I mean, let me tell you something. Your healing journey is something that we're all all a part of. Yeah. Absolutely. I think that one thing about Whitney is she might have a tough season this year, but I do think it's her turn. It's her turn. She's been waiting in the wings. She is a player. Remember her first season where we were all like this girl, and then you're like this second season it snapped in. Well, even the first season, I was like, oh she's really smart. Oh yeah, she's important. So she's really important to sell and we're two hundred and seventy three. Heather Gay, I would say, the protagonist of the Salt Lake City Housewives receipts, timeline screenshots, What was it? Everything? Everything I made? Didn't do that proof, timeline shots, fucking everything to prove that you are a liar or whatever. The bad Mormon, the bad Mormon, and the good Time girl. And she said, ozampic baby. I mean, there's been a lot going on that have been iconic about how they're gay. From the beginning. She is salt Lake. She really carries that. She is what you think of when you think of the show in many ways. Yeah, it's very true. Good Time here are okay number two and seventy two, baby gorgeous herself, diet Coke, Dion, fast food icon. Oh god, Queen of sun Dance. We need to move that over here, I think we Yeah, let's move the light over there. Yeah, more center basitos, I would say, you know, she famously said on the last episode, I don't love podcast. I don't love podcast. You Lisa Barlow. I've known from the very beginning that you were going to be here to stay and now to watch you become the star of Star you are. Oh my god, number two hundred and seventy one. Meredith Mars, I mean friend of the show, friend of the show. That is a star vibe. Let me tell you something. Bathtubs have never I can't remember bathtubs even being used. Meredith Marks came into the equation, and I gotta say, dead ass, the best Christian Cowen model ever looks better than anybody. The roommors are true that Meredith marks stunning. You are the face mask. Remember the mesh face mask. She showed up to a party wearing a full coverage mask. We're going to disengage from this pre co number two. Mary m Cosby when she said you smell like hospital to Jenshaw. That started the start. It was the shot heard around the world. It was the moment you knew that this was a franchise to watch you smell like hospital. Stop talking to me like that. I'm not coming over. I don't like you. I don't like you. You you said I was You called me, You called me a pornography Sitting in the sprinter van with her fish file A, you took me down to the dirt. First of all, if anyone ever orders a fish fil A, you know they're a legend. My mom, Yeah, my mom loves Abraham on Abe Lincoln. This gay guy was president. This gay guy was president. This gay guy shared a bed with a lot of dudes. I would imagine what if we found out that actually, oh, Mary was true and he was booth getting it on. Oh god, that's fine. If you haven't seen Amary yet, what are you doing? What are you doing? Get down to the dianner Abe Lincoln one of our best presidents, really so gay to wear that top hat to two hundred and sixty eight Bobby talk about kitchen icon. That's how confident he is in his skills. So he's like, go ahead, try to beat me. That's hot for a guy you'd be like, beat me. Well, you know, he puts it down. Bobby Flay, the exes, the women he's dated, some heaters, fiery fiery girls. Yeah, Minxes, Yeah, you can probably throw it back in the kitchen Number two hundred sixty seven. Rita Repulsa. She was not one to be messed with, not for one not for one second. She could summon lightning with her staff in a flash. Yeah, she Rida Repulsa. The thing about her is, I mean Elizabeth Banks, I think one of her great one of hers. When Rita Repulsa gets upset about something that's happening and Elizabeth Banks just goes, I was like, I emotionally know exactly how you've yess angry, angry. But even in the original power Rangers. She was giving Okay, sixty six Monique. One of my favorite hours of stand up ever is Monique went to a women's prison. That is truly iconic. It's so good. Monique is a legend of comedy, but also her performance and precious. You don't just you can't just do that. It's acting of the of the highest caliber for her to be that such a monstrous person and character throughout the movie and then to just have this moment at the end like tied it all together, hide it all together. It just the whole story makes sense now, Okay. Well, Sebastian stan You're my favorite actor. Whenever I go in for an audition, I watch videos of you acting, you remind me to be grounded and dropped in and mean what I say, I love Sebastian stan You. We have the same stylist as you, and every single time we go in there, I say, what's Sebastian up to? Because that's what I want to know. And it's not a crush, it's a respect thing. And I love you a lot. Yes, I love Sebastianton. I love the Winter Soldier, Oh my god, the Winter Soldier. I love the Winter Soldier. Two hundred and sixty four Harper's a Killer Mockingbird. You know she she would be high on this list if she just I wish she came out with one more book. You know, To Kill a Mockingbird was so good and so important, especially to young people. To young people, you have to read this from schools. This is when I did read in schools. And I think that she definitely was there by Truman Capoti Sid as long as she could be. So that's kind of allyship, that's allyship. That's true. But you know, we needed one more. We needed one more. She was so paralyzed by the success of To Kill a mocking but she was like, I don't want to write another brother, let's learn from that and learn from two hundred and sixty three drag Racula. You don't want to get sucked by this one. I'll tell you that you want to be dead really fast. Flirt with Dracula. There are vampires about, and Dracula is the most iconic one, so of course he's going to make it on the list. There'd be no true Blood without Dracula with that drag And like, sorry, Buffy, Dracula beat you out on this list. There'd be no Twilight, be no Twilight without Dracula, there'd be no Hotel Transylvania. There's certainly two hundred and sixty two. Pamela Anderson, Oh my god. You know recently we were at a bar and they were playing the bay Watch credits? Was it? Where were we? Oh? Yeah, yeah, yeah we were we were somewhere, but yeah, they were playing bay Watch. Where were you at the Fireland Pines? Was it show toos? It was showed? It was it was like some bar, yeah, gay bar, but they were playing Baywatch. Just that watching Pamela Anderson run on the beach. Yeah, like you're back to a time, You're back to a place, You're back to a filling, you're back to a moment in a moment in culture. And her and scary movie three, oh a comedic genius. Yeah. And also I just I'm just loving this new thing where she's it's no makeup, okay. And also she's apparently really good in this new acting thing. She's course number one. Elliott Page, you are forever an icon, so many amazing roles and amazing you're so amazing at telling your story. Trailblazing icon. I mean, Elliott page. I'm gonna imagine an extremely good hangar. He told the truth. He told the truth. What was the truth? Just like know the ta telling the tea about Hollywood. Oh, because let me tell you something. We've been through. Everything we've been through. Let's say it. And that's what I want from an autobiography and a memoir, if you will, if you will, two hundred and sixty. This didn't end so great. She died, She was killed. She was killed by John Derek Barry should have said people were killed about that last scene of Game of Thrones, and then she would have been right that she would have been writing her own lover killed her. You can't feel her good. If kid Harrington killed me, if John Snow killed me, I'd be like, not you what you doing this? At least you know it should have been Sircey, her and her battling. I know, that's what I wanted. That was the conquake. I wanted the cuntquake. I want number two fifty nine. Bette Midler, the divine, the divine, hilarious Bette Midler. I mean it started at the clubs. Oh yes, it's then. It was Hollywood. It was the silver screens. Stage now it's Twitter, Twitter, No matter what the medium, She's gonna let you know how to feel and see. And I feel like she's the Mariah Carey of Spooky season. Wow, you know what I mean? Yeah, hocus Pocus is something that we remember. Just that's that's that's her time. She created that number, Amelia Earhart, where did you go? I think they found her bones? What? I think people found her bones recently? When did that happen? Fiftew months ago? How do they know that was her bone? They don't know for a fact. But they were like, this is a woman. Where were the boats? And some island? Some island? So you think she crashed landed on island? And I think I just read the headline. I didn't read this. Oh, I would hate for that to be the way it went. Well, that's that's kind of the only explanation because they couldn't find her, find the plane in the ocean. Miss. This is someone you know exactly where she is at all times. This is someone who looks just like her boyfriend. I guess, my god, not beating those narcissism allegations, but the pac Man's are such no. But it's like this was from a time when all you had to do to make a girl version of something was put a bow and maybe a beauty mark on something. Yeah, they were like it was like lipstick in the eyelashes. It's like, literally, that's what mini Mouse is, you know what I mean. It's like a put a bow on Mickey Mouse and many mouses in a skirt period. Okay, this Potato had, Okay, this Stanley the best straight man that plays gay men. He's the only guy who that we can all get on board with because when I see him play a gay man, I'm like, that's how it's supposed to. That's how it's supposed to, because I think he's got a little gay in him. And I say this like not blowing up anything and like an actor and like an actor where he's like he's worldly. He is like the only surviving thing of like metrosexuality that like, you're so so valid when he goes wake up six and you're not mad at saw him on the subway platform months. So can I say arms one time I saw the origins. Okay, let me tell you something. The most striking woman of all time and Cleopatra is also on this list. Cleopatras. I don't think Cleopatra was striking. You don't think Cleopatra was striking. You've seen photo like paintings of her. I'm like, oh, it's just a lady Angelina Jolie. My favorite performance of yours is Growl interrupted, of course, followed closely by mister and missus Smith. Yeah. Those are good, really okay. Number two fifty four Shepherd one of the great vibes. We actually metas she was on She was on the same taping of The View that we were on, which was an honor. Oh my god, what an honor was like a reunion. Oh my god, She's she belonged at that table. And she was telling us before it was now she was like, I've got my own show. Yeah, Sherry Shepherd belongs whatever. She is. Dirty Rock precious, speaking of preciousness, to say nothing of Angie and Dirty Rock one of the great unsung hero guest performances of any I'm willing to start at about him. There's only one thing I won't do, and that's take orders from anyone ever. Nu and fifty three York, York. One of the most creative creative icelandic Down Iceland couldn't have asked for a better representative. No, Honestly, she's like the Angie katson e Us of Iceland. Yeah, b York has the Angie Kats and nesbody. She's the Dracula of Iceland. Yeah, she is the representative truly. I mean, watch the Dancer in the Dark. I've seen it all before. Is freaking is loving that? Oh my god, is so I can't stop looking at it. I love Yorks so beautiful, Lisa Renarena, because not everyone can just like be pictured in sulhouette and everyone knows exactly how the hair. Yeah, I mean not everyone can be a fucking eminem You are a branding queen between the duster and your haircut. Hair. A haircut on an eminem is so icon. That's how you make an eminem a girl, you give it, Lisa, to say nothing of your antics on Housewives, ooh you're so angry an icon number two fifty one, very Nancy Drew esque. And that he usually gets to the bottom of it, the amount of he has that little ninety fine glass. Yes, yes, yes, has a sidekick. Yeah, invented sidekick culture. Yeah yeah, yeah you really did. I would say people didn't really have sidekicks before Sherlock. No, I think that he what he was doing was lifting someone up. That was mentorship and we were seeing it happen. No, you know, Watson was an intern. Watson was an intern. Watson Sherlock Combs his intern unpaid. I'm sure, oh, brother paid in cobb corn cob pipe, cob pipe two hundred and fifty. She had some explaining to do for how funny she was, how funny she was. Lucy, we're home. Yeah you yeah, you take us there. I've never left harder than two things, the Vita Vite Bejamin, Oh my God, and the chocolate. Chocolate's on the conveyor belt. And can we say justice for Ethel? Justice for Ethel was hanging in there giving all the same comedy as Lucy, and Ethel was paid dust Vivian Van's Vivian Van's seven voice was great for your name to be spelled d A N N I. I that's reason enough to put you on this list. Yeah, I don't know if Kylie is on this list. Let me say I think that this might be a situation where Danny Minogue is on the list and Kylie Minogue is not on the list. And that has nothing to do with Kylie Minogue. It's just your name isn't spelled d A N N I I and you are actually a very good host of I Kissed a boy. Yeah. Also, what an Australian name, yo, you got Danny just for representing Australia like that for eight Daffy Duck speech impediment icon Yeah, you were not. You were unburdened by it had been what would burden other people? Oh no, he was still dastardly up to his tricks. Can you do it, Daffy? Can you well well? Playing themselves? Is that it? I've never let my get in the way of my success. I'm unburdened by what has been Number two hundred forty seven. Joel Kim Booster, the iconic comedian and writer of Fire Island you know or projects incoming? Oh? Absolutely, I mean iconic, hotty iconic. I don't think so, honey. Er Yes, he famously did. I don't think so, honey. When you fart in a little bit of comp comes out, comes out. And he did that in front of my parents. That's favorite showed full frontal on industry. We saw his penis saws, penis that's HBO. He's not gonna love that's on TV. No. Actually, I think he liked that. His dick makes an appearance in these. Number forty six. Francis McDormand, I mean, just can't stop winning Oscars And someone should tell her. Francis, wake up, babe. You made it on the Iconic four hundred. You don't need to win more Oscars. But you know what, though she can't stop doing it. She she can't stop her excellence. No Midland, three billboards, fargal, which one do you take away? None? None for three billboards and and no Madland. To be so close to each other is what's astounding. It's astounding. They said, you know what, we just gave her one, but we gotta give it again, Give it again. Number Hillary, Wake up, wake up. On a Saturday night, could be New York, maybe Hollywood and Vine on the map, Yeah, Hollywood and Vine, which is a it's like a Walgreens totally. Anyone that's like talking about like Taylor stuff being like Sunset and mine, Hollywood and mind talking about these are like sweet greens. Dis are you're having a whiskey at a sweet Green? I don't know where you guys are, but like going could be New York, she could go to Tokyo. Hillary just want to go to Hollywood and fine. Forty four Lara Croft, Oh babe, Lara Croft. That's a video game icon. That is when we went as a culture. Let's put tits in video games. Titty is sitting holding a bazooka killing men, saying, I'm going to find whatever it needs to be. Is it a grail? Is it a fancy? I'm going into the tombs and I'm raiding and I'm gonna look insane while I do it. What's the second movie called Rader? Okay? Two hundred and forty three, Paul Gamy, Let's go, let's go. You are you were robbed with the oscar many times? Actually yeah, many times. Well that's that's It's just the truth. It's just the truth. He's one of our finest actors. Have you watched Sideways recently? Not recently, but Virginia Mattson, Oh yeah, say nothing of Sandra, Stay tuned, stay tuned. I mean Thomas Hayden Church of course, and he is the lead of that film. But Paul Giamatti, what a legend. We love you, Paul and it's an energy that is not replicated anywhere. Were the same as Paul Gmy, oh my god, Bradley, Bradley Cooper, I'm not afraid to say that he was for a very long time my number one celebrity crush. Oh right right, very handsome man. Oh yeah, very handsome, but not not anymore. What do you mean you've developed, you've expanded your palette. Oh he's still handsome to this day. But I would say my number one celebrity crush. Well, I look, I'm trying to stay cool about Sebastian Stan Okay, because I want to. He's my favorite guy. He's my guy. Okay, So I'm trying to stay cool. I think you can be very open, Bradley Cooper. My favorite performance of yours is Wedding Crushers. Great, Marvin Gay, let's get it on. People weren't making fuck music before. People weren't direct. He said, you know what, Marvin Gay's grinder bio would be direct. Direct. Oh, like the word direct would be in his grinder. But like he be one of the people that's like direct direct, like be direct. I am. Let's get it on, sexual healing. What I want to do to you is make your life better by the way, I fuck you Sorry be direct. Ain't no mountain high enough? Okay? Last cultu Ractis is a production by Will Ferrell's Big Money Players and iHeart Radio podcasts. Created and hosted by Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang. Executive produced by Anna Hasnier and Hans Sani, Produced by Beck Ramos, edited mixed by Doug Bamim andnikle Board. And our music is by Henry Komerski. Hey everybody, it's me Matt Rogers, letting you know. Tickets are on sale now to see me on tour, the Prince of Christmas Tour, that is, I'm doing my whole album Have You Heard of Christmas? Plus one lot more with the whole band all throughout December. Go to www dot Matt rogersoficial dot com See me in a city near you. M