Two friends, Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang, discuss Halloween costume culture, whether or not Rihanna's "Lift Me Up" is a bop or a flop, looking forward to a shocking array of concerts in 2023, performing onstage with world's best band MUNA, Matt's Have You Heard of Christmas upcoming tour and special, Celebrity Jeopardy and using a buzzer, the pros and cons of a game night, The Mole reboot and The Mole OG, Jeff Probst's SNL cameo and cultural impact, if Emma Watson is iconic in The Bling Ring or not, and Chani Nicholas peering into Bowen's ass on this episode of the critically acclaimed podcast "Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang".
Hey, everybody, it's Matt. Before we get into the episode, I just wanted to hop on to sorry but plug. It being Giving season at all, I want to let you all know my debut comedy special, Matt Rogers Have you Heard of Christmas? Is streaming on Showtime on Friday, December two to two and airing on Showtime that very same night. Please check it out. Also, I'm going on tour with the show to fourteen cities all throughout December, Atlanta, Philly, d C, Boston, Toronto, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland's l A, San Francisco, Denver, Austin, and New York City. I'm coming through. So please check out www dot Matt Rogers Comedy dot com for ticket links, or go to the link in my bio at Matt Rogers though on Instagram. General on sale is Friday November four at ten am your local time, but if you're listening on Wednesday, November two and it's ten am where you are, you can buy tickets now using the pre sale code Maria Ho Ho Ho as it were. Now, let's get into this episode. Cue that iconic little intro of ours. Who look man, oh, I see you? Why why and look over there. How is that culture? Yes, goodness, let ding dot, let's call Theresa's calling? Whoa we got the just the two today, just the two girls. Why don't you why don't you sick of us yet? Well, then turn it off, stop listening to turn it off if you don't want more of this duo than honey, it's time to hit the off switch, because this is gonna be a hard hour of just us, period, period. And there's so much to talk about, but we might keep it short this week. It's gonna be an hour. It's gonna be sixty minutes on the dot. Okay, okay, not with ads. We can't predict. We can't predict. We can't predict. We're of course in these sort of post Halloween time in the year, you can say that again this is when things really ramp up but also wind down. And a way, isn't that so funny? The time after Halloween is when things really get pulled in a lot of directions. Well, November is more of a contemplate of month. You know, November is a month of comfort. You know, October is really a high intensity month. You're screaming, you're running, you're adjusting, to a dip in the weather. October is maximalist, you know what I mean, It's Taylor Swift. And then November is more We're sitting, we're eating, we're lounging, we're having a glass of red, We're thinking about the end of the year. We're sort of, you know, between December is gonna get high intensity again. And so November is more Taylor Swift. November is more the sun's gone down at two pm. Well, I guess it's time to go to sleep. Yeah, it's giving hibernation. Now, what are your thoughts on daylight savings? I'm so happy you asked my thoughts on daylight savings are. I'm never as mad as everyone else seems to be. I think you're going to change your tune when it actually hits. Maybe you're right, Maybe all right, Iconic Miley b Side, Oh yeah, of course. Well, I technically we're coming out of daylight savings into in the non savings part. We're not saying we're spending now daylight. We're about to enter the doul rooms. The dol drooms always catch you off card. That's that's why they call them the dol drums. That's why they call them the doll drums. Now what is doll? Do you pineapple? What does that word mean? I think Cody could be pineapple patch? And did you get to you got up to some fault? Fund I thought I saw you had a great Halloween costume. Celeste and I were laughing at work, going Matt Rogers, one of the most wonderful, beautiful fools of this earth, dressing up a Sades, saying thank you for saying that because it was looking real bleak up until I'm telling you this happens to me every year. Until minutes before read maybe this is you. I never know what the fuck I will put on my body as a costume until the last the stroke of midnight at Cinderella would say inspiration or more very fair, she would say that, I just need people to know that Matt Rodgers has never once missed on Halloween. Can you agree? I mean, it's not even I don't even want to brag. It's just bitch. We we don't miss over here in House Rogers. We just don't miss on Halloween. That's a rural culture number thirty one. In house Rogers, we just don't miss on Halloween. I still have people coming up to me asking about the pantry girl from last year. She really is her name? I forget what her name was, but other people remember. Now I think this is what it is with Halloween costumes. I love a costume that is very involved. You put a lot of effort into it. Amazing work, King, Sovereign Queen. You know what, though, it's very simple. If you have a black turtleneck, black pants and a red wig, you essentially are so do you think right? Well, I'm saying, Matt, You've never had to lean so far in that direction of highly produced costume. And some of these girls out here are kind of putting all of their which we appreciativity, which we appreciate. Not this is not a read, but I feel like the beauty of a Matt Rogers Halloween costume is that it is so thoughtfully coalescing in the last at the eleventh hour, as it were. And pantry Girl Citi sink. I would say, you know, your college are do not college here, but post college are costumes that I remember one year, I was just a crazy woman, like a crazy woman at the office, crazy a crazy woman at the office Christmas party, like like she basically it was and I was of course wasted, wasted, And I remember, do you remember when Luke there's the video of the candle wax on me? It was Study's dress. I was not there, but there was legendary video of in Halloween drag looking stunning in a short bob little black dress, little black dress from Study Green's closet back when she used to to play Joan and Madman in a sketch of how sexy it was. And there's amazing video of you guys at a house party. I was not there for this, but I've seen the video with my own eyes many times, our friend Luke Marinkovic taking a lit candle off of the coffee table while you were den and throwing the web. I stayed in character the whole time, though I was like, I acted like it was a gift he had given me. But that was Studio's dressed that I remember. I did have to tell Sudie. I did have to tell Sudie what had happened to it, because the dress was of course ruined. Remember this was a time where that was not really afford to buy that many new clothes. That was a nice garment to having the prop closet absolutely so it was, it was ruined and there were words between them. Sudie, it's that's not a situation. She does well and you ruin my props. Yeah, I'm coming for you. Yeah, No, I would. I would do the same thing, wouldn't you? Absolutely in the fierce words of Erica Jane, I'm coming for you. What are their fierce words? Did Erica Jane say? What their fierce words? We're on appeal for legal reasons. We're we're on appeal. Jared Center Housewives group chat a meme which was flies when they're on a banana a peel girl. Sometimes meme humor takes me away, it really does. Speaking of daylight savings, I mean Jared also said one today that was for another house lives related to me. That was um Winter taking the daylight away and it's Drenda and the girl's trip too. What if your stun died? What? God? What an unhinged woman? There are well the Derinda horror of it aside, there are really creative people out there the meme space. I'll tell you what always gets me is any meme that uses Trey Whitfield. It was good. It was I like the beat. I like the beat. Whenever there's just something that comes out that kind of flaps, which, by the way, let's just call a spade a spade. Dorianna song what did not deliver what the girls needed it to. It really was, My expectations were kind of reasonable though. I was like, it's it's like a film song, Like it's gonna be like, it's gonna be a banger, it's gonna be like an Oscar play potentially, you know. I mean, she said it herself, it's a lullaby. Like did you see what she tweeted? Someone was like, real, will there be more music? And she she said, I was quoted. Maybe she didn't tweet it, but she was quoted as saying, of course there's new music coming. My fans would kill me if they knew they waited this long for a lullaby. There's something coming, there's something coming on the theory that we've been pushing, which is that super Bowl will be her last live performance ever, we were pushing that. I don't think so. Now it's becoming clear this is a new era because they used those words, they said, this will open up Rihanna's new era. But here's the thing. What I think, No, you go. What I'm thinking is the gay. What I'm thinking is the gag is that apparently there's a second song on the album, and I'm thinking that's going to be the Smash. Well that's also playing during the credits, and I feel like if it was a smash put it in the damn movie during the battle scenes, unless it's like slap up was that God? Then probably not during a battle scene. Absolutely during a battle scene, that's the perfect Actually, wait, you're so right. And also you know what's happening is miss Letitia right is becoming Black Panther, Like I mean, that's pretty obvious. I think so if she were just stomp out for the very first time as Lady Black Panther, and then the song that we heard was Rhanna singing that that would be a triumph, that would be a triumph, and it would with the Oscar, so then mission accomplished. Hold my Hand Found Dead? Well, you know, like we didn't start out liking that song when it came out, and like many Gaga songs, it's a grow war. First of all, when it started, I actually had to rewind it several times because I just didn't understand what I was hearing. I remember, like when there's that weird be like I'm just wait hold on. I learned put on for the first time that happened, and I was like, hold on one second up, let me start over and know that happens. Um she's gonna win, isn't she literally bowing? I mean unless Rihanna comes out with something on this second track, which is like way better than this. It's Lady Gaga's Oscar to lose for hold my hand from top gun Maverick, I support it. I mean the way it felt in that concert at the end. I'm sorry that was not just the Molly talking that was holding my hands power. It is a powerful song and she ended her concert with it Oscar for her, I felt like four fighter jets we're gonna like fly above us in that stadium. It was the only thing that was missing. And can you bowen just for a second, Can you go back to that moment. Can you imagine if fighter jets had flown over the stadium, we would have we would have ceased to exist, we would have exploded. We would have exploded. That would be the only thing and that could compete with the other best moment in my life, just in terms of pure euphoric feeling, which is adults. Em If f had f fives, what do you call him? We're high, by the way, just call him those f planes. If those had flown over us, I would have screamed and cried, I would have wailed. I would have wailed, sobbing, like we lost a great leader. Now speaking, I would be sobbing, screaming. Speaking of concerts, we I would love to talk to you about the moment you had this week. Oh no, and then we have to compare notes because you also got to go on stage with the greatest band in the world, Muda, the greatest fan in the world muna period period. They have just kind of finished their American leg of their tour. Had no idea it was their last show the other night, and that made even better amazing live, truly an incredible show the next time they go out, which there has been rumors. There's been rumors. Okay, wow, this is you have all of the ground level gossip. There's been rumors that they are in some way opening for Taylor Swift and I I'm allowed to say this because it exists online, like literally people are talking about it online and so it is like a wide out there rumor. I'm literally not even saying anything. Hey guys, it's Matt just jumping at her to say that. Um. This is no longer a rumor. It is confirmed. Muna is opening for Taylor Swift on some select dates of her Era's tour. Very exciting. Okay, back to us from a few days ago, Well, remember when she had him open for her in that same way, they would make it be a perfect match, perfect match. It makes sense, It makes total sense. I feel like, especially with men like the Midnight sort of sonic Landscape is similar to a Muna album. Any Muna album, really take your pet truly, that show, if that's going to happen, that show will absolutely be number two my favorite show of the year, behind whatever Beyonce does with Renaissance. That will be like epic moment in time. I can't believe we're living in a world where we could get Beyonce tour, a tailored tour with Muna opening some dates that would be Psycho and then also Rihanna. It is a great prosperous time in culture. Absolutely now, I really need to know the feeling of you coming out there, going out there and singing with them. It's it's a whole different thing to be on stage. Could you believe could you believe the energy what I'm saying? The energy, of course amazing, But I'm just saying, like, performing to an ear way, it's wild. To an earpiece, it's crazy, and that's ours for people. That's like Beyonce, she's up there with an with voices screaming into her ear while she's supposed to dance and do all this ship. It's like, you get up there and do it, and you're like, wow, this is insane to have to harness that energy and focus that entire time. But I guess like you do eventually just kick into it being normal because it's the only way you can. You have to just like commit to it. And they texted me and they said, do you want to do a verse? I was like, I thought I would come out there and flop around like, oh, there he is dancing while we sing the chorus. But they said, do you want to do a verse of either home By Now or kind of Girl? I was like, I want y'all to have kind of girl? And also I wouldn't dare you would have slayed kind of girl girl? Home By now it's perfect for you too. But yeah, they gave me the second verson of home by Now it was so much more and like, honestly, the Earwig was a challenge, but I did deliver the verse. I delivered the verse. I landed. Oh of course you did. I saw the tape, bitch, there needed to be more footage of you doing so Chavon there's you're just not doing a good enough to You didn't repost it enough. It's on It's on stuff. I'm sure it's on stuff. So you know, an incredible moment. I was shaking when I went off the stage and I told them, I was like, that was one of the most incredible moments of my life. Oh my god. And they do that every night. It's so cool. It's crazy. They literally are the coolest and they're just like also very very very chill people, which makes it all the more merry. And if they do go out with Taylor Swift, I urge people to pay top dollar and support in a capitalist way with your money, with your dollars that tour. Yeah, because that's activism. You know, years ago there was um member of political subversities I love Paul. I was thinking about police have the other day. Stephanie Shoe an alumnus and alumna, and a song called activism Slack remember it and that is the power of the hook. Yes, Emma Tadden bound fine period period. Oh my god, what a what a moment in history. That was like us us doing Paprulett. That was like years of our life Like that was like that was like four or five years. Yeah. Yeah, and the like brief overlap with poly stuff that we have so political diversities. They were this musical sketch comedy group in New York City. It was like a few sketch comedians, but mostly it was these amazing actors and singers and musical theater performers. SHANEA. Talb was in the group. Who's now like major, No, it's it's stacked, It's ship Tub, it's Brandon Goodman, if Stephanie Shoe, it's fucking Jabari Brisporte, who's now a State Senator of New York. Jabari was in a bowl and it amazing. God bless him now for doing all this amazing work. But he was doing another kind of amazing organizing. Yeah, the iconic Kim Blank to Kim Blank, come on, give it up was Alice Joker ever in it? I think so, but maybe like towards the end, but Ali was like, you know, in that circle and like it was just I knew they were talented, but I'm like yeah, and it's it's one of those things where like thank you for lifting up the people who are like amazing. I mean, Shana is literally co writing The Devil, whereas Proud of musical with Elton John. Can we just get into that for a second, which, by the way, I heard his great and had it like great, Yeah, but that's insane. It's insane. And then she's also like one of the chairs like the A C l U like planning committees. She's Shane' tab incredible persons around More people need to be like her. Yeah, I know. I ran into her when I saw alex Aiedelman show in New York, which was also fantastic. It was so good. We love alex Um. You know what, You're right, this is an amazing time for the culture, Is it right or what? Beyonce Brianna Taylor are going on tour maybe in the next year, and Shana and Elton are writing a musical that makes me want to belt a joyful note. I'm so glad you did that. You know I'm gonna be doing a lot more of that. Can I take this moment to say, please that now that my special is announced, I'm very excited about it, and I want to thank everyone for being so positive and excited enthusiastic about it. And also by now my tour is announced, and that's why I should just take this opportunity to say, buy tickets. Please buy tickets, because I don't want to say like a billion times I don't know hawk myself on the pod, but they are going on sale this week, and so please buy Tigott. It'll be very fun and um, I'm just very excited about the month because the show will be out, The special will be out on Showtime December two. You will not regret it. You must, must, must take the opportunity to see Matt because it's one of those Christmas things, those holiday things where which I don't think we get a lot of anymore. But it's like you remember the first time you saw like, let's say Elf, or the first time you saw like the Gringe, or like any of these amazing Christmas things like this is I mean, Joel has said this publicly, and now at this point, you've done it for enough years now that we can feel like it's this holiday classic tradition for us that like we love it's it's holiday entertainment that is like as soon as you see it, you recognize it to be great, and then you're like, I can't wait to see this every year. It's one of those things you have to go buy a ticket. I love you, guys. I'm so proud. That is so nice. It really genuinely is my pride to joy. And so I'm just happy now that it's like announced, because now I feel like it has to happen, like I always feel like at any second, like I don't know, there's been some rough, weird moments where like like the Quimmy thing, and like I don't know that I just got so off trapped. What I was talking about was you were talking, and I would love to talk about this this general thing in any place of work, in any workplace dynamic where it's like, oh, the thing that you want to happen, the outcome you want is up until the very last second, not guaranteed, and it's usually because it's being sort of mediated, held hostage by people who like make the decision for you, and that it's such a bad feeling on a human emotional level to like carry that around all the time. And like I feel like that's so much of what so many jobs are, but I feel like it's also so much of what like you and I do, where it is just like okay, we'll see what they say. Yeah yeah, And also you want things to be successful too, And also with with this, it's I'm fully feeling like I really put into this hour of like that's me, you know what I mean, Like that is my sense of humor. That is like what I'm capable of, Like that's me, and so like I'm just anxious to get it out because not everyone gets to have that experience. That's very cool. That is like an amazing opportunity, and so I'm really proud of it, like I can fully stand beside it and say this is me. And just the fact that it now has a release date is like it's happening. Literally, Like I can't believe that's going to happen, and I couldn't be happier about what it is. So that's why I, you know, speak on So of course we also have to talk about so many Matt Rogers happenings, and I love when there are Matt Rodgers happenings in the world. We did not get a chance to talk about your Celebrity Jeopardy appearance. Holy shit, that was so much fun and surreal, thrilling TV. What are the que card guys that work? Roman? I love you, Roman, Roman goes stops me on the floor yesterday on a Saturday when there's like a lot of craziness going on, he goes. But when I have to tell you, I loved Matt on Celebrity Jeopardy. It was one of the most thrilling hours of TV in my life I've ever seen. It was like, wasn't it just the true Daily Doubles talk about it, Sally. That was first of all, when I said that I did it on the podcast, I had just taped it, so I was very much on a high. I was nervous that people would start watching it because it started so bad. You guys, like I was just being it was I was scared. I knew the outcome and I was scared. Oh no, I was being a dummy, Like it was really not going well. And so I thought to myself At one point I was like, you know what, Like I'm just gonna really try to calm down. I was so wild on the buzzer, Like the buzzer of it all is very much an element of it that matters. Yes, clearly because so many of the answers, you clearly knew the answer. I mean, it was like baby jeopardy. You know. The questions were not hard, The questions were not the issue. It was the buzzer. So talk about the buzzer. What is it? What's happening there? Like you have to press it, not a second sooner than when it lets you, so picture you're me. I hold the buzzer in my hand. It's huge. It's like girthy. It's like a girthy buzzer. I hate a girthy buzzer. And the button itself is very thick, you know what I mean. It's not like a pen cap, like a clicker on a pen. It's like a thick red button. And so that's like harder to negler skate with your thumb. I know I sound insane, but I feel like a lot of the readers are at home nodding because thumb dexterity. You know, if you either have it or you don't know. And I'm sure it's intentional by design that they make it sort of hard to press yes maneuver because they don't want you abusing it. And so then there's this I had been told prior by a person that's been on Jeopardy, Lewis Verrtel, that you pressed the button on the last syllable of the host saying the question I get there. Come to find out that is no longer true. So it's the second she stops saying the question the second and these lights go up on the screen and then you buzz in. But like it's weird because like listening to her land the word and also thinking about the answer at the same time, whether you're a confident with the buzzing, it's just a lot more. And then there's the physical difficulty of the button. It's just more to adjust to than you think. It's a lot. It's a lot. I've never been on a game show, but watching you, I could sort of by proxy you would slay No. I wouldn't because I you would was stressed in that environment. I would not have gotten the Garland p question by the way, you would have gotten that right now, I no, I wouldn't. I did not know never more was the answer. Yeah, So the question was, it's a three syllable word that's used like many times, many times Edgar Allan Pope poem The Raven, and I knew it was never more, but I quickly had to go more like do the syllable thing, because I was like it was a big old daily double like it was all my money, which, by the way, I answered the Taylor Swift question and then sorry, that was witchcraft, that was chaos magic. Wanda m if you like the fact that you and Ago wote him had a learning curve with it struggled in the beginning makes me terrifies me because these are two of the smartest people I know, and I cannot outperform them in that way. I know, I won't know you could, you would be a lot calmer, That's what I'll say. And also, just watch Joel Joel. This episode is coming up, but just watch Joel Joel. I know for a fact, I have no doubt that he is a star on TV game show. You're gonna want to tune in on that one or stream it on Hulu. The way I'm hawking celebrity japping now because I feel like I'm in the family like you are in the family's It's so much fun to play because like at the first you're nervous and then as as it goes, you're like, I'm into this, Like I would love to like have a way to stage like a Jeopardy and play that one night with friends. I do like games. My girls and I haven't played games in a long time. You need to make up your mind because you are a lot of the time like I hate games. Is that correct? I actually am not someone that says that. I just think if we're going to hang out, it should be either about games or about something else. Like I don't like to plan for one thing and then suddenly it's games, you know what I mean? Like I'm actually pretty much always down for games, but I like to know you need to know if it's game night. Don't you think you do? But I think, here sneak peak, this is my I don't think so honey, okay, limbs inside. But I'm just saying, like people who like are anti games. It's like, okay, so you hate following whatever? You know? I know. I I feel like I can see being anti some games. I can see being anti games when you are a stranger in someone else's social circle. That's that's hell. That that's hell. A true nightmare is playing Cliplash with a close group of friends and being the only person that the friend of in that situation. It's like if we played Cliplash with the real Housewives of Salt Lake City. Up, we don't get this humor. We don't know this humor yet, so I'll do a different I don't think so, honey. But it's this thing where you sorry, I'm so stoned. It's this thing same where people say that they don't like games. You can't say you're not a game person. If you were with five of your closest friends in the world, five of your favorite people to ever exist, doesn't matter if you knew them or not. And let's say you were, you knew them like family, then then would you play a game with them? Then you're a game person. Most likely your answer is yes, Then yes, you're a game person. Do you know what I'm remembering right now? Which was one of the funnest nights, was when me, you and Pat played Mario Party. That was so funny And I have an announcement. We tried to book Pat Regan for this episode, but which was too big. Girl, Can I say I will be going back to the Eagle on Wednesday nights for jock Strap Night on a semi regular basis. We had so much fun. It was me, Pat, Josh, Aaron um, Ryan Jones, our friend, and Joel and then Joel was in town doing the Time one hundred gala and Joel was like, let's go to the Eagle. I was like, oh, I've always wanted to go for jock strap Night and the Pats like, so did I? So have I. Sam Taggert was like, so have I. But he couldn't make it, but we're bringing him next time. We were like, this is really fun. Actually I had a great time. That is a blast that everyone wear jocks. Most people did. The only one who did it I brought a job to work for the read through and then after did you wear your jot in the read through? I didn't. I was thinking about it and then I would have been iconic behavior. Maybe I'll do it soon. But anyway, it was great and then Pat and I just that boy is so important to us. We love Pat. Oh, he's he's a treasure. He's a American treasure. We were hoping to share our American treasure with here today. But my girls on script, girls on script four hacks. She's on outline for hop outline excuse me, pardon me. Entirely different process. It's, you see, a totally different process. When you're on outline, you're saying, look, this happened here and that happened there. And when you're on script, it's more like it's happening and you're doing it. A glimpse inside the television industry. What if you wait? Did you watch The Male Speaking of the television industry? The reboot of It? Yes? No, should I you have to? Oh my god, Joel and I loved Is it? Anderson still? No, it's this iconic woman Alex Wagner. Yeah, she's sort of like I guess um, I didn't know this, but she's sort of like mad I was replacement, I I suppose, Yes, Yes, she's she's an NBC girl. Yes, I wasn't aware of her perfect vibe as the host of the Mall. Okay, I'm starting tonight. I was thinking about watching Malignant, but no, I need I need something. No girl and the spooky season. Watch The Caper, that the Social Caper, that is the Mall. I'm telling you there's some iconic characters, including a woman named Joy that you're gonna be screaming laughing at. I love it. I'm obsessed. My sister, Yang Yang when we first moved to the US. That was when The Male. It was right around the time when The Male premiered, and I remember it being I mean, Yang was the sort of cultural shepherd for me. Sure she was the shirt, but she kind of like it was like, here, you should watch this. I'm like this. Like her friends would make her mix CDs with like, you know, like s Club seven songs on them, let's say it, And I'd be like, who's this, Like I need to come out and say this. Like Yan was my portal to a lot of stuff. But The Male was one of the first, literally one of the earliest pieces of culture. I can remember coming to the US and being like, oh, this fun show where people where someone's the mall and it really is a beautiful show. Beautiful She was really really good. I mean, I love that it's all out now so you can just binge the whole thing, which, by the way, I'm gonna do it right now. I didn't realize there was a new season of The Circle, and that's now shot to the top of the list. Every season of The Circle is amazing, It's perfect. I am so excited. Girl. We die for the Circle. Lost Culture is a Circle Stand show. We will do circle recaps. Potentially. Love is Blind is back in a really big way. I hear in a way that's like shocking and depressing and like concerning a wild season producer Becca saying wild season, Um, I need to tell you Jeff Probes was on SNL. Wait I saw that, did you meet him? I got to meet him, I got to say hello. I he Celeste was helping out so introduced mus for this incredible sketch. Go watch it. But there's a twist and Jeff Probes shows up at the end, And first he was just written in the script. It was like an amazing turn, like on page eight of like we got and Jeff Probes shows up, but like you know, someone playing Jeff Probes is there. Yeah, And then they were full on able to get Probes to fly fly from the West Coast with his family and and then Celestium was assisting on the sketch and they were like, yeah, Probes it's coming. Was like, oh my god, Celeste and they were like, I was like, do you watch Survivor. They're like no, I don't, but I know that I should. And I was like, Celest stand, Jeff Probes coming is going to be major. And literally we had Tom Hanks back to do David Davids Pumpkins to be in some other sketches. Of course, like incredible experience. Could not be nice for that man every universally adored. Everyone was so excited for him to come back with Bobby moynihan. But when Celester was like Bowen, I was like bringing Jeff Probes to the floor and everyone burned their heads and was like, oh my god, Props. And then like people went up to him and he was so nice. I went up to him the first time made It was like good nights at dress rehearsal, and I was so stupid. I was like, Hi, Jeff, it's so nice to meet you. It's such a great season so far. I just started. I literally just started. I love Carla. Everyone was right, Carla is an icon and my winner, and she's reached out on instant and we're in touch and we're grabbing drinks when we're in the same city. It's already fast friendship. It's fast friendship period. Love that she is amazing. And then and then Jeff said, Carl is amazing. I don't know what that means. But then I was so stupid and I said, and um, I've spoken to Parvety. I've spoken to parmty'overty. He was like, oh no, he was. He was like, oh wow, that's great. And Zee we've had we've had two survivor contestants. And then and then and then afterwards, I was like three Aliza before Analyza, before dressing, before Good Nights on air. I was like, oh, and I also forgot to mention like I was friends with Zeke before he even went on the show. Um, and Jeff was also, of course going off about how great Zeke is and so I was just like, but I was like, this man was so I explained, and Celester was like, no, like he invented like a form of American television, Like it's crazy, you know, he is a blueprint. He's a blueprint. And then Celester was, I'm so impressed by how he is one of those people like so many times when people come nest and now you know, they're they're a little like perturbed by how it all works, which of course, but like if you tell them, okay, so this is where you have to be and this is we have to do, like, they get a little overwhelmed and that's totally able. But Slats was like I went up to him and I was like, okay, and can this line be like more of this and can you like be here and face and cheat out this way? He was like yep, yep, yep, okay great, and I was like, of course, Like this man like is an executive producer of like this amazing TV show and he's just like consummate professional like that. This man like is involved in all of the fucking challenges and stuff. You know, he is a machine of broadcasting. He he literally we can talk about it like he really hosts the ship out of Survivor. Those tribal councils are long. He always has interesting ways to phrase questions relate to everyone be knowing but unknowing, And I mean he runs those episodes like it is the Jeff Probes Show and those live finales were no joke. I mean, this guy is he's tremendous. He's really really gifted at at what he does. Well, like he was just incredible. I I I I love him, and I did not. I did not ask to take a picture because I was like, I don't want to. I just want to keep the memory and so great, so great, you know what. I'm watching it again now and I'm like, maybe I would do it. Yeah, you would be great. I don't know if I'd be great, but it would be a really fun fucking thing to do. Now that I've been on two game shows, I need a third. I need to complete the trifecta. You know what, I was watching earlier, and I watched all of which I kindly reminded of. One of your greatest performances was I watched the documentary about the bling ering Alexis Nyers. Oh my god. And of course they were kept saying a l e x I s in the documentary and my own she was going off. She just was so obsessed with herself. I'm like, girl, no one's talking to you. Shut up. But I watched the Nyer's documentary the thing. It was so good. I can't believe that happened, Like the t the bling Ringing of it all, And now I think tonight I am gonna after Potomac put on the Emma Watson, the Sofia Coppola movie The Bling Ring, because I really need to watch it with my eyes now instead of them. I think it's aged quite well. I can't wait, And because I think even still this happens where it's like people don't take like things about teen girls seriously, Like especially back then when it came out, it was like people like, what is this? Yeah? I want to rob, I want to rob. That is iconic? Is it iconic? Yeah? It's iconic? But do we like I think there's there's a big conversation to be had about I think people seem to be in disagreement about like Emma's performance in that movie. I think that the people that are right, I think it's very good, and I think that the people that are wrong are leading into maybe they don't like her as an actress generally, but that is a good performance. I I really do think it is. I do whenever I think of that movie, I mean, everybody, this The iconic thing to me is that full shot of the house. Yeah, in one take and they just do the whole thing genius perfect and what I love to do is that that was like Paris Hilton's actual house and she let them shoot in there. And then she fully went to the premiere. And at the end of this documentary it's three parts, it was really good. I loved it. Um At the end um and they're interviewing her on the red carpet and they were like, so, what do you think people would take from this movie? And she was just like that fame is so crazy and like we need because we need to center other things exeriously, this celebrity US culture is you know, it's too much, it's gone too far, and like it's really bad and poisonous. And then she just goes and hits the carpet and it's like it's just funny, like it's it's wild and what was crazy about it wasn't And if you watch, you'll see every person involved wanted to be famous in some way, like the lawyers, the people like it was. It was really a clown show. It was a clown parade, clown brigade. By the way, clown parade now on big many players, please listen. Honestly, I believe in our children so much and I believe the children are the future. I'm so proud of each and every one of these girls. These girls really did that. No, I am like truly amazed, all so fucking funny voices. Gotta listen to Grata Marty got list, Crass Dazi, gotta listen to Riga Ka's you getta listen? Okay, so many more people coming, Millie, I'm missing. I'm missing so many people. I cannot wait for Millie. I can't wait for me coming out, hanging out. Wow, that girl. We spent a lot of time together. Um, Halloween weekend study and I we we party hopped. Uh huh, what do you do well, first reconnect, share time. Well, we want to know. We went to this one party that was very fun but very packed in l A and um oh it might have just an inspired and I don't think so, honey. Actually oops, oops, well that's interesting. Should we should we proceed? I don't think so, honey. Let's yeah, I'm dragging. I'm so sorry. No, it's okay, bitch. We're still giving an hour of life. And after last week's Taylor, I think we're all just hungover. Yes, so I have my I don't think so, honey, I don't think so, honey. Is a sixty second segment um where we dragged something and I just want to say, like this is personal. Okay, oh for this, I don't think is not personal? Okay, all right, this is Matt Rogers. I don't think so many as time starts new, I don't think so, honey. If you're having a party in your bathroom situation is not together. We got to get the bathroom situations together at a large gathering. I'm talking several opportunities to relieve yourself locations wise. We need access. We need people to not be pissing all over the front lawn like it's mayhem, because that is the only and I'm telling you it was like a communal baccanal experience peeing with everyone like it was like it was like a beautiful chorus, but not what I wanted to necessarily experience. So if you're having a big, big party, have the bathroom situation together, because it's one thing people are going to need to do is use the bathroom. They're gonna they're gonna probably want to drink five and vibe conversate. They're gonna need to use the bathroom. I don't think somebody if they can't, oh that's one minute. Yikes, got to have the bathroom situation together. You need to walk me through this. I did go home with someone from that party that absolutely split me in half. I love that somebody. No, Oh, it felt so good to get split in half. I'll say that it had been it had been a long time, not you know, you have sex, but getting like really just really absolutely fucked. Yeah. When m hmm, I was gonna say when you're dot dot dot split, because that's the perfect word. I don't know. I just remember I remember being so afraid to bottom, like in my twenties, and now I would go back to that girl and I would say, you don't know what a wait you child. I would just pap him on the head and say, you don't know what awaits your child. If you as long as you let it happen, it's gonna be okay, It's gonna be Okayna be okay. It's amazing. Well, I don't really think I have anything. I don't think so, honey, you just said you did earlier. Well, but I feel as we covered it, what was it again? The people who say they're not games people, but is Okay, then I'll challenge you. Is there a game that you don't like? Is there a game that Bowen Yang doesn't enjoy? Absolutely? What is it? And would you even say you I don't think so Honey it no, because it's just it's it's it's I don't think so Honey ends up being I'm going to try to really make mine. I don't think so Honey is communal. Too many times, I feel like I don't think so many is an individual perspective on something. The best I don't think so honies are, of course, the ones that are speaking to something um relatable. Let's say it's relatable content, and that's what the future of I don't think so Honey will be of holds. So, but I have something, I have something? Well, first say what the game is that you don't like? I don't like custom heads up depths like when like it? Because that is that is the ultimate version of Oh, a friend of is here. But we're gonna play with the deck that is very specific to us, to this friend group. I go, I don't know about that. I don't know about that. It feels like an exclusion to me. Exclusion rider two words, two words, exclusion right rider, alright, alright, well this is Bowen Yanks. I don't think so, honey, And what I do at this point in the show as I get my I get my phone so like and I've now I've done that. So for everyone keeping scoring at home, Um, that's happened, and his time starts now. I don't think, so, honey. Why hotel don't sell the notepads, the stationary that's in every room, Like, it doesn't cost that much money. You would sell so many units. It is the chicest thing you can write something down on by hand, and so I need it around me at all times, and you can't, Like the only thing you can buy on the internet is like the Stanley Hotel notepad. Oh hotel, fucking like stupid hotels from culture. I'm like, I don't want that. I want to real I want a Sunset Tower notepad. I want an Ace Hotel notepad. I want a Hotel Chelsea. I just I don't. And it's not even about like the idea of the hotel. It's just about writing something down that has the name of a fancy place on it, that's all. And there's something elevates the content of what is on that notepad, and therefore it's important to have it. That was an iconic one minute in two seconds. Wow, King, the kingdom that you reign over is plentiful with gifts. I feel like, can I be honest to say right now? I feel like you know that I'm in a very tender row place, and so you're you're just you're just validating the hell out of me. No, well, I know that you are in a tender row place. It's been a hard week, and then you went out, and like you're such a soldier for that, after you're a hard week, you even went out, And we're a soldier, a social soldier even now, social soldial soldier. Even now, you're just gassing me up. And I don't I don't want that. I don't want you to do that. To talk to you, Yeah, yeah, just or what have I done? No, No, not that that. What have you done lately? What have I done lately? That's annoyed? You? Be honest, it's honest, Um what you done lately? They can mean anything. It won't be you harsh, it won't be sure. I would say this, okay, this didn't annoy me. But if I even had one it's this. You texted me like this week to say something and didn't elaborate, and then I was like, I wish I knew what was happening, you know what I mean, Like you texted me something that was just like I'm feeling this way, and I was like, what's going on? And then I did send you a lot of text back and you didn't respond, but I don't that didn't annoy me. I was just like, he's busy in and in his feelings. I'm sorry, but literally didn't annoy me. Let me see, I'm I'm looking back at the texts, Oh, you know what I mean? I saw that, but I feel like that's self evident. Though I'm not defending. I had no questions that were so probing that I needed you to respond. I was just like, oh, we'll talk later. Yeah. I was just, you know, feeling something at Mars is in retrograde. Everybody say that, So that means we're all going to have to reinterpret the way anger and conflict and power show up in our lives. Channy Nicholas is peering into my ass this year more than others. This is she is the one. It's well documented on this podcast. My skepticism with astrology. Now, I only I don't use it to like predict the future or like define myself necessarily. But but the way Channy always does astrology is that it always explains the collective mood and then like your own what might be going on in your life that you can that it's not like pointing to something that is happening but is going You can rethink of something that you're going through in these terms. And that's so useful, that's so nice. So it's amazing. It's also like it well this, I'll say this. One thing I have to stop doing is telling every single virgo I meet that I'm supposed to marry a virgo. Right, I looked them in their eyes and I say, I'm supposed to marry a virgo. Yeah. But what I was gonna say is, as long as it doesn't dictate everything and puts us in a good mood, I don't think like astrology like should be putting us in a bad mood. I think we should be using it to connect. Well yeah, I mean yes, I agree, like we should literally yeah, does that make sense? Like what I'm thinking about, Channey, It's like the astrology is never like you're gonna be this today because you're fucking bitch, like like co star or whatever. It's like, here's a tool for your life exactly, like here's what's happening like in in your chart and in the sky, like this is how you can think of something you're going through and it's so helpful. So anyway, that's why I like Taro. Yeah, Taras found yes and then and Channey pulls a card every week, um, and it's really really nice for me with Mars Bector grade, and I think this might be for a lot of people, like I am experiencing anger for the first time in a long time. I did not consider myself an angry person that I did not identify as one for a long time. And now I'm back to being like very very just on an oblivion level, being like everything must be destroyed. But it's so scary, it's so scary you just have to walk yourself back to just you know, take a breath and understand that things are very circumstantial and you know it's but yes, I mean, I never want you to feel angry because that's such an uncomfortable emotion to be in. Because it also it also The thing is when I feel angry, I also feel self conscious about that, and I just that's I hate having to manage that too. Like that, that's a I think a side effective anger that people don't admit is that it's embarrassing. Well, I'm learning now that like anger never like gets me to do the thing I want to do better. It really never some people. I believe that some people are like, oh, anger motivates me into action, or it motivates me into like awareness and doing something with awareness, and that's like activating or whatever. And I'm like, I realized, I literally realized that that does not apply to me, because I was angry and then like it got in the way of doing something that I was called to do and I didn't like that. Um. Sorry, sorry I'm being vague readers, UM, but anyway, thank you everyone for um just just listening to these blending an ear too truly to lending an ear to her. Well, girl, I this was therapy once again. This was one of those Um, it's been a big holiday and a tough week and we record on Sunday's vibes and that raw tender nerve that you share, Huh, it is why you were a legends, and I have a song for you that's going to check us out. Oh my god, my friend is so good to me. I can almost see that dream I'm dreaming. There's a voice you'll never reach. You think about that. There's a voice inside your head saying you will never reach it. Terrible for I hate that voice. It is big. Take it. I don't know the rest of that. Okay, well, if you want to hear the rest of it, you can listen to Miley CYRSS album. I actually don't remember which one right now. It's off It's off the hand hm on Tanna soundtrack movie The Client, Bitch. You made it look bad. You made me look bad at dot the words you made me look bad? Fuck you? Should we end on this shoe? We end on an angry note? Yeah, hey fuck you? No, No, we love you, love you love