
"High Body Count Episode" (w/ Angie Katsanevas)

Published Dec 18, 2024, 11:00 AM

Real Housewives of Salt Lake City's Angie Katsanevas joins the sisters for a high body count conversation! 

Hey everybody, it's me Matt Rogers, letting you know.

Tickets are on sale now to see me on tour, the Prince of Christmas Tour, that is, I'm doing my whole album have you heard of Christmas? Plus a lot more with the whole band all throughout December. Go to www dot Matt rodgersofficial dot com to see me in a city near you.

And now Lost Coach drums look mare, Oh, I see you my own and look over there is that culture. Yes, we lost cult ding Dong lost Cultursa's calling. Can think of a better way to end our year?

Bo, This is the final episode of Lost Coach twenty twenty four and.

With I feel like our most regal guest. This has been a stacked year in terms of Lost Coat bookings. Shout out to everybody on our team, everybody on everyone else's team, I guess.

Shout out to all teams it's actually really coach.

Shout out to tea team, Tina Fey's team, Mariah Carey's team, Ariana Grande's team, Cynthia Rivo's team, Will Ferrell's team, and now the team that what we actually saw a little bit of how how the team is comprised when we got on the zoom. You would not believe who was setting up the the iPad.

The teams.

Sometimes the team can be close to home literally, and we got to get into it with our guests because they have made this work for a very long time and it's so hopeful and inspiring to see.

I have to say, the aesthetic that we are being greeted with in this zoom is top notch. It speaks to my soul right now. Of course I'm on the Prince of Christmas tour. Yes, I do want to acknowledge I am wearing my own merch. It is because it's the comfiest thing I own. Sorry, I made comfy merch.

Bo, don't apologize to me for it.

I certainly won't.

You have nothing to apologize for.

I mean, it is Christmas time in Salt Lake City, clearly, and we are It's Christmas time in the last coach lore. I mean, and this is this is like Christmas morning for me. This is I will feel much happier today than I do on Christmas Morning.

I'll tell you that.

I must agree.

Yeah, And speaking of merch, I think we need to eventually get lunatic fringe merch. I mean, we have the anti Catanavis merch galore. She's drinking out of her own mug.

Yeah, we're seeing Okay, So our guest today is a business owner, a hairstylist, and I think it's crazy. It's like a slow burning breakout star. I think that's one of the first ever slow burn but also breakout stars we've seen. It feels like an overnight sensation, but also it's been years in the making. I'm speaking, of course, of the television series The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City, which Bo and I are on record as saying is television's current best show. And you know a lot of people are agreeing with us, including Andy Conon himself, who I know this is his current pride and joy.

So to have her is major.

She is holding center snowflake this season. She is a pillar of the Greek community, as we all know. Everyone. Please welcome, Hello, Hello, you got what a welcome?

Oh my goodness, I'm honored and I'm flattered and all of it. Thank you. I've been dying to be on this podcast since I met on Watch Happens Live.

A great episode.

Yeah, and then I found out Matt was Greek yes, and then I left watch Rappins Life and one of my cast mates, the mean one said, I'm just kidding, whose name I shall not mention, said I don't think bow liked you. You kept touching him too much. You kept and then I have not true drama. Meredith. Well, I didn't say it was her. I left out, like, oh my gosh. I hope I made a great impression on Bowen because the success of my first appearance was because of him being there and him easy to connect with and his great energy.

That was all you, Angie. I mean, it was so lovely to meet you. I got to meet Electro, I got to meet Sean. You guys were so lovely to be around, and I could tell you were This is a big deal. This is a big deal to both us, but especially this is your WWHL debut.

You rocked it down, Angie.

Thank you. I couldn't have done that without you, so thank you.

Yes, I mean that was that was a phenomenal episode. It's crazy to think back because right now high BodyCount hair is kind of the meme of the moment, but this was the this was the sunglasses already, some turnover in your meme ability.

Yeah, thank you. That's that's a compliment. Like, definitely with eyes, that's a compliment.

So is this can we ask like the high BodyCount hair thing? You're obviously from the hair community. And by the way, this is another way that we connect because you know, my mother is a hairdresser lifelong.

Your Greek and your mom's a hairdresser. Yes, like we have some serious connections. I didn't know that. But you grew up as a hairdresser's child. That's like, that's the best story. No wonder you have such great hair?

Well, is this high body count hair? Does this count? My bleach?

I'm sorry, but that is that screaming high body count? That is? Yes?

I can I can take that. I actually I'm actually proud to hold that mantle.

Oh yeah, you should be. There's a line for you. There's a line a high body count get fine?

Of course, where did it come from?

Was high body count hair something you and the girls say in the salon or was that just something off the cuff?

It's so crazy. I have never said it. I have never thought it. I just remember thinking like that is like porn nineties hair. When I saw her hair and it was like not moving, it was like flagged and you could see the tracks to her extension bless her little heart. And then when she kind of you know, offended me by saying I was probably slutty and I've been with Sean for thirty years, I just thought, okay, girl, let's like look at your hair. I didn't want to say you look like you have a high body count. But our hair was like screaming nineties porn and it just came out. People keep saying, like, where did that come from? I don't know, it just came out. That's my best materials when it just flies out and it gets me in trouble, but people love it.

Would it be furnished that you've walked it back a little bit to say there's nothing wrong with having high body count hair, is there?

You know what? You know, high BodyCount hair can actually be super sexy and like you know the old guess ads or you know, like just the volume the sexy like raar, look like cougar, you know, like, but I have to say, if it's done right, it can be so hot.

Yes, I want you to walk us through the hair journey. Well, first of all, impeccable, flawless today.

Great flow today, and great flow.

Oh my gosh, really you guys, thank you so much. I'm having it's slighting back, kind it's sliding back. I go my manager. I've got the usband.

Okay, of course we'll cut around this. Don't worry.

I standing by, Sean is standing by. Okay, It's perfect ton, Thank you guys.

The treat has been to see all of the eras of Sean and Angie, but specifically with Angie, with you, like the hair all the way back to when you and Sean first started dating, like those cutaways to those old photos. You'd really pull it off with any kind of length, any style. But walk us through what the journey has been for you since, you know, since you've documented the hair.

Yeah, hair eras Wow, thank you well aras tour as it were the eras.

To there were so many of those that I didn't even put in because I had no idea it would make such a splash. So I'm regretting some others that were missed to repost them.


I think a lot of people like really resonated with that nineties era, and a lot of people were that girl. A lot of people had the super skinny eyebrows, a lot of people had like the really hardliner that was like dark brown with a white color of lips inside, and you know, the hard eyeliner. I mean, I think it was super like nostalgic for so many people. And then Sean's hair was hilarious. I mean, Sean was like we were we had matching Bob's. I didn't even notice it. I read the comments. I'm like, how did I not notice that we had matching Bob's? Like that is so hilarious? Are soulmates? And we went through so many funny we tried everything, like we both loved fashion, we both loved you know, we were both super creative and for our time, we were ahead of our time, like the chuz you know that hair in Salt Lake was so ahead of its time. I mean, looking back, I just really enjoyed the joy that it brought to others and the laughter that it brought to the Internet that day. And yeah, Sean and I like we did it together. We both were always a super fashionable couple for our time, I guess, And like, I know, it doesn't look ahead of our time looking back, but at the time we were so like we were trendsetters.

Of course, no, it totally reads that way because I'm like, my first thought is not necessarily like the laughs.

It's certainly the jewel. I'm not laughing at that, going haha, look at how silly it is.

I go, ha haa, Look how she they look. And I think Angie in the nineties would have been just just a fun time.

Oh she was, she was, she still is. I mean, so I laughed, like, I mean, I love it because I do look back on that. Angie, Sean and I went out to clubs all the time. We were super social. We were out everywhere and it was just a fun era and like I was the only girl with platforms in Salt Lake City and I had to get him in La at a special store called Wild Pair. Do you guys remember Wild Pair?

Wow, we don't. I don't remember about Yeah.

Yeah. It was like you could only find really cool edgy shoes there, and it used to only be out of state. And then we got I mean, you know, I would go out of state to shop and I was wearing leftward print when no one was worried leper print. But in the hair industry you have to be very fashioned forward, and so we were like always inspired by things outside of salt Lake before salt Lake became so cool. Because now salt Lake is like really on the map.

Dan, what do you think that is. Do you think it's been like within the last ten years that's happened or are you referring to the popularity of the show people roll through when they kind of want to see all the because there are they're like landmarks now, I mean, yes, places to spot.

If you are a Housewives fan in salt Lake City.

You know all of it really honestly, because I think salt Lake was like the best kept secret. It was a hidden gem because it's so beautiful. It's so clean, and I have to say, like the Mormon Church keeps our city clean and beautiful and there's a lot of things to do for families and kids, and our downtown is just pristine and well that's all churches. But you know, I mean, the Mormon Church does run downtown salt Lake until the Greeks came in. But you know, I will say yes, but I will say I think the show has really shined a light on salt Lake City and it's an enigma. It's beautiful, the mountains of snow, like you just don't see this anywhere.

I think it does.

Have a lot to do with it, you know, even like the soundtracking that comes in when it's like those crazy dings and dongs that happen when you see Salt Lake. It really sets the show apart. It really it feels like you're in a world when you're watching it.

Yes, and can I also say like owning a business and multiple businesses throughout the city and being in downtown Salt Lake our salons, I mean we're already like Max's capacity, but we have people moving here from big cities that want to come into our salons that are used to paying for a high end experience in other cities. So like Lunatic Fringe has benefited from our cities growing. Our real estate has gone through the roof, and it's just our cities on fire. Don't move here, We won't, we won't. No, no, you guys can. But traffic everybody else can't.


It's getting bad and things are changing.

The infrastructure was not built for the real houses. City to Britain always people into town. So talks about lunatic Fringe. I actually had to when we saw this was the name.

I didn't know this was a term. What is this? Where did this come from?

Well? Okay, so we opened our salon twenty five years ago, going on twenty six. We were like twenty let's see twenty six and twenty eight years old, young kids, and we are mentor and friend. Alan he always said, I he gave us the name, and it's like, it means a couple of terms. It means kind of crazy hair, but if you google it, it's like a group of like minded people working towards the same goal or vision. And it fit perfectly. And it was so edgy for its time, and it didn't even say salons, and people just thought lunatic fringe, what is this? But it's really stood out and after him saying you should use this, we just couldn't think of anything else. It was so good you couldn't tap. And it's become a household name. We have ten locations. We're a franchise company now and we have locations outside of Salt Lake City. We have locations in Boise, in Idaho, and all the restaur in Utah. And you know, with the right partners, we're willing to open more. But you know, our salon's been on fire the last twenty five years, and you know, it was a little dream. We just wanted one salon and had no idea it would become what it is. So we do own a cosmetology school, so we have like, you know, two to three hundred students a year that we educated train them on business and hair and that's with Paul Mitchell. And then you know, they they spread their wings and they either work for us or we train hairdressers to go work wherever they want.

I wish we saw more of that on the show. Yeah, do you film at Lunatic Fringe? Is there stuff that they could use?

Because that's couple of things that you guys shoo.

Yeah, we've only filmed once in the salon. I'd love to share more of that. We also own a beauty supply distributorship, so we're very immersed in the beauty industry and we have been for years. You know, we do a lot of fundraising with our school that we've been involved in. Just a lot of great things in the community through our businesses.

That's wonderful.

Yes, thank you.

What's the family history in Salt Lake City, like like you've basically been there for most of your life.

Is that there to stay at this point.

Yes, yeah, my dad came to America to Salt Lake City, Utah, when he was seventeen. My mother came when she was eight, and they met here as young adults. We were all born here. And you know it's great because my dad came here with one suit that someone loaned him. And someone asked him when he came to America, well, where's your stuff, and he said, this is it. That's all he came with. He didn't even have a toothbrush till he moved here. My dad didn't have shoes till he was eleven. So we were raised very humble. But you know, I thought I was rich because my dad worked hard. We had a nice house. He drove a Cadillac, and like, I thought I was rich. I always wanted nice things because I loved girlish things and my mom passing away, Like I didn't even have mascare or lip gloss around the house, and I loved all things beauty and fashion. So but yeah, I have seven siblings. We're all still here in Utah, very close. I have a very tiny family. My dad comes from a family of ten, so I have the whole big fat Greek wedding, like huge family and the community. The Greek community here is also really tight, so like I was immersed in all things Greek. We Greek danced my dad. You know, even though Salt Lake was, you know, really a stronger Mormon population when we moved here, and we were the only like Greeks in our neighborhood for miles, surrounded like by Mormons. We love the Mormons and they were very supportive of our family, and but we still kept our Greek culture going strong and continue to go to our church and keep the traditions going. And you know, families everything for me, because I always say part of what's probably been my success on the shows, I have a strong sense of self. I have a strong identity, and you really have to have that and to be authentic. And I've enjoyed sharing more of my family, letting people see me more as a whole this season.


Absolutely, Yeah, that must be a real difference between you being a friend of and then all of a sudden, so what does it feel like? So you start as let's walk through actually the beginning, so you hear that the Real Housewives are coming to Salt Lake City. I would imagine and is it that you hear that they're doing auditions or that they're speaking to anyone in particular, because I know you've known Heather Gay, who was sort of the protagonist of the show for a very long time. Yes, talk about that origins of how this all happened.

Well, Heather reached down, she said, high, Angie, it's Heather Dean's that was her name. I mean, I hadn't seen that. I hadn't seen Heather in a while, and she said, I'm referring you for this show for fabulous business Women, but nobody told me it was Housewives. So when I interviewed, I was like, yes, this is correct, And I mean I was like in, I was like in my business suits and like I was not giving any inkling that I was housewife material because they did tell me what show I was interviewing for. So I was just not very fun and playful, just being definitely really professional, probably more up type. But they had already cast the six girls when they found me, so they circled around to me around season two and that's when I just kind of like, you know, I made an appearance. Heather invited me to her event and she was super supportive. She again followed up with production and said, you guys have to like circle background to Sean and Angie. And then they did. And I came on slowly, which I think is the hardest way to come into this group and on the show. Yea yeah, because they don't really welcome you. It's like we're gonna haze this girl. We're gonna prove she's a fraud, that she's a money launder, that her marriage is a sham, that like everything about her is fake. Like it was unbelievable for them. I think that I really was successful. I thought I do check the boxes, like I'd love to be on this show. I wasn't expecting to get blindsided. I thought I was like coming on because I was aspirational and share my life in my business. So I had to fight. And you know, Mary said it best to me. She said, Angie, like they tried to take you out, She's like you rebounded, you came back and like you slam dunked, and like I had to, I had to work really hard to like show up on the trip and have people boom me for showing up uninvited, which is the episode I was on with you falling on watching.

That was still to this day, the Tricksy Hotel Palm Springs sequence of episodes is probably uplill on the best Head Housewives's history.

I mean it is we thank god that you showed up to that trip.

You know, yeah, you know, that's what I had to say, Like, you know, that was one of the most iconic dinner scenes and I guess if I wasn't there, they would have just been getting Manny's and petties at the hotel. So thank god I showed up and crashed right of the party, as I say, But yeah, it's like I think for me, I've had to work for everything in my life, and you know what, I had to really work hard to get to not just start out as like coming and showing up to a party, from guests to friend, but to going full time and then winding up center and first her next to Andy, Like I worked hard for all of this, and that is the story of my life. So I have to It's been hard, but it's it's worth it, and it's more worth it when it was harder to get where you are. And also having been the underdog, I think it sends a great message. I heard Brittany was on water Hapvens Live and I've only seen the clip because I was in Canada. But and Andy asked her if I should have sat in the first chair and she said no, it should have been an og And I just said, Brittany, girl, dream big, because if I sit there, then you should never sit there. And like, I've always been a leader, not a follower, since I was a kid, and I'm a leader in my business. And you know what, I wanted that center. I wanted to sit next to Andy. And if you're going to be there, yes, if I'm going to be an underdog and then make it to the throne, like I'm so proud of that, and I'm going to enjoin revel in the moment. So I think that the message I'm sending to anyone is you can start at the bottom. You can be an underdog and wind up in the center. And I hope that that inspires Brittany that she's entitled to sit in that chair one day too, if she gives her shit together with her hair.

But I think Britany could want or for herself across the board. Absolutely, Brittany across the board.

That made me sad for her to hear her say that Andy said, it's not about being an og, so I felt like, keep back to you, it's not. Yeah.

What has your opinion been of Bronwin on the show this season? I know that the show is still in progress, but would you like to see everyone return? Do you feel like this is a cast that we feel really works. I mean, I know that's how we feel.

Yes, you know what, one hundred and fifty percent. I love this cast. It's like, yes, every person on this show is perfect, and I think coming back it will be even better because I know you evolve with time, you learn from watching yourself. Your friendship strengthen, your connections to the women's strengthen. Then they become deeper, which makes you have a better season because you really fall in love with some of these not all of them, but you really, I mean, you become a family, and you can be more truthful, you can be more honest, you can stand on all ten toes. I mean everyone gets better every year, and I would well, not everyone, but most of us, but the cast is like all star and that's why Salt Lake stays winning. I think everyone should come back, and I think Bronwin did a great job. I think she still needs to figure out who she wants to be friends with and where her loyalty lies. And you can't be friends with everyone on this show. And the sooner she figures that out, she'll be winning because she's still trying to be friends with certain people even if they dogged her, and like, you know that, you know, you have to be confident and know that you deserve real friendships and not beg people to like you, like find your friends, hold their secrets. You can't tell everything, you know. That's been something that I think she's going to wash back and realize, like she's made some messes along the way, and I think it's because she was being friends with whoever was in front of her. And I think now she's going to learn that you don't do that, you know, because then you're backpeddling and you have a big giant mess to clean up. And there's a little more of that to come with her. But I think she's a smart woman and by next season she'll figure it out.

Sure thing.

I mean, it was interesting in this last episode. I think it was it might have been Heather or Whitney like broke down, like who was in conflict with who in terms of this how is it Lisa is Lisa?

It was Lisa, And.

It seems like Bronwyn kind of had the most ire built up or like spread out or across.

Many different people, And so I think that's to your point.

It's like if you're trying to please everybody, then you please no one, and then you get yourself in trouble.

Well and like you know, being on a trip, and she'd be in everyone's room talking about everyone, but her goal was I'm gonna be friends with everyone. But if you take information from room to room, you're not friends with everyone, and that will come back and bite you in the ass. And I don't think she realized that all you got to do is watch yourself one season and again she's smart and hopefully she'll never do it again. But I like to know that I can talk to someone and know it's not always going to go somewhere right, And that's what you've got to find your friends and stay loyal to them. Like to me, I think it took me a minute to really break out because I wanted to be a good friend and I wanted to be loyal and I didn't want to cross lines. But I think, like you called me a slow burn, it's it's better to establish sit back and observe people, understand people and how they work, establish real friendships and real roots, and then you can be yourself more because you have more understanding of the group. If you come in and kind of blow everyone up and start talking about everyone to everyone, that that's going to blow up on you. And I didn't know that. I just did organically what I felt and being a good friend and being integral and like wanting to I wanted to stay on the show as my real self, as a good person, you know, and not like blow people up or ruin lives. That's why I'd rather talk about high BodyCount than than be like digging in dms and try and share people's marriages or businesses. Like that's not fun, you know that I want to bring the fun to the show. And how did I get on to me? I mean we were talking about Bronlin. How did I turn this?


No, But I don't know it's about you. It does relate to you, though, and I think that so. And I do want to speak on Meredith for a second, because that has been this has been like a and I will say Meredith is a friend of the show, and we are We are Angie fans, but we are also Meredith fans, and so I guess what we would like to see is ultimately, well, it's kind of complicated, right, because we love watching you guys face off. It is always fun to watch you guys be adversarial with each other. But that being said, we do really love you both and want the best for you both. So I guess my question to you is, do you see the value in having a foe like that? And in that way do you feel like she's your most in a way valuable relationship on the show.

Well, thanks for saying that, because I love that you guys are my fans. Stands because that made me feel like, oh my god, I am a good housewife when I heard you.

Guys likewife incredible the third house I've ever had on last Coach ESAs you, Garcel and doctor Wendy.

Are you oh my are you serious?


I am winning? Oh my god, God, absolutely, I can die now. Thank you.


Okay, Well to answer that, in the moment when I'm fighting with Meredith, my blood is boiling. I'm in fight or flight. I mean it is so intense for me. And when you watch that back, like when I got kicked out of the bot Mitzvah, for example, or when she yelled you can leave, I mean, I was like, it doesn't translate on camera what I'm filling inside, because you know, she had me in tears, and look, I know that I was inappropriate with my tits hanging out and saying the D word and saying the airport to her bot Mitzvah, But like her bot Mitzvah did air Okay, So maybe this I mean, but I do have to go back to like you can leave. When she told me to leave, I'm like, I'm not leaving. I deserve to be at this I deserve to be on this show, and I deserve to be with this group. And I stood down, and some of the girls told me, no one's really ever stood up to Meredith like that, and that's why she can't stand you. And it was hard for me to do that because she's an og and while it's my city, in her mind, it's her show. It's my city and it's her show right now.

That's so you believe, you believe that you are more salt Lake than Meredith Mark.

She's not from me. I born and raised in these streets. Rah, I mean, I mean for real, I am so passionate the community. God damn Feller. But you know it's funny because when that happened, I mean inside, I was just like shook and really deeply, and it felt like she was bullying me, trying to yell at me to leave this event. And I'm sure she had her reasons for saying that I'm not perfect. And then when she did it to me to get at the bot miss so I'm telling you I'm in fight or flight, I'm like shaking inside, I'm furious, I'm a so I feel like crying. But when I watch it back and when people like redo the scenes, like I left that parting, cried for three days. It was so humiliating, it was so cruel. It was so domeaning and to me, and I just felt like, are you really trying to do this to me again? Like making like it felt like she was trying to make fun of me, And then I felt totally set up, you guys, And that was why I cried forever after that, because I said, when she said why are you even here? That was like, like you invited me here, and you brought me here to humiliate me. And what you just said is obvious that you want to humiliate me. And now you're kicking me out. And it was so hurtful because I would never I treated her like gold when she came to my home. I told my daughter to make eye contact, smile, welcome her in. I mean, I would never kick anyone out like that. It doesn't matter what the circumstances, so I couldn't relate. But watching it back, it doesn't feel as dark as it did in the moment. And seeing like like ether, oh well create it with barbies, seeing Andy last night, on seeing these VisiC Julianne Moore and like Anderson Cooper recreate it now, it's like they are bringing light to this moment. And that's who I am. Like I am so funny in real life and I love to make people laugh. So to see this be recreated and bring laughter to people, it softens it for me. And you know what, she is a good sparing partner for me. She's a lawyer. She went to law school to learn to argue. But I am a damn hairdresser, beauty school graduate.

With streams smart, Yes, and don't count them out.

Don't count That's what I say. It's like, girl, you're a lawyer. You you went to school to learn how to argue. I'm just learning the streets over. I learned in the streets of that way, and so I just that's right exactly. So I just want to laugh because I thought I am a good sparring partner for this woman. She may not want to admit it, but like I've kind of taken her out pretty good for me and just a little old hairdresser. So look, I think there are some real feelings between us that are not good and we don't really like each other. So we have made for probably I've heard from you know, some people that we are probably the best feud in housewives.

History there getting the definitely we're.

Kind of in a better place as you sawter last episode. I don't want to continue to do this with her, but you know, we're definitely very different, and it probably, I mean, you guys must agree that it makes for looking back and being able to laugh at it out. I can see that it does make for a good housewives feud and for good laughs.

It's sublime. But I really love that you're talking.

About this the stages of this right, because I've always been curious about The Housewives, where there are a lot of different echoes to each experience that gets captured on the show. You have the event itself, and in the moment, in the reality of it, you feel a certain way when Meredith kicks you out a event that is so hurtful, and then you have to sort of relive that as the show airs months later. And then the third echo is the response to it. People are reaching out in the comments or they're tagging you and stuff the memes of it, and then you see Anderson Cooper and Julian Moore do it on TV and so like, I'm so happy to hear that it brings light to that situation because I would think to relive it in three different waves is a lot.

Oh and you know what, and let me add drunk drawn like he's hilarious. I just want to give credit to all the people. When I rewatched this stuff, it softens the blow and you know, you don't remember sometimes I had no idea that would become so funny to people, and that made me happy, and that made it easier to rewatch. And you never know how people are going to take things, but you're right when like you know, last year, having to watch rumors about Sean, that was hurtful. I didn't love that from my family and for Sean and my daughter and his parents are mine. You know, that was hard. But this was a little more funny and lighthearted watching it, but in the moment, it cuts so deep. And you know, I had the re called me. Every day after that, I was sobbing, like I could. I was on the verge of tears for three days. So as it's happening, it's so deeply hurtful to feel like you were set up or someone brought you there to make a mockery of you. And then you know, watching it, and that's where the editors are just magic, like the music and the like you said, the little things and all the stuff that can make it a little more light, because we don't want our show to be dark.

No, and it had it had been in the past.

And I think I actually think if Salt Lake City had a week er season, I would say it was the third season because it felt really bogged down in the gen Shaw darkness of it all. And I do want to ask about that situation like looking back on all of that, and I also after this, I'll follow up with another question about how you see yourself in an edit, because I always think that's fascinating. Yes, but first I wanted to ask looking back on the Genshaw of it all and what you all went through, what are the feeling that in retrospect and also going forward and when it comes to Genshaw.

Yeah, you know, for me, you know, she overshadowed everybody with like her yelling and a lot of toxicity that came to the show. Like she was hilarious. I will say this, she had a side to her that she could say the funniest things that would just have you rolling. I don't want to like negate from some of the good things she brought to the show, because she brought some very like funny moment.

She's a three to sixty person.

Yeah, yes, and that was a side to her I loved. But she's hard to be on a show with because she blows up, and everybody's scared of her blowing up and trying to keep her calm foreseen and so a lot of people just I feel like, I hate to say this, but a lot of people really blossomed after she was no longer on the show. And it's a fact, Like, I don't think it's offensive, it's a fact and you've seen and it was hard for me to be I mean, she dumped a drink on my head and it was like, if you're going to open your mouth, I'm gonna like humiliate you in front of the world. Yeah, after I felt like I'd been a good friend to her. So I think for me, she's hard to be on a show with for that reason, and it overshadows a lot, and you know, so many there were so many rising stars waiting to happen. Yeah, and I think it took for her going away for people to be seen.

Yeah, I mean, especially because you know, with her out of the way, yeah, you could cat and also not for nothing. But what's really interesting is how it seemed like when that broke in season two, that she was being arrested on camera and that it was going to be seen and that there was going to be the fallout from that. It kind of felt like, how could they top this? And then for the aftermath and someone tangentially involved are actually pretty directly involved with everything going on with har Monica to become like the even more compelling, even more interesting thing the next season. I think just goes to show like it doesn't rely on any one person, not any single one of these shows too so is an ensemble and it is the environment and the community of people involved that make it interesting and compelling.

Yes, you know, and even like I related to being a business owner because we have like some super right stars in our business and you can never be held hostage as a business owner or you know, on the show, because there is always someone willing to come up and share their life. There's always another star out there, and no one should ever be held hostage in their business because we're always auditioning for our show, for the show. We're always auditioning in our business, like we have to be on our game. But there's always someone as they say, Peter Richard and Skinnier I mean joking, you know what I mean that this is an ensemble cast and we just keep on growing and the show must go on, and I think people need to know that and not take for granted their position.

Yeah, and just to follow up on what I was saying, like when it comes to seeing yourself edited into a reality TV character, that is something that I have always a not been able to wrap my head around in terms of like agreeing to be on something like that. I feel like that would really scare me and be something I have like a lot of respect for because you are giving a lot of your personal life, but they can only use not even ninety percent of it. They can only use two percent of it to get across to everyone who you are, what you're all about. And then the audience, the large audience, can gauge your likability or a lack thereof. So I guess my question to you is what is your experience in watching yourself as an edited character?

You know it's interesting. I feel like for me, it took the audience a minute to just get me, and I don't know if that's because I was in fight or flight. When you're fighting, you don't get to just relax and let your hair down and be your funny self. So I'm seeing you, like in conflict with women, and that's not fun. That's why I've loved to just seeing more of myself at home or where I'm more my natural self versus in conflict. But I will say my first couple of seasons, I don't think like my authenticity, like my true self came out as much. And I think people on production get to know you more and they get you more, and maybe that's helpful when you're on for a little more time. But like this season, Heather Gay told me, Angie, you are hilarious. Bring your thoughts external, and that was the best advice anyone has ever given me in real life and on the show, because I would say all this, but this season I said it all, and I feel like the show finally captured like my true essence. I don't think I really did that last season. So it's a combination of like maybe getting more comfortable in front of the cameras and somebody giving me permission to like and you just say it. It's okay, it doesn't matter what people think, Like that's you and that's what you think. And I thought, you know, I do have all these funny thoughts and I finally just let them lose this season. So yeah, it is hard. You'll I'll never see one hundred percent of who you are, but I think they give you enough moments now as they know you to let the audience see who you really are. So this season I kind of felt they really captured me more of my wittedness, my sense of humor, my one liners, and my real personality. There are a lot more housewives, so a lot of personal stuff for all of us was missed because when you have that many women and Brittany being filmed almost full time, you can't share as much of your personal story, and we lost a lot of mine that, you know, stuff with my daughter that wasn't shown with her on her horse that I would love to share more, but there just wasn't enough time. So but yeah, it's it's I definitely like this season captured more of it. So I'm happy with the season. Last season not as much, you know, other than me just being in conflict, But I really I feel this season that I had a great season and all more of my true, authentic self came out. So I think they did a good job.

I'm so happy to hear that because I will say, even with the hardships of last season, but going into this one, I think you are very easy to endear towards, like I think the audience in those moments of heartshapact that you handled that conflict so well last season, And I feel like even in the big splashy moments that are big swings in terms of the glasses or the scroll.

I'm like, it all works.

It all works, no matter how silly or goofy or ridiculous or rehearsed or whatever it is. I don't even know if any of that was rehearsed, but I will say, like, it's just it comes from you, and that true, like selfhood is so beautiful and we don't want cue anytime you do something you Gie, I mean, we're all in the group chat just loving it.

Oh my gosh. That means so much to me because I know you're both huge Housewives fans and I just adore you guys, So for you to say that, that really means a lot. Thank you. And you know, like I am funny in real life and these are things I would do in real life, Like I have this little sample scroll here, and I just because I'm a perfect like, I did practice unrolling it because I didn't.

Know how it was great. I con don on the timing.

I believe it was it really and also it being employed against Meredith it made it work even more because she does and I think she would own this. She does her ice queen thing. You know what I mean she is. She is a little bit of and I think again, I say this with love for her. She is a little bit of an elitist who maybe would never do a prank like that or a stunt like that. So for her to be on the receiving end of a stunt like that is funny because it's her.

Oh I mean, she was clutching her pearls. She was just disgusted. And you know what's great about it is like I just I thought it was funny, And to me, I just thought, are you serious? She wants an apology? Like I really meant to bringing this girl like girl, you owe me an apology. The only thing I did practice was unrolling it because I thought I've got this much time before she storms up, and it just came down and you're disengaged. I knew she disengaged, so I actually thought she might laugh about it. But she didn't.

That's okay, really, not even later, because that's something I wonder is it's like, are you guys low key when the cameras go down, did you guys high fiving?

Never? No? No, no, no, We like aren't even looking at each other. It's like, oh, hi, oh, hi, or we'll see each other things. Oh hi, Oh, I like your dress. I mean there's just like these these sort of like little break the ice compliments kind of thing. And sure, you know, we try to be nice, but for some reason we always wind up back in conflict and like things are okay now, but it's like, you know, it's five minutes before we find something else to fight about. I mean, I always thought, you know, she'd find me funny because I feel like her husband's kind of a funny jokester. But it's almost like she just doesn't get me at all.

It is funny that she does play this thing of like her husband is such a funny guy and such a booth that like for her to be so removed from that type of thing is a very funny jocksabution.

Yes, but I make sure a great character on the show grew.

You know what. Absolutely I had to step back and realize out like, Okay, I may not like her, but she's great for the show. And you know, like I said, we're't a better place now as you saw from the last episode. Yeah, good, we'll see how long at last?


Sure, I mean in terms of you talking about this thing of like, in contrast to Bronwin, like you really took your early seasons to observe, absorb, and then build relationships based on those operations. Talk about Mary, because that came kind of it seemed like it came out of nowhere, but in fact, if you go back and watch, like you were kind. You were always kind to her and even when she outright rejected you in Palm Springs, that speaking of like, oh yeah, you you were very patient with her, and talk about that because you must have seen something early on to go there could be a friendship there, and it's blossomed into something beautiful.

It is a highlight of the season.

Well, thank you, and it's been a highlight of my season. Our friendship and our continued even off camera friendship. I really enjoy her and adore her and love her. She has let me in and I always knew like if she would let me in and let the walls down, I just felt like we could be good friends. I think the biggest thing there was a scene that never aired and she said, why are you always so nice to me? And it was really embarrassing, and from that day forward I kind of stopped trying with her and I think kind of giving her space worked for her because I was trying to get to know her. I'm a really personal I can make friends with anyone, so it was really hard for me to understand why she didn't like me, you know, like I just I felt like we had so much in common, and then she let her walls down got to know me. You know, we both lost our moms in different ways. We were both really close with our aunts and our grandmothers, and I think she realized we were a lot more alike than she knew. And she loves it. I'm religious, she says, I'm wholesome. She loves it. I'm a family person, and you know, she sees all the real things about me that you know, she sees me in a different light than some of my castmates. I think I think Mary knows that I'm her real friend and that she can trust me, and she doesn't give that to a lot of people. So I honor that, and I you know, I'm very like, I'm a really sensitive, caring, loving person just by nature. And you know, there's a sweet scene for us coming up where I'm doing her hair and oh fine, I'm just helping her get ready and it was really special to watch, and I just thought, you know, I love caring for people, and I think Mary feels that for me, and she sees the real means. She loves my family, she loves my daughter, and she's let me meet her son and allowed me to her home when she has no makeup on it. She's in her pajama, so she's she's let her walls down.

What did that initial moment of the walls coming down look like even And that's what I'm curious about.

You know what's crazy. I saw her the cast's photo shoot for the season right after Palm Springs at the end of the season, and she smiled and told me how beautiful I looked, and then she said, your dress is my favorite. I mean, she was complimenting me. That's when I it was like a turning point where she was kind of like giving me the time of day, I guess, and she was very sweet and just very self spoken, and I saw a different side of her, and she was kind to me at the reunion, so we had two great interactions and then I don't know what it was, but she just really started to open up to me after that, And it started at the reunion with a lipstick, which she swears it wasn't it, But I think that showed her like a little bit of a sign that I was a good person. And then I noticed her tom Ford bracelets, and she said that was the moment she knew, because she said, she said, no one else on the cast would know what those were but you. So when you noticed them, I knew that I liked you. And then from there it just blossomed. And again I think I also can I say she had a lot of reason to be defensive with the women from things that have happened in the past on the beginning, and I had never betrayed her, I'd never lied to her. And the weird thing is she I can't even put my finger on our connection. It's just really natural and organic. And I want to have real friendships on the show. I know people see that they feel like it's transparent if you're friends with someone because your allies so you can stay on the show, or because they know something about you. I don't like that. And I think our friendship and the realness and the authenticity of it shines through, and our love for each other shines through. And she loves me guys. I mean she loves me hard, like she tells me that I feel that, and for someone to feel that for Mary is like super special and it goes both ways.

That's wonderful.



So okay, let's ask you the question of this podcast, the central question, which is, Angiekatsenavis, what was the culture that made you say culture was for you? We've talked a lot about like how you have gotten on this show and like you know, growing up in Salt Lake, and I wonder if you can color in this final thing, which is what was the culture that made you say culture was for you?

This is like there's like a two sided answer to this. I'm gonna bring two things in a little bit, yes, okay, of the Greek culture, because like I said earlier, I have such strong culture. I have such strong beliefs and views, and I have so much to share as far as the world. Everybody has a Greek friend that they love, right.

That's mine.

That's mine.

But I wish I was.

I wish I was just in touch with with that part of me as you are, to be honest with you, it's quite removed from me. But I'm inspired by how enthusiastic you are about your heritage.

I want to help you. I'm going to take you to Grace, but we're I'm so proud of that part of myself and that I can share that with the world. But well, I think being rooted in a strong culture has given me a lot of confidence, and that's something I'd love to share with the show. But growing up, we didn't have, you know, our iPads and our our iPhone. So I always watched The Girls and I was like, oh wow, like I'm a little bit of all of them. Like I'm like a little bit and a lot of Rose Nyland, and like that's like my funny side that I bring to the show. That I have my little like little moments where there's a splash of Rose and then like my little moments of Blanche where I, you know, a little high back down, you know what I mean. And that was like and then little Grandma Sophia, which reminds me of my aunt read Or She's like cut the bullshit, you know. And but it's like, I'm a little bit of all those characters. But I loved watching that show because it made me laugh and it was fun and funny, and I loved like bringing that light to the real Housewives of Salt Lake City is like the comedic relief when you don't even know you're doing it, but you make people happy and make people smile. And I loved that. I just I loved that show growing up. For me, that was a standout show. And when I hear the theme song, like, I just get excited, it's nostalgic. And they were like, there were housewives of that era.

For me, well, it's an ensemble of women, you know what I mean, when there weren't many, And I think maybe that had something to do with it as well, just seeing oh women interact with each other in a time when it felt like there wasn't much of that on television and now we were so blessed. I mean, I think that one of the reasons why we enjoy the Housewives so much is because we love just watching these women interact, even it's in conflict, enjoy and all these things in real specific ways to gees.

Yes, now, I love that like captures and articulates everything for me because it is a group of women. They're all different, they all have something that anyone can relate to. Like I said, like I was like a little bit of Blanche and then a little bit of rose and a splash of the grandma. But I love what you said. It's like they capture every character and that is the Real Housewives and they make us laugh unintentionally.

Right, yeah, yeah, I see the rose in you. I feel like you have this Betty white kind of like softness and like and like the cute sweetness and beauty.

Well and bowen, thank you. Like. I met her actually and elect Or twice because with the Palmachial Schools we fundraise and for years we raised money for Morris Animal Foundations. So I sat with her the fundraiser we donated to her. I have some photos office and you guys, so you can see them. But I adore her and I read something that she said. She was an only child and it reminds me of Elektra and she would sit with her parents at dinner and they'd have fun, funny, interesting conversations and she said, I always wanted to interject, but I needed to find the right moment to interject, to be a part of my parents combo and say something funny, and I needed it to land. And she said that's how she learned where and when a joke would land, and her perfect comedic timing. And I love that about her because she was like so funny and she just knew when to but she was like a little naive, which I have that too, you know, Like I love that about her because I think I have a little bit of that innocence, and like, deep down, I think everybody's like a good person, and I think everyone wants to be my friend and learn on Housewives they don't, but I like bringing a little bit of rose and Island to the show, So that's a huge compliment. Thank you.

I imagine that dinner escape must have been something that you grew up with in terms of having so many siblings and like that was a very lively environment.

Oh yes, oh yeah. I loved coming from a big family. And if I wasn't such an old mom, I would have had more kids, knock on what. I was blessed to just have Electra, even at the age that I did. But yeah, I mean I did. I love that chaoticness.

How is the Electra dealing with her parents being famous?

Well, thank you. I think she secretly is loving it now. And she said, Mom, like all these kids are like you know, she'll tell me little things that come up at school that people say, or I'll walk into her school and friends will want a photo and or they'll tell her, oh my gosh, you're famous. I saw you in TV. And you know, she's a very mature little girl and she's very like well composed and super confident. So I think she's handling it well. But I think she loves it. Now. She's like, oh, Mom, I don't care that you're famous on TV, but I want to meet Miller and can you get me a dust stage? I want to meet George Straight. And now she's given me a list that's so funny.

Yes, oh yeah George.

Yeah, I mean she so now she's giving me a list of like, Mom, can you hook me up with these people? And I'm like, give me a minute. But she she loves going on watch What Happens Live. She met Lance Bas, she met Foa her, she goes back and brags like that's so cool for her. She just she gets to meet different people there and me Andy. So she's loving it all and I think she's going to handle it well because she's extremely humbled down to earth. She's very modest and yeah, she'll handle it all really well.

I felt that when I met her, I was like that she has it figured out very ground parents her. Thank you, I really felt, I mean truly because that was early on in your first full season as a housewife, and so I went there like not knowing too much about you, but I was like, I was Andy's full time now great and like this is her first watch it happens. I'm just there to sort of like just be there sitting next to her. This is a big moment for her. But meeting your family afterwards, I really saw sort of like the fullness. I was just like, oh, this is a wonderful mother, a wonderful wife, and a great housewife period.

Thank you Bone for saying that. And you know, with Electure, it's like I think, if any kid's going to handle fame or becoming famous or becoming continuing on the show, she will handle it with grace and she will never be affected by it because she's so down to earth. But I have to say I felt like after I watched for Raabman's Life, I did leave there like did he like me? Did he like And it was I mean, so I just can't believe I'm sitting here on your podcast because I never knew what you said.

I was upsessed.

I'm so happy that you loved me because I was sort of shy after that and I thought, what if I follow when he doesn't follow me back?

Oh my gosh.

Yeah, And it was such a quick follow, and then you sent him such great videos for the Culture Awards. We are we are sitting with the Allison Williams Cool Girl Award winner.

Okay, so we have and background.

So we were getting videos from Angie, including one from Greedy Apropol. Can you talk about filming at the Acropolis and what happened there when you sent when you just want to go send in your video for the Cultural.

Awards, You guys, I'm not joking. I almost got arrested making that video for you guys. It is a true. Yes. I hiked up there in the civilian clothing with sneakers. I got up there, Sean, I went up to that spot they were closing, the sun was setting. I tried to time it perfectly, and I was pulling the dress on and it was sticking because I was sweating so bad, and like my boobs were falling out. I mean, I looked high BodyCount and the boobs were kind of I was trying to get the dress on and people were steering. Then I started film in the video and they have these officers in the standing room, and this guy came up. He says, are you feeling at commercial is illegal? You cannot film. Give me your phone and he was going to take my phone. He was going to arrest me. I said, no, no, it's just a little video for my friend. I swear, but you're not allowed to film up there. And I didn't know that. And I literally almost got arrested for filming that, and and I wanted to get it to you too in a timely manner, but I had to. I literally landed and went up there that night.

You risked at all?

Yes, yeah, I risked it all for Last Culturistas, because you guys you gave me the Cool Girl Award and I was in there with Ariana Grande and I'm like, this has to be good. I'm bringing a gown, I'm sending a video from the acropolist. I did it all. I would have gone to jail. I would have gone to jail that night, and thank god I didn't, or unfortunately I didn't, because that would have been a great story. Thank god, I'm like the biggest bullshitter and I'm a great negotiater. I talked him out of taking my phone of the community, and then, thank goodness, he didn't watch Housewives. People were watching it seeing well, and then they were fans, so then they started of coording me. So I went down. I hiked down in the dress. I ran for my life. I kept the phone and sent you guys a video and I didn't make it in time, but it was a great story.

It didn't make it in time.

Are we allowed to post it?


Absolutely, we will be posting it.

Yes, I will post the video.

Finally, it is in vertical, so it's perfect for the talk, and we're gonna get it out there.

Think about it like I could have gone to jail in a foreign country. It was so so I'm so happy you're going to post it. That will make it all. Just like the video that they made last night, I watched Robin's life. It's these moments that make it worth getting arrested, getting kid. I'm down for getting blown up if it brings joy.

No, we hope you never blow up, stay unblown up. But what we're gonna do right now is we're going to blow up culture. This is our sixty second segment. It's called My God Money. So this is basically a one minute ran Andrew where we take something apart that's bothering us in the culture or anything at large. Mine is not really pop culture or specific, but it's something I've noticed in my travels on tour, and I I got a shred on this one.

Bo Okay, this is Matt Rogers. I don't think so many as time starts now, I.

Don't think so many thermostats in hotels. Why are they so complicated? All sorts of people go into a hotel. We need to dumb this down. How Come I'm arguing and fighting with my thermostats and some of this hotel I just wanted to be.

Warmer or I just wanted to be colder. How Come I'm pressing it up and it's arguing with me.

I have not once been in a comfortable hotel this entire time, and I feel like I'm trying to pay for nice hotels to make myself have like a nice experience on the road. And I think, honestly, the nicer the hotel, the more complicated the appliances. And I'm like, it is counterintuitive. I am fighting with toilets, I am fighting with thermostats, and I also say a self flushing toilet, thanks, but no thanks some of these showers, some of the so I'm just trying to get hot water.

It's crazy, It's like, and I'm comfortable. Sometimes I can't tell the different between a little red dash and a little blue dash. I'm serious.

I need a big H and a big C. Please, hotels make this easier for me. I just want to live my life in a comfortable way.

I can't.

Seriously, a lot of times I don't even know how to turn televisions off put lights on. I don't think so any of these hotels and the appliance culture.

And that's one minute.

Oh man, I'm so sorry, so good.

I agree with all of that.

Have you ever gone into a hotel and the TV's already on and you it's like doing like the hotel messaging, and it's like, you know, playing it's it's it's resort commercial or whatever it is, and you just can't figure out how to turn it off. Sometimes they hide the remotes on you. I swear, it's like you think you're gonna hook yourself up with a nice hotel and it gets harder to exist in them.

Absolutely no, I I.

Turn it off immediately. I don't want a.

Case for a day's in. It's the case for a day's in. Days didn't give it to you straight easy to stay.

In days in would be a low body? Can some of the workers, maybe some of the girls, the brend the rooms there might be high body? You know what I mean?

Well, honestly, I'm happy that they're in places where they know how to turn the heat on, because I'm telling you it's been a struggle bus.

We're not sick.

Are You're fighting with so much hardware? Nowhere?

Do people do people?


Not after that? I'm just kidding. Do people drop the F bombinies?

Oh yeah, this is it's a podcast, so we've said way filthy? Is there anything you could ever say?

And oh my gosh, is Bowen doing one or is it like I'm doing one?

One is up right now?

This is warming me up up?

Bowen? Are you ready? Do you have something locked and loaded?

I have something locked and loaded?

All right?

Well, this is Bowen Yang's final I don't think so. Honey of twenty twenty four and his time starts now. I don't think so, honey. I need to see the women on the real house of Salic City. Scheme more actively schemer, not going on the lift, not sitting down at a picnic table having an argument.

I want to see them hit the slopes, go around the moguls. I want to see them actively do what they do best. I think there's nothing more aspirational than to see a woman looking fabulous shredding powder.

Down the slopes of Utah.

As a colorade of myself, I grew up kind of aspiring towards a nice ski outfit. I finally sprung for one this year because I'm going to say, win a breck and Ridge for Christmas. And I finally just like splurged on some Marcteriks ski stuff and some nice goggles and some even helmet headphones if I want to listen to tunes. But I need to see the women scheme more. I just want to see their styles. I want to see how they how they have hip flexer flexibility. Because I'm going to Sundance. I'm so excited in January February. I'm so thrilled to be at Sundance and I will absolutely be hitting the songs and I will be thinking of these women every single moment. I need to see more women on Salt Lake skiing.

And that's one I agree with you. Bowen.

We got that one fabulous episode where I was really a heather, especially like shredding on the slope.

She's good.

Are you do you identify as a great skier?

Uh? Now, when you have immigrant parents and seven kids, we never see My dad was dangerous. He thought it was too expensive. We never did it. No, so now we go with my daughter. But it's hard to learn at fifty years old. Like, I'm scared and I just stay on the small hills and I don't want to break any bones.

Of course I'm scared too. I know I'll get hurt.

But Bonen, if you come, I mean, look, I don't know if I was funny enough to get my contract renewed. But if I come back and we're filming, you might have to have a cameo because those are those are filming seasons for us.

What when during sun Dance, when do you start? Are you allowed to say?

Well, normally we start filming the end of January, beginning of February. But I don't know if I was funny enough to get renewed, and.

I don't know.

Yes, nice reenactment of high body count hair is like maybe saying that I did something. So if I get renewed, maybe bone could be in solid film.

You're a lot, You're a lock.

I'm in.

I'm literally I'm literally texting Andy after every episode being like this Salt Lake City is everything? And Angie, I said, have you ever been as blown away by a rise of a housewife?

And he is ecstatic?

What did he say?

Well, I can't say too much, but just I think I think you're safe.

I really do.

I think it's very happy with all of you.

I think that we have a great Cassidy. He knows it, and so thank you. And I like the word rise. I did have to rise up, man, they really they took me out, Hey, Matt. Being Greek, one story you do need to know is like from the movie three hundred, where you know there was three hundred Greeks and one hundred and fifty thousand Persians. Yep, and guess what, Yes, the Greeks were not defeated. Yes they did. It's an important story to watch. So at the bottom, I mean, you'll notice me taking out multiple these women.

It was yes you are you are the three hundred in one person and.

Then blowing up the party in leaving, I'm getting a good hundred percent.

They might just call you Gerard Butler.

Yeah, yeah, exactly, So I got up.

Oh my gosh, yeah, well honestly, yeah. So Bowen is going to be in Sundance. He has a movie coming out of Sundy. It's the Wedding Banquet. So are you a sun dance? Are you a sun danced person? Do you do?

You know we we used to do. We used to have a big tequila sitting in our salon. We have a salon in Park City, Utah. So you have to get your high body count. How many come there to come to Park City? Yes, you guys all take care of your high body account. Hair and we we used to host like an event up there with hair and tequila with Patron Tequila because our partner now, especially for what she's been doing to me this season, but I'm getting our partner, John Paul DeJoria, he's our partner in Palm to the School. He owned Patron Tequila, so we have Yeah, we had a tequila bar in our salon with John Paul DeJoria, and he's our partner in our cosmetology school, so we we used to host events up there every year. But I go to meet you up there.

Yes, I would love to see you, and you're going to see you.

You're going to be in a cameo on my scene if I get Ria, if I get us, I'm there, so we'll do a scene.

Yes, Okay, is this this is the moment. This is the moment we said we jinxed each other. So, Angie k this are you going to show me my times?

Because I talk a.

Lot bone Do you have the phone?

I've got it, Angie cats Davis's I don't think so, honey, her time starts now.

I don't think so honey. I don't think so honey. Look, you know what I don't like. I don't like high body count hair because it looks cheap. And when you got high body count hair, your clothes look cheap. When you got high body count hair, your shoes look plastic, high body count hair, your face looks plastic. Everything about you suddenly becomes cheap. People want to come to my high end, luxurious thirty so long, but they don't want to pay my high end prices. Look, if you want to look expensive, girl, you got to spend some money. Like you know when you got high body count hair and we can see the tracks. Uh, that's that's bad. And if you want to cheap, if you're too cheap to come to the salut and pay to get your hair done, then if you're gonna be bitching and from dude in the kitchen that don't come to lunatic French and listen. High body count hair can be sophisticated, it can be sexy, it can have volume. But if you don't do it right, high body count looks cheap. And guess what if you want expensive hair, or if you want high body count hair and you don't like your look when you leave, we've got to get laid guaranteed policy at my slun come back, I'll fuck you myself.

Yourself, honestly.

I got my body count up because I have a love body count.

Honestly perfection.

Oh my god, you guys, I was like I forgot that was that was wild? Then?

Now you know when we go through every single episode, we've done hundreds and hundreds of these, do.

I take another stab? Wasn't good? No?

Perfect? Are you Okay, we loved it.

Honestly, this has been such a wonderful time getting to know you better, fun, so fun.

We are just like so taken with you on the show. And I I'm not lying.

I mean, I think every Bravo holic out there, certainly us knows that real house has of Salt Lake City is where it's at and you've been a huge reason why. So thank you all, and thank you for your time here today. This has been really fun.

I had a blast. I want you to know how honored I am. Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity honors ours.

We couldn't have asked you a better guest to close out the year. This has been such a fun one. But we we We've loved you consistently throughout because I mean, gosh, January second was the finale, was reality vantie of this year. And to have a full calendar year of Salt Lake it's the thing that's gotten me through. Truly, I love it so much.

It's crazy to think that that was this year.

Yes, and do you guys know that we are the top ten shows. Vanity Pharaoh Us Up is one of the top ten shows in twenty twenty four this season, not last season. So our show is even better, Our finale is insane, our reunion is going to be amazing. Thanks. I'm like the fact that you guys watched Sulake and love it. That just puts us on the map because you two are like, yeah, Probby your support has like literally made me feel like I've made it. I'm not. And you know what Heather said, She goes, Oh my gosh, Angie, if Matt and Bowen love you like you've struggled, she told me, that's like the biggest compliment we love ever when you're when you're new, you're waiting for your flowers, and when you guys give them, it's like, Okay, I can die. Now.

Well let's begin all keep on living for more seasons of Real House with seltake City airs on Wednesday evenings. So actually tonight, you guys when this episode comes out. If you if you're listening today, there's a new episode tonight. And how many more episodes to the finale?

Are we almost there? We must be.

I believe we have two more and then and then the final Yeah, we have one more. There's three episodes in Mexico. I believe we just did our first, so we have two more in Mexico and then hopefully a three part reunion.

I would think so yeah, I would figure that they're gonna want to it's worth well. This has been so and we end every episode with a song. Bo what's our song that we want to end twenty twenty four?

Oh, let's see.

I feel like I'm having a Greek coffee with you guys. This has been so fun.

What's a Greek song we should sing? What's the most famous Greek song? You take us out a Greek song?

Oh my gosh, but you guys couldn't sing along, So we've got to.

Think of Okay, who's the Greek America?

Who's the who's the Greek song from Greece?



Yeah, y word.

The time, except we're spelling Greece like the country.

Grease is exactly.

Grease the word the country.

Last Cultures is the production by Will Ferrell's Big Many Players and I Heart Radio Podcasts.

It's created and hosted by Matt Rogers and Bowen Yek.

Executive produced by Ana Hasnier and Hans Sony, produced.

By Becker Ramos, edit in mixed by Doug Babim Andy Ford.

And our music is by Henry Mursky. Hey everybody, it's me Matt Rogers, letting you know.

Tickets are on sale now to see me on tour, the Prince of Christmas Tour, that is, I'm doing my whole album Have You Heard of Christmas, plus a lot more with the whole band all throughout December. Go to www dot Matt Rodgers official dot com to see me in a city near you.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

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