
"A Dárqueness But A Charm" (w/ Matt & Bowen)

Published Dec 11, 2024, 11:00 AM

Two high body count hair individuals sit down for a culture catch up! Matt and Bowen discuss the Golden Globe nominations, share thoughts on RHOP and RHOSLC, and participate in discourse on "the shooter." Also, Cristin Milioti praise, the end of an Eras Tour, the "flavors" of each Taylor era and what could be next, Zadie Smith appreciation, and sexyfunnykind Paul Mescal on SNL. All this, podcast *vibes*, No Good Deed premiering on Netflix, a takedown of Bowen's least favorite person in culture and "bad ravioli".

Hey everybody, it's me Matt Rogers, letting you know. Tickets are on sale now to see me on tour, the Prince of Christmas Tour, that is, I'm doing my whole album have You Heard of Christmas? Plus a lot more with the whole band all throughout December. Go to www dot Matt rodgersofficial dot com to see me in a city near you.

And now Lost culch drums look mare, Oh, I see you my own look over there is that culture? Yes, goodness, Lost Culture.

Ding dog Lost Cultures is calling a wash in culture a wash.

I am under water. I'm in the dunking tank of culture.

First things first, okay, first real first, the first things first, I'm the realist. I want to tell everyone where I am. Yes, I'm in a hotel in Austin. It's the same hotel that the real house, probably a Potomac State in on there bad trip to Austin. They had a bad series of episodes in Austin and they stay at this hotel and I'm still gagged.

It was like five episodes in season. At that point, I had like fallen off. I was like, I don't like the vibe here. Yeah. Well, first of all, mal state a for I don't think so Mony. I'm back to that. I don't think so mony. Gisell fucking Bryant, that fucking lady.

She definitely tried it this time.

I just tried it well in a way that's like a straight up lie. I don't want to I don't want to get in the muck with these fucking people, but like.

It feels like you're mousking it up.

Well, I've been in the muck with Giselle since the beginning, you know what I mean. Producer Beck is saying, Okay, no, but I do. Well, yeah, we can all get in the muck, but you know, I will make an exception in this case because I'm happy to get back into the mud.

Hit Well, stay tuned for that one. At the end of the episode. We're getting in the muck of it all. I just hope I'm staying in MIA's bed. At least someone's known.

Do we stand?

Mia? Can I tell you something? Bowing? I can't help it. Every time Mia Thornton comes on screen, I'm smiling. I'm happy. And Jacqueline as well.

Well, we love Jacqueline. I just finished this week's episode.

I actually haven't seen this week's episode. Yet, so didn't do something absolutely absurd?

Yes, and actually in a way that is really deeply painful to her children.

Oh no, okay, all right, let me let me she literally no, Can I just spoil it for you? Yesee?

What happens? She goes, she's with her kids, Gordon's about to come, and she goes, okay, so you know how mommy and daddy are getting a divorce. And then the kids go, No, what she didn't she like saved it for the camp. This woman is not like po tracking anything about her children. She doesn't want. She's in the name of protecting their innocence quote unquote, is like communicating with them in a way that is so that is that is bad that I think like will have repercussions in the future. And I really these sweet children, I go, God, damn it, your mom is like your mom is a broken person obviously, but like for her to you know, pass this down is really tough to watch. Literally, while the cameras are rolling, I can't stand me at Thornton. I'm sorry.

She could never be angik, she could never be eduk No, by the way, no one could, no one, no one could every any Supreme.

There's a new Supreme.

There is truly, deeply a new Supreme. Let me tell you something, as someone who currently has high body count hair, I am so happy to have this expression have. When was the last time we had something at this magitude? Honestly, the last time we may have been given this much of a gift was probably probably receipts proof timeline screenshots. Salt Lake City is just quite simply the best show on television.

It's one of the best shows ever to be broadcast on television in the under one hundred year history of the plot of the medium.

Wow, to think it's under one hundred years old. What are we going to do for the hundredth birthday of television? We have to throw the party.

We have to throw the party. We will do a list, We'll do a countdown. Salt Lake City spoiler alert, number one show to ever ever exist.

High body that's a high body count hair, that's a high body count dress. This is not high BodyCount hair. That's not high BodyCount. Here I look like a mother.

And then for leasy to go okay, but you do needmotique, batik o, cabritique, whatever it was.

I honestly What a perfect episode. Honestly, you never could have known from Meredith pitching her bot Mitzvah in the very first episode that it would pay off in this way. And then Meredith's calling back security security at the end.

What security security? Oh my god.

I can leave. I weigh I weigh ninety pounds. What does she say?

There was so much happ the last five minutes. I was telling you were on a flight, but we were on the group chap. The group chat was popping off, being like, oh my god, this week's episode of Salt Lake is one for the damn books. And I was telling you the last five minutes are peak, yes, peak, Oh my god.

To say nothing of Mary coming late and peaking through the windows. I saw a TikTok because of course I did, because the true genius artists are really working on TikTok. That's really the medium where the true genius artists are working now. It was to Taylor Swift's song looking People's Windows, and it was Mary just like peaking. Man, I like them some dreams. Weirdo.

God, Mary, I'm Cosby is the Taylor Swift of America in a way.

Did you know that we are the top saved story on Mary's Instagram profile. It's you and I doing art, It's you and I talking about her on the iconic four hundred We are the first save story on her Instagram profile, and it says iHeart with an heartmog radio with I think she thinks that we were. She clearly doesn't know that minute show of what fuck this all is? Why would she? She has way more important things to deal with. The important and unimportant things in her life are much more important than this podcast. I would I would disagree with that, and I would say that she thinks that she thinks that we are iHeart Radio mouthpieces, because this is iHeart Radio and a little Heart and it's us doing our entire thirty seconds on Mary m Cosby. I'm so happy. Little does she know we've done a whole episode of this podcast based around her.

Twelve days of culture when maryam b take the World Stage.

Day number two, Day number two.

Day number one was the opening of the first McDonald's Yeah. Day number two is Mariam Kaser six the World Stage, and then number three was the I.

Think five was Jaws Eats the Girls.

Jaws Eats the Girls.

Twelve was when Tendo world ended. I don't remember. We'd have to go back and look. But that's of course our greatest work.

I have to ask you, what is the life of a boring singer songster? Like in the year twenty twenty four.

I am having the best time of my life. This is probably my favorite tour I've ever done. The vibes are immaculate between me and the boys, the band, the audiences are giving everything. I just performed in Atlanta. I'll perform an I guess Austin actually the night before this comes out. So sorry y'all if you're in Austin and you missed it. But I'll be in Philly and New York and bust In this weekend. I'm having the best time. And then I felt so stupid, though, bo because I put up this Instagram post which was like these like nice pictures that my friend Doug Krantz took on the show, and I put it up and I was like, I'm having the unequivocal best time in my life, et cetera. And then someone posted like below it, like is this an Eras tour thing? And I was like, oh God, not me posting in the same like tenor as like Taylor Swift on the like the finale of the Erastour. I promise I'm self aware about this whole thing.

Wait, I understand what the person was trying to.

Call out, though, like just being like they were like, this is such an aroostour post. And I had to sit back and laugh because I was like, wow, I gave a Swift Diggan caption. Y you know how she does how she gets on and she's like.

Totally yeah, yeah yeah. But I'm also I don't know how much she owns the concept of posting a carousel of photos from the show, and no she doesn't.

But someone said that it just made me laugh, That's all I was saying.

Of course, I have no sense of humor.

I'm in my bag, as it were. I'm having the best time. Please come out to the show. I really am having the best time.

By the way, everyone, First of all, Sleigh, you are so lucky to be able to see this man perform. I love this slutty Christmas Fierro look.

I literally texted Michael Fisher I said, I want to be like slutty Christmas Fuerrero. I think that would be a fun reference for everything that's going on in the culture and you know it being the Prince of Christmas Tour. It felt like synergy and he came through like he always does. Shout out to Michael Frimbrody. I feel very slutty Christmas fierrero.

And slutty white pant Sierra, which is a very important Broadway stage version visual.

It's a throwback. It's a nod. Speaking of Wicked, which I saw a third time last night, I took the band to go see what he first time seeing it. No, he had seen it before, Ethan before, but it was my bassis Jordan Richards's first time seeing it, and my drummer Derek Swink he had seen it before.

Darren Swink, Yes, iconic.

Iconic drummer, father of One Rider and he is now and he's like he was saying, I'm now an Ariana Grande super fan. He was like, I think she can do anything. I was like, well she can and true. Congrats to you. You're in a Golden Globe nominated film, Arianna Cynthia. Congrats on your nominations everybody. I mean, this is an Awards juggernaut bo.

It is in incredibly cool to see these people get the recognition. I will not be going to the Golden Globes unfortunately, Bomber. Why I am protecting this Japan trip at all costs.

Oh no, no, no, you should. You must go to Japan.

I'm not. No, there's I love the Globes. No, you've been the question mark I went when in was the HFPA days. Now that we're in a post HFPA in last year's globes were such a smash.

Yeah, they were great, and he is going to be fantastic.

Nikki will be so oh some of our friends are writing for it. I think, oh great, yeah, but I will unfortunately not, even though I mean should I I don't know.

No, Bowen, you should go to tell everyone what you're doing. Tell everyone what you're gonna do.

I'm going to Japan on New Year's Day for two weeks, a little under two weeks. It's my number one bucket list place. I'm splurging the house down. I need this trip. You deserve it, thank you. You absolutely should go. I mean listen. The first of all. By the way, Bowen, I think you're gonna have many Golden Globes invitations in your future and other cool things that you know. These are just fun nights. Of course, you've done a lot of celebrating Wicked. You've done a lot of celebrating of everyone's work, and I think everyone knows how excited and how it's grateful you are to be a part of it.

And you also contributed so much to it already. You don't need to be there. You can go to Japan and have a fucking time at Tokyo DisneySea.

I looked it up. It's hard to do both parks in the same day, and I think I only have one day. Should I do Disney See or Disneyland.

Well, we could go through the rides and attractions later off air and talk about which ones I think would be best for you know, but I don't know. That's a really tough question. Think about this, though. You can go to Disneyland any in the world, anywhere in the world. You can't really do the Disney Sea thing. Yeah, the world, but that's like a state of the art, innovative thing that only they have. And when are you going back?

I think very often, Okay, if I have my brothers.

Well we'll prepare for the the druthering of just the one trip. But anyway we can get into that after because I do want to help you. I want to help you do with.

That and I have I have a trip to pitch you for the spring.

Okay does it rhyme with smrill in yes? Period? Oh you know I'm interested ant.

I Okay, Wait, can we just speak on the.

Golden Globes nominations for a second because they came out today and I just want to say one thing because I feel like we have not given the shine to one particular performer who fucking deserves.

It, Mikey Madison.

No, well, Mikey Madison, I think is a superstar and love and by the way, I'm super excited to see all these nominations in all this love for yourro Borisov who is in the movie. He was fantastic and the way he held the space with her in that last scene, their chemistry, it's not easy to just give like a tender, open, available performance like that. It's also a real genuine feat in casting, which I think that movie deserves a casting. Yeah, which I keep saying every year in a year in and year out, there should be a casting oscar because of movies like Anora Brilliant by the way, Sebastian Cannelly. Our friend is in Anora. He plays the bat toe the toe truck guy. At the end, he gets into it. This is why this movie needs a casting oscar, because they find the right actress from the right random places, bring them in and like create this ensemble which is so real and memorable. To say nothing of all the dancers in that movie are all extremely well cast, like waw and just to find like Mikey Madison, who's been doing great work, et cetera, and now she gets this part. Now she's going to be a superstar. So so slaying red carpets, crushing them.

Amazing, amazing person.

But what amazing person. But what I want to say and who I want to shout out is Kristin fucking Miliod. Oh my god, Kristin Miliatti on the Penguin is giving one of the best not only one of the best performances of the year obviously, but one of the best performances in like DC Batman history, up there with Heath Joaquin Michelle Pfeiffer, Like she is truly crushing this role, like Superiod, so so dangerous and yet like emotional and fun and surprising and like all the things like Kristin Miliotti every single time she's in anything like gives a stunning performance and is memorable and is just also a cool person. And I hope she wins She's up there with like legends, she's in that kind of go with like Jodie Foster or Kate Blanche, Kate Winslet, like Naomi Wah, And I hope she takes it.

I really hope she takes it. Yeah, God, I'm behind, but.

This is on watching things.

Yes, yes, but this is uh, this is classic tales all this time. For me, it's hard, but this is why I treasure these episodes. It is where you give me the download.

I'm really just saying, like that is a performance that is worth say recognition with full test and then you know, outside of that, like kind of was the usual suspect, although they're very globesy, it was a little bit like okay, like prey to the famous people.

Totally, let's see what else is there in the culture this might y'all are r kpfs. This might be a quick one, maybe a quick little episode, you know, not super quick, But I'm just saying, like.

Bol wants to get the fuck out of here.

No It's just we've we've both got busy days.

What are you doing today?

We have a call, I have to go do vo, I have to go to pitch and then figure out my week and then I have to go to a benefit tonight. That the one the only Carrie Mulligan, Mumford and Sons are hosting. They host this every year the West Sale through their charity work.

So give me is there a connection? But when Carrie Mulligan and Mumford and Sons, is she married to one of them?

She's married to Okay, oh, she's married to Marcus Mumford.

She's worried to. So she's Carrie Mumford.

She's Carrie Mumford.

That would make her even more British to me.

Well, oh, then Mulligan's a pretty British name.

Absolutely, But there's something about Carrie Mumford which is even more British, like you can hear it, like you would. She would immediately get dame status if she were to change her name to her legal married name of Mumford, Carrie Mumford, she'd become Dame carry Mumford.

You think her keeping her own name is what's keeping her from the dame hood.

No, I'm just saying that she would immediately elevate. Like I feel like Carrie Mumford. There's something about it that says dame to me. Carrie Mulligan is also a dame. She might just have to wait a little bit longer than Carrie Mumford.

I feel like Marcus Mumford. Great Carrie Mulligan. The first time I heard that name, I went, I was like, well, whoever, this fucking person is the best. Believe I to go see an education by myself in college.

You know, I remember you being very affected by an education. In fact, I remember when you made your Instagram bio. I am as pretty as Ryn confirm she's I've always adored this person.

So I just have a busy day. That's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying. But I don't want to truncate this episode. I love spending time with you. Of course, yes, clearly, Hey, so what else? What else is in the culture? I'm asked, let's talk about the shooter?


You want to talk about the shooter? Hello? Everyone, This is Matt just jumping in here quickly to say that we recorded this episode and then about an hour later they did catch the shooter. Yeah, so this episode is going to be a little bit of a time capsule to a time when we did not know who this person is and the Internet was not absolutely flooded with commentary about him. So enjoy a trip back into time.

Just incredible. The monopoly money in the backpack.

Oh yeah, what was that about.

He's just like pranking and trolling the cops. Yeah, it's amazing. It's incredible. It's also so fucking bleak that NYPD is basically like the third biggest army in the world and had not tracked down a killer call a spade a spade shooter has killed someone with an unusual weapon and a silencer that is meant to kill livestock that is meant to kill pigs specifically, which is also another poetic layer to this mm.

Hm, and they can't find him. Makes you think, is this a conspiracy episode? Jesus Christ.

Apparently they've found someone in Pennsylvania with ammunition and fake ideas that matched the description of the shooter and they are questioning him now. But I mean for basically six days as of this record, like this, this guy just topped on a bus at the Port Authority it's a it's amazing. Damn damn.

Well, the Port Authority is incredibly hard to navigate for absolutely, like even people that really are from New York, like you, you get why. Even NYPD is like, now wait where am I going? Because the Port Authority is tough. The signage, the signage, it's all just very confusing, you know. It does. He does look a little bit like Shallow May.

Uh, shallow May.


I feel like he has this Sebastian stand quality to him.


You know from that angle, just a darkness but a charm, much like Sebastian.

A darkness but a charm. Mm hmmm, darkness but a charm is title of app A darkness but a charm dot dot dot dot.

Okay, let's talk about aarras for it's an end of an eras.

Did you watch any of it?

I watched her final bow and the speech that she gave at the end, which was very very touching, very beautiful.

Yeah. No announcement, no Reputation TV announcement, no Taylor Swift TV announcement. I thought because I was watching the surprise songs and when she started with a place in this World, I was like, oh, here we go it's happening. I was like, we're going to see it matched up with something from rep then she went another way. It was kind of cool how in the acoustic section she was able to pretty much like get all of the eras in there. I loved New Year's Day, New Year's Day depending on the manuscript with the story isn't mine anymore. I was like, Jared, Actually, I was texting it with Jared and he said, in all caps, she's going to end on but the story isn't mine anymore. Watch and then she did true Taylor Swift Seer Jared.

Frieder prognosticator Jared Frieder, Yeah, absolutely, he holds that title.

Well, yeah, he did it. He did it on that one, No, I guess. And now now the the re releases are stretched into the New Year, and something we did not think would happen.

No reflections on the Aeros tour, reflections on maybe probably the I can't imagine this getting replicated anytime soon.

No, I actually was wondering. I was like, how does what does her next tour look like? Like? Does she just tour an album again? Like it like it? I think it's going to be something she in her mind totally.

Does she do like a lover festesque thing where she does like a few cities but many dates, But then does that feel like not even as expanse nearly as expansive as aeros Tour?

You know when you say that, like lover Fest, that makes me feel like, what if she did do her own like three day festival. She could do that, Like she's an industry enough where she could like do a Coachella all of her own where it's like she had opening acts on each day for three days and then came out like and did three shows in a row and it was like that. It seems to me like the next way someone like as like industrial and as you know, prolific as her, like that she could do something like that because that community would absolutely descend on Indio totally.

But it feels like, I mean, how many people ended up being what was the total sort of like reach or sales? I know it's two billion, but it's like how many how many people ended up seeing her total? I'm like, how like does she want to outdo that? But in like that sort of like festival format. It's it's interesting, she has a lot of ways to go and I just I think she would do the festival like in multiple locations, yeah, and travel with that, but not be quite as like, I don't know, like three days here, three days here, like you know, something, something with a different flavor.

Flavor flavorful new festival touring.

What if album twelve was called flavorful?

Oh my god, the flavorful era. I've been thinking for a very long time about flavors and how my favorite flavor could not be narrowed down to just one. I love the cherry flavor. I even love grape, and no one likes grape. When someone can I let me stop everything right now. When someone's favorite flavor is grape, what what do you do? Run for the hills. They're the killer. They are the They're the CEO killer. Trust me. When they find the CEO killer and they interrogate him and they slam their hands down on the table with their two palms like this, and they say, to your favorite flavor, he's gonna say grape, grape okay, And they're gonna be like you sick fuck. Go to the cheer good to the cheer fry, Am fry this grape lover.

Fry this grape lover. Hold on now back up the flavors tour.

What flavor is each arrow?


Oh my god, this is so fun. Okay, debut is vanilla?


I love vanilla.

Look, okay, I did not mean to I love vanilla. I get very excited about Vanela. I order it often.

I mean, okay, these these are all like first saw and I'm shooting from the head flowerless like a honey Yeah, like a little honey yogurt with some cheese seed.

And then.

Uh and then speak Now I'm gonna say, is like a gold leaf berry cheesecake.

Wow, you're being very artisaal about this, and then continue to be so thank you red.

Oh, well, that's gotta be cherry cherry or cherry or like a like a cinnamon spiced latte, nutmeg. And then on nineteen eighty nine, well.

That has to be cotton candy flavor, cotton.

Candy flavor, or like cotton candy dreams, cotton candy dreams. That's good cotton candy reputation. Oh that's gonna be black licorice. Ooh bitch polarizing.

Yes, especially sweetish, especially at first you squished of European and you know, thick and sugary dark dark D d A with apostrophilver it like tar rq E. And that's the way we're gonna spell dark in the title of this episode darkness. What was it?

Darkness? It was something a darkness and a charm darkness and a charm d apostrophe A r q.

U E N E S S. Yeah, and that's not lost Colt smelling Yeah.

Okay, okay, So now you Era and the lover Era, Well, that's con candy dreams to me.

I know.

Can you go back to nineteen eighty nine and give it another Yeah? I shouldn't have been you.

I should No, no, no, you're okay girl. I'm gonna say, nineteen eighty nine is blue gatorade? Holy fuck, hater raid no, no, I love blue gatorade. Oh are you doing a lot?

Did you ever go to a football game in high school and put a little vodka in your blue gatorade?

Honey? The cops are coming to your Austin hotel room.

Wait, arrest this man. We think he had too much fun in high school. Two hands down on the table, flavor blue gatorade with a little vodka.

You fuck Send him to the chair, but kiss me first. Wait, it's no I this is the final nineteen eighty nine flavor. This is the flavor that I'm gonna lock in. Give it diet coke, Chris clean, sharp, flavor and perfect. It's like you could you listen to it every day, you could taste it. I can have it every day. Can I tell you something before you say the rest of your flavors? Last night at Wicked in Austin, Texas, where everything and let me stress, this is as bigger I had.

I ordered a large slurpeye as I'm want to do. It was bigger than my head. I swear to you this. The coke slurpee was this big. I am literally I'm literally doing it.

I'm shaking.

It was and okay, Bowen, so was I because I was a little get this stone ten milligram edible for the for the film. I had never seen Wicked. Really high was it? If I took me on a ride? I think I cried again. It's my favorite number. I was physically shaking because I drank this huge had to be had to be ninety ounces of coke slurpey to the head so fast because I was so excited. During the beginning of the movie that I literally I was like, am I having an anxiety attacker? Had to drink my coke bit too fast. I was shaking. I could feel Jordan my basis next to me, being like, are you okay?

I was like, I don't think any of that is medically advisable.

I had to tell myself to calm down. I was like, Matt stop because then I started to get like, my god, I think I got too high and drank the coke up perchiefus because then I was like afraid of the movie. I was like, you've seen it. It's also wake up.

Well you know what I'm about to do for like a, oh I got too high moment? Well, just in terms of THHC. I'm like, WHOA, Like I need that, And.

Honestly was very humbling because I didn't think I could still get there right, But wow, did I get there. I was like, I thought you were christ.

I feel like you're a tank usually Am, But I'll.

Tell you who's a bigger tank. Is that Henry Kupersky character the weed that he and Ethan have. My god, I was like, where did you get it?

That's that's them being upstate wearing little you know, of beanies.

I don't know, they haven't been there in so long they live, but that's the vibe and the and the and and and Nick can vouch for this for themselves. Okay, so they're forever giving up to Okay, so you've corrected it to diet coke.

So cotton candy is lover I totally agree. Every time I think of a cotton candy, I think, excuse me, why is a long It's been a long time coming, right, It's.

Been a lot of time coming. And then folklore, I'm gonna say, is.


Yeah, this is the thing. Folklore is like a summer summer NIGRONI, something deep but also kind of open. You'r you've never heard of that ice cream flavor summer NEGRONI. Yeah, you need to open up an.

Ice cream shop. Do you have the bandwidth? Yeah? Totally I get you know, that's what the call is later in the day, Yeah, yeah, we're calling about our ice cream shop.

And then evermore is gonna be like a holiday.

Hm hmmm mm hmmm, like alout, like a yes, yeah, like a like a dark Christmas stout, A dark Christmas stout. That's fun. Tis the damn season?

And then and then midnights. I'm gonna say, is.

Oh, is it on the nose for it to be like lavender or something like? Is it totally no?

No, no, no, not on the nose. I think it's like a lavender has some dairy in it, magnesium, like kind of like concoction like something you something You're like, I want to knock the fuck out in a healthy way. But it's midnight.

You know.

She put an narcotics into all her creamy and and that's why you're a stupid Oh can you talk about tortured Poets and what flavor it is?

Tortured Poets? Is hospital hospital potato like a hospital No? No, no, like like like yeah, like hospital mash, hospital mash.

I don't agree with this. This is the only one I'm gonna come out hard against.

Go what do you want?

I think Torture Poets is like min chocolate chip. Oh interesting, rocky road because of the road that comes out at the top of the aristour portion.

Oh interest, and it was a rocky road.

The relationship with Mattie Heally, you understand absolutely for not the which, by the way, suddenly is my favorite song on the album. How did It happen. That's just Taylor for you, sneaky songwriting. Now my question to you is name the next album and what's the flavor the next era and flavor? Mm hmm.

I think she's gonna really try to go for like Asian Asian Taylor Asian pear. Asian pear is the flavor, and I think the album will be called Asian.

You should take her to Tokyo with you. Yes, she Taylor never did.

Yeah she did, she did Tokyo.

No. But what I'm saying is she never did yellow face like these other girls.

She never race baded like other girl.

She never she never really went there.

And now we're in a political we're in a post political landscape.

So post political landscape, no one cares anymore? Do yellow face again? Girls? Who cares? Oh God, come out with your unconditionally performances at the whatever? What performance was that that was at.

The MS or the AS? That was the AS?

By the way, guess what was confirmed for me? What Club thirty three is where Katie and Taylor had there falling out.

Who gave you the confirmation? Can you say?

I cannot say on this microphone, on this beloved, critically acclaimed widely listen to a podcast, how I know. But it was told to me that that is the truth. Oh my god, by someone in the dance community. I'll say that, And then that was.

The whole sort of crux of the conflict as we know. Mm hmm, intering. Interesting.

Interesting again, It's all alleged because me coming on here saying confirmed, like I know what the fuck I'm talking about. I'm just saying it's now come from several different sources who claim to know that definitely something went down with a glass of milk at Club thirty three. There was a breakdown in humor and commune indication between the two pop stars who were there at the same time. And after that is when she tried to sabotage and Arina tour went down. And even if it's not true, it is fun to think about how that happened at Disneyland. It's fun to think about.

Gosh, like, huge world shifting events start at Club thirty three. Absolutely, And then what I'm trying to say is like they can happen anywhere. It can happen with anything, a glass of milk, It can happen with a kind gesture you give to someone, a smile at the grocery store.

Yes, these are.

Wonderful things, you know what. I am back on my reading and Dia Tolantino gave her top books of the year.

Tell us about what they are.

They are rejectioned by Tony toolt the Moody. They are limitarianism, which is I forget the author's name, but she's basically writing about how she's making a case for how it's a very common sense thing. Actually, it's like we should just limit wealth. We should limit extreme wealth rather than eradicate poverty. We should limit wealth anyway. And then the third book is Charlotte Shane. She's a sex worker and she's writing about like how she like fell in love. It's very like it's kind of giving a Nora. It's like how she fell in love with or like maybe how she fell in love with like one particular person. But right now I'm on rejection by Tony toolet the Moody so readable, But like Giatlatino's saying is out here saying, this is one of the greats. He has written the craziest, most amazing, virtuastic endings to a short story ever. Ever, it's giving fucking Flannery O'Connor, bitch. It's giving Raymond Carver bitch. And I'm reading this. I'm going we all need to be reading this. Last Culture book Club is in effect. Matt, you love this stuff. You would love this. It is all about it's called rejection. It's short stories, and the threat is as you would assume, like moments of modern rejection and how we all see each other as instruments on the Internet and not as human beings, and how one moment of rupture and rejection will then shape a person's entire worldview going forward. And I'm like, this is I have not read something this relevant in a long time, and I really encourage you all to read it. But Gia, we stand you.

I also a four hundred member member of the Hall of Fame.

Gia did reach out and tell me that the legendary Zadi Smith was personally hurt that she was not on the Iconic four hundred and that she doesn't feel like she is cool enough to be on the Iconic four hundred. We are here to say, Zadi, if you're listening, you are a legend for all time. You are absolutely in the realm of the icon four hundred, and we are so sorry that we left you out, or if you feel excluded, but you are a fucking genius.

Zadie Smith, white teeth more like big legend. More like big legend that's actually really culture number eight. Zadie Smith, Smith White, whitey teeth, more like a big legend. If you appeared on a summer reading list from my middle school, Well, actually, let me take that back, because I can't say that everyone that appeared on my summer reading list in my middle school is a legend. But if your name is Zadie Smith, it is Zadie Smith.

Swing time more like slay bitch.

Let me let me say something bo Let me say something to you right now. Zadie Smith. On beauty more like on business. Oh my God.

Zadie Smith and w more like kiss kiss, We kiss you.

Zadie Smith the autograph man more like the iconic woman.

God, you're so good at this day. Smith the fraud more like the sensation. Zadie Smith changing my mind. We're like making me horney.

Zabi Smith, the wife of Willisdon more like the writer of dreams period. We I think made up for it right there. I hope that you feel as though even though I can't believe that you think this could validate you anymore than Oh you are you are a legend.

Isn't it ridiculous?

How you have?

I mean, these are all finalists. This is the thing, you know, we don't realize that the finalists. Sometimes the finalists are they just want to be in on it. And but there is a place for you. You're literally a finalist.

There's a place Somewhere's aady, a place for best. Okay, wait, can you talk about who I'm calling? Sexy funny kind? Paul?

Sexy funny kind, Paul. Yes, this is one of our great talents, Paul mescal Of course, what a lovely, lovely man, and I wish him nothing but the best for the future. He is someone who has always delivered things of devastating beauty, and he certainly gave us that inexperience and in content and performance in comedy on SNL Season fifty, episode eight.

Wow, I really like the way you said all that. What I was thinking as well, in addition, is that he looked like he was having fun, which is my note as a viewer to all the hosts is like, you gotta have fun, you got fun, jump in, splash.

Around, splash splash.

I feel like when they're terrified, you can see it. Don't say yes to it if you're scared.

But I don't blame them. I have terrified. Yeah, I don't blame them at all. And what a fun time. I mean a great show for the guys and the girls.

Heidi was amazing in this episode.

I thought Heidi is incredible.

I really liked when she said, shahboosy, I'm about to show on my shaboossie pussy. I actually couldn't believe it made it on the air. It's like that's when you remember this is on late Adult Humor.

Adult Humor. Shout out to the cast. I really love this cast. I'm having a love affair with the cast.

Are you having a good time this year?

Having a great time this year? And andrews Muke's the King?

You all?

I love Andrew James, Austin Johnson The King, Chloe Fyneman, the Queen, a Wodham the Queen, Sarah Sherman you know about I still actually feel like Sarah's coming back soon.

I was gonna say because I took the one episode where I was taking a break and like then I turned around and you booked the legend for the week.

I was like, I did not mean to do that.

No, it wasn't anything that you did. I was just like, because I remember saying to you. Then I was like, we need to book her again asap. And so now is the time we need the Squirm back because who more do we want to hear about Salt Lake City then than the Squirm?

No, and then she also has the encyclopedic acknowledge to remind us all that Carlton cursed Kyle Richard's computer or something.

Wait, Sarah. I also heard Sarah's out here claiming that she loved Antik before everyone else.

That's not true.

It's not true at all, the Witch.

No, No, it actually is true because Sarah Gilestium and I were at Sarah's celestium where my guests for the Watch It Happens Live that I did with Njik. It was anti K's first I remember, well, yes, and I remember going into that Watch it Happens Live thinking told the story all the times, but I was just like, oh Anngiek whatever, Sure, yeah, but then I went in and was just so utterly charmed, charmed her, Electra and Sean. I was like, this is a beautiful family, and then Sarah's lust and I were like, wait, we stand Angie now. And ever since it's been we've been only been validated. We love you, ANGIEK so much.

Angie. It has been a joy. And this, by the way, hasn't By the way, her being in conflict so intensely with Meredith has not lessened my love for Meredith Marks at all. Meredith, thank you for your service. We love you, we appreciate you, and all the ladies of Salt Lake City all. It's just that in the totality, while your personal experience may be bad, it is an incredibly enjoyable experience to watch ANGIEK rise. I reached out to Andy about it. I was like, Andy, have you ever been so blown away by the rise of a housewife? And he confirmed he is ecstatic with anjik and he told me this is an exclusive. Andy told me that the rest of the season stays this good, and that the finale and the reunion both are hitting his words, stellar and deliver.

That is something that we as an audience did not I would say expect, given the explosive finale last year.

I think we're in for something just as good in a different way. By the way, can I also say I would invite Brittany back? Brittany is Brittany is also Chinese. Brittany gives you a very specific function on the ships. Yes, she's very good with her high body count hair. She has high BodyCount hair. Her tech talks are getting crazy. Beca says, in what way, Becca elaborate on how Brittany Bateman's tiktoks are getting crazy? All right, I had to come of mic for this. Basically, she is a secret theater kid and she's saying she's been just doing these like amazing singing videos like these, Becca, not too much on theater kids. Let me just warn you right now, I am like a closet theater kay, for sure.

But it's just been crazy.

People are like, girl, get off this app stop singing like we don't want to hear.

Oh no, no, don't tell her, don't silence Britney babes for you paid.

But the comments are mean.

It makes me sad.

No, I'll see lot.

But she is posting a lot, a lot of singing. You got a beautiful voice.

She's an amazing voice. She is one of our great Disney cast members Disneylan, she was Disney World, she was Orlando.

That makes sense, Yeah, yeah, yeah, well she definitely was like truly playing the lead roles, like the entreen roles of the Disney Girls. I just like her because I love anyone who says I have never been so offended in my life in a tone like that, what about me? Hey, you guys, this this is crazy, what about me? It's funny because she's saying these big statements like I have never been so offended in my life, but this is like a Disney princess. Yes, yes, yes, I used to raise my voice in a way it will harm it. Hey, I have never been so offended in my life. I'm crying.

You said that I sleep with ten ten guys.

Ten guys. I said three, three guys, three guys.

That did bother me though, And I'm sorry. I gotta put Bronwyn on the block again.

You and you you have been coming. Really, God, it's like you're not a fan.

These tiny tweaks to the truth, Adam, And it is. It is a form of I don't know, like I'm not to say the word. It is a form of g of gas gas lighting.

I'll say it for you she went back to this she did, and like for her to immediately fuck over Brittany like that in that moment, I'm like, see, you think you're being fun and messy, but it's actually like it's it's too hyper.

Aware of the cameras.

Meanwhile, Angie K is perfectly perfectly situated in her awareness. All right, here's what I'll say. I get calling out Brohnman for her behavior, which was definitely a little scorched earth like fuck it, I'm film like I'm throwing my hands up him just starting fires to start fires. But had she not, we would not have gotten MGK getting kicked out by Meredith Socarty. We wouldn't have a lot of the stuff. We wouldn't have had high body count hair. Had bron When not made moves in that moment, So I don't know, like bron when was she chaotic evil in that moment? Yes? Was it net good for the episode?

Yes, she thinks she's chaotic evil, she doesn't have it And listen like, so you know how like you can sum up a guy's vibe by saying that he's a hello, milady, like I think she's a takes several seats, I think that's her.

She's a white lady. Saying she's a white lady saying.

Takes several seats exactly.

She did say who child at one point, and I go, all right, that's enough. I don't know. Is who child not something a white woman from Salt Lake can say? Married to a man named Todd?

I don't think so well.

I don't know. I'm clean up the dog Douchie in your house first before you dip into the particular. Remind me, are all her dogs named after breaking bad characters? I don't know what show is it. There's some show that her first episode. We have to find this out. Bronwin Newport dog names? Can we just get? Honestly, that should just be the title of episode bron Win Newport dog names? Okay? Oh? House of Cards? How they're all House of Cards characters? Which it's so funny to me?

Is there not a darkness with no charm there?

Listen? I am not a Bronwin hater. I'm actually a bron Win fan. I'm a Bronwin Newport fan. I think Bronwin Newport is exactly the type of real housewives. She's here to stay and she and I'm great with that. I just she's your villain of the show. She's your villain.

Absolutely she is. Absolutely she is. And but look that means that means she's doing well, like she means met a villain.

Love it. I love it and Angie Kay in the one spot.

Look, I'm not out here being a full Bronwin hater. I just you know, it's it's like, you know, people feel strong things about these people, and I feel like I have an insight into that, Like however people feel about It's like SNL cast members, It's like we're just comedians.

You know, Yeah, these are just housewives. But you know, have your opinion. That's what makes the world go around discourse. It's actually Ruler culture number thirty one. That's what makes the world go around discourse.

I got to ask, was there a vibe between you and Jake Shane on Therapusty A vibe like a sexual vibe. I think people reached out to me and said, are they're flirting?

He had a very brotherly vibe. I am extremely warm to him, and I think he'd be a fabulous guest on this podcast.

He would be a fabulous guest on this podcast. This is my thing, So this is a phenomenon now, because you even saying that I had a vibe with Sean Evans, I'm like, Oh, what's what's going on here? Like I think there's a lot of suffusion from the outside end being like there's a vibe, and I'm like, no, there wasn't. Same with you and Jake, same with me and Ams on Catti his podcast, Who's the Asshole? And everyone's like there was a vibe, and I'm like, no, I think we were just being two gay guys. I don't think that.

In fact, I established pretty quickly up top. I was like, because I do feel this way about him, He's like a little brother to me. I was like, I see him out here. He can't because of two reasons. He can't help it. Yeah, and he doesn't know his words, but he does know his heart, and I've been seeing him out.

He doesn't he does know his words. He's I find him very smart, very funny, and he's so he's so interesting too. I stand. I love Jake.

I had the best time on that podcast, and you should listen to it if you haven't. Therapists. But I told him, I was like, you need to come on Lost Coach because Boone would adore you.

Oh, I love him. I was supposed to go. I was supposed to do it and I was in LA but I just didn't have time.

Oh yeah, it's it's a must. You would have a fabulous episode with him. And I can't wait to welcome him to the pod because allegedly, are you coming to Los Angeles?

Not until feb problem.

But you are coming in feb I think, so when is all of the cool SNL stuff happening in February? Like the Radio City of it All is that announced?

It is February sixteenth, the week the week of So I guess it's the week of February tenth. But then I would have to be back in New York for that week.

That might be right after I wrap a thing and I might be able to come.

Could be fun. They're not giving us plus ones.

Oh okay, well I didn't think so.

I mean, because it's like it's literally like a million people.

No, yeah, of course, Yeah. I meant by come, I meant come to New York and do my own thing. That's what actually I had meant by that. I just meant that I could see you, like maybe a couple of days after once you're down and everything that I meant when I said that.

I can't and you can't. I can't, I can't.

Oh okay, well you have my information, and you know I want to pitch to the readers. I had an idea to do an entire episode of this podcast, which is as if.

Bone and for the first time. Yes, I think that's a great episode. And then that's a full like first date vibe, not like romantic date, but it's just like our first time meeting.

Well I don't know, bo, you just took it off the table. Damn, Oh my god, no way.

Well now wait wait you just took it right off the table. Well rp kfs, let us know what you think of that premise. I think that could be very fun.

I think we have to film it. Like I come in and I'm like, Hi, it's so nice to meet you. Finally I've heard the best things. I am a fan. Oh or should I come in like and not know you at all? And like I sit down and it's just like, so tell me what you do. And then you tell me you're on SNL and I have to react to.

That, right, and then you tell me about no good deed and then what was Lisa Kudro like, way.

I will tell you all all the tea.

I think it could be very fun.

It comes out tomorrow, you guys, if you're listening to this on Wednesdays, no good deed comes out. I guess tonight at midnight, it's gonna be so great. And I get this. So I went to the premiere. It was the night of my first show in LA and that was a busy day, but I really wanted to make time to go to the premiere for two reasons. One, I'm so proud of it and wanted to celebrate it. And two I found this shirt that I loved. I was thrifting with Greta on Melrose and we walked into this place called Lost Days and I found this shirt, this like silk blue shirt with skulls on it, and I was like, I love this shirt and they were like, come on, now, get the cart out, and I said, all right, I think I have somewhere to wear it. And I really wanted to wear it, and I got to wear it. So I was at the premiere and I said to Lisa Kudro, I said, listen, I don't know if you do podcasts but if you do like Bowen, and I would absolutely love to have you on the podcast.

And she goes okay, yeah. In her like Lisa West, She's like, oh yeah, okay, cool, let's do it. I was like, oh yeah, sure.

Putting it out there, and I talked to Linda, who said she was like, do you know, I was going to have that be my first podcast, but you were out of town. I was like, okay, we'll figure that out too. Linda would be Linda's first podcast. She does well because when we were on stand Now she asked about the podcast. She's so nice, by the way, like, you know, I actually think out of everyone on the cast, the person I was the most gagged for was actually Linda Cardelini. Like I I told her at the end of shooting when I had I only have one scene with her. It's actually in the first episode, but I told her at the end when we were done, I was like, this was so cool. I am such a fan. And she was like like that so kind. But she had asked about the podcast and asked about you, and she asked when we get started and stuff, and I was like, you know, we would love to have you. And she was like well, you know, I don't really do a lot of podcasts, and I was like, totally respect that, Like she is the character actress, like she's just so fucking good, et cetera. But she goes I was gonna do the podcast. I was actually gonna do a podcast for like the first time, and I was like, well, we have to make it work, So putting that out there as well, putting out their four names Linda Cardellini, Lisa Kudro, Lady Gaga, and Selin Deon and Angie K and Anik. Should ANGIEK be the third third housewife ever on the pod? Yes? Should we try to figure that out for next week? Yes, ANGIEK virtual episode. This is officially a call out.

We hope it happens. If not, no worries King Becca is on it.

She just said, texting Anna, all right, I think it's hyper.

I don't think Sonny.

I think so too, because I think this episode ended up going even longer than Bowen wanted it to go, because he had so expressed earlier wanting to be really sure, but that I think he had so much fun with me I did.

I always love my girl. I'm excited to see you this weekend.

I'm gonna well, I'm gonna go to SNL. Yes for Gracie. I love Gracy, Gracy, congratulations, I love and all your success. Okay, do you want to go first, because we already know what yours is? Yeah, I do, I do, I do? All right, So this is this is I don't think so honey, Bowen Yang. And by the way, I don't think so honey is a one minute segment where we rail and rant against something in pop culture that we just don't find savory. And this is Bowe Yang. I don't think so honey. As time starts now, I don't think so honey.

Giselle brian Ooh, I should have known that you could not have maintained my goodwill, much less the wider, greater goodwill of the people, which is the audience that watches your show. The real has as a potomac for very long. I enjoyed the time we had. I enjoyed this little period. But you God, having the fucking curse of talking to Robin Dixon on the regular and saying actually eyes about our friend Joel Kim Booster, actual documented lies, and we've seen the receipts and the proof that since whatever, there's just proof that you not even like twisted the truth a little, but you full on made shit up about this whole situation between you and ten seconds about his fucking genitalia, Like, don't do that, Like I'm not going to talk about your kids, I'm not going to talk about your body. Don't fucking talk about my friend like that. Five second, you fucking suckubist.

I'll call you that.

You're a demon from the mouth of hell and I hate you.

And that's one minute certainly interesting for her to go on and on about body shaming and then get on her parlay and talk about the size of someone's hiness on a television show. You are a total loser.

You're a loser, period, Like get I was enjoying her show. Doesn't me too? And I watched it. I was like, cut out the gazelle stuff. I don't really care. I really don't care.

How is she allowed to just say that on her podcast? Like no one's gonna say anything about that?

Well whatever, like your ugly ass house enjoy it's not it's still not finished.

Yeah, she she really got on that podcast and actually said those things.

It's crazy.

It is completely insane. Over a situation that she wasn't even involved in, like that was between Joel and Shannon Badoor, which you know, maybe it shouldn't have been to begin with, but Joel.

Knows that and knows that, and look like everyone is, everyone is going through their own ship. But also like Gizelle, you're lying to you.

Say one thing and do another, and you're lying to your fucking stupid ass friend Robin Dixon, who could not keep a job on that show because she was bad.

God, listen, Okay, do you have one?

Do I have one?


Yeah, Okay, I have one.

Okay. This is Matt Rodgers. I don't think so many his time starts.

Now. I don't think so, honey. Ravioli the way I always think than you actually are, and you're very easy to fuck up. It's extremely easy to overcook ravioli, as I find out, you know, very often. And here's the thing I'm not saying, I don't think so, honey, the good ravioli, If you're the good ravioli at here, I'm not talking to you. You continue to be fabulous. What I'm talking about is, I don't think so, honey. These raviolis that are a little bit overcooked, and especially when you bite into it and you get that mealy farding. You know what I'm saying. I don't think so, honey, Ravioli. I trusted you. I really opened my heart up to trust I opened my heart up to trust you, Ravioli, and then guess what, you failed me. And also it's not the first time food has failed me in the past week. Because here I am in Austin, Texas, and I had a bad taco. No are you serious, I'm supposed to come here and eat the good tacos and I had a.

Bad five seconds good taco.

Psych it was a bad taco. I don't think it's honey, of these foods.

That's one minute. You really went into a Britney Bateman. There have you ever been so offend in my life?

That's how I talk now that I'm a singerer. Oh my god, bad taco, bad bad Ravioli. Well, first of all, I like you bad pattal On that I'm not talking about the good Raveo. I'm talking about the bad one. Well, I guess it should have been. I don't think so, honey, bad rave featuring bad taco in Austin. I know you know what it should have been. I don't think so, honey. I went bad taco in Austin and that was crazy. It was a little bit of like expenditure feta and I'm not gonna lie. I'm not gonna lie. And can I say something? And I want to. I want to compliment the Delta Lounge because you know what they've added, and I do think this was your power scrambled egg grambled. Have you noticed this?

I have adults. Allounge has been slang lately, I said.

But I'm just saying there was a ravioli moment and adults a lounge that I believe. I believe the ravioli was a little overcooked. And that's as privilege as I'm gonna get on this episode.

I want to say something. I want to put out there. Bring back meat or protein filled. I mean, I guess cheese counts, but I'm saying, like, I want meaty ravioli.

I would like that.

I want start here, Yeah, but I want Chef boyer d inspired ravioli, red sauce, meat, shards of meat and then meat. What was the taco? What was the taco filling?

It was just a chicken taco.

Can I be honest?

With you.

The chicken tacos were fine. It was the case of da actually that really disappointed me. I was like, wait a second, this amateur hour Casadia. Anyway, I won't say from where. I don't want to burn down a business. You know, I actually have been really I went to Rainey Street in Austin. I remember the last time I was here. I was like, what the fuck happened to Rainey Street? But Rainy Street's kind of back. There was live music happening, everywhere was open, the bars team popping and had that Austin flavor. I'm actually one of my favorite restaurants tonight, which is called Anthem. And you know who I'm seeing tonight, Christy Shackleford. Oh my god, Christy, which she's in her hometown. Yes, she gets the dream life. She gets to live in the city she writin and have her family and also win Emmy after Emmy after Emmy for John.

Oliver and give if you're lucky on one year the acceptance speech, the acceptance speech for I think Emmy is twenty twenty one, several years ago. Yeah, she was God eight. We love you, Christy Shackleford.

She's the best. We used to work together at the ride. She was my favorite person to work at the ride with. We met in Story Pirates. We remember we would come here to Austin all the time. I would usually direct those ones and I would put together my dreamcast. It was you, Christy, Rachel Winiski, Henry on keys.

And then Christy would take it, would chose around and take us to bars. And then I think she introduced me to Torchies Tacos before they expanded.

Oh my god, wait, were you on the Story Pirates trip where I got in the fight with the taco truck guy.

I seem to remember, yes, yes, I was there. This is years and years a week because we went to that bar where we played like cornhole or something and then you go to fight. Yeah, I went missing.

I went missing because I was really in it with the taco truck guy because I handed the guy at fording and then he handed me back like three d yes. I was. I was like, excuse me, like I gave you a lot more money than this, and he was like, I don't know what you're talking about. But I remember being really upset because I was like dirt poor at the time. Oh, we didn't have money, and I was also drunk and started crying like that was that was giving? That was giving twenty five years old. We were twenty five. Rachel and Knit Si was on that trip too, Yes, yes she was. That was that was an iconic.

That's a fun group.

When we used to perform in college station.

Yes, college stationed. Oh my god, Texas A and M Is that what that is?

I think? So yeah, yeah, well I remember it was like a college campus and I remember I remember putting together like the gayest cast ever to go do our like and wait, oh wait, what was that? What was this?

I remember there was a story where I came into the audience and saying.

You came to the audience because you were like the great mother bird and you were like I've said, and I played like the bird. That was like trying to become a singer or something.

And then I was not a supportive mother to you. I don't know.

I wanted to be a dancer and you had never been a supportive mother to me. And then you came from the crowd and you were like, I just want to see I want to tell you that I know you're a dancer. We need to find that. That was so good and all the kids were like absolutely standing.

That was a great audience. Those kids were a great crowd. They were like they were with it the time. Yeah, I mean listen, look for the children, Look for the children. Okay, well, get another lost coach, yet another lost coach. We never failure.


We should announce now we will be taking a little break around Christmas into the new year. Yeah, we deserve that much.

So we're gonna do an episode next week.

So what is it?

December eighteenth will be our last episode, So next week, yes, and then we're gonna we'll see you back on January fifteenth. Yes, so we're gonna get it some nice time off. I'm gonna finish my tour and then get some get some rest and bowenus gonna have a fabulous time in Tokyo. But what we're putting out there for next week is that we're gonna end the year with Andrew k.

That would be so sublime.

Wow, I think it would be sublime. All right.

We had every episode with.

The song oh my god, what will it be today? What will it be? Today? 'tis the domn s?

You could got anything? Weekend? This this Caesar rod ewisode, staying on a parent's.

House and the Road The Room, I Know Taylor's best Christmas song.

Bye Last Culture Actis is the production by Will Ferrell's Big Money Players in My Heart Radio podcasts.

It's created and hosted by Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang. Executive produced by Ana Hasnier and.

Hans Sondi, produced by Becker Ramos, edited mixed by Doug Babimmie fla Board and.

Our music is by Henry Komerski. Hey everybody, it's me Matt Rogers, letting you know. Tickets are on sale now to see me on tour, the Prince of Christmas Tour. That is, I'm doing my whole album Have You Heard of Christmas? Plus a lot more with the whole band all throughout December. Go to www dot Matt Rodgers official dot com to see me in a city near you

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

Ding dong! Join your culture consultants, Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang, on an unforgettable journey in 
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