FINDING FREEDOM "Broken Hearts and Wounded Emotions"
Lakeshore Senior Pastor: Gil Dirmann
5 Fundamental Ministries of Jesus
1. Salvation
2. Holy Spirit Baptism
3. Spiritual Deliverance
4. Healing
5. Emotional Restoration
Healing comes in 2 primary ways
1. Miraculous (instantaneous) healing
2. Progressive/Restorative healing
2 Key Truths
1. Jesus heals broken hearts
2. Jesus heals emotional bruises
Healing (Acts 10:38) - (gk) iaomai - To administer medication to a sick patient as a treatment/cure until they are whole. Not instant, but progressive.
Recover (Mark 16:18) - (gk) kalos - To progressively get better until well
Broken (Luke 4:18) - (gk) suntribo - Grapes smashed into wine; bones crushed beyond repair
Liberty (Luke 4:18) - (gk) aphesis - To loosen from the detrimental effects of a bruised life. Denotes emotional/mental healing.