KSR Postgame UK MBB vs WKU 11/26/24

Published Nov 27, 2024, 4:25 AM

Matt and Billy recap the Cats' 87-68 win vs Western Kentucky University.

Welcome everyone. It is the local twenty Dealers KSR postgame show. I am Matt Jones here on the Tuesday night before Thanksgiving talking with you as the Cats beat Western eighty seven to sixty nine and kind of a disjointed, ugly game in Repperena, first game of the year. Kentucky hasn't covered or hit their over, but still gets a victory at home to go to six and oh on the season, first time. They've been six and oh since twenty seventeen, so it's been a while since we've gotten this number, but we have now and you can give a shout. Listen, this is the last postgame show before Thanksgiving. So if you have things that you are thankful for, this is what we're gonna do. Billy. Everyone that calls has to tell me something they're thankful for. And it can't be like your wife or your kids, or your family or something like that. You know what I mean. It can't be like it can't be like a member of your family or your girlfriend. Does that make sense?

It does? I think that's you have to be thankful.

You have to be it's thankful of something that it and it can be like something serious or it can be something goodfy, but it just can't be famous. I don't want everybody calling and go, I'm thankful for my loving kids and all that. Like, we get it. You like your kids, you like your wife, you like your husband. I understand that this is thankful for something else or someone else, all right, So that's what we'll do if I'm nine to eight twenty two eighty seven, So don't leave me hanging here with thankfulness right before Thanksgiving. I'm thankful Kentucky got the victory over Western Kentucky. I never really felt like the game was in danger. But I also do not think Kentucky played well. I mean, it's a testament to how good this team is offensively that I actually think they played pretty poorly offensively and scored eighty seven points. That's that's that's really impressive. I thought defensively, Kentucky was pretty good really until the end, and then Western was so exhausted they couldn't hit shots. You know, I think our our pay and Western's a very fast paced team themselves, but our pace of play and our pressure, I think wearing teams down is really going to be something we do really well this year, especially early in the year. You know, that might might change a little bit as the year goes on, but as teams get more in shape. But early in the year, I think, I think our pace has been a really important thing really all season long, and I felt like I felt like tonight it was like that as well. You know, some thoughts are some of our top guys really showed up when it mattered. Otega Oway was excellent. I mean, he is making a case to say, you know what, maybe it's not Jackson Robinson it's the best player. Maybe it's me. Six for fourteen from the field, got some big buckets. Another big game for Andrew Carr eighteen points, ten boards. I think now the two most physical games that Kentucky's played, which have been this game in the game, have also been Andrew Carr's two best games. Maybe something to watch going forward because I think I think the scouting report on playing against Kentucky is gonna be to go physical. I think that's gonna be to the extent there's a legacy of this game. I think teams are gonna look at this game and say, get physical with Kentucky, get in their face, make them out physical you, and make them beat you off the dribble because they Western really played tight, physical defense. It led to forty nine fouls being called, which is too many. But I think you're gonna see what what Western did tonight is what I think some of the untalented teams in the SEC are how they're gonna try to play Kentucky. So I think your South Carolinas, your Mississippi States, your Missouri's that the way Western played, I think is how they're gonna play. I think this is how Clemson will play us next week or yeah, I guess it is next week, a week two, a week from tonight that I think we'll see more of this because Western had some success doing that as well. Kobe Braya started one for five from three, but hit two big ones. I thought in the second half he had nine, and then Kirk Crease, I thought, with a really good game with eight some struggles. Jackson Robinson two for nine, not one of his best games. I still don't think we've seen the best of him yet. It's shown up in a couple of instances, but probably our two most difficult games, Duke and Western have been his two worst games. So I'm hoping that we have during this Clemson Gonzaga stretch. One of these tough games. I want to see him play. I want to see him play well in a tough game. It was not a good night for Amari Williams. He did end up with ten rebounds and he had eight points, but there was some ugly offense. He had six turnovers in the first half. And you know, I heard Pope say in his comments after the game that Omaro will get better at initiating the offense. That's my only my We were talking about how there's like nothing to complain about about the Pope era, and I really don't think there is. If I could, if I had to have one small complaint, I'm not a big fan of the awe of seeing our center when it is either Williams or Garrison dribbling and driving to the basket from the top of the key. I don't. I don't think that's their strength. And a Mari's a good passer, but I think he's a He also throws some bad passes, So I get that. A big part of the way Mark does it is by having the five out there, uh basically, and you know, at the top of the key, you get four playmakers with opportunities to get to the basket. I get the theory behind it, and you've seen in the NBA with Jokic and Anthony Davis and guys that can do that, how effective that could be. You know, I just I don't know if that's Amar Williams and Brandon Garrison or not. There have been some good moments, but tonight we see when they kind of get the idea, especially a Mari to take to the basket. I don't know that that's our most effective thing in the world. But they did rebound the ball well. And you know this is nitpicking. We won by nineteen points, right, I mean, Western Kentucky is a good not a great team, but a good team, and they won by nineteen points. And honestly, I think they cut it to six at one point in the second half, but the game never really felt in danger to me at any point. Billy is here, Billy is a Western fan. Did you feel like that was a good performance from your Hilltoppers?

Yes, yes, it's very satisfied with the fight and the effort those guys show tonight. I mean I was feeling it, and when there were only six points down in the second half, I know you didn't feel it, but I sure did well.

I mean, I think they were one or two possessions away from it being a real game. I mean, I think if they could have gotten it, I think after it was six, we came down and I think we got a two straight layups, maybe on back to back plays, which got it to ten. But if it had gotten or four, Billy I would have been a little concerned. You know.

At one point Western's big had some cramps and had to go out, and that allowed Mark Pope to go small. So we saw Kobe Brea, Jackson, Robinson and Otega away on the floor at the same time.

And I don't think there's any doubt. I think the best version of Kentucky offensively is with Carr at the five, but they really do suffer with that group in rebounding, in defense. So you know, it's a constant balance because but I don't think there's any doubt when they want to score car at the five, Robinson or Brea at the four, that's their best lineup to score. And so it's probably a constant balance for Pope is to can you do that without sacrificing too much defensively And the same thing happening against Duke. Remember when their big went out. We were able to do that and had a lot of success. So you know, if you're kind of drawing up the recipe of a game of a of a team to give Kentucky a hard time, you got to have a five that's like that dude was or whatever on Duke and what was the guy's name, Tonine? He was a he's a decent player. He's a good player. Yeah, he a good free throw shooter. Those guys I think will give Kentucky problems because you got to put a Mario or Garrison in to play against him, and then that does eliminate one possible shooter from the outside. But nevertheless, I think a nice win for Kentucky. I liked what Mark said after the game about this is what a first round NCAA tournament game could be like, and I think that's right. I mean, you know, we won by eighteen, but there's a world that that could have been a three point game with four minutes to go, right, and you you know, we've lost games against like this in recent years, so it was nice to see us not particularly play well, not necessarily do what we wanted to do offensively still score eighty seven points and still win by eighteen. That I mean, I don't know how you can't be generally pleased about that. So eight five, nine, two eighth twenty two eighty seven. Love to hear what you think about the game. There's a lot of basketball going on right now as we speak. Houston gets an and one to tie the Crimson Tide. Alabama's been up most of the game. Houston just and one to tie against Alabama. That game is on TE and T. I think on T and T right No TBS, it's on TBS right now. It's T and T Sports, but the game is on TBS right now. With five and a half minutes to go. Duke is playing Kansas. Kansas up too at halftime. Kansas got up twelve, but it's a two point game. Iowa State is playing Dayton. You got a chance to have in the Maui Invitational. Most people thought the championship would be Yukon Iowa State, And if Dayton can hold on, you might have Yukon Iowa State playing for the seventh seat, which is for seventh place. Wow, it's absolutely crazy. One of those two teams you Connor, I was taking go home with three losses in the Invitational. And how about Danny Hurley, my goodness, losing his mind out there. You gotta wonder if he spontaneously combust during their game tomorrow. Who knows? So A five nine two twenty two eighty seven, give us a shout. Let us know what you're thankful for, Grant and Nelson for Alabama stinks. We'll be right back. This is the Local Toy Dealers KSR postgame show. Unterback. It is the Local Toy Dealers KSR postgame show. Alabama hadn't scored him five minutes and they're now down four to Houston. I'm reading a lot of messages that say, we were not on for the first three minutes of the postgame show. Why did you do that? Really? Why did you not?

I don't know what happened, but we quickly got the problem fixed and if that ever happens again, you can listen on eight whas.

But you're the producer, like, why didn't you have it all? I mean, who you? Who? Can your only person sitting there who?

I'm not blaming anybody else. I'm not blaming anybody else. I'll take the blame.

Are you going to take the blame. Yeah, okay, I mean I'm I'm told people had to listen to Glenn Beck, Billy, it is Thanksgiving. Well, people want to be thankful to not have to listen to Glenn back, and you made them listen to Glenn Beck. I feel like you owe all of these listeners driving home an apology. They had to listen. I didn't even know Glenn Beck was still existed, and you made them listen to him. Why did you do that?

Well, again, I'll take the blame, but I'm not apologizing for anything.

So you know me, I don't understand you're going to take the blame but not apologize that. How do you make what's that distinct?

I mean, it's my fault, but I'm not apologizing, So that's kind of what's what's happening.

I don't know what that means. You it was your fault, but you're not apologizing. So it's like, it's my fault, but I wanted.

I'll take the blame, but I'm not apologizing.

And is that like, is that like a thing you just don't like apologizing?

No, I'm just uh's got a lot of irons in the fire. Mat So we're just trying to keep everything on the air, you know, all.

Right, keep doing all right? Who's up first, Doug, Doug guy. First of all, Doug, what are you thankful for?

I'm thankful that Billy messed up, so I actually got onto the radio show for the first time because.

Because nobody knew you, nobody knew who to call, all right, So that said, thank you, Billy, You're you're amazing. That said, I don't know what you talked about yet or not, Matt, I'm first time in a very long time.

It was.

It's fine. I mean, it's been like a decade, but fair enough.

All right, Well man, we're both from Millsborough, you know, you know my sisters.

But anyway, it's it was really refreshing tonight to watch a game where we were sloppy and struggled to shoot and generally didn't play well and you look down and we will scored, you know, ninety whatever and beat a team by over twenty like this game last year is a loss. It's not a nail bier, or maybe not last.

It's a nail byer. It's a nail bier. I agree with you. First of all, who is your sister you said, just.

First name, Amy, Kay, Amy k Okay.

I know your sister, Yes, tell her, I said, hello. The Uh, yeah, you're right. I mean, this is a game where it is a seventy three sixty eight game in years past, because we just couldn't put up, we couldn't score enough. I think to uh, the separation.

Exactly only the worst case scenario un C. Wilmington Evansville, we actually lose.

Yeah, No, I mean it's plausible. I think those would have been plausible results now. I mean to be fair, and I appreciate the call to cal he won games like this as well. I mean, I mean they would win him. But I agree with you. I don't think the cushion would have been the same, in part because Mark Pope continues to push the pace even when things aren't going well. Cows like Col's inclination when things weren't going well was to slow it down. That was that's always his inclination. Sometimes that worked a lot of times it didn't. Mark's Pope. Mark Pope's view is all right, we haven't scored. We're going to keep going, keep going, keep going, keep going. And that might result in the game sometime this year where a two point deficit becomes twelve or fourteen because we didn't slow it down. But I also think it leads to EUROP six and you quickly get it out to fourteen, And so I think that is what happened tonight. So I agree with you. I think that this would have been I'm not gonna say it certainly would have been a loss, but I do think it was a game that would have been potentially a lot closer in a different style. And like you said, to score eighty what was it, eighty seven, eighty nine, eighty seve eighty Yeah, to score to score eighty seven in a game where you don't particularly play well, is is really actually really really good?

Who's next, Josh?

Josh? What are you thankful for?

Oh gosh, I haven't early thought about what I'm thankful for.

Uh. I mean, I'm gonna put you on hold until you haven't. You got that? That was the I got it?

Okay, my wife, but who I've been married to for.

The thirty month, putting back on home, putting back on home, putting back on home. Remember I said, you can't say you're family members because that's too easy. Now do these people not know the rules because you put on Glenn Beck. Is that what happened, Billy, is that they didn't hear the rule.

I mean, that's very, very post possible.

Okay, so I'm gonna say I'll put that guy back on in a minute. You have to come in with something you're thankful for that is not your wife, your kids, your mother, like, it can't be a family member. It can be something else or somebody else, but it's got to be like that's that's the all right, So let's try the next pert, next person.

Okay, Tory, Tory, go ahead.

What are you thankful for?

Well, since I had to listen to the Glenn Beck Show, they said that Walmart wasn't making d I hires anymore, which I don't even know what that means, but I guess that's good.

So you're thankful for that. Okay, there you go, all right? Good, no more, no more wal I didn't know Walmart was doing that, but you're glass You're thankful they're not, all right, So what do you guys?

I got a couple of things. One you said that you know, it got down the sixth in the second half, it didn't ever feel like w K you was ever actually go and like make a run, just because I just didn't think they could hit enough shots, and just because every time they threw up a three, you feel like a brick every single time. But then I have a fair I have a fair foul question for you. So you like to read it at like red baseball game, you bring a magazine or a book, and that's fine, that's great to not There were about three rows in front of us. There was a couple ladies and they were watching Dancing with the Stars during the game, and it.

Thees yeah, and they were blaring the sound.

Like I said, they were three rows of a front of us, and it was so loud, Like I was so distracted from the game because like it was just blaring.


Okay, so great question, fair foul. I'm gonna say fair to watch it. I will sometimes put on another game or something during the game on my phone foul to have the sound going. So I think it is fair if they're if they want to do basketball slash Dancing with the Stars, fair foul to make other people have to listen to it. And the chances are whoever did that is either listening to this show or someone is listening who knows them. You need to tell them that they can't be playing Dancing with the Stars sound during the Kentucky game.

All right, thanks Matt.

Appreciate the call. I think that's a fair thing. You know, I didn't Roz Dancing with the Stars. Billy was still a thing. It not only is. We had a woman at the bar last week when Kentucky played Duke asked me if we could put one of the televisions on Dancing with the Stars. Oh, and I had to say no, I'm sorry, it's the UK Duke game.

Oh wow, you denied her.

Well, I mean it was UK Duke. I had a full bar. I didn't think I could justify a television on Dancing with the Stars.

Well, not only did that person watch Dancing with the Stars tonight was the season thirty three finale. So I mean, how can you watch Dancing with the Stars without audio?


So, I mean, well, I guess that is true.

You can't hear the watch them dancing too. Then I think you just have to record it or watch it on streaming later.

Okay, I like a dangerous game, but I mean.

It's not like it's going to be on the news. Who won? Like just you know, just like, just wait and you'll find the group. Aren't they all date? Dating each other? I feel like that's all I ever see is that they're all dating.

I didn't know that. I didn't know they were, you know, mixing business?


All right, but is this the original?

Now you want to go back to the guy that, well, you can go to him.

Next, Ed, what are you thankful for.

Our honey baked fam we got today?

Oh? Good? That's a good one. Is that is that ham store still in Lexington? The place where everybody would get their hams? I think my parents would get their hams. There is that still open? The honey baked ham place?


I don't know since I lived in so Okay, Well, never mind, go ahead, what do you got?

But oh and uh hey, another one bikes the dust and we're on our way. Go big, there you go?

All right? Another one bites the dust, that's right. Next one is Georgia State. Billy is Georgia State? Any good? Who we play Friday? I haven't done any research on them.

I haven't either, but look it up for.

Me while we go to the next one. Let's see what they're what their records? If you are Alabama's down too with the ball. Sears drives in, he's blocked, and uh, Houston will have the ball. They got found. So that was not a good position there by Sears with Alabama. All right, Josh, now you've had time to think, who who who? What are you thankful for?

I am absolutely thankful for the opportunity to see back to back shows. I saw Ricky Skaggs in Cincinnati, and then the very next night I saw Trampled by Turtles with an opening act of Elizabeth Cook, and that was the both of them great shows. The only thing is I don't recommend that that a bar band play in a in a in a venue that's made for symphony orchestras.

Had a couple of people.

Who are a little rowby but still very very good shows.

So I was very like that, Well, what about the game tonight?


I enjoyed the game very very much, but I'm kind of like the other guy. For whatever reason, it just seemed like the fans, I don't know what it was, just like everything was off. I mean, there wasn't even a whole lot of electricity in rapp Arena to get, you know, to get behind these guys there was like a you know, there were you know, there were a couple of times where it felt like they were getting into it. And I don't know if it was just the fouls that were called, and I thought there were there was a lot. I think there was a bit too many fouls that were called.

Yeah, I think it's a hard game. It's you're exactly right, it's and you're exactly right, and I appreciate the call. It's hard. It was a hard game for I think a crowd to get into it because it started and stop so much. I mean, there were so many fouls that it was hard to get a flow, which makes it hard to get the crowd into it. And just the way the game where Kentucky would be up four, then up ten, then it's back to six, up twelve, then it's eight. There just weren't runs. And I don't think the crowd was ever really into it. And I it was, from what I understand, a huge crowd, but you know, they're just there. Just wasn't I think a chance for it to get energetic. You know, I always see online people will say when we're not playing, well, come on, crowd, why aren't you into Well? I mean it's a two. It's a The team has to play their part in it as well. It's hard to get really excited when you're losing or not playing well. So, you know, I just think this was one of those games. It was so I think at the word that you said was disjointed. Uh, And I think that's that's right. I've seen trample by Turtles Billy by.

The way, I love that name.

They were at a festival I went to with that Tyler Childers played at once in in what was the name of that place in Maryland, Cumberland, Maryland. I saw trample by Turtles. There you go. Just a little fact for you. Who's next?

Combined seventy one free throws in this game as well?

Did you get the Georgia State thing real quick? Yeah?

I got Georgia State's acts if you want them. They're three and three overall.

Okay, they lost.

To Austin p Okay today and they've beaten North Carolina Central, Uh, Tacoa Falls, and Ball State, so we should be able to beat Yeah, it seems like a win.

All right. Alabama's foul, they'll have two free throws to tie the game. Coming up, Who's next?

Big w big W.

What are you thankful for?

Well, three things. I'm thankful for both Marks, Mark Pope, Mark Stukes. Okay, I'm also thankful for that that lady that went buck naked in the valley.

She says, she sent me the video. I never got it, by the way, so I I I'll just have to I never got it, but I'll just have to trust her that it happened.

Okay, Well, that was one reason I was calling. And then the second reason. What it's u vel week for the football team. Stuke's have been going under fire a bunch. I know it's a basketball after game show, but I think we got to get behind her our boys stoops.

A little bit.

He's been under the gun a little bit, and I think whole fan base he's rallied around him this weekend. We've got a great football team. They haven't proved it this season, but I think we would give them another chance. Man, I think we're that's all right.

Yeah, I think you're gonna see it. I think you'll see an exciting crowd Saturday. Uh. You know, it's the last game of the year, it's Louisville. I think the fans will be into it and then I think how that game goes Saturday is gonna go a long way into determining how people are into it and what happens in the offseason. I think when we do this postgame show Saturday afternoon at four fifteen, four thirty, a lot of a lot of how everyone's gonna feel is gonna be determined at that point.

More, Hey go big Blue by ninety baby, all right, there you go.

If I've nine, two eighth, twenty two eighty seven, Houston will have the ball twenty seconds left. Tie game, We'll see if they're able to score. Let's do one more before we take the break. Mike, Mike, what are you thankful for?

I'm thankful that tonight I was with about twenty thousand people just as crazy about Kentucky basketball.

As I am. Good one good answer.

Three quick takeaways from Rupp as we're driving home. One, we are a way longer team than I thought.


Number two I saw legit bench coaching and adjustments being made. And number three, leaving the arena, people were happy for a win, not.

That we didn't lose.

Well, I agree with all those those are I think really three very good points. Appreciates call We've talked a lot about the bench coaching appreciates call the third one. I totally agree with you, and I think the length is an underrated part of this team. We are long and even I think our guards are longer than I thought they were. Oh Way and Jackson Robinson and Lamont Butler, they're sort of wingspan. I don't know what it is officially, but it's longer than I realized. They're able to get hands on shots and on passes. Obviously, a Marii Williams and Brandon Garrison a long, but those those guards have a lot longer wingspans than I think I knew uh before the season started. A five nine eight Oho twenty two eighty seven. By the way, Grant Nelson on Alabama literally looks like he could be like a country act playing with that mustache. He kind of looks like that singer. I like that Zach Top guy Billy you've seen you know what I'm talking about on Alabama used to play for North No.

I know you're a big Zach Bryan fan, but it not Zach Bryan.

Zach Top. I don't like who wouldn't you say I was a Zach Bryan fan. Like I don't like Zach Brian. I've always thought he's kind of overrated. Well here, let me call him to call.

Oh, yes, the zachtop guy.

Look at him. Okay, all right, so here we go. Houston's got the ball. They're on the top of the key here, Billy, they're looking at every albums laying back.


They're waiting for one shot. Kelvin Sampson maybe the most underrated coach in America right now. I don't know what this play is. They're running, but it's just circling around the top of the key. He gets a baseline jumper. No good, We're going overtime. So Houston and Alabama will head off to overtime. We will take a break A five nine twenty two eighty seven. This is the Local Toy Dealers KSR postgame Show. Welcome back. It is the Local Toy Dealers KSR postgame Show. All right, So the text machine is full of comments. I'm gonna go to a few of them. First of all, Honey baked ham is still here in Lexington. It's on Nichols Field Road. I thought it was. We used to always get hams there, Billy, for Thanksgiving. I recommend them. They're good. Probably gonna be very busy tomorrow. Tomorrow's probably their busy day, so tomorrow might not be the day to go, but it is good. Another person says, Matt, how are you? How are you being negative about Dancing with Stars? Weren't you on Lexington's Dancing with the Stars that I was? I was. It was an excellent adventure. I was worried about doing the fast dance. I thought I could handle the slow dance. Then when it came time for performance, I actually did a pretty good job with the fast dance and kind of blew the slow dance. I was a little slow dance.

Now, where's the footage?

Kind of killed the fast dance.

I need I need some video app I.

Don't know if there is footage. I know that Lee Cruz was one of the judges and he was This was kind of before I knew him, and he was very rude and I didn't like him at the time. We ended up becoming friends through the television show, but at the time I thought he was kind of being a jerk. But but I do now like him a lot. Another person writes, Matt, I need an apology from Billy, not for making me listen to Glenn back, although that was awful, but for not apologizing. I have my child in the car, and one of of the things we're trying to teach her is that apologizing is good. And now she's hearing someone on the radio saying he will not apologize. Will Billy apologize about not apologizing?

I will not apologize for not apologizing. And if you're coming to this show for life lessons for your children, you've come to the.

Right This is the right place speak for yourself. Are you like Are you just like you won't apologize? You're like Trump and Shannon, you just won't apologize.

I refuse to throw anybody underneath the bus, Matt, is what I am doing here. So I am going to take I apologize.

I will apologize. All sounds like you're a little bit like Trump, jan That's what I'm gonna call you, Donald j Rutli No, no, no, All right, who's up next?

Speaking of children? I think we have one on the line. Hudson.

Oh good, Hudson. Now what are you thankful for?


And I was huming back from.

Laying okay, but what are you thankful for? Are you thankful? For something, Hudson, Like, what, what do you appreciate?


I appreciate that I got an.

Autographed perfect, that's something to be thankful for. An autograph. Who did you get an autograph of.


Andrew Carr?

Andrew Carr? That was good? Well that was he nice?


Good, I'm glad. All right. What else you got, Hudson?

Uh? He also autographed his shoe?

He autographed the shoe. Was it his shoe? Your shoe? A random shoe? Yeah? Okay, a random shoe, like just one on the.

Ground knowing somebody's hand.

I was in somebody's hand, so okay. So it wasn't for you, it was for somebody else, why, Okay, gotcha? All right? Well Hudson, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving. Okay, all right, I said, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving. All right, there you go, Hudson.

Okay, there it is.

See, Hudson's a nice kid. I've nine twenty two eighty seven. Apparently because Billy played Glenn back, you people did not hear me say you had to say something you were thankful for. So I do apologize. I will apologize unlike Billy for the fact that you all didn't hear the rules. You do have to say thank you're thankful for something that's not your wife, your kids, or like someone in your family. All right, who's next, Bill? Bill? What are you thankful for? Bill?

Well, I'm thankful for the fact that I found out that my favorite pizza place in Louisville is going to be open after I get out of my Trump loving family's house.

What pizza place? What is your favorite? What is your favorite pizza place?


Oh? You like Wicks? Okay, well, wis is very good, so well enjoy that? Is that on Thanksgiving night or Friday.

Thanksgiving night?

On Thanksgiving night? Wow? See, not many places open on Thanksgiving night. Yeah, well that's good. All right, what else you got?

I'm thankful that I don't have to turn on the radio anymore and listen to Kentucky be down by ten or fifteen?


Random this?

Yeah, that's It's very refreshing to be able to say, oh, we're up by only fifteen, but we're still We're not even playing that great, but we're still up fifteen. Otherwise, you know, if there was some other coach, we might be down I don't know, maybe twenty.

Well, I do think that the way this is part of the way Mark continues. You know, the way he approaches these games is they continually go. I think there's going to be a game this year, and I'm gonna be fair when it happens, because I expect that his philosophy of just continue going and up tempo, don't stop, is going to cause us to lose a game by a substantial margin sometime. But I think it's worth it. For got games like tonight where if he had slowed down the pace, this could have been a five point game and it's eighteen because he continued the philosophy he has.


I definitely think it's more data that he's collecting, so it's all good. I think he's gonna have us ready for the next team and we'll just learn from each game.

Totally agree appreciate the call. There'll be one good team, Billy. We will play a good team, might be Gonzaga, could be a team in SEC play where we're just not playing well and we play somebody good and our style of pushing the ball and shooting threes will be off and it'll cause a game that Cal probably could have kept within six or seven. But we'd have still lost. We'll lose by eighteen or twenty. You know how Alabama lost us last year? You remember in rup they lost us by like thirty. Part of that was because Natots never stops being Natots, right, and so it caused them to get the breaks beat off of them last year. Whereas he could have maybe slowed tempo down and kept that closer, he kept playing his tempo and he lost by thirty. We're gonna have a game like that, I bet you. But I think you have one of those. But the counter to that is games like tonight are not close, whereas if you got off your normal style they might be.

Yeah, I also heard Pope say something to the fact of the first half is entirely just for collecting data. So I mean this team is going to adjust when they probably have a night like that, right, I'm.

Sure that's true. I don't know if it'll be that, if it'll be if he believes that in the elite eight of the tournament, but I mean, I'm sure against Western in November that is probably true. You know, I'm sure he does look at it like that. Alabama now up four on Houston with a minute and a half to go to over time. I do not know why did Mario put Houston in the KSR parlay? I picked I picked Alabama on the show. Did the other guys all pick Houston.

As Maybe he just wanted to be a part of it.

Because I have an Alabama Duke Iowa State parlay for a significant sum is Iowa State winning? Alabama is now up for Iowa State is up one. Uh, Dayton's come back and Duke's down too. So if there's still a chance that can hit, all right, who's next?

I'm on Dancing with the Stars, so you'll have to keep it updated.

Kyle is Kyle? What's up? Kyle? Matt?

I am thankful for my therapist.

Okay, there you go. That's that's helpful. That's a good thing to be thankful for.

Yeah. All right.

So so I'm sitting here cheering for Duke and I hate it, but man, I want them to win.

It helps our it helps our resume. I mean, they won at Arizona by double digits. If they were to beat Kansas, the number one team in America, and we have the win against them. One of things you have to remember about Duke this year, The ACC stinks Okay, so the ACC is awful, so they're not gonna get a whole lot of chances to get good wins just because they play Kansas tonight, and I think they play Auburn next week, and that's kind of the last really good games they're gonna play. So I do think if you want our resume to look good, you kind of would like to see them win at least the game tonight Auburn. We're gonna play them both anyway, so it won't really matter.

Yeah, I completely agree.

It just it.

Just hurts Matt.

It hurts it's Duke.

I don't know. Yeah, I know what you mean. Well, I appreciate, I mean, oh no, go ahead, how about cart you caught him off? I'm sorry, you can't. Can't pause too long or I think you're done. Kerr. Since you brought up Kerr, I thought he played great. Those two threes were big, Billy, those were at times we needed them, both of them, and uh, he has the gumption to take him thought he you know, got his hands on a couple of steals. I thought this was Kerr played really well against Duke. It's interesting we were talking about how Jackson Robinson's two worst games have been our two toughest games. I think Kerr's two best games have been our two toughest games.

Uh So Kerr had an offensive valley, kind of put an elbow to a guy's face and then he hit like a three right after.

So that was what he did, kind of throw that guy floor. But that's what you get with him, man Like, he's gonna bring it, and you need a dude like that. I think every team needs a guy like that, and uh he's a good one to have. I like his role. I think he plays the right amount of minutes. I think he's exactly what you're looking for. And Alabama Houston has turned into an absolute wrestling match. Guy's flying on the floor everywhere.

Who's next, Chad?

And they are not gonna call Chad? Go ahead?

Hey, how are you doing?

What are you thankful for? Chad?

What I'm thankful for?



Well, thank you?

I mean seriously, I listen to you. I'm trying to listen to the other day, and I appreciate you and lay it off Billy, Billy, Billy is a good guy.

Thank you very that's very nice of you. And these are.

Hey, I know I love Billy. I love that boy to death and he don't even know me. But I called in the other night.

Right now, I remember you, Chad. We appreciate you, buddy.

Right hey, y'all have a good evening. Let's go big blow dation.

Look at that Billy getting a call of thankfulness. Good for you, Billy. Everybody deserves even when they've messed up and won't apologize, everybody deserves something nice. It looks like Alabama's gonna win this game. Itains Houston should have listened to me this morn on the pick. That's a big win for the SEC too. Houston's good and that's I think what Auburn beat them too. So the SEC now has two wins over Houston in the regular season. That will help our conference resume quite a bit. SEC has had, for the most part, a really good non conference. I think I saw Billy, the SEC is seven and oh against the ACC so far this year in basketball good. I think that's kind of an underrate. I don't know if people use I think they are seven and oh as of the last stat I saw. ACC is awful in basketball and the SEC ACC Challenge is coming up. A lot of that's matchup dependent. But the ACC as a conference is I mean, Duke's good, North Carolina's probably alright, But then I'm not sure anyone else in the conference is any good. Let's do one more and we'll take a break. Who's next? Wit, jy Wit? What are you thankful for?

I'm thankful for Mark and for what we have now because as a fan base, we didn't realize what we didn't have in the last few years with the previous coach. That's what I'm thankful for. And then my question is to you man, and I know you feel the same as Amari Williams as a five running the point or not the point, but running at the top is that? Is that getting to be too much or we're not converting or.

I don't love it. I just don't. I just don't think it's to use Pope and other people's terminology. I just don't think it's very efficient. I mean, I love the idea of having a big at the top of the key to like hav him with the ball, he can see the court, you can get guys cutting. I like that. I think what happens is when guys don't get open and then he feels like he needs to generate offense. I don't think that's good. I don't think that helps. I don't. I don't think that's really a good scenario at all. So so yeah, I'd like to see less of that. But that's really my only complaint though, you know what I mean. I mean, I've watched six games. I tend to be kind of a tough critic, and I have one complaint. Don't have them Ari take it to the basket as much. That's pretty dick good, sir. Don't you agree if that's my only complaint.

Yeah, and it's not even a complaint. It's just a as Mark Pope would call, just a minor fix in the system.

Yeah, it's just data. You're exactly right. I appreciate the call of Duke ties it up now with Kansas fifty nine to fifty nine with nine and a half minutes to go, Billy, did Iowa State come through for me? Iowa State is tied with two and a half minutes to go, So the parlay is on edge here and we will take a break and come back for our final segment. This is the Local Toylet Dealers KSR postgame show. There's so much going on right now in sports in life. First of all, Alabama, just be Houston. Hunter Dickinson got a ejected from the Kansas Duke game. Kick the guy in the face, Billy, I saw it, kick the guy in the hes. He deserved it. And then in Iowa State Dayton, the Iowa State player took one of the hardest fouls I've ever seen from a guy wearing a mask like bane like hit him, like knocked him out flagrant one with forty five seconds to go. So the game is tied and he has two free throws in the ball with a flagrant one. And then Billy is watching Dancing with the Stars where they're announcing the winner spoiler alert, Are you gonna tell us who it is?

Well, they are just about to announce it, but ABC News just cut in and then just threw it to commercial. So I don't know. I mean, I guess they did News did not care. They just cut in on what They just threw it to break. The guy came in and they threw it to break. So I don't know. Maybe we'll get the announcement here in five minutes, but it is live and it's about to happen right now.

Well, what was the ab news break and it.

Was like it was like a little like the world.

You know, it's like the we need to be telling people about something happening. You know.

I'm not sure, but I'm sure people are gonna be upset breaking into the finale like this.

Wow, so much going on. Cooper Flag also just had a pretty amazing dunk. Boy, college basketball is good to not good night. Look at this Cooper Flag dunk right here. Oh, oh my goodness, that was a nasty dunk. Cooper Flag's good. Hunter Dickinson ejected Cooper Flag dunking on people's exciting times. We didn't have to worry about it about that because we uh we is Kentucky and we beat Western Western. I want you to look at one more thing, Billy, go look at the man City coach. Did you see that.

This oh Pep and his forehead?

Yeah? What did he do to himself? Well?

They blew it. They were up three and they conceded in like the last Did.

He just dig his fingers into his head like a madman?

He must have. It looked like it hurt. That looked awful, Pepe That look he.

Did not look very peppy today. After his game Fiord. Who's up next?


You remember Fiord? By the way, Billy is the team I have the switch shirt of remember.

Where they divided the fans with the.

Try to wear my Fionid hoodie tomorrow? Actually, go ahead, Heather, Heather Catty guys, Heather, what are you thankful for?

I'm thankful for my Mountain Dame. I mean, is that not that? I mean, I can.

That's the most Kentucky thing I've ever heard. You have won the most Kentucky call in the history of post games. I ask you what you're thankful for, and you said, I am thankful for my Mountain Dew. That is the best Heather, you win. I'm done. I can't.

I could go without food before you could take my Mountain Dew. So I mean that's that's dedications. And Billy, please do not spoil the Dancing with the Store's finale.

And because I'm recording there, it is, do.

Not do not spoil her Dancing with the Stars finale.

Billy, I don't know how to spoil it. I don't know their names, but the couple in black one.

Okay, Well, I was going to ask you who your favorite was. I thought you must be invested in it.

Uh, probably the host Carlton from Fresh Prince of bel Air.

Yes, okay, yeah, he's good and he was on there. He did back abouteen years ago. He danced on there, so anyway, okay. I also thank well that Cal is gown and Pope is here because, like a lot of the other callers have said, it is if it's so refreshing. I know everybody used that word, but it is to feel like there's a happiness throughout you know, big Blue Nation, the real coach, the players, the staff. There's just this happiness and it's it's contagious, like it's so stress free watching a ball game and not being a nail biter to one of these Division two schools. So I'm really thankful Pope's.

Here and I have a lot find all right.

Y'all, ill been talking about Ham. You need to think that there's any Ham that will beat horror mal Cure eighty one. It has to be cure eighty.

One, has to be cured eighty one.

All right, Once you eat that hand, you won't eat none others.

You have your Heather, I'm thankful for that call. Thank you, Heather. I appreciate it. There you go, Wow, I'm not gonna be able to top that one. You gonna have four more callers for we in this show, but I mean, you're not gonna be able to do better than Heather and Dson with the star. She is pickful all the way. All right, four more? Who's next?


What are you thankful for?


I'm thankful for this postgame uh call show community because I love Heather's calls.

Thank you. Yeah.

I'm thankful for Drew Franklin's razor wit on the the rapid reactions after the games and all the the other He just makes me laugh every time. I'm thankful for Lemon being who hisself every day. I'm thankful for the fact that Shannon can't pronounce the valves E and a back next to each other correctly, and he can't.

It's it's a deal, is a deal every day. And if I was, if I was a hack, I would say that I was thankful for a certain kind of whistle, but I'm not. I'm thankful for the the text machine because it's really cool to be part of a group.

That has an actual line of communication with you that I know I'm not the only one that thinks a certain thing at a time. But there's times where I know that I'm one of a dozen or so people that sends you the same thought at the same time, and then you send it out the airwaves and it makes me so It's like so cool and I love that. And the last thing is I'm really thankful for this team that we have because it's I didn't get to watch the game today. I had to listen on the radio because I was driving.

And just Jack, Jack and Tom.

The the joy that that Goose gets.

This team.

He is so happy calling this team. And let's be honest, I loved Cal but the last couple of years, the word is tedious that it was it was just like, gosh, I don't know what's gonna happen, and it was you were just like worried all the time. And the joy in Jack's voice is is glory enough alone for that. I am so thankful.

That's that. That's all good you every I agree with everything you just said. I appreciate the golf. I mean, Jack is clearly for Jack has joy watching Kentucky. He's he is a former player, but he's also a Lexingtonian. He's a he's a fan and it comes through. That's awesome. Tom's always been like that. I agree with you. The last few years were that tedious, I think is an excellent word. Watching the games were tedious. I'm not gonna speak for Jack, Tom or the JMI people or I can only speak for myself, but if I was gonna speak for them, you know, it wasn't easy for them either. All Right, I've spoken a lot about what I had to deal with, but they you know, it wasn't easy for them either. They just can't say it. They have so much joy. Go back and watch if you get a chance, go back and watch the video of Tom Leach and Mark Pope last night in the Call and Show. Look at how much fun Tom's having, Like Tom's able to actually have conversations and do interviews and not just say something and then listen to fifteen minutes of rambling like that. The word is joy. There's a joy around the basketball program, and I just wanted to continue as long as it can. Three more.

Who's next, Vicky?

The only joy I don't have is this week? Do you like this court? At the malliontat? I hate? Hello, Vicky? Go ahead, what are you thankful for?



I'm first thankful for a husband that will go out with me because we both love the cats and he'll film me wearing them with that flag. But I'm also thankful because when I get ready to hit sin to you, he goes, hold on, now, wait a minute.

On that. He said, Oh, so, Vicky, you're the one that got nicked.

Oh yeah, honey, yeah, well you didn't, but you didn't send the video.

I know because to my husband.

He went out and filmed the whole thing for me. But when I got ready to hit sin, he was like.

Oh, honey, Jimmy the cricket, are.

You getting ready to do that?

Really? And so, you know, we had to think on it today or two.

So you decided you didn't want You didn't. Yeah, you decided you didn't want that that out in the in the ether.

Maybe not, but you don't want we win that SCCU tournament.

Might no, no, no, no, I'm not throwing for that again, Vicky. Here's what I'll say. You know, we'll probably do a remote. It's sometime close to Cynthiana, so I'm gonna be skeptical until I see it. But if you don't want to send it, I understand. I get it, like you gotta be cad. You never know what happens. You'll gotta ask the celebrities. No, no, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna put it out. Listen, you don't have to you don't have to see anything. I love that you. If you say you did it, Vicky, I believe you. I'll let that be between you and your husband. Uh those regions, that's fine, Okay, I think you might need I'm just gonna leave it right at the all right, thank you, Vicky.

I'll make you down to banks any day.

Thank you, Vicky. I like byankings, have nice pot you care there you go, Billy. Final segment, Wow, like it just keeps coming. Like just to Heather. You got Vicky energy. When it is over, you got a text Mario. He's got to make Heather and Vicky's calls into a into a into a TikTok or something. Are you telling him to do?

Yeah, I'll do that, all right, all right.

I appreciate it. I'll forget. Let's do two more. Who's next.

Well, I will apologize about this. Bob and Jamestown is up.

No, no, no, you don't care about my Thanksgiving to you, Billy. All right, Bob, what are you thankful for?

I'm thankful. I'm on top of the ground I have. You know, every day's a gift. Uh, I'm talking about it on the pregame show. We should have been wetterned about fifty playing these cupcakes. Is not you play against your competition. Now, Bill self's got it going on. That would do right now, and that's.

Let me ask you a question. Let me. I'm I'm gonna do something, all right. I'm gonna read you our non conference schedule, and then I'm gonna read you Kansas is non conference sketch, all right, because you because because we still have games left to play, right, and I don't know what Kansas is. I'm gonna read it just out of nowhere, all right. So Kansas is non conference schedule. I'm gonna read you the good teams. They play North Carolina, Michigan State, Duke Good, Creighton Good, and Missouri. Here's our non conference schedule, Duke Gonzaga at Clemson, Ohio State Louisville. Sounds pretty similar to me, Bob.

Well, yeah, yeah, but then you get, like I said, these Lipskins in Jackson State.

Okay, but let me show you who else they play. Since you think Bill self's got it going on, they also play Howard, Oakland, u NC Wilmington, Furman and Brown. Guess who else plays Brown? We do? Guess who played un C Wilmington last year? We did guess who played Oakland in the tournament. We did so, like I would argue that our schedules are pretty similar.

Yeah, but like I say, we play against your competition level, and like I say, I just hope we got.

It going on by March.

I want to see the cats thank some banners.

That's what it's you very.

Much, Bob, So you go the way to ruin the vibe.

I'm sorry about you.

You did that. You have to look in the mirror and ask yourself why you're that kind of person, you know, twenty five hours before? Thanks? Yeah, on that game one more because we're not ending on that. Who's next, Adam, Adam? What are you thankful for?

I'm thankful that I get to follow Bob from Jamestown and not Vickie.

There you go. That's a good answer. What do you got?

And I'm also thankful that Danny Hurley said no, I mean, what a complete clown that is casting a team to win.

Yeah, I'm going to talk more about Danny Hurley tomorrow. I think I want to save that for a segment tomorrow. But I have some strong Danny Hurley thoughts after watching that game. I actually watch both meltdowns live, so so yeah, but go ahead.

The one thing I wanted to kind of mention, I think, you know, one thing you've talked about on your show during the weeks, is you know, needing a dude that can go get a basket. I think you know, Jackson Robinson is kind of the guy that we had pegged for that. I'm really starting to see some of that come out of o Way, and I'm seeing some of that come out of Butler and then Andrew Carr can go get a bucket when we need him too. And I just kind of wanted your thoughts and what that.

Yeah, I think it's it might it might be the case that that's a by committee, right. I mean, I think if you were to ask me why this team is maybe a little better than I thought it would be, I think the answer, Adam would be, I think olways better than I thought would be, right. So I went into the pan he really has I mean, I went into the season thinking, Okay, Robinson's our best player. Who's our second best player? I just don't know who it is. I feel good about Carr and Butler is kind of a really good third and fourth, but I need to know who the second one is. Well, Olways that guy right, and Oway might even be the first guy. Yeah, no, you're exactly right. Ohway may be the first in Jackson the second. At which point, if that's what it is now, all of a sudden, that's a team I think you can you can ball with. I think if you were to ask me why Kentucky beat Duke and why Kentucky is better than a maybe I thought, I think the answer is ultimately probably otega Oway.

I agree.

Listen, man, that's all I got.

Thanks so much, appreciate it.

I'm thankful for you guys, and you all have a happy Thanksgiving.

You as well, and thank you all listening, like this was an awesome show, This was a very you know, this is what a good November December pregame should be like uh and uh, I really or postgame? I really enjoyed it. And Duke Kansas is seventy one seventy three seventy one Kansas with two minutes to go. A great game at the Terry's Chocolate Vegas shoot at Showdown, get on, they get and watch it. I don't know what the color of the paint is there, it looks like a hyper glow. But seventy three seventy one Cooper flag. He spins this time they don't steal it from him. See Bill self didn't have it, didn't have it scouted like Mark Pope did. They didn't steal on the spin. Instead, they fouled and the flag will have two free throws. Billy, enjoy your Thanksgiving. If I guess, I'll see you tomorrow.

Yeah, I.

Will see you tomorrow. And thank you guys very much for listening. We will be in studio tomorrow for the last show before Thanksgiving and then the next time you'll hear for us, this is Friday Night for the pregame. This has been the Local Toy Dealers KSR postgame show

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